Awesome List Updates on Jan 14, 2022
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Image Synthesis / Multi-agents
- Audio to keyframe string: this tool is used to generate strings for the keyframes of AI animation notebooks, such as this VQGAN+CLIP Animations notebook, using the volume of audio tracks.
2. Awesome Zig
Algorithms and data structures
- BarabasGitHub/LZig4 (⭐6) - LZ4 implementation.
- DutchGhost/ArrayVec (⭐18) - An array with a vector feeling.
- emekoi/deque.zig (⭐17) - A lock free chase-lev deque.
- kristoff-it/zig-cuckoofilter (⭐84) - Production-ready Cuckoo Filters for any C ABI compatible target.
- marijnfs/zigtimsort (⭐6) - TimSort implementation.
- Sahnvour/zig-containers (⭐14) - A container library.
- Srekel/zig-sparse-set (⭐68) - Sparse sets, supporting both SOA and AOS style.
- hexops/xorfilter (⭐262) - Xor Filters for checking if a key is part of a set.
Allocators and memory
- fengb/zee_alloc (⭐84) - Tiny allocator primarily targeting WebAssembly.
- mdsteele/ziegfried (⭐25) - A general-purpose memory allocator.
- suirad/Seal (⭐7) - An allocator that wraps another allocator and detects if memory is leaked after usage.
- Hejsil/zig-gc (⭐39) - A super simple mark-and-sweep garbage collector.
- AndreaOrru/zen (⭐456) - Experimental operating system.
- andrewrk/clashos (⭐224) - Multiplayer arcade game for bare metal Raspberry Pi 3 B+.
- andrewrk/HellOS (⭐285) - "hello world" x86 kernel example.
- DorianXGH/Lukarnel (⭐22) - A microkernel with Rust microservices.
- iguessthislldo/georgios (⭐48) - Hobby Operating System.
- jzck/kernel-zig (⭐431) - Hobby x86 kernel.
- markfirmware/zig-bare-metal-microbit (⭐35) - Bare metal microbit program.
- markfirmware/zig-bare-metal-raspberry-pi (⭐92) - Bare metal raspberry pi program.
- MasterQ32/RetrOS (⭐55) - A retro-style gaming console running on bare x86 metal.
- nrdmn/uefi-examples (⭐63) - UEFI examples.
- nrdmn/uefi-paint (⭐46) - UEFI-bootable touch paint app.
- SamTebbs33/pluto (⭐593) - An x86 kernel.
- sjdh02/trOS (⭐50) - Tiny aarch64 baremetal OS thingy.
- tralamazza/embedded_zig (⭐79) - Minimal embedded ARM example (STM32F103 blue pill).
- yvt/zig-armv8m-test (⭐12) - Example app for Armv8-M + TrustZone.
- ZeeBoppityZagZiggity/ZBZZ.OS (⭐13) - An operating system built for RISCV.
Compilers and interpreters
- Vexu/bog (⭐563) - Small, strongly typed, embeddable language.
- LoLa Programming Language - (GitHub (⭐198)) An embeddable programming language for game scripting.
- dantecatalfamo/brainfuck-zig (⭐9) - Brainfuck interpreter.
- coilhq/tigerbeetle (⭐11k) - A distributed financial accounting database designed for mission critical safety and performance.
- kristoff-it/redis-cuckoofilter (⭐231) - Hashing-function agnostic Cuckoo filters for Redis.
- kristoff-it/zig-okredis (⭐222) - Zero-allocation Client for Redis 6+.
- leroycep/sqlite-zig (⭐66) - SQLite bindings.
- vrischmann/zig-cassandra (⭐9) - Client for Cassandra 2.1+.
- vrischmann/zig-sqlite (⭐423) - SQLite wrapper.
Editor plugins
- isaachier/ztags (⭐17) - Ctags implementation for Zig.
- Tetralux/sublime-zig (⭐3) - My own, more lightweight, syntax highlighting for Zig.
- ziglang/sublime-zig-language (⭐90) - Zig language support for Sublime Text.
- ziglang/vscode-zig (⭐582) - Zig language support for VSCode.
- ziglang/zig-mode (⭐175) - Zig mode for Emacs.
- ziglang/zig.vim (⭐500) - Vim configuration for Zig.
