Awesome List Updates on Mar 30, 2022
16 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Wagtail
Resources / Recipes
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Wagtail development guide (⭐65) - Unit Testing Django and Wagtail
2. Awesome Userscripts
Scripts / Media
- Image Max URL - Finds larger or original versions of images/videos for thousands of supported websites, including a customizable image popup feature.
3. Awesome Security
Network / Docker Images for Penetration Testing & Security
docker pull jeroenwillemsen/wrongsecrets
- OWASP WrongSecrets
4. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Global
- OpenHistoricalMap - A time travel map created by a community of mappers and historians.
- World Historical Gazeteer - Collection of content and services that permit world historians to do spatial and temporal reasoning and visualization in a data rich environment at global and trans-regional scales.
5. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Roles / Engineers
- What Makes A Great Software Engineer? - Doesn't conclude on a definitive answer to the question, but details a model based on 53 attributes (!). Still a good source referencing other papers on the topic.
Motivation / Negotiation
- What Silicon Valley "Gets" about Software Engineers that Traditional Companies Do Not - “1. Autonomy for software engineers; 2. Curious problem solvers, not mindless resources; 3. Internal data, code, and documentation transparency; 4. Exposure to the business and to business metrics; 5. Engineer-to-engineer comms over triangle-communication; 6. Investing in a less frustrating developer experience; 7. Higher leverage --> higher {autonomy, pay}”.
Engineering / Technical Debt
- Goodbye, Clean Code - “My boss invited me for a one-on-one chat where they politely asked me to revert my change. I was aghast. The old code was a mess, and mine was clean! (…) I see now that my 'refactoring' was a disaster in two ways: I didn't talk to the person who wrote it; My code traded the ability to change requirements for reduced duplication”.
Product Management / Product-Market Fit
- I wasted $40k on a fantastic startup idea - A tale of building a product no user want to pay for. “You can't just create value for the user: that's a charity. You also can't just create value for your company: that's a scam. Your goal is to set up some kind of positive-sum exchange, where everyone benefits, including you. A business plan, according to this textbook, starts with this simple question: how will you create value for yourself and the company?”
Product Management / Product Strategy
- Talking about Vista, Microsoft found out following its unsuccessful launch that the #1 bug predictor is not technical, it's organizational complexity.
Agile / Delivery
- Failed #SquadGoals - Spotify doesn't use "the Spotify model" and neither should you - “Why it didn't work? 1. Matrix management solved the wrong problem; 2. It fixated on team autonomy; 3. Collaboration was an assumed competency; 4. Mythology became difficult to change”.
Career / Performance Reviews
- Get your work recognized: write a brag document - There's this idea that, if you do great work at your job, people will (or should!) automatically recognize that work and reward you for it with promotions / increased pay. In practice, it's often more complicated than that.
- Performance review generator - Tired of writing reviews? Automate it!
Compensation / Salary
- L8-L10 salaries at AWS - A reference point to what $M+ compensation packages looks like.
Politics / Equity
- The Rules for Rulers - “Smart key supporters will always watch the balance of power, ready to change allegiance if the ruler look to be the loser in a shifting web of alliances. (…) Buy all the loyalty you can, because loyalty, in dictatorial organizations of all kinds, is everything.”
- 4 Clues to Identify a Destructive Leader - “1. I'm kind of a big deal! 2. None of this is my fault! 3. Just do what I say! 4. Trust me; I'm never wrong.”
6. Awesome Iam
- IAM is hard. It's really hard. - “Overly permissive AWS IAM policies that allowed
(all) resources”, led to $80 million fine for Capital One. The only reason why you can't overlook IAM as a business owner.
Multi-factor auth / Identifiers
- Your Pa$$word doesn't matter - Same conclusion as above from Microsoft: “Based on our studies, your account is more than 99.9% less likely to be compromised if you use MFA.”
Multi-factor auth / SMS-based
Password-less auth / JWT
- JWT, JWS and JWE for Not So Dummies! - A signed JWT is known as a JWS (JSON Web Signature). In fact a JWT does not exist itself — either it has to be a JWS or a JWE (JSON Web Encryption). Its like an abstract class — the JWS and JWE are the concrete implementations.
Secret Management / Hardware Security Module (HSM)
- Everybody be cool, this is a robbery! - A case study of vulnerability and exploitability of a HSM (in French, sorry).
