Awesome List Updates on Feb 21, 2022
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- gardenctl (⭐0) - Tab completions for the Gardener (⭐31) command-line interface, as well as some aliases for common gardenctl commands
2. Awesome Swift
- Sextant (⭐52) 🐧 - High performance JSONPath queries
3. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- bartib (⭐542) - A simple timetracker for the command line. It saves a log of all tracked activities as a plaintext file and allows you to create flexible reports.
- lowcharts (⭐165) - Draw low-resolution graphs in terminal
Customization / Directory Navigation
- oh-my-posh - Prompt theme engine for any shell and platform written in go.
System Utilities / Directory Navigation
- tiptop (⭐1.6k) - Graphical command-line system monitor.
Shell Script Development / Directory Navigation
- bashly - Bash command line framework and CLI generator
- bash-modules (⭐118) - functions for developing with unofficial strict mode enabled.
- composure (⭐318) - Compose, document, version and organize your shell functions
- dispatch (⭐90) - A command line argument parser in 50 lines of portable shell script.
- (⭐215) - CLI parser for fish
4. Awesome Open Source Games
Native / FPS
- Darkest Hour (⭐70) - World War 2 online multiplayer tactical shooter based on Red Orchestra: Ostfront.
- Urban Terror (⭐77) - Free multiplayer first person shooter that will run on any Quake III Arena compatible engine.
5. Awesome Go
- httpin (⭐336) - Decode an HTTP request into a custom struct, including querystring, forms, HTTP headers, etc.
6. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling
- vite-plugin-chunk-split (⭐369) - Automatically code splitting, support unbundle in production.
7. Awesome Agi Cocosci
System 1 & System 2 / Neural-Symbolic AI
- Grounded Language Learning Fast and Slow - ICLR'21, 2021. [All Versions]. [Project (⭐54)].
- Prev: Feb 22, 2022
- Next: Feb 20, 2022