Awesome List Updates on Feb 10, 2022
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Cloud platform security / Kubernetes
- Sealed Secrets (⭐7.3k) - Kubernetes controller and tool for one-way encrypted Secrets.
2. Awesome Prisma
🦺 Community Prisma Tools
3. Awesome Sre
4. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- vue-next-i18n (⭐17) - A lightweight internationalization plugin for Vue 3.
5. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Lecture Notes
- Barak. Introduction to TCS - A modern, brief, and accessible text which introduces theoretical computer science for undergrads. It includes topics not usually included in standard undergrad text-books.
- Watrous. Introduction to The Theory of Computing - undergrad introduction to theory of computation
Lecture Videos Playlists
- Yanofsky. Theoretical Computer Science - undergrad introduction to theory of computation
- Anil Ada. Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science. CMU - A series of lectures on selected notable topics in theoretical computer science.
- O'Donnell. Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science. CMU - A series of lectures on selected notable topics in theoretical computer science.
- Wigderson. Mathematics and Computation: A Theory Revolutionizing Technology and Science - A sweeping survey of complexity theory, emphasizing the field’s insights and challenges. It explains the ideas and motivations leading to key models, notions, and results.
- Moore & Mertens. The Nature of Computation - It spans complexity of mazes and games; optimization in theory and practice; randomized algorithms, interactive proofs, and pseudorandomness; Markov chains and phase transitions; and of quantum computing. It provides accessible explanations
- Hopcroft, Motwani & Ullman. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation - Introductory undergrad textbook for automata, languages and theory of computation topics.
- Atallah & Blanton. Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook: General Concepts and Techniques - A complete comprehensive encyclopediac handbook which surveys all related areas to theoretical computer science.
- Atallah & Blanton. Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook: Special Topics and Techniques - A complete comprehensive encyclopediac handbook which surveys all related areas to theoretical computer science.
- Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science. Volume A: Algorithms and Complexity - A complete comprehensive encyclopediac handbook which surveys all related areas to theoretical computer science.
- Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science. Volume B: Formal Methods and Semantics - A complete comprehensive encyclopediac handbook which surveys all related areas to theoretical computer science.
- Intro to Theoretical Computer Science - It teaches basic concepts in theoretical computer science, such as NP-completeness, and what they imply for solving tough algorithmic problems.
- Computability, Complexity & Algorithms. Georgia Institute of Technology - It focuses on the big fundamental questions of computing, and how understanding the power and limitations of algorithms helps us develop the tools to make real-world computers smarter, faster and safer.
Puzzles and Problem Sets
- Zhu & Ko. Problem Solving in Automata, Languages, and Complexity - A problem-set text for automata, languages, and complexity.
Introductory / Lecture Videos Playlists
- O'Donnell. Graduate Complexity Theory - It covers most of what is believed to be known to get started in complexity theory research.
Introductory / Lecture Notes
- Rudich & Wigderson. Computational Complexity Theory - Three weeks of lectures from the IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute Summer School on computational complexity. Topics include reductions, lower-bounds, average-case complexity, randomness, interactive proof systems, probabilistically checkable proofs, quantum computing, and proof complexity.
Introductory / Books
- Arora & Barak. Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach - A golden standard textbook, Surveying computational complexity theory for graduate students and researchers.
- Goldreich. Computational Complexity: A Conceptual Perspective - A grad introduction to computation complexity theory, emphasizing the idea behind concepts of complexity theory.
- Goldreich. P, NP, and NP-Completeness: The Basics of Computational Complexity - A very gentle introduction to some fundamental ideas of computational complexity like NP-completeness and P vs NP.
- Ogihara & Hemaspaandra. The Complexity Theory Companion - An accessible, algorithmically oriented, research-centered, up-to-date guide to some of the most interesting techniques of complexity theory.
- Papadimitriou. Computational Complexity - Body of knowledge for studying the performance and limitations of computer algorithms. Among topics covered are: reductions and NP-completeness, cryptography and protocols, randomized algorithms, and approximability of optimization problems, circuit complexity, the structural aspects of the P=NP question, parallel computation, and the polynomial hierarchy.
Communication Complexity / Books
- Rao & Yehudayoff. Communication Complexity and Applications - An excellent and very readable introductory textbook to the field of communication complexity.
