Awesome List Updates on Mar 13, 2022

10 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Humane Tech

Social networks / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

2. Awesome Zig

Algorithms and data structures

Network / HTTP

Web / Messaging

3. Awesome Zsh Plugins


4. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science

Proof Complexity / Lecture Notes

Transition To Pure Rigour Math / Monograph

5. Awesome Appimage

AppImage developer tools / Deployment tools for Electron applications

6. Free for Dev

Remote Desktop Tools

7. Awesome Food

Food-related projects

8. Awesome Ada

Runtimes / Apache License

Games / Apache License

Components / Apache License

Graphical User Interface / Apache License

Compression / Apache License

Format Readers, Writers and Checkers / Apache License

Web / Apache License

Graphics and Multimedia / Apache License

Utilities / Apache License

Office / Apache License

Simulation / Apache License

9. Awesome LaTeX


Docker Images



General purpose text editors

Bibliography tools

Build Tools

GitHub Actions

Quality Check Tools

Tools centered around equations

LaTeX-compatible GUI tools


Graphics / TikZ

Source Code / TikZ

Symbols / TikZ

Resources / TikZ

Tutorials / TikZ

Books / TikZ

Blogs / TikZ

10. Public Apis

