Awesome List Updates on Mar 11, 2022
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ruby
Code Formatting
- Standard (⭐2.8k) - Ruby Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
2. Awesome Readme
Creating GIFs
- Gifski (⭐7.9k) - FREE - More vivid colors than the rest, but still keeps size low.
- LICEcap - FREE - Less intuitive, but with more features.
- terminalizer (⭐15k) - FREE - Record your terminal and generate animated GIF images or share a web player.
3. Awesome Quant
Python / Financial Instruments and Pricing
- pynance (⭐317) - Lightweight Python library for assembling and analyzing financial data.
4. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- bitwarden (game4move78) (⭐23) - Adds functions to manage bitwarden sessions.
5. Free for Dev
Code Generation
- — Tabnine helps developers create better software faster by providing insights learned from all the code in the world. Plugin available.
6. Awesome Cl
- Allegro's Common Graphics- a library of functions for writing windowized GUIs for Windows, Mac and Linux. Proprietary with a free version.
- since Allegro 10.1 (March, 2022), the IDE and the Common Graphics toolkit runs in the browser.
7. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- cpea2506/one_monokai.nvim (⭐178) - One Monokai theme written in Lua.
8. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Communications / Pragmatics
- Pragmatic Reasoning through Semantic Inference - Semantics & Pragmatics, 2016. [All Versions].
9. Public Apis
Text Analysis
API: Hirak Translation
Description: Translate between 21 of most used languages, accurate, unlimited requests
CORS: Unknown
10. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- atmos (⭐917) - A universal tool that converts deep merged YAML to module inputs. 👽
11. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-simple-vconsole (⭐7) - A debug console view inside your app to make mobile debugging easier, for both SPA and MPA.
- Prev: Mar 12, 2022
- Next: Mar 10, 2022