Circuit Complexity / Books
- Jukna. Boolean Function Complexity: Advances and Frontiers - A modern textbook surveying circuit complexity.
- Clote & Kranakis. Boolean Functions and Computation Models - An introduction to circuit complexity, boolean functions, and computation models.
Books / Introductory
- Cutland. Computability: An Introduction to Recursive Function Theory - Intuitively, It explains the idea of a computable function: a function whose values can be calculated in an effective or automatic way.
- Cooper. Computability Theory - A concise, comprehensive, and authoritative introduction to contemporary computability theory, techniques, and results.
- Davis. Computability and Unsolvability - In this classic text, Dr. Davis provides a clear introduction to computability, at an advanced undergraduate level, that serves the needs of specialists and non-specialists alike.
Books / Advanced
- Soare. Recursively Enumerable Sets and Degree - It gives a complete account of the theory of r.e degrees. The definitions, results and proofs are always clearly motivated and explained before the formal presentation; the proofs are described with remarkable clarity and conciseness.
- Odifreddi. Classical Recursion Theory: The Theory of Functions and Sets of Natural Numbers - An impressive presentation of classical recursion theory. It is highly recommended to everyone interested in recursion theory.
Books / Monograph
- Copeland, Posy & Shagrir (editors). Computability: Turing, Gödel, Church, and Beyond - Computer scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers discuss the conceptual foundations of the notion of computability as well as recent theoretical developments.
- Pudlák. Logical Foundations of Mathematics and Computational Complexity: A Gentle Introduction - Presents a wide range of results in logic and computational complexity.
- Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming - A legendary series by Donald Knuth on design and analysis of algorithms.
- Demaine. Games, Puzzles, and Computation - It shows that games and puzzles can serve as powerful models of computation, Offering a new way of thinking about computation.
- Lindell. Tutorials on the Foundations of Cryptography - Advanced tutorials appropriate for self-study by experienced researchers,
- Goldreich. Modern Cryptography, Probabilistic Proofs and Pseudorandomness - An introduction to the interwoven domains of cryptography, proofs and randomness.
- Knuth, Graham & Patashnik. Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science - An expansion of the Mathematical Preliminaries section in Knuth's classic Art of Computer Programming, but the style of presentation is more leisurely, and individual topics are covered more deeply.
- Aho & Ullman. Foundations of Computer Science - A classic math-oriented introduction to computer science.
- Tu Delft. Delftse Foundations of Computation - A textbook for a one quarter introductory course in theoretical computer science.
- Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientists - A series dedicated to math topics and their relevance to computer science.
- Krantz. Handbook of Logic and Proof Techniques for Computer Science - A concise offered as an accessible reference on mathematical logic for the professional computer scientist.
- Makinson. Sets, Logic and Maths for Computing - It presents a careful selection of the material most needed by students in their first two years studying computer science.
- Yves Nievergelt. Logic, Mathematics, and Computer Science: Modern Foundations with Practical Applications - For lower undergraduates, It introduces the reader to logic, proofs, sets, and number theory, Focusing on foundations. It provides complete details and derivations of formal proofs.
- Ben-Ari. Mathematical Logic for Computer Science - Semantic tableaux are used because they are theoretically sound and easy to understand.
- Jeremy Kun. A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics - Uses your familiarity with ideas from programming and software to teach mathematics.
- Vince. Foundation Mathematics for Computer Science: A Visual Approach - A range of mathematical topics to provide a solid foundation for an undergraduate course in computer science, starting with a review of number systems and their relevance to digital computers, and finishing with differential and integral calculus.
- Oberguggenberger & Ostermann. Analysis for Computer Scientists: Foundations, Methods, and Algorithms - Presents an algorithmic approach to mathematical analysis, with a focus on modelling and on the applications of analysis.
Lecture Videos Playlists / Monograph
- Demaine. Algorithmic Lower Bounds: Fun with Hardness Proofs - A class taking a practical approach to proving problems can't be solved efficient.
