Awesome List Updates on Mar 28, 2022
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Json Datasets
2. Awesome Rtc
Server Software / Media Servers
- Jitsi - A collection of RTC open source projects, with a focus on conferencing software.
Operations / Monitoring
- WebRTC Troubleshooter (⭐440) - Self-hosted one stop client-side WebRTC troubleshooter.
Operations / Testing
- sipexer (⭐142) - Modern and flexible SIP command line tool.
Operations / Deployment
- slimswitch (⭐6) - Tooling for creating lean secure FreeSWITCH Docker images.
Operations / Web/API Interfaces
- Eqivo - Open source programmable-voice/telephony API platform.
- Fonoster (⭐5.4k) - Telecommunication stack built with Node.js.
- Wazo - VoIP API platform built on top of Asterisk, Kamailio and RTPEngine.
- jambonz - Open source CPaaS built for communications service providers.
- IVOZ Provider (⭐156) - Multitenant solution for VoIP telephony providers.
Developer Resources / C/C++ Libraries
- Sofia-SIP (⭐141) - Open source SIP library used by FreeSWITCH.
Events / Dart Libraries
- CommCon - Annual conference held in the UK focused on telecommunications in general and WebRTC in particular.
- FOSDEM - Free event for software developers, with a RTC component, held every year in Europe.
- JanusCon - JanusCon is a live event for Janus and RTC implementers.
- TADHack - Global hackathon focused on programmable communications.
Related Lists / Dart Libraries
- SIP Resources (⭐121) - Useful SIP resources curated by Kamailio's head developer.
3. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Booking and Scheduling
- - The open-source online appointment scheduling system. (Demo, Source Code (⭐34k))
4. Web Development Resources
Remote Jobs:
- Website:
5. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Erlang / Phoenix
- Learn You Some Erlang For Great Good - Fred Hebert (HTML)
6. Awesome Embedded Rust
Books, blogs, and training materials / Free and public materials
- Embedded Rust programming playlist Various livestreams with Embedded Rust live coding
7. Awesome Fiber
⚙️ Middlewares / 🌱 Third Party
- shareed2k/fiber_tracing (⭐12) - Middleware trace requests on Fiber framework with OpenTracing API.
- shareed2k/fiber_limiter (⭐13) - Limiter using redis as store for rate limit with two algorithms for choosing sliding window, gcra leaky bucket.
- ansrivas/fiberprometheus (⭐183) - Prometheus middleware for gofiber.
- sacsand/gofiber-firebaseauth (⭐24) - Fiber Firebase Auth Middleware.
- aschenmaker/fiber-health-check (⭐10) - Health-check middleware support health-check for Fiber️ framework.
- elastic/apmfiber (⭐423) - APM Agent for Go Fiber.
- eozer/fiber_ldapauth (⭐4) - LDAP Authentication Middleware for Fiber.
🚧 Boilerplates / 🌱 Third Party
- gofiber/boilerplate (⭐444) - Official fiber boilerplate.
- fiber-boilerplate (⭐278) - A boilerplate for the Fiber web framework.
- sujit-baniya/fiber-boilerplate (⭐418) - Boilerplate on the top of fiber web framework with many middlewares and features.
- create-go-app/fiber-go-template (⭐995) - Fiber backend template for Create Go App CLI.
- embedmode/fiberseed (⭐39) - Fiber boilerplate api with many middlewares.
📁 Recipes / 🌱 Third Party
- kiyonlin/fiblar-demo (⭐3) - Fiber v1 + angular demo.
- koddr/tutorial-go-fiber-rest-api (⭐385) - Tutorial for building a restful api with fiber.
- firebase007/go-rest-api-with-fiber (⭐56) - Demo project with fiber, logging, basicAuth and postgresql.
- chawk/go_fiber_quickstart (⭐18) - Fiber quick start example project.
- EricLau1/go-fiber-auth-api (⭐53) - Golang Authentication API with Fiber MongoDB and JWT.
🤖 Benchmarks / 🌱 Third Party
- TechEmpower - Project provides performance measures across a wide field of web application frameworks.
- web-frameworks-benchmark - Project aims to measure the differences between the various programming language frameworks.
- go-web-framework-benchmark (⭐2.1k) - This benchmark suite aims to compare the performance of Go web frameworks.
8. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Problem Solving / Reinforcement Learning
- SUNRISE: A Simple Unified Framework for Ensemble Learning in Deep Reinforcement Learning - ICML'21, 2021. [All Versions]. [Code (⭐124)].
9. Awesome Osint
Social Media Tools / Facebook
- Facebook Friend List Scraper (⭐264) - Tool for scraping large Facebook friend lists without being rate-limited.
10. Awesome Quant
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- TA-Lib (⭐10k) - Python wrapper for TA-Lib (
- zipline (⭐18k) - Pythonic algorithmic trading library.
Python / Data Sources
- pystlouisfed (⭐16) - Python client for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis API - FRED, ALFRED, GeoFRED and FRASER.
- python-bcb (⭐84) - Python interface to Brazilian Central Bank web services.
R / Numerical Libraries & Data Structures
- xts (⭐220) - eXtensible Time Series: Provide for uniform handling of R's different time-based data classes by extending zoo, maximizing native format information preservation and allowing for user level customization and extension, while simplifying cross-class interoperability.
- data.table (⭐3.6k) - Extension of data.frame: Fast aggregation of large data (e.g. 100GB in RAM), fast ordered joins, fast add/modify/delete of columns by group using no copies at all, list columns and a fast file reader (fread). Offers a natural and flexible syntax, for faster development.
R / Data Sources
- Rblpapi (⭐167) - An R Interface to 'Bloomberg' is provided via the 'Blp API'.
- Rbitcoin (⭐57) - Unified markets API interface (bitstamp, kraken, btce, bitmarket).
- GetTDData (⭐23) - Downloads and aggregates data for Brazilian government issued bonds directly from the website of Tesouro Direto.
- GetHFData (⭐40) - Downloads and aggregates high frequency trading data for Brazilian instruments directly from Bovespa ftp site.
- Reddit WallstreetBets API - Provides daily top 50 stocks from reddit (subreddit) Wallstreetbets and their sentiments via the API.
- td (⭐16) - Interfaces the 'twelvedata' API for stocks and (digital and standard) currencies.
- rbcb (⭐92) - R interface to Brazilian Central Bank web services.
R / Financial Instruments and Pricing
- portfolio (⭐15) - Analysing equity portfolios.
- credule (⭐6) - Credit Default Swap Functions.
- PortfolioAnalytics (⭐83) - Portfolio Analysis, Including Numerical Methods for Optimizationof Portfolios.
- fmbasics (⭐12) - Financial Market Building Blocks.
- R-fixedincome (⭐54) - Fixed income tools for R.
R / Trading
- TTR (⭐334) - Technical Trading Rules.
R / Risk Analysis
- PerformanceAnalytics (⭐214) - Econometric tools for performance and risk analysis.
R / Time Series
- rugarch (⭐25) - Univariate GARCH Models.
- rmgarch (⭐14) - Multivariate GARCH Models.
R / Calendars
- bizdays (⭐55) - Business days calculations and utilities
Julia / FrameWorks
- Miletus.jl (⭐87) - A financial contract definition, modeling language, and valuation framework.
Reproducing Works, Training & Books / Data Visualization
- Machine-Learning-for-Asset-Managers (⭐499) - Implementation of code snippets, exercises and application to live data from Machine Learning for Asset Managers (Elements in Quantitative Finance) written by Prof. Marcos López de Prado.
- Prev: Mar 29, 2022
- Next: Mar 27, 2022