Awesome List Updates on Mar 16, 2022

16 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Rust

Development tools / Web Servers

2. Awesome WSL

WSL Tools / WSL Utilities

3. Awesome Deno

Showcases / XML

4. Free Programming Books (English, By Subjects)

Quantum Computing

5. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science

Lecture Notes / Monograph

Books / Monograph

Workshops / Monograph

6. Awesome Math

Mathematical Physics / Stochastic processes

7. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Themes / superconsole - Windows-only

8. Awesome Transit

GTFS Realtime Libraries & Demo Apps / Rust

9. PlacesToPostYourStartup


10. Awesome Geek Podcasts

In English

11. Awesome Streaming

Table of Contents / Data Pipeline

12. Awesome Css

CSS Working Group / Editor's Draft ✒️

Parsers 🔍 / Editor's Draft ✒️

Frameworks 🎨 / Editor's Draft ✒️

Reset and Normalize / Editor's Draft ✒️

CSS Development at Large-Scale Websites / Editor's Draft ✒️

Code Style Guidelines 📖 / Editor's Draft ✒️

Style Guide / Editor's Draft ✒️

Style Guide Generators 🎰 / Editor's Draft ✒️

Naming conventions & Methodologies 💡 / Editor's Draft ✒️

CSS in JS / Editor's Draft ✒️

CSS Polyfills / Editor's Draft ✒️

Miscellaneous / Editor's Draft ✒️

Podcasts 📻 / Editor's Draft ✒️

Twitter 🛰️ / Editor's Draft ✒️

Videos 📺 / 2015

Books 📚 / 2015

Tutorials 🎬 / 2015

13. Public Apis



Text Analysis

URL Shorteners

14. Awesome React Components

Form Components / Rich Text Editor

15. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Paper Writing / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Paper Reading / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Literature Management / Commonsense Knowledgebase

16. Awesome Mac

Design and Product / Screencapturing Software