- zigtools/zls (⭐3.2k) - Zig LSP implementation + Zig Language Server.
- fengb/fundude (⭐185) - Gameboy emulator for WASM.
- GrooveStomp/chip8-zig (⭐8) - CHIP-8 emulator.
- sourgrasses/ichigo - Virtual Boy emulator.
- floooh/kc85.zig (⭐53) - A KC85 emulator.
Game tools and libraries
- michal-z/zig-gamedev (⭐2.4k) - DirectX 12 game development ecosystem.
- floooh/sokol-zig (⭐402) - Sokol (⭐7.6k) bindings.
- TM35-Metronome/metronome (⭐48) - A set of tools for modifying and randomizing Pokémon games.
- TM35-Metronome/tm35-nds (⭐10) - A library for working with Nintendo DS roms.
- user00e00/sudokuinzig - Simple and robust sudoku solver.
- wendigojaeger/ZigGBA (⭐367) - SDK for creating Game Boy Advance games using Zig.
- Akuli/curses-minesweeper (⭐18) - Minesweeper game written in curses.
- andrewrk/tetris (⭐408) - A simple tetris clone.
- fabioarnold/snake-zig (⭐19) - A simple snake clone.
- Stenodyon/blink (⭐17) - A game about building logic with lasers.
- thejoshwolfe/legend-of-swarkland (⭐100) - Hack-n-slash roguelike inspired by NetHack.
- tiehuis/zstack (⭐5) - Line-race tetris mode.
- kooparse/zalgebra (⭐239) - Linear algebra library for games and real-time computer graphics.
- floooh/pacman.zig (⭐258) - A Pacman clone.
- batiati/IUPforZig (⭐118) - Zig idiomatic and type-checked bindings for IUP Portable User Interface Toolkit.
- andrewrk/zig-sdl - Self-contained SDL2 package for Zig.
- andrewrk/zig-vulkan-triangle (⭐120) - Simple triangle displayed using Vulkan, GLFW, and Zig.
- kassane/QML-zig (⭐100) - QML bindings.
- cshenton/learnopengl (⭐145) - Learn OpenGL tutorials ported to Zig.
- ifreund/river (⭐3.4k) - Dynamic wayland compositor that takes inspiration from dwm and bspwm.
- Nelarius/weekend-raytracer-zig (⭐93) - An implementation of the "Ray Tracing in One Weekend" book.
- SpexGuy/Zig-Gltf-Display (⭐32) - A program that displays glTF files using Vulkan.
- tiehuis/zig-raytrace (⭐17) - Simple raytracer.
- donpdonp/zootdeck (⭐43) - Fediverse GTK Desktop Reader.
- MasterQ32/ZigPaint (⭐11) - A simple paint application. Used to create an OpenGL loader/wrapper and a minimal UI system.
Misc libraries
- BraedonWooding/Lazy-Zig (⭐44) - Linq.
- DutchGhost/maybeuninit (⭐1) - MaybeUninit.
- emekoi/log.zig (⭐26) - A thread-safe logging library.
- kprotty/zap (⭐481) - A collection of libraries which provide interfaces over the system for writing high performance applications.
- mlarouche/zigimg (⭐494) - Library for reading and writing different image formats.
- ziglibs/known-folders (⭐239) - Provides access to well-known folders across several operating systems.
- euantorano/ip.zig (⭐17) - Library for working with IP Addresses.
- lun-4/zigdig (⭐36) - Naive DNS client library.
- marler8997/netpunch (⭐17) - Outbound proxy protocol.
- remeh/statsd-zig (⭐5) - Basic DogStatsD UDP server.
Network / HTTP
- Luukdegram/apple_pie (⭐165) - HTTP 1.0/1.1 Server implementation.
- ducdetronquito/h11 (⭐103) - I/O-free HTTP/1.1 implementation inspired by hyper/h11.
- lun-4/ziget (⭐21) - Simple wget without libc.
- Vexu/routez (⭐248) - HTTP server.
- frmdstryr/zhp (⭐355) - Featureful HTTP server.
Web / Messaging
- andrewrk/lua-in-the-browser (⭐32) - Using Zig to build Lua for WebAssembly.
- kivikakk/htmlentities.zig (⭐12) - HTML5 entity data.
- meheleventyone/zig-wasm-test (⭐55) - A minimal WebAssembly example using Zig's build system.
