Awesome List Updates on Apr 20, 2022
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Godot
Templates / Godot 3
- Godot FPS Template (⭐67) - A free first person game template for the Godot Engine.
2. Awesome Fp Js
- functional.js (⭐223) – A lightweight functional JavaScript library that facilitates currying and point-free / tacit programming.
3. Awesome Transit
GTFS Realtime Validators / Rust
- gtfs-realtime-validator (⭐45) - A GTFS Realtime validation tool originally developed by the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida and now maintained by MobilityData.
4. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- git-prune (diazod) (⭐35) - Allows you to delete all branches that are already merged in your local
repository and/or that were merged in your remote origingit
- git-prune (seinh) (⭐35) - Plugin that simplifies deleting merged branches in a
5. Awesome Javascript
Game Engines / Runner
- A-Frame - Make WebVR.
- Cocos - Open Source Cross-Platform Game Development Framework.
- Impact - Impact - HTML5 Canvas & JavaScript Game Engine.
- GDevelop - Free and Easy Game-Making App.
- Kaboom.js - A game programming library that helps you make games fast and fun.
- Matter.js - A 2D rigid body JavaScript physics engine.
- melonJS - Open source HTML5 game engine that empowers developers and designers to focus on content.
- Phaser - Phaser - A fast, fun and free open source HTML5 game framework.
- PixiJS - The HTML5 Creation Engine.
- PlayCanvas - PlayCanvas WebGL Game Engine.
6. Awesome Swift
Layout / Barcode
- Scaling Header Scroll View (⭐1.2k) - A scroll view with a sticky header which shrinks as you scroll. Written with SwiftUI.
7. Awesome Playcanvas
- Solar Games Mentorship - Premium PlayCanvas training and mentorship services.
8. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Explainability / Trustworthy AI
- CoCoX: Generating Conceptual and Counterfactual Explanations via Fault-Lines - AAAI'20, 2020. [All Versions].
Explainability / Strong Machine Learning
- Beneficial and harmful explanatory machine learning - Machine Learning, 2021. [All Versions].
9. Vertx Awesome
Build tools
- Apache Camel - Apache Camel component for bridging Camel with the Vert.x event bus.
- Vert.x Effect (⭐2) - Pure functional and reactive library based on the IO Monad to implement any complex flow. Full support for retry, fallback and recovery operations.
- Knative (⭐4.6k) - An example application on how to use Reactive Extensions Vert.x (⭐147) with Knative.
- Chime (⭐29) - Time scheduler working on Vert.x event bus allowing for scheduling with cron-style and interval timers.
- Vert.x Scheduler (⭐11) - A lightweight plugable scheduler based on plain Vert.x core without any external libs for scheduling with cron-style and interval timers with a detail monitor on both sync and async task.
- User Group - Discuss all user issues related to using Vert.x.
- Developer Group - A group for Vert.x core developers and contributors.
- Discord Server - Chat about any Vert.x-related topic.
- Issues (⭐37) - Vert.x core issue tracker.
- Wiki (⭐193) - Contains useful information about Vert.x.
- Blog - The official Vert.x blog containing many tutorials and other information.
10. ALL About RSS
🦾 Others / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- Prev: Apr 21, 2022
- Next: Apr 19, 2022