Awesome List Updates on Mar 16, 2022
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Rust
Development tools / Web Servers
- comtrya (⭐544) - A configuration management tool for localhost / dotfiles
2. Awesome WSL
WSL Tools / WSL Utilities
- community.wsl.sdk (⭐10) - SDK for Windows Subsystem for Linux for .NET 5, 6 and Standard 2.1
3. Awesome Deno
Showcases / XML
- Edrys (⭐296) - Remote Teaching Software
4. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Lecture Notes / Monograph
- Telgarsky. Deep Learning Theory. Illinois - Focuses on simplified proofs over what appears in the literature, and classical perspective of achieving a low test error for binary classification with IID data via standard (typically ReLU) feedforward networks.
- Vaughan. CS260: Machine Learning Theory - A broad overview of the theoretical foundations underlying common machine learning algorithms.
- Livni. COS 511 Theoretical Machine Learning. Princeton - Formally define and study various models that have been proposed for learning. The course will present and contrast the statistical, computational and online models for learning. We will present and rigorously analyze some of the most successful algorithms in machine learning that are extensively used today.
- Moitra. Theoretical Foundations for Deep Learning. MIT - It explores theoretical foundations for deep learning, emphasizing the following themes: (1) Approximation: What sorts of functions can be represented by deep networks, and does depth provably increase the expressive power? (2) Optimization: Essentially all optimization problems we want to solve in practice are non-convex. What frameworks can be used to analyze such problems? (3) Beyond-Worst Case Analysis: Deep networks can memorize worst-case data, so why do they generalize well on real-world data?
- Arora. Overcoming Intractability in Machine Learning - A seminar course that will focus on the following phenomenon: many problems in machine learning are formally intractable (e.g., NP-hard). Nevertheless they are solved in practice by heuristics. Can we design algorithms with provable guarantees (running time, solution quality)?
Books / Monograph
- Vazirani & Kearns. An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory - Emphasizing issues of computational efficiency, It introduces a number of central topics in computational learning theory.
- Shalev-Shwartz. Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms - It provides an extensive theoretical account of the fundamental ideas underlying machine learning and the mathematical derivations that transform these principles into practical algorithms.
Workshops / Monograph
- Simons Institute. Foundations of Deep Learning Program - Aligning and focusing theoretical and applied researchers on the common purpose of building empirically relevant theoretical foundations of deep learning. Specifically, the intention was to identify and make progress on challenges that, on one hand, are key to guiding the real-world use of deep learning and, on the other hand, can be approached using theoretical methodology.
- Simons Institute. Foundations of Data Science - Identifying a set of core techniques and principles that form a foundation for the subject.
- Foundations of Machine Learning - Aims to grow the reach and impact of computer science theory within machine learning.
- A Brief Introduction to Theoretical Foundations of Machine Learning and Machine Teaching - Formal methods and machine learning can inform each other from deductive and inductive reasoning perspectives. This talk aims to facilitate the dialogue between the two communities by establishing some fundamental concepts in learning theory.
5. Awesome Math
Mathematical Physics / Stochastic processes
6. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- elagoht (⭐0) - Includes decorators for user@hostname, current directory, virtual environment,
status, whether it is running in anssh
session, and the execution time of the last command.
7. Awesome Transit
GTFS Realtime Libraries & Demo Apps / Rust
- GTFS-realtime Vehicle Positions Consumer/Visualizer Demo (⭐60) - A Java-based demo project for consuming a GTFS-realtime Vehicle Positions feed and displaying this info on a map.
8. PlacesToPostYourStartup
- Website Hunt -
9. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- /dev/hell - Chris Hartjes and Ed Finkler are trapped in Development Hell, where they talk mostly about PHP, web, their development experiences and also with special guests. (Ceased production 2020)
- Choose Linux - The show that captures the excitement of discovering Linux. (Ceased production 2020)
- Ubuntu Podcast - A lively and upbeat podcast made by members of the Ubuntu UK LoCo that includes news, discussion and interviews from the Ubuntu and Open Source communities. (Ceased production 2021)
10. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Data Pipeline
- Redpanda (⭐10k) [C++] - Redpanda is Kafka compatible, ZooKeeper-free, JVM-free and source available.
11. Awesome Css
CSS Working Group / Editor's Draft ✒️
- W3c/csswg-drafts (⭐4.5k) - Mirror of CSS WG Editor Draft repository.