- shritesh/zig-wasm-dom (⭐150) - Zig + WebAssembly + JS + DOM.
- shritesh/zigfmt-web (⭐43) - Zig fmt on the web.
- zigwasm/wasm-zig (⭐27) - Common WASM runtime binding to C API.
- zigwasm/wasmer-zig (⭐53) - Bindings for the Wasmer WebAssembly runtime.
- zigwasm/wasmtime-zig (⭐84) - Bindings of Wasmtime.
System tools / Messaging
- pbui-project/pbui-main (⭐95) - BSD/Linux core utilities written in Zig.
- hspak/brightnessztl (⭐8) - A CLI to control device backlight.
- thejoshwolfe/hexdump-zip (⭐9) - Produce an annotated hexdump of a zipfile.
- kubkon/zacho (⭐45) - Zig's Mach-O parser.
Zig development tools / Messaging
- marler8997/zigup (⭐860) - Download and manage zig compilers.
Zig development tools / Package managers
- zigtools/zpm (⭐91) - Unofficial Zig package manager.
- mattnite/gyro (⭐575) - Package manager with an index, build runner, and build dependencies.
- nektro/zigmod (⭐802) - Zig package manager.
- cheetah/asdf-zig (⭐28) - Zig plugin for the ASDF package manager.
Parser / Package managers
- darithorn/zig-toml (⭐112) - A TOML parser.
- chwayne/rem (⭐111) - An HTML parsing library.
- Hejsil/zig-clap (⭐1k) - Simple command line argument parsing library.
- kivikakk/libpcre.zig (⭐30) - Bindings to libpcre for Perl-compatible regular expressions.
- kivikakk/koino (⭐132) - CommonMark/GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and HTML renderer.
- kubkon/zig-yaml (⭐179) - YAML parser.
- tiehuis/zig-regex (⭐212) - A regex implementation.
- tiehuis/zig-ryu (⭐16) - Port of ryu (⭐1.2k).
- Vexu/zuri (⭐47) - URI parser.
- vi/zigmkv (⭐13) - Matroska/webm (mkv) parser.
- winksaville/zig-parse-args (⭐0) - Parse command line arguments.
- winksaville/zig-parse-number (⭐1) - Implement ParseNumber which can parse any TypeId.Int or TypeId.Float.
- gernest/base32 (⭐12) - Base32 encoding/decoding.
- caolan/zig-netstring - Netstring parser.
Learning resources / Package managers
- belse-de/zig-tut (⭐20) - A collection of small projects and tutorials to learn Zig.
- Sobeston/ziglearn (⭐742) - Zig learning resources.
Other / C++
- hspak/geteltorito-zig (⭐6) - Geteltorito re-write in Zig.
- momumi/x86-zig (⭐29) - Library for assembling x86.
- nrdmn/ilo_license_key (⭐18) - ILO license key library.
- vegecode/svd2zig (⭐28) - Convert System View Description (svd) files to Zig headers for baremetal development.
- mqttiotstuff/iotmonitor (⭐23) - MQTT IotMonitor tools, save time to monitor mqtt agents or devices.
- ve-nt/outfieldr - TLDR (⭐53k) client.
- kubkon/zig-ios-example (⭐133) - Minimal
for targeting iOS.
3. Awesome Rust
- zellij (⭐23k) - A terminal multiplexer (workspace) with batteries included
4. Awesome Inertiajs
Resources / Examples
- Ping CRM / Flask (⭐9) - Demonstration application made with Flask and Vue.js.
5. Awesome Security
Network / Network architecture
- Network-segmentation-cheat-sheet (⭐3.2k) - This project was created to publish the best practices for segmentation of the corporate network of any company. In general, the schemes in this project are suitable for any company.
6. Awesome Scientific Computing
Multi-purpose toolkits
- DifferentialEquations.jl - Toolbox for solving different types of differential equations numerically. (Julia, MIT, GitHub (⭐2.9k))
7. Awesome Humane Tech
- JShelter
- An anti-malware Firefox extension to mitigate potential threats from JavaScript.
Related awesomeness / Wear our badge
- Awesome Alternative Frontends (⭐1k) - A list of alternative privacy-respecting frontends for popular services.