Lecture Videos Playlist / Monograph
- Lehman, Leighton & Meyer. Mathematics for Computer Science - An introduction to discrete mathematics oriented toward computer science and engineering. - Companion Textbook
Lecture Notes / Monograph
- Paluszynski. Calculus for Computer Scientists - calculus lecture notes taught for undergrad computer science students
General / Lecture Notes
- Halpern. CS 2802: Discrete Structures - Honors. 2020. Cornell - Honors lecture notes on discrete math - Homework
General / Books
- Rosen. Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics - A complete survey of roughly all topics of discrete math and their relevance to computing and communication engineering.
- Rosen. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications - A canonical discrete math textbook, accessible for even high school students.
- Rosenberg & Trystram. Understand Mathematics, Understand Computing: Discrete Mathematics That All Computing Students Should Know - It endows the reader with an operational conceptual and methodological understanding of discrete mathematics for computing
- Gries & Schneider. A Logical Approach to Discrete Math - It attempts to change the way we teach logic to beginning students. Instead of teaching logic as a subject in isolation, we regard it as a basic tool and show how to use it.
General / MOOC
- Introduction to Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science. UC San-Diego - Learn the language of Computer Science. Learn the math that defines computer science, and practice applying it through mathematical proofs and Python code.
Other / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Mariconda & Tonolo. Discrete Calculus: Methods for Counting - An introduction to combinatorics, finite calculus, formal series, recurrences, and approximations of sums. Readers will find also deep insights into a range of less common topics rarely considered within a single book.
Books / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Feynman’s Course on Computation - See also Preskill's update 40 years later here
- Knuth. Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About - A general illustration of relations between faith and science.
- Floyd & Bokulich. Philosophical Explorations of the Legacy of Alan Turing: Turing 100 - Turing’s place in the history and philosophy of science.
Monographs / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Susskind. Three Lectures on Complexity and Black Holes - Important connections between thermodynamics and complexity are proposed and discussed. Pedagogically written, serves as a fundamental introduction to black holes and their complex physical interpretation
Lecture Notes / Lecture Videos Playlist
- 6.893 Philosophy and Theoretical Computer Science. MIT - It examines the relevance of modern theoretical computer science to traditional questions in philosophy, and conversely, what philosophy can contribute to theoretical computer science.
Papers / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Aaronson. Why Should Philosophers Care About Computational Complexity Theory - It argues that computational complexity theory leads to new perspectives on the nature of mathematical knowledge and other philosophical questions.
- Aharonov & Vazirani, Is Quantum Mechanics Falsifiable? A Computational Perspective on the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics - It describes how quantum mechanics can be tested in the limit of high complexity regime by extending the usual scientific paradigm to include.
- Walter Dean. Computational Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Mathematics - It highlights the significance of complexity theory relative to questions traditionally asked by philosophers of mathematics while also attempting to isolate some new ones.
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Computational Complexity Theory - The foundations of complexity theory, and its potential significance on philosophy of computer science, philosophy of mathematics and epistemology.
- Philip Davis. Toward a Philosophy of Computation - Philosophical implication of mathematization and computerization of the world.
- Fortnow & Homer. A Short History of Computational Complexity - A historical overview of computational complexity.
- Goldreich. Providing Sound Foundations for Cryptography: On the Work of Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali - It explains the remarkable work of Shafi and Silvio and their works' implications on foundations of cryptography.
Aggregators / Lecture Videos Playlist
- CS Theory Events Aggregator - An aggregator for CS theory workshops and schools.
- Theory Announcements - DMANET spreads information on conferences, workshops, seminars etc. relating to discrete mathematics and algorithms.
Live / Lecture Videos Playlist
- TCS+ - A series of online seminars in theoretical computer science. The goal is to make engaging talks accessible to the widest possible audience.
Archived / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Computational Complexity - Collection of workshops.
Selected Posts and Essays / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Omer Reingold. The Practice of Theory Research - A research methods course, concentrating on the how rather than the what. It focuses on research practices common for computer science theory research.
- Omer Reingold. TOC: a Personal Perspective (2021) - In celebration of 25 years for “TOC: a Scientific Perspective (1996),” by Oded Goldreich and Avi Wigderson. It spots the light on a criticism directed to TCS, that it is not as deep as Math and not as useful as CS.
- Blum. You and Your Research: An Advice to a Beginning Graduate Student - Manuel Blum, A very popular figure in TCS, gives research advices for juniors.
- Dijkstra. The Three Golden Rules for Successful Scientific Research - A note devoted to three rules that must be followed if you want to be successful in scientific research.
