Awesome List Updates on Jan 17, 2022
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- vue3-lottie (⭐398) A component for importing and displaying Lottie animations in Vue 3
2. Awesome Yew
Crates / Component Libraries
- material-yew (⭐229) - Yew wrapper for Material Web Components.
3. Awesome Product Design
Articles / Storyboard
- UX Booth - The UX Booth is a publication by and for the user experience community.
4. Awesome Raspberry Pi
OS Images
- OpenHABian - A preconfigured version of the OpenHAB home automation software.
Tutorials / iOS
- Bridging Wifi to the Raspberry Pi over Ethernet - Set up tethered networking between macOS & Raspberry Pi.
- Raspberry Pi login with SSH keys - Password-less login for ssh sessions on the Raspberry Pi.
5. Awesome Rust
Development tools / IDEs
- lapce (⭐35k) - Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust.
6. Awesome List
- Node-RED (⭐476) - A programming tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs, and online services.
7. Awesome Nodered
Nodes / Social
- PushStaq (⭐0) - Send real time alerts using Push Notifications from your Node-Red flows to any device with PushStaq.
8. Awesome Gpt3
Demos / Search and data analysis
9. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Graphics
- openrndr/orx (⭐122) - ORX is a collection extras for OPENRNDR which add support for sensors, live-coding, user interfaces and much more.
10. Alternative Front Ends
Overview / TikTok
- ProxiTok (⭐1.3k): Open source alternative frontend for TikTok made with PHP
- Official instance:
11. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Bruzu — Automate Image production. Generate tons of Image variants with API, Integrations, or nocode sheet. API is FREE with a watermark.
Messaging and Streaming
- eyeson API - A video communication API service based on WebRTC (SFU, MCU) to build video platforms. Allows real-time data Injection, Video Layouts, Recordings, a fully featured hosted web UI (quickstart) or packages for custom UIs. Has a free tier for developers with 1000 meeting minutes a month.
- Meteor Cloud — Galaxy hosting. Meteor's platform-as-a-service for Meteor apps includes free MongoDB Shared Hosting and automatic SSL.
- - Serverless backend for web and mobile apps. The free plan includes PostgreSQL, GraphQL (Hasura), Authentication, Storage, and Serverless Functions.
Design and UI
- — Over 1500 free copy-and-paste SVG editable icons.
IDE and Code Editing
- — Coding Assistant that lets you search, define, and reuse code snippets directly in your IDE. Free for individual and small organizations.
Analytics, Events and Statistics
- PostHog - Full Product Analytics suite free for up to 1m tracked events per month. Also provides unlinited in-App Surveys with 250/month responses.
12. Dive Into Machine Learning
Deep Learning / Easier sharing of deep learning models and demos
- — "The mission of Papers with Code is to create a free and open resource with Machine Learning papers, code, datasets, methods and evaluation tables."
— "Implementations/tutorials of deep learning papers with side-by-side notes." 50+ of them! Really nicely annotated and explained.
13. Awesome Godot
Templates / Godot 3
- Godot Game Of Life (⭐35) - Conway's Game of life using shaders.
Plugins and scripts / Godot version unknown
- Godot Radial Menu (⭐273) - A radial menu written in shader code for performance.
14. Awesome Micropython
Communications / Bluetooth
- micropython-xiaomi-ble-adv-parse - Passively retrieve sensor data from some Xiaomi Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) sensors.
- mijia-temphum-upy - MicroPython library to read certain Xiaomi Mijia BLE temperature & humidity sensors.
Communications / Ethernet
- micropy-ENC28J60 (⭐22) - ENC28J60 Ethernet chip driver for MicroPython (RP2).
Communications / IR
- pico-ir (⭐27) - IR library for Raspberry Pi Pico.
Frameworks / SRAM
- perthensis - Perthensis: an asynchronous framework for MicroPython.
- Prev: Jan 18, 2022
- Next: Jan 16, 2022