8. Awesome Ebpf
Articles and Presentations / Hardware Offload
- OpenCSD eBPF SSD offloading (⭐59) - Computational Storage simulation (QEMU) platform with FUSE LFS filesystem for Zoned Namespaces NVMe SSDs using uBPF for compute kernel offloading, all in userspace.
9. Free for Dev
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- - Adds visual review capabilities into GitHub Pull Requests with no need to deploy websites. Free for up to 10 pages each month and 100MB of storage in total.
10. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-babel (⭐55) - Babel integration for both build and server to support f.ex. decorators or class fields in pure JS/JSX files.
11. Awesome Godot
Modules / Godot 4
- FMOD GD4 (⭐59) - FMOD Studio API integration.
12. Alternative Front Ends
Overview / YouTube
- pipe-viewer (⭐283): A lightweight application (fork of straw-viewer) for searching and playing videos from YouTube.
13. Awesome Nodered
Nodes / Analysis
- badwords (⭐860) - Analyses the payload and tries to filter out any messages containing bad swear words. This only operates on payloads of type string. Everything else is blocked.
- wordpos (⭐860) - Analyses the payload and classifies the part-of-speech of each word. The resulting message has msg.pos added with the results. A word may appear in multiple categories (eg, 'great' is both a noun and an adjective).
Nodes / Database
- influxdb (⭐56) - Save and query data from an InfluxDB time series database.
- mssql-plus (⭐21) - Execute queries, stored procedures and bulk inserts in Microsoft SQL Server and Azure Databases SQL2000 ~ SQL2019.
- stackhero-influxdb-v2 (⭐28) - Save and query data from an InfluxDB v2 time series database.
- stackhero-mysql (⭐13) - Connect to a MySQL or a MariaDB database, using TLS (SSL) and compatible with "Caching SHA2 password" authentication method (MySQL >= 8).
- leveldb (⭐860) - Uses LevelDB for a simple key value pair database.
- mysql (⭐860) - Allows basic access to a MySQL database.
- sqlite (⭐860) - Supports read and write to a local sqlite database.
Nodes / Development
- typescript-starter (⭐66) - Quick-start template repository for creating new node sets in TypeScript.
Nodes / Function
- datagenerater (⭐860) - Generate dummy data in various formats, names, addresses, emails, numbers, words, etc.
- pidcontrol (⭐860) - A PID control node for numeric inputs - provides simple controll loop feedback capability.
- random (⭐860) - Random number generator - can generate integers for x to y - or floats between x and y.
- rbe (⭐860) - Provide report by exception and deadband / bandgap capability for simple inputs.
- smooth (⭐860) - Provide various functions across several previous values, including max, min, mean, high and low pass filters.
Nodes / Hardware
- arduino (⭐860) - Uses firmata protocol to talk to the board.
- beaglebone (⭐860) - Nodes for the Beaglebone Black.
- blink1 (⭐860) - Blink1 USB LED from ThingM.
- blinkstick (⭐860) - BlinkStick USB LED device.
- digirgb (⭐860) - DigiSpark RGB USB LED.
- heatmiser (⭐860) - Temperature and frost protection for Heatmiser thermostats.
- intel-galileo (⭐860) - A collection for the Intel Galileo and Edison.
- ledborg (⭐860) - LEDborg plug on module.
- makeymakey (⭐860) - Read from a MakeyMakey input device.
- pi-gpiod (⭐860) - An alternative to the default PI GPIO nodes that allows remote access.
- pi-mcp3008 (⭐860) - Read from MCP300x series Analogue to Digital Converter chips via the SPI bus.
- pi-neopixel (⭐860) - Drive a strip of NeoPixels directly.
- pi-unicorn-hat (⭐860) - Controls a Pimorini Unicorn HAT 8x8 LED display.
- pibrella (⭐860) - Controls a Pibrella add-on board.
- piface (⭐860) - PiFace interface module.
- piliter (⭐860) - Controls a Pimorini Pi-LITEr 8 LED add-on board.
- sensortag (⭐860) - Reads data from the Ti Bluetooth Low Energy SensorTag device.
- wemo (⭐860) - Drive a WeMo socket and switch.
- scanBLE (⭐860) - Scans for a particular Bluetooth Low Energy device.
Nodes / I/O
- discovery (⭐860) - Discovers other Avahi/Bonjour services on the network.
