Awesome List Updates on Apr 30, 2022
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Select Star - is an intelligent data discovery platform that automatically analyzes and documents your data. Free light tier with 1 Data Source, up to 100 Tables and 10 Users.
- — Email API, SMTP, 3,000 emails/month free for transactional emails
2. Awesome Gbdev
Game Disassemblies / Syntax highlighting packages
3. Awesome Privacy
Link Shorteners
- MagLit - An encrypted and privacy respecting Link Shortener service that also supports Magnet Links.
4. Awesome Libgdx
Tutorials / Getting Started
- Scene2D.UI From the Ground Up (⭐435) - Covers the basics of UI design in Scene2D, libGDX's premiere scene graph and layout toolkit.
Tutorials / Advanced
- Introduction to 3D Series - A tutorial series on libGDX 3D using gdx-gltf.
5. Sublime Bookmarks
Things to Start From
- Unofficial Documentation — is a first link inside the official documentation TOC. It's a good starting point for noobs, as well as a detailed reference for proficient users.
- Shortcut Cheat Sheet for Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows versions of Sublime Text 3.
- Mastering Sublime Text by Dan Peleg (PACKT).
- Instant Sublime Text Starter by Eric Haughee (PACKT).
News and Tips
- Sublime Blog — official news.
- Sublime Text Tips — tips and tricks for mastering Sublime Text.
- Official Forum — general discussion, technical support, ideas and feature requests.
- SuperUser: version 2, version 3, and version-agnostic questions.
- Sublime Text 3 From Scratch by Jesse Liberty (Pluralsight).
- Perfect Workflow in Sublime Text 2 — 34 video free lessons at Nettuts+.
6. Awesome Zsh Plugins
- zsh-quickstart-kit (⭐811) - A simple quickstart for using ZSH with zgenom (⭐381). This automatically configures ZSH to use zgenom (⭐381) to load a curated (but easily customizable) collection of plugins and periodically automatically update itself, the plugins, and the quickstart kit itself.
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- git-worktrees (⭐14) - Makes
worktrees more functional. Includes tab completions.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- bref (⭐3) - A simple prompt. It includes decorators to display
status asynchronously, a notification if thessh
session is remote, the battery level and the number of background jobs.
- winline (⭐1) - Async version of Greg Hurrell's prompt (⭐1.2k). Includes decorators for
status, duration of last command, current directory, nested shells, root status.
- zshify (⭐2) - A minimalistic, one command installation to customize your prompt. Requires npx.
7. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Complexity & Information Theory / Theory
- A Mathematical Theory of Communication - The Bell System Technical Journal, 1948. [All Versions]. Shannon's original paper on Information Theory.
- Prev: May 01, 2022
- Next: Apr 29, 2022