Awesome List Updates on Apr 13, 2022
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Game Engine Dev
Game Engines / Specialty
Libraries / C
- ๐ Learn C Programming - Excellent tutorials that will guide you to learn C programming.
Libraries / C++
- ๐ C++ Papyrus - Basic to advanced topics with modern C++ examples.
Libraries / C#
- ๐ Dot Net Perls - Reference for the C# language.
Libraries / Dart
Libraries / Haxe
- ๐ Haxe - Produce cross-platform native code. [GitHub (โญ6k)]
Libraries / JavaScript
- ๐ Eloquent JavaScript - Modern JavaScript programming, with examples.
Libraries / Ruby
- ๐ Ruby - Dynamic programming language, focused on simplicity / productivity. [GitHub (โญ22k)]
Libraries / Rust
Libraries / Zig
- ๐ Zig - General-purpose language and toolchain. [Docs | GitHub (โญ0)]
Specialty Topics / Fluid / Smoke
- ๐ Fluid Simulation on the GPU - GPU Gems Chapter 38 - Fast, stable fluid simulation on the GPU.
Specialty Topics / Particles
- ๐ Particles - Article by LearnOpenGL.
Specialty Topics / Physics
- ๐ Fix Your Timestep! ๐ฅ - How to keep physics stable with variable fps.
Specialty Topics / Scripting
- ๐ Adding Languages to Game Engines - Story of adding scripting to a game.
Tools / Software / Animation Software
- ๐ธ Cascadeur - 3D animation software for physics-based character animation.
Tools / Software / Audio Tools
- Music
- ๐ Ardour - Record, edit, and mix. [Source (โญ3.7k)]
- ๐ Audacity - Multi-track audio editor and recorder. [Source (โญ12k)]
- ๐ Bosca Ceoil - Easy to use tool for creating music.
- ๐ Cakewalk - Complete music production package.
- ๐ FamiStudio - Music editor targeted at chiptune artists and NES homebrewers. [Source (โญ1.5k)]
- ๐ธ fmod - Popular (Hades, Celeste, Untitled Goose Game) audio software for games.
- ๐ LMMS ๐ฅ - Cross-platform music production software. [Source (โญ7.8k)]
- ๐ PixiTracker - Quickly create musical sketches, chiptunes and sound experiments.
- ๐ Sound Box - Compose synthetic music in your browser, good for small demos. [Source (โญ427)]
- ๐ SunVox - Powerful modular synthesizer with pattern-based sequencer (tracker).
- ๐ ZzFXM - Music generator for use in tiny JavaScript apps. [Source (โญ414)]
Tools / Software / Color / Palettes
- ๐ Colormind - Color scheme generator, can learn color styles from photographs, art, etc.
Tools / Software / Image Editors
- ๐ GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program, open source image editor. [Source (โญ4.6k)]
Tools / Software / Materials / Textures
- ๐ ArmorLab - Generate PBR materials by drag & dropping your photos. [Source (โญ167)]
Tools / Software / Modeling Tools
- ๐ฐ 3DS Max - Classic software for 3D modeling and rendering.
Tools / Software / Particle Tools
- ๐ธ Particle Designer - Powerful particle effects editor designed for macOS.
Tools / Software / Pixel Art
- ๐ธ Aseprite - Animated sprite editor and pixel art tool. [Source (โญ27k)]
Tools / Software / Vector Editors
- ๐ Inkscape - Cross-platform, open source vector graphics editor. [Source (โญ2k)]
Video Game Assets / Graphic Assets
- ๐ธ Flaticon - Quality vector icons and stickers.
Video Game Assets / Material Assets
- ๐ AmbientCG - Public domain materials for physically-based rendering.
2. Awesome Postgres
Contents / Backups
- wal-e (โญ3.4k) (obsolete) - Simple Continuous Archiving for PostgreSQL to S3, Azure, or Swift by Heroku.
3. Alternative Front Ends
Related projects / Other services
- / 12ft Ladder: 12ft Ladder is a free service for reading news articles. Prepend to the URL of any paywalled page, and we'll try our best to remove the paywall and get you access to the article. It is similar to which is not available anymore.
- Note: The source code of 12ft Ladder is not available under a free/open-source license.
4. Awesome Transit
GTFS Converters / Rust
- transit_model (โญ58) - A Rust library to convert to/from the following formats: GTFS, NTFS (for Navitia, see Software for Creating APIs), TransXChange (UK specification), KV1 (NL specification), NeTEx (EU specification).
Software for Creating APIs / Rust
- Navitia (โญ436) is the opensource engine behind the live API.
Proprietary (non-standard) vendor APIs / Rust
- - REST API for journey planning, stop schedules, isochrones and lot more on US and EU. Navitia (โญ436) is the opensource engine behind the live API.
5. Awesome Vue
Resources / External Resources
- Notes on Vue - A personal guide to Vue development.
6. Awesome Yew
- rust-yew-axum-tauri-desktop (โญ138) - Rust + Yew + Axum + Tauri, full-stack Rust development for Desktop apps.
7. Awesome Openstreetmap
Changeset Tools / Web Services
- achavi - Augmented change viewer. (Source Code (โญ41) / Wiki)
- Osm Change Viz - Changeset visualizer displaying information about added/modified/deleted elements in different panels.
- changeset-map - Map visualizing changes in selected changesets. Used in OsmCha. (Source Code (โญ34))
- OSM History Viewer - Changeset visualization. (Source Code (โญ9))
- Who did it? - Map highlighting recent edits per tile. Provides RSS feeds for watching changes in custom bounding boxes. (Source Code (โญ69) / Wiki)
- Osm Change Tiles - Map highlighting recent edits per tile. Provides RSS feeds for watching changes in custom bounding boxes.
- Analytic OSM Tracker (โญ38)[^selfhosted-only] - Tracker for changesets in your region.
- Suspicious OSM Changesets - Find suspicious OSM changesets.
- Changeset Text Search - Filter OSM changesets by comment.
- Latest Changeset Discussions - Show latest discussions on OSM changesets.
Maps / Web Maps
- osm-livechanges - Near-real-time display of edits in the OpenStreetMap database. (Source Code (โญ28))
8. Awesome Pokemon
Resources & Others / Communities
- Pokรฉmon GO Raiders Discord - A Discord community for raid hosting and joining with discussions about Pokรฉmon GO.
Resources & Others / Others
- PVPoke - A PVP ranking and moveset for Pokรฉmon GO.
- Pokรฉmon GO Calender - Pokรฉmon GO calender events with Google Calendar and timezones support.
- Poke Genie - A free raid hosting and joining app for iOS & Android with PVP functionalities.
9. Free for Dev
Analytics, Events and Statistics
- Uptrace - Distributed Tracing Tool that helps developers pinpoint failures and find performance bottlenecks. Has a free plan, offers a complimentary Personal subscription for open-source projects, and has an open-source version.
10. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Evidence Collection
- UAC (โญ590) - UAC (Unix-like Artifacts Collector) is a Live Response collection script for Incident Response that makes use of native binaries and tools to automate the collection of AIX, Android, ESXi, FreeBSD, Linux, macOS, NetBSD, NetScaler, OpenBSD and Solaris systems artifacts.
11. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Methodologies for Experiments / Scaling Up Behavioral Studies
- Exploring human cognition using large image databases - Topics in Cognitive Sciences, 2016. [All Versions].
Methodologies for Experiments / Human-Machine Comparison
- Humans can decipher adversarial images - Nature Communications. 2019. [All Versions].
- Prev: Apr 14, 2022
- Next: Apr 12, 2022