Awesome List Updates on Feb 18, 2022
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Public Apis
API: Fun Fact
Description: A simple HTTPS api that can randomly select and return a fact from the FFA database
Auth: No
2. Awesome Snmp
Libraries / Python
- robotframework-snmplibrary (⭐12) - SNMPLibrary is a Robot Framework test library for testing SNMP.
3. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- wsl2-ssh-pageant (⭐1) - Use your Yubikey stored GPG keys from WSL. This packages the instructions from wsl2-ssh-pageant repo (⭐369) as a ZSH plugin.
4. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 💼 Background Unsplash (⭐20) - Apply images as background.
5. Awesome Math
- Quanta Magazine - Features latest research breakthroughs in an accessible style for non-experts.
- Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society - Expository articles on contemporary mathematical research, written in a way that gives insight to mathematicians who may not be experts in the particular topic.
- Notices of the American Mathematical Society - Publicizes activities of the Society and features surveys, reports, news, announcements, and opinions on industry trends, academia, and research.
- European Mathematical Society Magazine - The Magazine features announcements about meetings and conferences, articles outlining current trends in scientific development, reports on member societies, and many other informational items.
- Mathematics Today by Institute of Mathematics and its Applications - News, opinions, and articles related to mathematics, so the reader stays updated.
- Crux Mathematicorum by Canadian Mathematical Society - source of unique and challenging mathematical problems designed for the secondary and undergraduate levels. It includes an Olympiad Corner which is helpful for math competitions.
6. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Papers / 2021
- Bayesian Algorithm Execution: Estimating Computable Properties of Black-box Functions Using Mutual Information - (ICML) A budget constrained and Bayesian optimization procedure to extract properties out of a black-box algorithm.
7. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Magazines & Newsletter / Lecture Videos Playlist
- EATCS Bulletin - Surveys, tutorials, conferences reports, events, open problems and solutions, PhD Theses, and entertaining contributions.
- SIGACT News - ACM's official theoretical computer science news feed.
- Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science - It provides monographs written by leaders that give tutorial coverage of subjects, research retrospectives as well as survey papers that offer state-of-the-art reviews fall within the scope of the journal.
- Quanta Magazine - Features breakthroughs in the field, written in an accessible style for non-experts.
Popular Science / Lecture Videos Playlist
- The Legacy of Alan Turing: Pushing the Boundaries of Computation (Volume 18, Issue 3, Spring 2012). ACM, XRDS - ACM's students magazine special issue for theory of computation.
8. Awesome Jax
Libraries / New Libraries
- EvoJAX (⭐869) - Hardware-Accelerated Neuroevolution
9. Awesome Evm Security
Footnotes / See Also
10. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Learning in the Open World / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Ontology-guided Semantic Composition for Zero-Shot Learning - KR'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- OntoZSL: Ontology-enhanced Zero-shot Learning - WWW'21, 2021. [All Versions].
- Knowledge-aware Zero-Shot Learning: Survey and Perspective - IJCAI'21 2021. [All Versions].
- From Red Wine to Red Tomato: Composition with Context - CVPR'17, 2017. [All Versions].
- Attributes as Operators: Factorizing Unseen Attribute-Object Compositions - ECCV'18, 2018. [All Versions].
- Learning Compositional Representations for Few-Shot Recognition - CVPR'19, 2019. [All Versions].
- Symmetry and Group in Attribute-Object Compositions - CVPR'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- A causal view of compositional zero-shot recognition - NeurIPS'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Compositional Few-Shot Recognition with Primitive Discovery and Enhancing - MM'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Learning Unseen Concepts via Hierarchical Decomposition and Composition - CVPR'20, 2020. [All Versions].
11. Awesome Inertiajs
Adapters / Server-side
Resources / Examples
- Ping CRM / Echo (⭐3) - Demonstration application made with Echo and Vue.js.
- Prev: Feb 19, 2022
- Next: Feb 17, 2022