- W3c/css-houdini-drafts (⭐1.8k) - Mirror of Houdini WG Editor repository.
Parsers 🔍 / Editor's Draft ✒️
- Mensch (⭐113) - A decent CSS parser.
Frameworks 🎨 / Editor's Draft ✒️
- Inuit.css - Powerful, scalable, Sass-based, BEM, OOCSS framework.
- Material-components-web (⭐17k) - Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for the web.
- Tailwindcss (⭐83k) - A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
- Unsemantic - Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Reset and Normalize / Editor's Draft ✒️
- Normalize-OpenType (⭐795) - Adds OpenType features—ligatures, kerning, and more—to Normalize.css.
- Normalize (⭐52k) - A set of CSS rules that provide better cross-browser consistency in the default styling of HTML elements.
- Reset.css - CSS Tools: Reset CSS.
- Reseter.css (⭐1.2k) - A Futuristic CSS Reset/Normalizer. That Redifines Instead Of Preserving.
- Sanitize.css (⭐5.2k) - A set of CSS rules that style with today’s best practices out-of-the-box.
- Unstyle.css (⭐29) - Specialised stylesheet for removing user agent styles, style the web with your baseline.
CSS Development at Large-Scale Websites / Editor's Draft ✒️
Code Style Guidelines 📖 / Editor's Draft ✒️
- Dropbox (S)CSS Style Guide (⭐1.2k) by Dropbox
- Google HTML/CSS Style Guide by Google
- Official Trello CSS Guide by Bobby Grace
- SASS Style Guide by Sass team
Style Guide / Editor's Draft ✒️
- Lighting Design System by Salesforce
- Solid by BuzzFeed
Style Guide Generators 🎰 / Editor's Draft ✒️
Naming conventions & Methodologies 💡 / Editor's Draft ✒️
CSS in JS / Editor's Draft ✒️
CSS Polyfills / Editor's Draft ✒️
- Polyfill.js (⭐296) - A library to make creating CSS polyfills much easier.
- Prefixfree (⭐3.8k) - Break free from CSS prefix hell.
- Fixed-sticky (⭐1.5k) - A CSS position:sticky polyfill.
- Selectivizr (⭐1.7k) - A JavaScript utility that emulates CSS3 pseudo-classes and attribute selectors in Internet Explorer 6-8.
Miscellaneous / Editor's Draft ✒️
- Flexbox Patterns by cjcenizal
- Single Div Project (⭐1.6k) - One
. Many possibilities.
- You Might Not Need JS - CSS alternatives for common JS UI components.
- Xpath-to-selector (⭐11) - Convert xpath to css selector.
Podcasts 📻 / Editor's Draft ✒️
- CSS Podcast - Una Kravets and Adam Argyle,and development.
- Non Breaking Space Show - Seeking out the best,and smartest creative people on digital art,and the accompanying blog,and UX.
- Shop Talk Show - A live podcast with Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert about front-end web design,hosted by Anna Debenham and Brad Frost.
- Style Guide Podcast - A small batch series of interviews on style guides,art direction,brightest,content strategy,design,Developer Advocates from Google,development,gleefully breakdown complex aspects of CSS into digestible episodes covering everything from accessibility to z-index.
- Syntax - A Tasty Treats Podcast for Web Developers.,typography,web technology
- The Big Web Show - Topics like web publishing,is all about keeping you updated with the latest in Open Source Technology.
- The Changelog - The tagline for the Changelog says it all: “Open Source moves fast. Keep up.” This podcast,and more. It's everything web that matters.
Twitter 🛰️ / Editor's Draft ✒️
- Andrey Sitnik - Author of @Autoprefixer, and @PostCSS.
- Ben Briggs - Final year web technologies student. node.js, javascript, open source modules, client side optimisation, web performance.
- Brad Frost - Web designer, speaker, writer, consultant, musician.
- Chris Coyier - Designer @CodePen. Writer @Real_CSS_Tricks.
- Connor Sears - Designer at GitHub.
- Daniel Glazman - W3C CSS Working Group Co-chairman, entrepreneur, software engineer, geek, father of two, polyglot, duck lover. Nah. Tweets are strictly mine.
- Dave McFarland - Web developer, author of CSS: The Missing Manual, JavaScript & jQuery.
- Donovan Hutchinson - Designer, developer, writer. Occasionally blogs at, and currently building @cssanimation.
