Awesome List Updates on Apr 19, 2022
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Math
Learning Platforms
2. Awesome Cl
- file-select (⭐19) - A library to invoke the native system file dialog to select or create files. Zlib.
XML / Third-party APIs
- Plump (⭐120) - A lenient XML parser. zlib.
- xpath (⭐10) (homepage - Implementation of the XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0. BSD_2Clause.
- xmls (⭐20) - A small, simple, non-validating XML parser. 3-clause BSD.
- cl-feedparser (⭐27) - A Common Lisp (RSS, Atom) feed parser. LLGPL
- Buildnode (⭐19) - A common lisp library to ease interaction with CXML-dom, such as building Excel spreadsheets. BSD.
Emacs / Third-party APIs
- slime-star (⭐42) - a SLIME configuration with extensions pre-installed, with also some custom utilities and menus:
- the Lisp system browser
- SLIME doc contrib (⭐21) - enhance the default help buffer.
- Quicklisp systems (⭐28) - Search, browse and load Quicklisp systems from Emacs.
- Slime breakpoints (⭐18)
- Slite (⭐54) - a test runner for FiveAM.
- Quicklisp-apropos (⭐10) - Perform
queries across libraries in Quicklisp (full-text search on symbol names, classes, documentation…). - slime-critic (⭐10) - the lisp critic gently critiques your code for bad patterns.
3. Awesome Developer First
- Mintlify - NextJS-based, AI-powered platform for documentation sites.
4. Alternative Front Ends
Overview / Spotify
- librespot (⭐3.9k): Requires Spotify Premium Account - librespot is an open source client library for Spotify. It enables applications to use Spotify's service to control and play music via various backends, and to act as a Spotify Connect receiver. It is an alternative to the official and now deprecated closed-source libspotify. Additionally, it will provide extra features which are not available in the official library
5. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 3
- GodotNotificationCenter (⭐59) - A notification center.
- Scrolling Background (⭐29) - A scrolling background node. (Godot 2 and 3)
- SimpleGodotCRTShader (⭐364) - A simple Godot shader that simulates CRT Displays. (Godot 2 and 3)
6. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- React-PWA (⭐617) - React v18, TypeScript, Vite, React Router v6, MUI v5, Recoil, PWA, Eslint, Prettier, Husky, lint-staged, https localhost and more.
Tauri / Others
- chrome-ext-template-preact-windi-vite (⭐82) - Preact, Windi CSS, TypeScript, Prettier, ESLint, GitHub Actions and Chrome Extension Manifest v3.
7. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- nhl-schedule (⭐1) - Retrieves and displays the NHL schedule.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- gstreamer (⭐2) - Tab completion for GStreamer.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- al-magic (⭐1) - Clone of the oh-my-zsh af-magic (⭐177k) theme with the time added at the right of the prompt.
- Prev: Apr 20, 2022
- Next: Apr 18, 2022