Awesome List Updates on Jan 30, 2022
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Design Systems
Components: 👍
Voice & Tone: 👍
Designers Kit: 👍
Source code *: 🐙 (⭐974)
2. Awesome Webxr
Standout Projects
- Plockle - A spatial block puzzle game with over 40 levels.
- Castle Builder - A collaborative and cross-platform castle-building game utilizing a unique Unity-to-three.js pipeline.
3. Awesome Security
Endpoint / Anti-Virus / Anti-Malware
- Fastfinder (⭐217) - Fast customisable cross-platform suspicious file finder. Supports md5/sha1/sha256 hashs, litteral/wildcard strings, regular expressions and YARA rules. Can easily be packed to be deployed on any windows / linux host.
4. Awesome Lowcode
Visual programming
- Carrd - Simple, free, fully responsive one-page sites for pretty much anything.
5. Awesome Json
- json-build (⭐33) - A minimalistic serializer in C. It can be easily integrated into the resource-limited projects or embedded systems.
6. Awesome React Components
Form Components / Type Select
- rich-textarea (⭐283) - A textarea to colorize, highlight, decorate texts and offer autocomplete.
7. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Automation
- MetaTube (⭐347)
- A Web GUI to automatically download music from YouTube add metadata from Spotify, Deezer or Musicbrainz.GPL-3.0
Software / Feed Readers
- JARR - JARR (Just Another RSS Reader) is a web-based news aggregator and reader (fork of Newspipe). (Demo, Source Code (⭐122))
Software / Internet of Things (IoT)
- SIP Irrigation Control - Open source software for sprinkler/irrigation control. (Source Code (⭐371))
Software / Media Streaming - Audio Streaming
- Supysonic (⭐272) - Python implementation of the Subsonic server API.
Software / Office Suites
- Grist - Grist is a next-generation spreadsheet with relational structure, formula-based access control, and a portable, self-contained format (alternative to Airtable). (Demo, Source Code (⭐8k))
Software / Pastebins
- wantguns/bin (⭐252) - Minimal pastebin for both textual and binary files shipped in a single statically linked binary. (Demo)
8. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- aminography/PrimeCalendar (⭐67) - Provides all of the java.util.Calendar functionalities for Civil, Persian, Hijri, Japanese, etc, as well as their conversion to each other.
9. Alternative Front Ends
Overview / Imgur
- Rimgo: Self-hosted frontend for Imgur ritten in Go
- Public instances:
Overview / Other services
- NoPaste (⭐263): NoPaste is an open-source website similar to Pastebin where you can store any piece of code, and generate links for easy sharing
10. Awesome Developer First
- Gitpod - Automated cloud dev environments.
11. Awesome Algorand
Blockchain Explorers
- NFTExplorer - Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) explorer built by @TomassoAE and JoshLmao.
12. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Bayesian Modeling / Generative Model
- Learning Energy-Based Models by Diffusion Recovery Likelihood - ICLR'21, 2021. [All Versions]. [Code (⭐49)].
13. Awesome Yew
Crates / Utils
- Yew Interop (⭐42) - Load JavaScript and CSS asynchronously in Yew.
14. Free for Dev
Design and UI
- - Explore, search, and find the best-fitting icons or vectors for your projects using various vector libraries. Download free SVG Vectors for commercial use.
- Prev: Jan 31, 2022
- Next: Jan 29, 2022