Awesome List Updates on Apr 25, 2022
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Zig
- Arwalk/ChipZ (⭐3) A simple Chip8 emulator (library and executable).
2. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / E-commerce
- django-salesman (⭐402) - Headless e-commerce framework for Django with Wagtail modeladmin integration.
Apps / Media
- Wagtail CLIP (⭐13) - A module for searching the contents of Wagtail images with natural language queries.
Apps / Translations
- Wagtail Localize (⭐228) - A translation plugin for the Wagtail CMS, allows pages or snippets to be translated within Wagtail's admin interface.
Tools / Templates & Starter Kits
- Wordpress to Wagtail migration kit (⭐47) - Import WordPress blog content from an XML file into Wagtail.
Open-source sites / Lists
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (⭐293) – The source code of the Wagtail-powered is available here on GitHub.
3. Awesome Productivity
Tools and Apps / Knowledge Management
- Scribe - Automatically create step-by-step guides for any process. Simply hit “record” and Scribe will generate a detailed guide complete with screenshots based on your actions, ready to share with colleagues, customers, and friends.
4. Awesome Tdengine
- Taos.Studio (⭐80) - A GUI tool for viewing and editing data for TDengine.
- balloonfish (⭐8) - Electron + Vue3 + Vite2.0 based TDengine time-series database visualized management tool.
- tdengine-client (⭐3) - A simple TDengine interface.
- DG-IoT (⭐264) - DG-IoT platform industry application extension plugin.
- dgiot_tdengine (⭐1) - TDengine adapter plugin.
- node-red-contrib-tdengine (⭐10) - TDengine connector plugin for Node-RED.
- sqli (⭐1.9k) - ORM SQL Interface, Criteria, CriteriaBuilder, ResultMapBuilder.
- TDengine ORM Framework (⭐3) - ORM framework of TAOS Data's time-series database TDengine.
- IoTSharp.EntityFrameworkCore.Taos (⭐154) - Entity, Framework, EF, Core, Data, O/RM, entity-framework-core, TDengine.
- crown (⭐34) - crown is a simple and small ORM for TDengine.
- PDO_TAOS (⭐40) - TDengine driver for PDO.
- yii2-tdengine (⭐0) - TDengine for yii2, pdo_taos needed.
- php-tdengine (⭐64) - PHP extension of TDengine, supports Swoole.
- tdengine-restful-connector (⭐14) - PHP extension of TDengine, support Swoole.
- imi-tdengine (⭐4) - Encapsulated TDengine connection pools, used in imi framework.
- pytaos (⭐2) - Python RESTful API of TDengine.
- NestJS TDengine Driver (⭐2) - NestJS TDengine Driver(RESTful based).
- taos-rs (⭐0) - TDengine Java RESTful Client.
- TDengine Rust bindings (⭐7) - It's a Rust bindings project for TDengine.
- TDenginex - TDengine Connector for Elixir.
- NewLife.Core (⭐1.6k) - NewLife.Core Database core.
- NewLife.XCode (⭐34) - NewLife.XCode Database Middle-ware.
- rsyslog plugin for tdengine (⭐1) - rsyslog plugin for TDengine.
- HiveMQ TDengine Plugin (⭐7) - HiveMQ TDengine Plugin.
- hivemq-tdengine-jdsl-extension (⭐0) - HiveMQ TDengine JDSL Plugin.
- HiveMQ-TDengine-Extension (⭐1) - A TDengine extension for HiveMQ.
- tsarchive (⭐3) - Consume data streams from a Kafka topic, archive the data packets into the TDengine time series database.
- TDengine cluster for kubernetes (⭐16) - TDengine cluster for kubernetes.
- tdengine-client-macos-unofficial (⭐0) - Unofficial compiled TDengine client for macOS.
- Unofficial TDengine Windows (⭐1) - Unofficial TDengine Windows client & server package.
- auto_taos_cfg (⭐0) - Auto generate TDengine log/data/cfg.
- Sentinel Console (⭐0) - Sentinel-Dashboard with TDengine.
- Davinci (⭐4.6k) - Davinci is a DVsaaS (Data Visualization as a Service) Platform.
5. Awesome Capacitor
Learning / Community Tutorials
- Automatic build and release - Create your own CI/CD pipeline with GitHub actions for free, to deploy your app every time you push to main.
Demo apps / Case study
- capacitor-updater-plugin-demo (⭐3) - Simple Ionic Vue app to demonstrate the use of OTA updates.
Community / Case study
- Proposal (⭐74) - Official repo for plugin and platform requests.
6. Awesome Rust
- shuttle (⭐6.3k) - A serverless platform.
Development tools / Build system
- Fleet (⭐2.4k) [fleet-rs] - The blazing fast build tool for Rust.
7. Awesome Privacy
Alternative Frontends
- Feetter - Create, sync and manage Nitter feeds without registration from any device.
8. Awesome Cpp
Inter-process communication
- iceoryx (⭐1.7k) - True zero-copy inter-process communication framework for safety critical systems with bindings for C, Rust. Runs on Linux, QNX, Windows, Mac OS, FreeBSD. [Apache2] website
9. Awesome Neovim
Markdown and LaTeX / Diagnostics
- frabjous/knap (⭐357) - Plugin for creating automatic updating-as-you-type previews for markdown, LaTeX and other documents.
Tree-sitter Based / Diagnostics
- ziontee113/syntax-tree-surfer (⭐473) - Navigate and swap Tree-sitter's AST Nodes. Step into, step out, step over, step back.
- Prev: Apr 26, 2022
- Next: Apr 24, 2022