- emoncms (⭐860) - Post to an Emoncms server.
- noble-bluetooth (⭐5) - Based on noble for interaction with Bluetooth Low Energy devices.
- mindconnect (⭐43) - Upload timeseries, files and events to MindSphere.
- modbus (⭐233) - All in one Modbus TCP and Serial package.
- mqlight (⭐860) - Adds nodes to send and receive using MQlight.
- ping (⭐860) - Pings a machine and returns the trip time in mS.
- s7 (⭐84) - Interact with Siemens S7 PLCs.
- serialport (⭐860) - Send messages to and receive messages from a physical serial port.
- snmp (⭐860) - SNMP receivers for single OIDs or OID tables.
- stomp (⭐860) - Publish and subscribe to and from a STOMP server.
- wol (⭐860) - Sends a Wake-On-LAN magic packet to the mac address specified.
- xiaomi-ble (⭐20) - Single "Xiaomi BLE" node that gets all known data from Xiaomi BLE (Bluetooth 4).
Nodes / Parsers
- base64 (⭐860) - Converts a payload to/from base64 encoded format.
- geohash (⭐860) - Converts a lat, lon payload to/from geohash format.
- msgpack (⭐860) - Converts a payload to/from msgpack binary packed format.
- what3words (⭐860) - Encodes or Decodes a lat, lon position into what3words text format.
Nodes / Smarthome
- alexa-home (⭐30) - Connect with Alexa just wihtin the local network - no extra cloud stuff is required.
- alexa-home-skill-v3 (⭐15) - Controls things via Alexa and Google Home.
- alexa-home-skill-v3-web (⭐44) - Web Service for Alexa and Google Home.
- alexa-home-skill-v3-lambda (⭐9) - Lambda function for node-red-alexa-home-skill-v3-web.
- avr-yamaha (⭐19) - Integrate and control YAMAHA™ audio/video receiver via YNCA protocol.
- ccu (⭐74) - Connect with Homematic, a series of smart home automation hardware from the manufacturer eQ-3, popular especially in Germany.
- deconz (⭐81) - Access Zigbee 3.0 (Z30), Zigbee Home Automation (ZHA) and Zigbee Light Link (ZLL) lights via deCONZ.
- fritz (⭐46) - Provides easy access to your AVM Fritz!Box. Read and write the configuration including the VoIP and Dect configuration.
- fritzapi (⭐16) - Controls smart home DECT devices and guest wifi through an AVM Fritz!Box.
- harmony (⭐15) - Controls devices connected to a Logitech™ Harmony Hub.
- home-assistant (⭐73) - Connect with Home Assistant.
- home-assistant-websocket (⭐370) - Various nodes using websockets to assist in setting up communication with Home Assistant.
- homebridge-automation (⭐101) - Integrate Homebridge Accessories into flows.
- homee (⭐38) - Access the homee api and create virtual devices for homee.
- homekit-bridged (⭐342) - Imitate HomeKit devices.
- huemagic (⭐200) - Controls Philips Hue bridges, lights, groups, scenes, rules, taps, switches, buttons, motion sensors, temperature sensors and Lux sensors.
- lgtv (⭐56) - Controls LG webOS Smart TVs.
- loxone (⭐68) - Connect to the Loxone Miniserver.
- knx-ultimate (⭐108) - Controls KNX intallation. With optional ETS group address importer and gateway simulation.
- openhab3 (⭐13) - Integration of openHAB item states and commands.
- smartnora (⭐93) - Google smart home Action integration via Smart NORA.
- sonos-plus (⭐58) - Controls Sonos player in your local network.
- tado-client (⭐20) - Connect to the Tado Web API.
- tahoma (⭐17) - Controls a Somfy Tahoma box (Roller shutters, etc.).
- tasmota (⭐20) - Tasmota devices integration for building automation.
- tuya-smart (⭐40) - Interface with smart plugs, bulbs, etc. from tuya.
- zigbee (⭐83) - Controls Zigbee Devices via a CC253x Module.
- zigbee2mqtt (⭐75) - Zigbee2mqtt connectivity.
- zwave-js (⭐41) - Integrates Z-Wave node based on Z-Wave JS.
Nodes / Social
- chatbot (⭐845) - Full featured chat bot for Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Viber, Twilio and Slack.
