Awesome List Updates on Mar 17, 2022
16 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Blazor
Other Languages / Others
- Blazor Developer Italiani - [Italian] Italian Blazor community website with useful articles and events.
2. Awesome Openstreetmap
Libraries / Python
- osmcha (⭐44) - Python package to detect suspicious OSM changesets.
Additional Resources / Wiki-Pages
- Main Page - An overview page with links to the most useful pages.
- Beginners' guide - Five-step-guide on what OpenStreetMap is and how it works.
- Mapping projects - Mapping projects to participate in.
3. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Version Control
- Fork - Fast and friendly Git client for Mac.
4. Awesome Connectivity Info
Global Connectivity Indexes
- A4AI Affordability Drivers Index - (2021)(2020) - Index of internet affordability by the Alliance for Affordable Internet Access (A4AI).
- Huawei Global Connectivity Index - (2020) Snapshot of 50 nations’ "Digital Transformation" status measured against Supply, Demand, Experience and Potential.
Regional Connectivity Reports and Data
- GSMA Mobile Economy - Africa 2016
5. Awesome Neovim
Utility / Diagnostics
- rgroli/other.nvim (⭐430) - Open alternative files for the current buffer.
6. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- terraform (ptavares) (⭐2) - Adds aliases, functions and tab completions. Also installs terraform-docs (⭐4.4k), tfsec (⭐6.8k) and tflint (⭐5.1k).
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- yuyuko (⭐1) - Fork of ys (⭐177k), inspired by yuyuko.vim (⭐32).
7. Awesome Evm Security
- A beginner's guide to DAOs - Gives a high level overview of what DAOs are, why they are interesting and some of their use cases.
- Deep DAO - Lists, ranks and analyzes top DAOs across multiple metrics.
- SAFT Agreements - A commercial instrument used to convey rights in tokens prior to the development of the tokens' functionality.
- Voting Options in DAOs - Voting Options in DAOs.
- The Wyoming DAO bill - A thread about Wyoming DAOs .
- It Takes a Cryptonetwork - Prime's Strategy for DAO to DAO Relations.
- DAOs, Democracy and Governance - A paper by Ralph Merkle about DAOs.
- Shelling Out: The Origins of Money - Illustrates the value of collectibles in reducing social transaction costs.
- A Crash Course in Mechanism Design for Cryptoeconomic Applications - Introduces the basic concepts of mechanism design, and gives a taste for their usefulness in the cryptocurrency world.
- WTF Is QF - A simple explanation of quadratic funding.
- DeFi Safety - Best practices security score reviews.
- DASP Top 10 of 2018 - Decentralized Application Security Project Top 10 vulnerabilities.
- IVSCS - Immunefi Vulnerability Severity Classification System.
- Smart Contract Security Verification Standard - A free 14-part checklist created to standardize the security of smart contracts for developers, architects, security reviewers and vendors.
- Secureth guidelines - Aid you in formulating your own software engineering process by giving a complete picture of all the different concerns and expectations in your software projects.
- CryptoCurrency Security Standard (CCSS) - A set of requirements for all information systems that make use of cryptocurrencies, including exchanges, web applications, and cryptocurrency storage solutions.
- The Solcurity Standard (⭐972) - Opinionated security and code quality standard for Solidity smart contracts.
System Assets
- Security Considerations in the Solidity documentation - Lists some pitfalls and general security recommendations.
- Ethereum 2.0 Specifications Security Audit Report - Security Audit Report of the Eth2.0 spec by Least Authority.
- Getting Deep Into EVM - An Ultimate, In-depth Explanation of How EVM Works.
- Ethereum EVM illustrated - Exploring some mental models and implementations.
- Ethereum Blockspace: Who Gets What and Why - Ethereum blockspace market structure.
- What Is Uniswap and How Does It Work? - What Uniswap is, how it works, and how you can swap tokens on it simply with an Ethereum wallet.
- Scaling EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) - How fast and far can the EVM based blockchain architecture still take us.
- L2Beat - Transparent and verifiable insights into emerging layer two (L2) technologies.
- The Non-Fungible Token Bible - Everything you need to know about NFTs.
- KEVM (⭐377) - A formal model of the EVM in the K framework.
- List of Bitcoin Heists - Research on prior Bitcoin-related thefts.
- Rekt News - Investigative journalism, creative commentary, and incident analysis.
- DeFiYield's REKT db - Database of Crypto Hacks, Exploit, Scam.
- CryptoScamDB - Keeping track of cryptocurrency scams in an open-source database.
- Mudit Gupta's Twitter threads - Early analysis and educational content on Twitter.