Trust & Safety / Moderation
- You either die an MVP or live long enough to build content moderation - “You can think about the solution space for this problem by considering three dimensions: cost, accuracy and speed. And two approaches: human review and machine review. Humans are great in one of these dimensions: accuracy. The downside is that humans are expensive and slow. Machines, or robots, are great at the other two dimensions: cost and speed - they're much cheaper and faster. But the goal is to find a robot solution that is also sufficiently accurate for your needs.”
Blocklists / Hostnames and Subdomains
7. Awesome Billing
Pricing / Usage-based Pricing
- Electropedia: Tariffs for electricity - Before the cloud, there was another metered resource priced by its usage: electricity. Here is a detailed (and multi-lingual) taxonomy of its vocabulary from the International Electrotechnical Commission.
Pricing / Market Research
- Gabor–Granger method - Used in surveys to determine the price for a new product or service. The results can be used to produce a demand chart and a revenue curve.
Coupons and Vouchers / Currencies
- Hacking Scooters: How I Created $100k Worth Of Free Rides - A cautionary tale on how promo codes can be exploited to get unlimited free rides.
History / Cloud providers
- Engineering and Operations in the Bell System - Starting at page #445, the "10.5 Billing Equipment and Systems" section describe the history and technical evolutions of Bell's phone calls metering and pricing.
8. Awesome Regression Testing
Slideshows, talks and videos (a-z↓)
- Cypress in 100 Seconds - Introduction video by Fireship.
9. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Transport-layer defenses / Overlay and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
- OpenZITI - Open source initiative focused on bringing Zero Trust to any application via an overlay network, tunelling applications, and numerous SDKs.
10. Awesome Neovim
Preconfigured Configuration / Diagnostics
- jrychn/moduleVim (⭐9) - A very easy to use for backend and frontend, install LSP automatically.
11. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- bosh (krujos) (⭐2) - Adds BOSH (⭐2k) autocompletion.
- gentoo (⭐37) - Provides ZSH completion support to various Gentoo tools that lack completion scripts upstream.
12. Awesome Falsehood
Dates and Time
- Falsehoods about Unix Time - Mind the leap second!
- $26,000 Overcollection by Labor Department - The consequence of wrong calendar accounting.
Human Identity
- XKCD #327: Exploits of a Mom - Funny take on how implementation of a falsehood might lead to security holes.
Phone Numbers
- Google's common Java, C++ and JavaScript library for parsing, formatting, and validating international phone numbers. Also available for C# (⭐807), Objective-C (⭐2.4k), Python (⭐3.6k), Ruby (⭐549) and PHP (⭐4.8k).
Software Engineering
- Hi! My name is… - This talk could have been named falsehoods about usernames (and other identifiers).
- My name causes an issue with any booking! - Old airline reservation systems considers the
suffix asMister
and drops it.
13. Awesome Openstreetmap
Editors / Web Editors
- iD - JavaScript based editor for the web browser with a wide array of presets. (Source Code (⭐3.3k) / Wiki)
- Level0 - Text based editor that's useful in specific corner cases. (Source Code (⭐53) / Wiki)
- OSMyBiz - Website for managing informations about your business. (Source Code / Wiki)
- OnOSM - Allows anyone to submit business information as a note for inclusion into OSM. (Source Code (⭐73) / Wiki)
- Deriviste - Provides a simple interface to add nodes to OpenStreetMap based on what you see in Mapillary street-level imagery. (Source Code (⭐29) / Wiki)
- - An online editor focused on adding and improving data on global health facilities. (Source Code (⭐144) / Wiki)
Editors / Native Editors
- JOSM - Advanced extensible desktop editor. (Source Code / Wiki)
- Potlatch 3 - Native intermediate-level editor built in Adobe AIR. (Source Code (⭐23) / Wiki)
Tools / Web Tools
- OpenMapTiles - Set of tools for self-hosted vector maps and map services with labels in more than 50 languages. (Source Code / Wiki)
- OSMNames - Geocoding tool ranking places according to the corresponding Wikipedia page popularity. (Source Code (⭐346) / Wiki)
- overpass-turbo - Web based data mining tool for OpenStreetMap using Overpass API. (Source Code (⭐910) / Wiki)
- Osmose - QA-tool for fixing problems detected in OpenStreetMap data. (Source Code / Wiki)
