Awesome List Updates on Apr 24, 2022
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Sre
2. Awesome Typescript
Runtime / Playground
- SunTori (⭐10) - A JSON de/serializer to ensure everything is safe at runtime.
3. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- def (⭐11) - Allows you to specify and run a default command in any directory of your choice.
- kubectl (⭐6) - ZSH plugin for managing
- skaffold (⭐1) - ZSH integration and completions for skaffold local kubernetes development environment.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- bosh (thomasmitchell) (⭐9) - Tab completion for BOSH (⭐2k).
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- skill (asafaeirad) (⭐15) - Includes decorations for working directory,
working branch, working directory status and tracking branch status.
- skill (frontendmonster) (⭐15) - Optimized for a dark terminal, displays
status decorations.
4. Awesome WSL
Supported Distributions / Ubuntu
- Windows Store Link for Ubuntu 16.04. Supported through April 2021.
- Windows Store Link for Ubuntu 18.04. Supported through April 2023. Very stable but some packages and libraries may be older.
- Windows Store Link for Ubuntu 20.04. Supported through April 2025.
- Windows Store Link for Ubuntu 22.04. Most recent update. Newer packages but more likely to encounter bugs. Supported through April 2027.
Supported Distributions / Oracle Linux
- Windows Store Link for Oracle Linux 7 Update 9.
- Windows Store Link for Oracle Linux 8 Update 5.
Supported Distributions / AlmaLinux OS
WSL Tools / WSL Utilities
- wslu (⭐3.3k) - A collection of utilities for Windows 10 Linux Subsystem, such as enabling sound in WSL and creating your favorite linux GUI application shortcuts on Windows 10.
- wslpy (⭐70) - A Python3 library for WSL specific tasks.
WSL Tools / Miscellaneous Tools
- setup-wsl (⭐103) - A GitHub action to install and setup a Linux distribution for the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
Intellectual Property Notices / Miscellaneous Tools
- Ubuntu® and Canonical® are registered trademark of Canonical Limited in the United States and/or other countries. *
- The AlmaLinux OS Marks are trademarks of AlmaLinux OS Foundation. *
5. Awesome Fp Js
- fp-multik - JS/TS lightweight value-multimethod util
6. Awesome Capacitor
Other plugins
- Firebase
- AppCheck (⭐7) - Allows usage of native AppCheck tokens.
- Dynamic Links (⭐22) - Firebase Dynamic Links.
- Push (⭐29) - This Plugin it used for Firebase Push Messages. It support Data.
- Photo library (⭐3) - Get all the images from system album.
Tools / Incompatible
- Docgen (⭐12) - Docs Readme Markdown and JSON Generator for Capacitor Plugins.
- Plugin generator (⭐86) - Create a new Capacitor plugin.
- Assets (⭐527) - Local Capacitor icon/splash screen resource generation tool.
Learning / Offical guides
- How Capacitor Works - Capacitor takes a modern web app, and then packages it up to run on iOS, Android, and PWA.
- Creating Plugins - This guide will help you get started creating a shareable Capacitor plugin which will be published on npm.
- Creating Splash Screens and Icons - Use cordova-res to generate resource images for native projects.
- App Deployment and Realtime Updates - Update your Capacitor app remotely through the app stores.
- CI/CD for Capacitor Apps - Adding Mobile CI/CD to your Capacitor App development process.
- Data Storage in Capacitor - Storing small to large amounts of data in Capacitor.
- Security Best Practices for Capacitor - Security best practices for your Capacitor apps.
- Using Push Notifications with Firebase - Learn how to get Firebase Cloud Messaging working on iOS and Android.
- Saving Plugin Calls - How to save plugin calls in Capacitor.
- Mocking Capacitor Plugins - How to create mock objects for Capacitor plugins.
- Build Mobile Apps with Tailwind CSS, Next.js, Ionic Framework, and Capacitor - A very popular stack for building responsive web apps is Tailwind CSS and Next.js by Vercel.
Learning / Community Tutorials
- Appcenter migration - Migrating from Microsoft App Center to Capgo in just a few simple steps.
- Update app seamlessly - Set up Capacitor-updater into your app to seamless releases update to your users.
Learning / Case study
- Native React Apps Without React Native - React Native is not a web environment, so it's not possible for teams to take their web-based React to deploy native apps, with Capacitor they can.
Demo apps / Case study
- capacitor-testapp (⭐36) - The Capacitor TestApp is used to develop new features and verify bug fixes in Capacitor and the official plugins.
- capacitor-plugin-demo (⭐102) - Simple Ionic Angular app to demonstrate the use of certain Capacitor plugins.
- capacitor-firebase-plugin-demo (⭐15) - Simple Ionic Angular app to demonstrate the use of certain Capacitor Firebase plugins.
7. Awesome Nodejs
Resources / Tools
- RunKit - Embed a Node.js environment on any website.
8. Awesome Graphql
Type / React
- pothos (⭐2.4k) - Pothos is a plugin based GraphQL schema builder for typescript. It makes building graphql schemas in typescript easy, fast and enjoyable.
9. Awesome ad Free
Alternatives / Web Apps
- bundlejs - A quick and easy way to bundle, minify, and compress (gzip and brotli) your ts, js, jsx and npm projects all online, while returning the final bundle file size.
10. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- apollo-vue-devtools (⭐20) - Apollo integration for Vue-Devtools to inspect GraphQL queries in the vue-devtools timeline
11. Awesome Tdengine
- TD-Spark (⭐0) - A java project, read from TDengine and write to TDengine on Spark.
- airQuality (⭐4) - 3000+ District air quality metrics: CO2, CO1, PM2.5, PM10 and so on.
- Prev: Apr 25, 2022
- Next: Apr 23, 2022