- discord-advanced (⭐33) - Interact with Discord, via Discord.js.
- dweetio (⭐860) - Uses dweetio to send/receive messages.
- email (⭐860) - Sends and receives simple emails from services like gmail or smtp or imap servers.
- feedparser (⭐860) - Reads messages from an atom or rss feed.
- irc (⭐860) - Connect to an IRC server to send and receive messages.
- notify (⭐860) - Uses Growl to provide a desktop popup. Only useful on the local Apple machine.
- prowl (⭐860) - Uses Prowl to push to an Apple device that has the Prowl app installed.
- pushbullet (⭐860) - Uses PushBullet to push an Android device that has the app installed.
- pusher (⭐860) - Publish-Subscribe to a Pusher channel/event.
- pushover (⭐860) - Sends alerts via Pushover.
- slack (⭐22) - Interact with the Slack API.
- sms77 (⭐0) - Uses sms77 service for SMS, text-to-speech calls and number lookups.
- telegrambot (⭐223) - Contains a receiver and a sender node which act as a Telegram Bot.
- twilio (⭐860) - Uses Twilio service to send/receive text messages.
- xmpp (⭐860) - Connect to an XMPP server to send and receive messages.
Nodes / System
- aedes (⭐51) - MQTT Broker based on Aedes.
- dockerode (⭐20) - Connect to Docker daemon.
- os (⭐8) - Obtain system information.
Nodes / Time
- blindcontroller (⭐22) - Automate the control of household roller blinds based on the current position of the sun.
- bigtimer (⭐0) - Timing node with support for dusk/sunset dawn/sunrise and variations also day/week/month (and special days) control. The node offers outputs suitable for MQTT, speech and databases.
- suncalc (⭐860) - Uses the suncalc module to generate an output at sunrise and sunset based on a specified location.
- simpletime (⭐4) - Adds time and date payloads with various formatting options, which can be retreived and used later in the flow.
- sun-position (⭐85) - Timer based flow control with dusk, dawn (and variations) and much more. Additional you can get sun and moon position or to control a flow by sun or moon position.
- timeswitch (⭐860) - Lets the user set simple repeating timers for example for simple heating control, etc.
Nodes / Utility
- actionflows (⭐40) - Brings easy to use loops and OOP (object oriented programming) features.
- alarm (⭐21) - Build your own home alarm system with any number of panels, zones, sensors, triggers and automations.
- bool-gate - Boolean logic gates.
- daemon (⭐860) - Starts up (calls) a long running system program and pipes STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR to and from that process.
- exif (⭐860) - Extracts GPS and other EXIF information from a passed in jpeg image.
- german-holidays (⭐11) - Getting german holidays or information if today/tomorrow is a holiday.
- ical-events (⭐41) - Get events from an ical-URL, a caldav-server or from iCloud via kalender-events (⭐13).
- interval-length (⭐4) - Measure the (time) interval length between successive messages.
- moment (⭐32) - Produces a nicely formatted Date/Time string using the Moment.js library.
- owntracks (⭐8) - Converts Owntrack Messages into standard geo message and deals with encrypted locations.
- persist (⭐14) - Persist data over Node-RED restarts and deploys.
- self-healing (⭐31) - Making Node-RED more resilient by adding self-healing capabilities.
- state-machine (⭐16) - Wraps around the JavaScript State Machine to implement a finite state machine.
- string (⭐19) - Provides native and extended chainable JavaScript string parsing and manipulation methods.
- twc-weather (⭐9) - The Weather Company and Weather Underground Personal Weather Station APIs.
- users (⭐14) - Quickly build a very simple user access control for HTTP-based flows.
- watson (⭐79) - Interact with the IBM Watson services in IBM Cloud.
Nodes / UI
- browser-utils (⭐15) - Add browser functionality such as file upload, camera & microphone.
- flow-manager - Separates flow json to multiple files.
- uibuilder (⭐345) - Create dynamic web interfaces using any (or no) front end libraries for convenience.
- web-worldmap (⭐88) - Provide a world map web page for plotting "things" on.
14. Awesome Db Tools
- ocelotgui (⭐62) - For MySQL, MariaDB, and Tarantool. Developed for Linux but can run on Windows.
- Prev: Jan 15, 2022
- Next: Jan 13, 2022