- taginfo - Website displaying information on tags and their usage. (Source Code (⭐121) / Wiki)
- ohsome Dashboard - Tool for visualizing changes over a certain time period. (Wiki)
Tools / Mobile Tools
- OSMTracker (⭐494) - Offline GPS tracking tool for recording GPX tracks. (Android / Wiki)
Tasking Managers / Web Services
- MapRoulette - Various challenges for making small edits to achive big tasks. (Source Code (⭐124) / Wiki)
- Pic4Review - Tool for adding objects to OSM by reviewing images. (Source Code / Wiki)
- Map Complete - Tool for mapping in scoped tasks. (Wiki)
- Damn Project - Project for mapping by dividing big areas into small squares mappable by humans. (Source Code / Wiki)
Maps / Web Maps
- Show me the way - Live map showing latest changes on aerial imagery. (Source Code (⭐127) / Wiki)
- OSM In Realtime - Visualization of the changes made to OpenStreetMap as they happen. (Source Code / Wiki)
- F4map Demo - 3D rendering demo of OpenStreetMap data. (Wiki)
- FacilMap - Map with easy possibility to filter for POI types. (Source Code (⭐312) / Wiki)
- Straßenraumkarte Neukölln - High-detail micromap of the district "Neukölln" of Berlin, Germany. (Wiki)
Maps / Mobile Maps
- OsmAnd - Map viewing and navigation (routing) application with offline functionality available for Android and iOS. (Android, iOS / Source Code Android (⭐4.6k) / Source Code iOS (⭐279) / Wiki)
- Organic Maps - A free offline maps app based on OSM. (Android, iOS / Source Code (⭐9.5k) / Wiki)
- Magic Earth - A free turn-by-turn navigation app. (Android, iOS / Wiki)
Maps / Generators
- Field Papers - Generate maps for printing, annotate them, and manage your notes after. (Source Code (⭐87) / Wiki)
Libraries / C/C++
- libosmium (⭐460) - Fast and flexible C++ library for working with OpenStreetMap data. (Wiki)
- OSRM (⭐6.3k) - Routing engine for use in C++ applications. (Wiki)
- mapnik (⭐3.6k) - Combines pixel-perfect image output with lightning-fast cartographic algorithms, and exposes interfaces in C++, Python, and Node. (Wiki)
Libraries / JavaScript
- Leaflet - An open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. (Source Code (⭐41k) / Wiki)
- OpenLayers - A high-performance library for rendering raster and vector maps. (Source Code (⭐11k) / Wiki)
Libraries / Python
- osmapi (⭐210) - Python wrapper for the OpenStreetMap API. (Wiki)
- osmnx (⭐4.8k) - Visualizer for street networks. (Wiki)
Libraries / Java
- OpenTripPlanner (⭐2.1k) - Open source multi-modal trip planner. (Wiki)
- GraphHopper (⭐4.9k) - Open source route planning library and server using OpenStreetMap. (Wiki)
Public APIs / Java
- overpass - Read-only API that serves up custom selected parts of the OSM map data. (Source Code (⭐709) / Wiki)
- planet.osm - Minutely/weekly/yearly/full dumps of osm data. (Wiki)
Miscellaneous / Java
- OpenGeofiction - A completely fictional user-made world map, created using the OSM software platform. (Wiki)
Video / Global
- State of the Map - YouTube channel of the State of the Map conference containing VoDs of talks. (Wiki)
Additional Resources / Websites
- TeachOSM - Project assisting educators at all levels to introduce open source mapping and OpenStreetMap in the classroom. (Wiki)
14. Awesome Agriculture
Automation and Robotics
- Ant Robotics development from Ecoterra bot
- Acorn Rover precision farming rover, Odrive, Python.
- Earth Rover Ag AGV ROS1 precision farming rover
- EcoTerra Bot Delta & Rover
- FarmBot - Open source precision gardening project.
- Romi project Europe-funded research project
- ROS Agriculture - Open Source community focusing on using Robot Operating System to empower farmers with robotics tools.
- Weedinator Line following weeding robot
Machine Learning and AI / Shapefiles
- agridat (⭐123) - R package providing an extensive collection of datasets from agricultural experiments.
- Crop Yield Prediction (⭐385) - Deep gaussian process for crop yield prediction based on remote sensing data.
- Deep Learning for Biologists with Keras (⭐105) - Tutorials for deep learning based analysis (mainly) on biological relavent themes.
- PlantCV (⭐688) - Plant phenotyping software using computer vision.
15. Awesome Ansible
- Ansible Tutorial for Beginners: Playbook & Examples - Introduction to Ansible for beginners.
16. Awesome Go
Database Tools
- rdb (⭐474) - Redis RDB file parser for secondary development and memory analysis.
HTTP Clients
- go-otelroundtripper (⭐83) - Go http.RoundTripper that emits open telemetry metrics for HTTP requests.
- Prev: Mar 31, 2022
- Next: Mar 29, 2022