- Flash Boys 2.0 Paper - Frontrunning in Decentralized Exchanges, Miner Extractable Value, and Consensus Instability.
- MEV-explore - Help the community understand and quantify the significance of "Dark Forest activities" and their impact on the Ethereum network.
- Flashloan monitor - Dashboard that helps you monitor flashloan transactions.
- Known Attacks - A list of known attacks which you should be aware of, from Consensys.
- Solidity Security - Comprehensive list of known attack vectors and common anti-patterns.
- SWC Registry - Smart Contract Weakness Classification and Test Cases.
- 246 Findings - 246 Findings From Trail of Bits Smart Contract Audits.
- A Survey of Security Vulnerabilities in Ethereum Smart Contracts - Explains eight vulnerabilities that are specific to the application level of blockchain technology by analyzing the past exploitation case scenarios of these security vulnerabilities.
- List of Security Vulnerabilities (⭐535) - A comprehensive list of common smart contract security vulnerabilities, compiled from various sources.
- List of Known Bugs - A JSON-formatted list of some of the known security-relevant bugs in the Solidity compiler.
- Gnosis Safe - Multi-sig. Require multiple team members to confirm every transaction in order to execute it, which helps prevent unauthorized access to company crypto.
- List of DeFi auditors - List of DeFi auditors maintained by DeFiSafety.
- State of DeFi Audits - Article taking a look at the auditing space and its importance in onboarding users by properly securing new DeFi protocols.
- Building Secure Contracts (⭐1.2k) - Trail of Bits' guidelines and best practices on how to write secure smart contracts.
- Solidity Patterns - A compilation of patterns and best practices for the smart contract programming language Solidity.
- Security Pattern for Ethereum and Solidity - Google Sheets Checklists.
- Solidity Best Practices for Smart Contract Security - Pro tips from Consensys to ensure your Ethereum smart contracts are fortified.
- CERtified - Top 100 exchanges by Cybersecurity rating.
- Forta - Community-based runtime security network for smart contracts.
- People to follow on Twitter - Twitter list to an overview of the web3 ecosystem and security people.
- Videos to watch on YouTube - YouTube playlist of web3 security videos.
Footnotes / See Also
- Awesome BlockSec CTF (⭐7) - Blockchain security Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions.
- Awesome Buggy ERC20 Tokens (⭐494) - Vulnerabilities in ERC20 Smart Contracts With Tokens Affected.
- Awesome Cryptoeconomics (⭐1.5k) - Cryptoeconomic research and learning materials.
- Awesome Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) (⭐3k) - A curated list of awesome things related to learning Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP).
- Officer CIA's Ultimate DeFi Research Base (⭐929) - Curated DeFI & Blockchain research papers and tools.
8. Awesome Developer First
- Tolgee - Developer & translator friendly web-based localization platform.
9. Awesome Playcanvas
Games / IO Games
- Mini Royale: Nations - Battle Royale first person shooter.
10. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Conferences / Monograph
- Compression+Computation 2022 - It bridges the gap of Theoretical Computer Science and Bioinformatics communities, On new data compression techniques, and computation over compressed data.
11. Awesome Newsletters
General Web Development
- The Comet. Short. Concise. Blazing fast 🌠 A monthly free newsletter about WordPress and web development.
12. Awesome Go
- Validator (⭐7) - A lightweight model validator written in Go.Contains VFs:Min, Max, MinLength, MaxLength, Length, Enum, Regex.
13. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Frameworks
14. Awesome Rust
Applications / Utilities
- 1History (⭐471) - Command line interface to backup Firefox/Chrome/Safari history to one SQLite file
Libraries / Command-line
- Other
- mgrachev/update-informer (⭐216) [update-informer] - Update informer for CLI applications. It checks for a new version on and GitHub
- mgrachev/update-informer (⭐216) [update-informer] - Update informer for CLI applications. It checks for a new version on and GitHub
15. Awesome Yew
- yew-ssr-tide (⭐1) - The example demonstrates Yew server-side rendering with tide & surf, it needs the development version of Yew.
- yew-ssr-actix-web (⭐16) - The example demonstrates Yew server-side rendering with actix-web & reqwest, it needs the development version of Yew.
16. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Learning with Cognitive Plausibility / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Graininess of judgment under uncertainty: An accuracy-informativeness trade-off - Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1995. [All Versions].
- Federated Learning via Posterior Averaging: A New Perspective and Practical Algorithms - ICLR'20, 2020. [All Versions].
UC Berkeley / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Anca Dragan - Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley, Interactive Autonomy and Collaborative Technologies Laboratory (InterACT) - UC Berkeley.
- Prev: Mar 18, 2022
- Next: Mar 16, 2022