- Eric Bidelman - Engineer at Google working on Chrome, web components, and Polymer.
- Evangelina Ferreira - Web Designer. Professor at @multimedial_utn HTML5 & CSS Freak. Ocassional Translator.
- Guy Routledge - Front-end dev, Teacher @GA_London, Screencaster at, property snob, Foodie.
- Heydon Pickering - Moderate consumer of rice. Also a UX designer, author, @smashingmag editor and programmer.
- Jonathan Snook - Designer, Developer, Writer, Speaker. I make stuff on the web. I wrote SMACSS.
- Kitty Giraudel - Non-binary accessibility & diversity advocate, frontend developer, author.
- L. David Baron - Mozilla developer, CSS and W3C standards diplomat.
- Mark Otto - GitHub and Bootstrap. Formerly at Twitter. Huge nerd.
- Maxime Thirouin - Freelance front-end vigilante, UI/UX developer.
- Natalie Weizenbaum - Trans coder lady. Lead designer/developer of @SassCSS, working for @google on @dart_lang.
- Nicolas Gallagher - Software Engineer at @twitter.
- Paul Lewis - Googler who noodles with code and design.
- Phil Walton - Engineer at Google • Open Source Advocate • Developer • Designer • Writer.
- Remy Sharp - All about CSS sizing units.
- Sara Soueidan - Author of the @Codrops CSS Reference & Co-author of the Smashing Book #5.
- Scott Jehl - Author of @responsiblerwd, now on sale from @abookapart.
- Simon - UI designer, CSS doodler.
- The Chris Eppstein - Loves love. Hates hate. Has a kick-ass family. Writes code. Leads stylesheet tech @LinkedIn.
- Una Kravets - Front-end @IBMDesign. Sassvocate, community builder, & handcrafter. STEMinist :) Open source all the things.
- Zoe M. Gillenwater - Web designer/developer specializing in CSS, RWD, UX, & accessibility.
- 앗킨스 탭 - Literally Jenn Schiffer's Mom.
Videos 📺 / 2015
- Mdo-ular CSS ⌚
- Mark Otto @ jQuery UK.
Books 📚 / 2015
- CSS: The Missing Manual – Really Helpful in Advancing your Design Skills to a whole new Level
- CSS Secrets – Better Solutions to Everyday Web Design Problems
Tutorials 🎬 / 2015
- 30 Seconds of CSS - A curated collection of useful CSS snippets you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
- Community Curated CSS Resources - Top Recommended Resources.
- Flexbox video tutorial - Free video course by Wes Bos to learn flexbox.
- Organize CSS with a Modular Architecture: OOCSS, BEM, SMACSS - In-depth intro to OOCSS, BEM, SMACSS, with examples.
- Work With Animations - Inspecting animations.
12. Public Apis
API: Hirak IP to Country
Description: Ip to location with country code, currency code & currency name, fast response, unlimited requests
CORS: Unknown
API: PRC Exam Schedule
Description: Unofficial Philippine Professional Regulation Commission's examination schedule
Auth: No
Text Analysis
API: Code Detection API
Description: Detect, label, format and enrich the code in your app or in your data pipeline
CORS: Unknown
API: Hirak OCR
Description: Image to text -text recognition- from image more than 100 language, accurate, unlimited requests
CORS: Unknown
URL Shorteners
API: Free Url Shortener
Description: Free URL Shortener offers a powerful API to interact with other sites
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
13. Awesome React Components
Form Components / Rich Text Editor
- react-simple-code-editor (⭐1.5k) - Simple no-frills code editor with syntax highlighting
14. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Paper Writing / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Scientific Papers - Nature. Nature guidance on writing scientific papers.
Paper Reading / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- How to (seriously) read a scientific paper - Science, 2016. [All Versions]. Science interview on reading scientific papers.
- How to navigate a scientific paper with time constraints: a graphics approach - MIT. MIT guidance on strategies for reading papers given different time constraints.
Literature Management / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- How to keep up with the scientific literature - Science, 2016. Science interview on organizing scientific papers.
- Scientific literature: Information overload - Nature, 2016. [All Versions]. Perspective on handling overloaded information from scientific literature.
15. Awesome Mac
Design and Product / Screencapturing Software
- Flameshot (⭐26k) - Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software.
- Prev: Mar 17, 2022
- Next: Mar 15, 2022