Awesome List Updates on Apr 12, 2022
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Algorand
Official Resources
- Algorand Discord - Official Algorand Discord server.
Projects / Wallets
- AlgoWorld-Contracts (⭐30) - Collection of all smart contracts used by AlgoWorld, written in PyTeal.
2. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- Mailsy (⭐22) - Quickly generate a disposable email.
- Slack (⭐327) - Alfred workflow to interact, and perform various functions with the service Slack.
- TemporaryEmail (⭐2.4k) - Get a temporary email inbox.
- AWS Console Services (⭐313) - Quickly open up AWS Console Services in your browser or search for entities within them.
- Bootstrap Icons (⭐20) - Quickly look up Bootstrap Icons and add the desired one to your clipboard.
- (⭐12) - Rust feature support and version info from
- Timing (⭐33) - Interact with the Timing app.
Other Lists
- PacMax – Pacmax was assembled as a way for Alfred lovers to find and share their favorite workflows, snippets, and themes.
3. Awesome Video
Learning, Tutorials & Documentation / Books & Courses
- Circles of Confusion - 2009-01-01. Roberts, Alan.
4. Awesome Yew
- Crabtyper (⭐187) - A speedtyping web app written in Rust.
5. Awesome Zsh Plugins
- Configuration to use Hyper.js as a ZSH terminal with a Windows Subsystem Linux on windows 10, with Oh My Zsh and the Powerlevel10k theme (⭐7) - How-to for getting Oh-My-ZSH running on WSL.
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- omz-git (⭐1) - Oh-My-ZSH's git (⭐177k) plugin re-packaged to be standalone.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- biratime (⭐3) - Based on the bira (⭐177k) theme, but displays the date instead of the username in the prompt.
6. Awesome Kotlin
Links / Blogs
- Kt. Academy Medium - Blog that teach about Kotlin
- Kt. Academy - Publication with regular Kotlin posts.
Links / Books
- Kotlin Coroutines: Deep Dive - A practical book dedicated to Kotlin Coroutines, common use-cases, best practices and deep understanding.
7. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Problem Solving / Reinforcement Learning
- A Generalized Algorithm for Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning and Policy Adaptation - NeurIPS'19, 2019. [All Versions].
- Prev: Apr 13, 2022
- Next: Apr 11, 2022