Awesome List Updates on Feb 26, 2022
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Security monitoring / Post-engagement analysis and reporting
- Starbase (⭐333) - Collects assets and relationships from services and systems into an intuitive graph view to offer graph-based security analysis for everyone.
2. Awesome Fastapi
- SQLAlchemy Admin (⭐2k) - Admin Panel for FastAPI/Starlette that works with SQLAlchemy models.
Utils / Other Tools
- FastAPI Opentracing (⭐24) - Opentracing middleware and database tracing support for FastAPI.
Official Resources / Other Tools
- Discord - Chat with other FastAPI users.
Docker Images / Other Tools
- inboard (⭐196) - Docker images to power your FastAPI apps and help you ship faster.
- uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi-docker (⭐2.7k) - Docker image with Uvicorn managed by Gunicorn for high-performance FastAPI web applications in Python 3.7 and 3.6 with performance auto-tuning.
- uvicorn-gunicorn-poetry (⭐45) - Docker image with Gunicorn using Uvicorn workers for running Python web applications. Uses Poetry for managing dependencies and setting up a virtual environment. Supports AMD64 and ARM64 CPU architectures.
- uvicorn-poetry (⭐52) - Docker image with Uvicorn ASGI server for running Python web applications on Kubernetes. Uses Poetry for managing dependencies and setting up a virtual environment. Supports AMD64 and ARM64 CPU architectures.
Open Source Projects / Other Tools
- FastAPI Websocket Broadcast (⭐135) - Websocket 'broadcast' demo.
3. Magictools
Engines and Frameworks / Voxel Editors
- 🎉 Pyxel (⭐16k) - a retro game engine for Python.
4. Awesome Micropython
Communications / Modbus
- micropython-modbus (⭐119) - ModBus TCP and RTU library supporting client and host mode. Based on pycom-modbus from Pycom.
Communications / Serial
- I2C Slave (⭐771) - Uses the Pyboard's I2C slave mode to implement a full duplex asynchronous link. Principal use case is for ESP8266 which has only one UART.
Communications / WiFi
- Micropython-ESP-WiFi-Manager (⭐35) - WiFi Manager to configure and connect to networks.
Display / GUI
- TFT-GUI (⭐94) - A fast touch GUI for large displays based on SSD1963 controller with XPT2046 touch controller.
Storage / Flash
- micropython-winbond (⭐12) - Interact with Winbond W25Q Flash chips via SPI.
5. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- pyenv (mattberther) (⭐47) - Inspired by zsh-rbenv. Installs, updates or loads
, and adds extra functionality.
- pyenv (xlshiz) (⭐2) - Loads pyenv (⭐41k) into the current shell and provides prompt info via the
function. Also loads pyenv-virtualenv (⭐6.5k) if available.
- pyenv-lazy (⭐47) - Lazy load pyenv (⭐41k). The initial
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
is executed the first timepyenv
is called.
- pyvenv-fast (⭐2) - Launch a Python
with one command. Designed for use with dotpyvenv (⭐6).
- unwrap (⭐7) - Allows you to remove a directory without removing the contents - it puts them in the directory's parent directory.
6. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- ziggy42/kolor (⭐78) - A library to print colored strings, with Kotlin.
7. Awesome Svelte
UI Libraries
- AgnosticUI (⭐732) - Accessible Svelte Component Primitives (that also work with React, Vue 3, and Angular).
8. Free for Dev
Translation Management
- Lecto - Machine Translation API with Free tier (30 free requests, 1000 translated characters per request). Integrated with the Loco Translate Wordpress plugin.
9. Awesome Dotfiles
Articles / Introductions
Tools / Ansible
- comtrya (⭐494) - Configuration management for localhost, written in Rust, for Linux, BSD, macOS, and Windows.
10. Awesome Snmp
Libraries / PHP
- opensolutions/OSS_SNMP (⭐108) - A PHP SNMP library for people who hate SNMP, MIBs and OIDs!
Tools / CLIs
- trailofbits/onesixtyone (⭐522) - Fast SNMP Scanner.
- SECFORCE/SNMP-Brute (⭐294) - Fast SNMP brute force, enumeration, CISCO config downloader and password cracking script.
- hatlord/snmpwn (⭐243) - An SNMPv3 User Enumerator and Attack tool.
- zabbix-tools/mib2zabbix (⭐189) - This Perl script will generate a Zabbix v3 Template in XML format from an OID tree in a SNMP MIB file.
Publications / Books
- SNMP MIB Handbook by Larry Walsh - Essential Guide to SNMP MIB Development, Use, and Diagnosis.
- Mauro, D. and Schmidt, K., 2005. Essential SNMP: Help for System and Network Administrators. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.". - Essential SNMP explores both commercial and open source packages, and elements like OIDs, MIBs, community strings, and traps are covered in depth. The book contains five new chapters and various updates throughout.
- Snmp, Snmpv2, Snmpv3, and Rmon 1 and 2 by William Stallings - Presents a concise, focused & practical guide to SNMP-based network & internetwork management for network administrators, managers, & designers.
- Perkins, D. and McGinnis, E., 1997. Understanding SNMP MIBs (p. 528). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall PTR. - The first complete, practical insider's guide to writing SNMP MIBs.
Public servers / Tutorials
- - Free public an SNMP agent for testing purpose.
MIB repositories / Tutorials
- - This repository contains over 7000 unique MIBs from various vendors.
11. Awesome Privacy
- Beatbump (⭐1.1k) - Alternative frontend for YouTube Music; no ads and custom API wrapper.
12. Awesome Icons
- Icons8 Line Awesome (⭐1.3k) - Swap Font Awesome for modern line icons in one line of code.
13. Dive Into Machine Learning
Getting Help: Questions, Answers, Chats / Some communities to know about!
Deep Learning / Easier sharing of deep learning models and demos
by Jeremy Howard and Sylvain Gugger — "an introduction to deep learning, fastai and PyTorch."
is an interesting library that wraps PyTorch, TensorFlow and MXNet models.- "Concise functional-programming approach to model definition, using composition rather than inheritance."
- "Integrated config system to describe trees of objects and hyperparameters."
Skilling up / Machine Learning and User Experience (UX)
- Some links for finding/following interesting papers/code:
- Papers With Code is a popular site to follow, and it can lead you to other resources.
- MIT: Papers + Code — "Peer-review is the lifeblood of scientific validation and a guardrail against runaway hype in AI. Our commitment to publishing in the top venues reflects our grounding in what is real, reproducible, and truly innovative."
-, monthly
- Pull requests welcome!
More ways to "Dive into Machine Learning" / Aside: Bayesian Statistics and Machine Learning
14. Awesome Tmux
Status Bar
- tmux-window-name (⭐227) Names your tmux windows smartly.
- Prev: Feb 27, 2022
- Next: Feb 25, 2022