Awesome List Updates on Apr 10, 2022
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Storybook
2. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- @morev/vue-transitions (⭐213) Transitions library for Vue 2 and 3 with no CSS needed
3. Awesome Crystal
- defined (⭐17) - macros for conditional compilation based on constant definitions, version requirements, or environment variable settings
4. Awesome Fiber
🚧 Boilerplates / 🌱 Third Party
- efectn/fiber-boilerplate (⭐77) - Simple and scalable boilerplate to build powerful and organized REST projects with Fiber.
5. Awesome Rust
Applications / Operating systems
- theseus-os/Theseus (⭐3k) - A safe-language, single address space and single privilege level OS written from scratch -
6. Awesome Capacitor
Other plugins
- Document Scanner (⭐73) - Scan documents (notes, homework, business cards, receipts, or anything with a rectangular shape).
7. Awesome Yew
- tailwindcss-yew-template (⭐14) - Simple layout for using Tailwindcss with Yew.
Crates / Utils
- yew_icons (⭐41) - Easily include a variety of svg icons(Feather/Font Awesome/Octicons) into your Yew app.
- Prev: Apr 11, 2022
- Next: Apr 09, 2022