- Goldreich. Essays and Opinions - Personal Essays by Oded Goldreich. They are very unique in their conceptual message of TCS and its community.
- Barak. Advice for The Budding Theorist - Tips for anyone interested in theoretical computer science.
- Barak. Surveys For Students - Surveys for high-school, undergraduate, and even researchers.
- Barak. Non-technical or Less-technical Writings and Talks - Posts oriented more for a less-technically matured audience.
- Karp. A Personal View of Computer Science at Berkeley - Karp addresses: In 1968 computer science at Berkeley was problematic, with two departments working independently to develop programs, and his personal reflections.
- Hamming. You and Your Research - Why do so few scientists make significant contributions and so many are forgotten in the long run? The talk is about what Hamming has learned.
- Weinberg. Four Golden Lessons - Lessons for students and researchers given by Steven Weinberg.
- Terry. Career Advice - A collection of various pieces of advice on academic career issues in mathematics, roughly arranged by the stage of career at which the advice is most pertinent.
Jobs / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Rubinstein & Weinberg. Research Masters in TCS - A list of master programs in TCS.
- CS Theory Jobs - TCS Jobs announcements.
Online Communities / Lecture Videos Playlist
- TCS Stack Exchange - Research-oriented Q&A of theoretical computer science.
- TCS Subreddit- Theoretical computer science's subreddit.
Podcasts / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Lex Fridman - Donald Knuth 1 | Donald Knuth 2 | Silvio Micali | Richard Karp | Scott Aaronson 1 | Scott Aaronson 2
- Simons' Theory Shorts - Short accessible videos which populate theory of computation.
Popular Science / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Fortnow. The Golden Ticket: P, NP, and the Search for the Impossible - A nontechnical introduction to P-NP, its rich history, and its algorithmic implications for everything we do with computers and beyond.
- Aaronson. Quantum Computing Since Democritus - It covers an amazing array of topics. Beginning in antiquity with Democritus, it progresses through logic and set theory,computability and complexity theory, quantum computing, cryptography, the information content of quantum states, and the interpretation of quantum mechanics.
- Deutsch. The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes and Its Implications - The Fabric of Reality presents a startlingly integrated, rational and optimistic world view – the result of taking seriously the deepest ideas of modern science and the philosophy of science.
- Papadimitriou. Turing: A Novel About Computation - The world of computation according to Turing, an interactive tutoring program, as told to star-crossed lovers: a novel.
- Petzold. The Annotated Turing: A Guided Tour Through Alan Turing's Historic Paper on Computability and the Turing Machine - A Guided Tour through Alan Turing's Historic Paper on Computability and the Turing Machine.
- Shasha & Lazere. Out of their Minds: The Lives and Discoveries of 15 Great Computer Scientists - Interviews with era's greatest scientists about their inspirations, discoveries, and personal interests.
Cheat Sheets / Lecture Videos Playlist
- TCS Cheat Sheet - A sheet of notes containing essential toolboxes needed by any theoretical computer scientist.
6. Awesome Symfony
Web Services
- LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle (⭐2.3k) - This bundle provides JWT (Json Web Token) authentication for your REST API using the lcobucci/jwt library.
7. Awesome Rust
Development tools / Web Servers
- create-rust-app (⭐1.6k) - Set up a modern rust+react web app by running one command.
8. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Sensor Processing / Lidar and Point Cloud Processing
- urban_road_filter (⭐199) - Real-time LIDAR-based Urban Road and Sidewalk detection for Autonomous Vehicles.
- Removert (⭐389) - Remove then revert. Static map construction in the wild and dynamic points removing tool by constructing a static map.
9. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers
- vite-plugin-pug-transformer (⭐38) - Pug template engine support.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-dynamic-base (⭐71) - Resolve all resource files dynamic publicPath.
10. Awesome Go
Project Layout
- pagoda (⭐2.3k) - Rapid, easy full-stack web development starter kit built in Go.
- objwalker (⭐3) - Walk by go objects with reflection.
Template Engines
- got (⭐34) - A Go code generator inspired by Hero and Fasttemplate. Has include files, custom tag definitions, injected Go code, language translation, and more.
- Prev: Feb 11, 2022
- Next: Feb 09, 2022