Awesome List Updates on Mar 27, 2022
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome
Articles / Getting Started
- How To Get Started With SEO In Craft CMS by Galaxy Weblinks -
22 June 2018
2. Awesome Ada
Text Modes / Apache License
- ob-ada-spark (⭐8) - Ada/SPARK support for org-babel : Evaluate source code blocks with Gnu Emacs and org files.
3. Awesome Ios
Deployment / Distribution
- ios-uploader (⭐180) - Easy to use, cross-platform tool to upload iOS apps to App Store Connect.
4. Magictools
Engines and Frameworks / Voxel Editors
- 💸 Leadwerks - Easy-to-learn game engine for 3D and VR.
5. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Miscellaneous
- Koillection - Koillection is a service allowing users to manage any kind of collections. (Source Code (⭐781))
6. Awesome Neovim
Preconfigured Configuration / Diagnostics
- shaunsingh/nyoom.nvim (⭐1.5k) - Blazing fast, configurable, minimal and lispy Neovim config written in Fennel. Base config for users to extend and add upon, leading to a more unique editing experience.
7. Awesome Quant
Python / Financial Instruments and Pricing
- Q-Fin (⭐399) - A Python library for mathematical finance.
- Quantsbin (⭐501) - Tools for pricing and plotting of vanilla option prices, greeks and various other analysis around them.
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- TuneTA (⭐427) - TuneTA optimizes technical indicators using a distance correlation measure to a user defined target feature such as next day return.
- AutoTrader (⭐1k) - A Python-based development platform for automated trading systems - from backtesting to optimization to livetrading.
- qf-lib (⭐564) - QF-Lib is a Python library that provides high quality tools for quantitative finance.
JavaScript / Data Visualization
- QUANTAXIS_Webkit (⭐38) - An awesome visualization center based on quantaxis.
Scala / Data Visualization
- Scala Quant (⭐10) - Scala library for working with stock data from IFTTT recipes or Google Finance.
Reproducing Works, Training & Books / Data Visualization
- QuantFinance (⭐402) - Training materials in quantitative finance.
- IPythonScripts (⭐151) - Tutorials about Quantitative Finance in Python and QuantLib: Pricing, xVAs, Hedging, Portfolio Optimisation, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
- Computational-Finance-Course (⭐392) - Materials for the course of Computational Finance.
8. Awesome Privacy
- Supabase - Open source Firebase alternative (Limited (⭐78k) self-hosting (⭐78k))
Home Assistants
- Mycroft - The Private and Open Voice Assistant.
- Home Assistant - Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
9. Awesome Go
Miscellaneous Data Structures and Algorithms
- go18ds (⭐46) - Go Data Structures using Go 1.18 generics.
10. Dive Into Machine Learning
Supplement: Troubleshooting / Production, Deployment, MLOps
- Prev: Mar 28, 2022
- Next: Mar 26, 2022