Awesome List Updates on Apr 27, 2022
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Zig
Parser / Package managers
- Arwalk/zig-protobuf (⭐253) - Implementation of Protocol Buffers v3 leveraging Zig's comptime.
2. Awesome Love2d
- love-fuser (⭐18) - Packages LÖVE Games using GitHub Actions. Supports Windows, Linux, and Android.
3. Awesome Decentralized
- SocialHome (⭐365): Federated personal profile with social networking functionality. Users can create rich content using Markdown and even HTML/JS/CSS. All content can be pinned to the user profile and all content will federate to contacts in the federated social web.
- Steemit: Blockchain-based social media platform where anyone can earn rewards.
- Ticktack ☠ (⭐56): Decentralized social platform for people to share knowledge and exchange value, with P2P messaging encrypted feature. Built on top of Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB).
4. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Meetings / Technical Debt
- How to have great meetings, according to 200 scientific studies - A roadmap for getting meetings right.
- Wadge's Law (of Meetings) - “Before every formal meeting there's a smaller, more exclusive, less formal meeting where all the important decisions are made.”
Meetings / Standups
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Standup - Author experienced 3 formats of stand-ups before ending with one working for his team, and concludes that “the details that make up a good meeting are subtle and the pursuit of an artificial standard of aesthetics will prevent you from doing the necessary experimentation to improve from an ugly equilibrium”.
- We Cancelled Standups and Let The Team Build. Here's What Happened… - Team felt burned out by long, daily status update meetings masquerading as standups. Eliminating these faux standups got the team back on track.
Project Management / Estimations
- Developers spend most of their time figuring the system out - “A hand drawn picture about the current system is a belief. Decisions should never be based on beliefs. Not in engineering. (…) As software is highly contextual we cannot predict specific problems. We can only predict classes of problems.” And that's why it is hard to estimate software projects: because developer's main activity is a long process of deducting the assumptions a system is built on.
Agile / Delivery
- Why do some developers at Google consider Agile development to be nonsense? - Because the short-term focused Scrum processes “seem suited to particular types of development, most notably consulting or contract programming, where the customer is external to the organizations, runs the show because they are paying for development, and can change their mind at any time”. Still, google engineers already practice a culture close to what looks like the original 10-points Agile manifesto. But that's it.
5. Awesome Shell
System Utilities / Directory Navigation
- btop (⭐15k) - Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor
- lsd (⭐12k) - LSDeluxe, rewrite of GNU ls with lot of added features like colors, icons, tree-view and more formatting options.
6. Awesome Go
- goradd/maps (⭐47) - Go 1.18+ generic map interface for maps; safe maps; ordered maps; ordered, safe maps; etc.
SQL Query Builders
- sg (⭐6) - A SQL Gen for generating standard SQLs(supports: CRUD) written in Go.
- slf4g (⭐3) - Simple Logging Facade for Golang: Simple structured logging; but powerful, extendable and customizable, with huge amount of learnings from decades of past logging frameworks.
Microsoft Excel
- exl (⭐31) - Excel binding to struct written in Go.(Only supports Go1.18+)
- encdec (⭐9) - Package provides a generic interface to encoders and decoders.
- go-fasttld (⭐35) - High performance effective top level domains (eTLD) extraction module.
7. Free for Dev
- — Send up to 9,000 Emails for free every month, up to 300 emails daily.
8. Awesome Db Tools
SQL / Parsers
- SQLGlot (⭐7.1k) - Pure Python SQL parser, transpiler, and builder.
9. Awesome Iam
OAuth2 & OpenID / Other tools
- ZITADEL (⭐9.9k) - An Open-Source solution built with Go and Angular to manage all your systems, users and service accounts together with their roles and external identities. ZITADEL provides you with OIDC, OAuth 2.0, login & register flows, passwordless and MFA authentication. All this is built on top of eventsourcing in combination with CQRS to provide a great audit trail.
10. Awesome Tdengine
- tdengine-orm (⭐9) - TDengine ORM based on tdengine-restful-connector & php-tdengine.
- YoMo x TDengine (⭐1) - Streaming high frequency logs to TDengine.
11. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Bayesian Modeling / Generative Model
- Score-Based Generative Modeling through Stochastic Differential Equations - ICLR'21, 2021. [All Versions].
- Prev: Apr 28, 2022
- Next: Apr 26, 2022