Awesome List Updates on Jan 25, 2022
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Fuzzing
- Fuzzing Labs - Patrick Ventuzelo, Youtube
Papers / The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)
2. Awesome Algorand
- AlgoMinter - Build your web app for minting assets using Python, AlgoSigner, and Anvil Platform.
- Getting Started with Django, Python, and Algorand - Tutorial from algorand developer portal.
Languages / JavaScript & TypeScript
- js-algorand-sdk (⭐290) - The Algorand JavaScript SDK & Examples.
Languages / .NET
- unity-algorand-sdk-based-on-net-sdk (⭐1) - Quick and dirty Unity SDK based on .NET Algorand SDK by RileyGe.
Languages / Rust
- rust-algorand-sdk (⭐63) - Rust Algorand SDK.
Languages / Swift
- swift-algorand-sdk (⭐21) - A Swift SDK for interacting with the Algorand Blockchain.
Nodes & Consensus Participation / Wallets
- Algorand - The Undocumented Docs (⭐5) - Dev Notes for Archival Node, Indexer Setup (and more).
Projects / Wallets
- algonim (⭐26) - First Algorand mini-puzzle-game. Written in Python+PyTEAL by @cusma.
- genpyteal (⭐9) - Generate PyTeal from (mostly) normal Python.
Metrics and Analytics Services / Wallets
- Algorand MainNet metrics - Dashboard that measures the current scale, security, decentralization, and adoption of the open-source Algorand protocol.
- Algorand Stats - All stats about Algorand Governance.
3. Awesome Cryptography
C++ / Git
- =nil; Crypto3 (⭐77) - Modern Cryptography Suite in C++17 (complete applied cryptography suite starting with block ciphers and ending with threshold cryptography, zk proof systems, etc).
4. Awesome Python Typing
Dynamic type checkers
- typedpy (⭐16) - Type-safe, strict Python. Works well with standard Python.
Stub packages
- celery-types (⭐90) - Type stubs for Celery (⭐25k) and its related packages django-celery-results (⭐702), ampq (⭐310), kombu (⭐2.9k), billiard (⭐419), vine (⭐124) and ephem (⭐799).
Articles / Third-party articles
- Static Typing Python Decorators - Accurately static typing decorators in Python is an icky business. The wrapper function obfuscates type information required to statically determine the types of the parameters and the return values of the wrapped function.
5. Awesome Jupyter
Hosted Notebook Solutions
- Paperspace Gradient - A Jupyter-backed data science IDE with accelerated hardware (GPUs) and MLOps functionality.
6. Awesome Nodered
Nodes / Social
- open-wa (whatsapp) (⭐13) - Efficiently connect to remote instances of your open-wa whatsapp automate servers.
7. Awesome Swift
- SwiftUICharts (⭐885) - A charts / plotting library for SwiftUI. Works on macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS and has accessibility and Localization features built in.
8. Free for Dev
Security and PKI
- GitGuardian — Keep secrets out of your source code with automated secrets detection and remediation. Scan your git repos for 350+ types of secrets and sensitive files – Free for individuals and teams of 25 developers or less.
9. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / StreamField
- Wagtail UIKit Block (⭐18) - A collection of UIKit components that can be used as a Wagtail StreamField block.
10. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- C# Corner .NET Conference Day 1 -
January 24, 2022 - The first day of the conference kicks off with a keynote session by Scott Hunter. Day one is focused on front-end technologies (Blazor). Conference website.
11. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-dev-manifest (⭐22) - Generates
during dev server, for backend integration with any language/framework.
12. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Frameworks
- Inkline (⭐1.4k) - Inkline is the intuitive UI Components library that gives you a developer-friendly foundation for building Vue.js 3 Design Systems.
- Mosaic - Vue Admin TailwindCSS template (⭐276) - The All-in-one Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template.
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- coya (⭐69) - Diagram drawing library (vue3 only)
- Prev: Jan 26, 2022
- Next: Jan 24, 2022