Awesome List Updates on Jan 24, 2022
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Micropython
Communications / Ethernet
- RP2040 Ethernet example (⭐11) - Ethernet driver, example Python code and YouTube.
2. Awesome Algorand
Metrics and Analytics Services / Wallets
- How Big is Algorand? - Algorand's networks size monitor.
- Algorand Mempool - Algorand mempool explorer.
- Metrika - Algorand network performance and account monitor.
3. Free for Dev
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- nootiz - The go-to tool for gathering and managing visual feedback on any website
4. Awesome Naming
- a11y, i18n, k8s, ... - Abbreviating long words by keeping the first and last letter and writing the number of omitted letters in between.
5. Awesome Food
Food-related projects
- diy-proofing-box (⭐4) - Build your own DIY proofing box for sourdough, yoghurt and pizza. Featuring a raspberry pi and night vision.
- lactofermentation (⭐3) - Experiments with wild lactobacillus.
- bread (⭐51) - Notes on bread baking.
6. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Testing
- django-pattern-library (⭐379) - Pattern library generator for Django templates, to help testing of UI components.
7. Awesome Privacy
Video Editing / Alternative clients/modifications of Discord:
- Sony Vegas
- DaVinci Resolve
- kdenlive - Open source video editor. Free and easy to use for any purpose, forever.
- Olive Video Editor - Free open-source advanced non-linear video editor currently in Alpha state.
- Shotcut - Shotcut is a free, open source and simple cross-platform video editor.
8. Awesome Inertiajs
Resources / Presets
- 💜 Laravel Breeze - Laravel's official authentication scaffolding, with Tailwind CSS and Inertia.js.
- 💜 Laravel Jetstream - Laravel's official application scaffolding, with Tailwind CSS, Inertia.js and Vue.js.
Resources / Packages
- Navigation (⭐499) - Laravel package for generating menus, breadcrumbs and other navigational elements.
9. Awesome Umbraco
Developer tools / SEO Tools
- DateFolders - Creates Datefolders (year/month(/day)) for the specified doctype for Umbraco
- AlphabetFolders - Creates AlphabetFolders for the specified doctype for Umbraco
10. Awesome Hadoop
Realtime Data Processing
- Apache Flink - Apache Flink is a platform for efficient, distributed, general-purpose data processing. It supports exactly once stream processing.
Packaging, Provisioning and Monitoring
- - Send logs from Hadoop to Elasticsearch for monitoring and alerting.
11. Awesome Capacitor
Official plugins
- Toast (⭐546) - Provides a native notification pop up for displaying important information to a user.
Community plugins
- Keep awake (⭐134) - Prevent your screen from getting some sleep.
- Microsoft
- Appcenter (⭐35) - AppCenter SDK.
- Analytics (⭐35) - AppCenter Analytics.
- Crashes (⭐35) - AppCenter Crashes.
Other plugins
- Healthkit (⭐65) - Retrieve data from HealthKit.
- UDP (⭐4) - Support both IPv6 and IPv4, multicast and broadcast.
12. Awesome Acg
Image Generation
- AnimeFaceDrawer - Drawing Anime Face with Simple Segmentation Mask. [English]
13. Awesome List
- Low Code (⭐369) - Allowing business professionals to address their needs on their own with little to no coding skills.
14. Awesome Osint
Specialty Search Engines
15. Awesome Jax
Libraries / New Libraries
- tree-math (⭐198) - Convert functions that operate on arrays into functions that operate on PyTrees.
- jax-models (⭐153) - Implementations of research papers originally without code or code written with frameworks other than JAX.
- Prev: Jan 25, 2022
- Next: Jan 23, 2022