Awesome List Updates on Apr 07, 2022
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ruby
- Ougai (⭐263) - A structured logging system that is capable of handling a message, structured data, or an exception easily. It has JSON and human-readable formatters.
2. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Audio and Music
- insomnimus/nodi (⭐26) [nodi] - A library for playback and abstraction of MIDI files.
3. Awesome Privacy
Password Managers
- Passky - Simple, modern, lightweight, open-source and secure password manager.
4. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Papers Collection
- Casual GAN Papers Reading Club: Community knowledge base for Casual GAN Papers
5. Awesome Yew
Crates / Hooks
- yewv (⭐11) - A lightning fast state management module for Yew built with performance and simplicity as a first priority.
6. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- wordle (⭐3) - Wordle for ZSH, with tab-completions.
7. Free for Dev
- Cypress Recorder by Preflight - Create AI-powered Cypress Tests/POM models on your browser. It's open-source, except for the AI part. It's free for five monthly test creations with Self-healing scripts, Email, and Visual testing.
8. Awesome React Components
- react-loader-spinner (⭐952) - Collection set of react-spinner for async operation.
Form Components / Miscellaneous
- @anatoliygatt/numeric-stepper (⭐162) - demo - A fully themeable and accessible numeric stepper component.
Data Store / Mouse Events
- synergies (⭐10) - docs A performant and distributed context-state library for creating reusable React state logic by synergyzing atomar context pieces.
9. Awesome Neovim
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- gbprod/substitute.nvim (⭐645) - Neovim plugin introducing a new operator motions to quickly replace and exchange text.
- gbprod/yanky.nvim (⭐994) - Improved Yank and Put functionalities.
10. Awesome Graphql
Tools - Docs / React
- spectaql (⭐1.1k) - Autogenerate static GraphQL API documentation.
- Prev: Apr 08, 2022
- Next: Apr 06, 2022