Awesome List Updates on Mar 22, 2022
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Transit
Sample GTFS and GTFS Realtime datasets used for software testing / Rust
- Transitland GTFS and GTFS Realtime unit tests (⭐36) - For testing the transitland-lib (⭐36) library that handles GTFS and GTFS Realtime parsing and validation for Transitland:
2. Awesome Ada
Web / Apache License
- ews (⭐14) - Embedded Web Server is a web server construction kit, designed for embedded applications using the GNAT Ada compiler.
3. Awesome Vulkan
- DDraceNetwork (⭐525) - Cooperative 2D platformer with optional Vulkan backend (⭐525). - zlib (⭐525) website
4. Awesome Lowcode
- Getstream - Stream powers Chat Messaging and Activity Feeds for billions of global end-users across thousands of different apps.
5. Awesome Openstreetmap
Video / Global
- Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) - YouTube channel of the HOT containing content regarding humanitarian OSM work.
Video / Regional
6. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- USB Proxy (⭐180) - A USB man-in-the-middle project that allow users to monitor and modify USB packets flow between host and device.
7. Awesome Go
Job Scheduler
- cdule (⭐55) - Job scheduler library with database support
Morphological Analyzers
- spelling-corrector (⭐2) - A spelling corrector for the Spanish language or create your own.
8. Awesome Arcgis Developers
Starter apps and CLIs
- awesome-arcgis (⭐25) - Awesome list with a wiki flavor with resources about Esri and ArcGIS organized by: products, industries, file formats, content providers, etc.
- awesome-earthobservation-code (⭐1.2k) - Tools, tutorials, code, helpful projects and links about Earth Observation and Geospatial stuff.
- awesome-geojson (⭐2.3k) - GeoJSON utilities: operations,editors & viewers, validation, services, conversion, etc.
- awesome-geospatial (⭐4.1k) - Databases, radar, lidar, web map development, etc.
- awesome-gis (⭐4.5k) - GIS, remote sensing, 3D apps, Web Map Servers, Geospatial libraries, Open Standards, data, etc.
- awesome-json-datasets (⭐3.3k) - JSON datasets that don't require authentication about: climate, crime, goverment, NASA, travel, etc.
- awesome-open-geoscience (⭐1.5k) - Curated from repositories that make our lives as geoscientists, hackers, and data wranglers easier or just more awesome.
- awesome-public-datasets (⭐61k) - A topic-centric list of high-quality open datasets.
- awesome-remote-sensing-change-detection (⭐1.7k) - List of datasets, codes, and contests related to remote sensing change detection.
- awesome-satellite-imagery-datasets (⭐3.6k) - List of satellite image training datasets with annotations for computer vision and deep learning.
- awesome-semantic-segmentation (⭐11k) - Networks by architecture (semantic segmentation, instance aware segmentation, etc.), RNN, GANS, datasets, and more.
- awesome-vector-tiles (⭐2.4k) - Implementations of the Mapbox Vector Tile specification: parsers & generators, clients, apps and command line tools, CLI utilities, servers, etc.
9. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Commonsense / AI Commonsense Reasoning
- Broaden the Vision: Geo-Diverse Visual Commonsense Reasoning - EMNLP'21, 2021. [All Versions].
- Prev: Mar 23, 2022
- Next: Mar 21, 2022