Awesome List Updates on Mar 09, 2022
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Free for Dev
Other Free Resources
- UseCSV by Layercode — Add CSV and Excel import to your web app in minutes. Give your users an enjoyable and robust data import experience. Get Started for Free without any credit card details, and start integrating UseCSV today. You can create unlimited Importers and upload files up to 100Mb.
2. Awesome Go
Go Tools / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- gotestdox (⭐135) - Show Go test results as readable sentences.
3. Awesome Pascal
- jachLog (⭐32).
pure pascal, flexible, extensible and lightweight library to add logging capabilities to your Delphi applications. Multiple log destinations supported. The library supports multithreaded applications and is itself multithreaded to minimize the impact writing the log may have on the performance on mission critical applications.
4. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Lecture Notes / Monograph
- Arora. Advanced Algorithm Design - Notably uses ideas such as randomness, approximation, high dimensional geometry. Faces uncertainty, approaches to handle big data, handling intractability, heuristic approaches, ..etc.
Lecture Videos Playlists / Monograph
- O'Donnell. CS Theory Toolkit - It covers a large number of the math/CS topics that you need to know for reading and doing research in Computer Science Theory - alternatively: bilibili
Books / Monograph
- Jukna. Extremal Combinatorics - Combinatorial techniques written largely with an eye to their applications in TCS, and mostly in complexity
Lecture Notes / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Arora. The Computational Universe - Takes us on a broad sweep of scientific knowledge and related technologies: propositional logic of the ancient Greeks (microprocessors); quantum mechanics (silicon chips); network and system phenomena (internet and search engines); computational intractability (secure encryption); and efficient algorithms (genomic sequencing).
5. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🧬 FormKit (⭐4.4k) - Adds variants for input and form states for FormKit.
6. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Text-related Generative Tools / Multi-agents
7. Awesome Flutter
Image / Image Picker
- Advance Image Picker - Select and edit images from Android/iOS library and capture camera shots from within the same view by WetaVN
8. Nginx Resources
9. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-live-reload (⭐90) - Live reloading.
10. Awesome Privacy
Mario Kart
- SuperTuxKart - A 3D open-source arcade racer with a variety characters, tracks, and modes to play.
11. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / Libraries
- TorchXRayVision (⭐842) - A library for chest X-ray datasets and models. Including pre-trained models.
12. Awesome Gbdev
Homebrews / Syntax highlighting packages
- Homebrew Hub - A community-led attempt to collect, archive and preserve every unlicensed and homebrew game released for Game Boy. Entries are playable online.
Reverse Engineering / Syntax highlighting packages
- DMA hijacking - A simple technique that allows you to run custom code in most GB/SGB/CGB games, provided you have an ACE exploit.
- Prev: Mar 10, 2022
- Next: Mar 08, 2022