Awesome List Updates on Jan 13, 2022
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Preparedness training and wargaming / Firewall appliances or distributions
- Caldera - Scalable, automated, and extensible adversary emulation platform developed by MITRE.
2. Awesome Transit
Pilot or development stage / Rust
- Dyno-Demand (⭐3) - A GTFS-based travel demand data format focusing on individual passenger demand suitable for dynamic network modeling developed by San Francisco County Transportation Authority, LMZ LLC, and UrbanLabs LLC.
Community / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations
- OpenTripPlanner (⭐2.3k) Community
3. Awesome Executable Packing
📑 Datasets / Scientific Research
- Ember (⭐962) - Collection of features from PE files that serve as a benchmark dataset for researchers.
- MalShare - Free Malware repository providing researchers access to samples, malicious feeds, and Yara results.
- MalwareGallery - Yet another malware collection in the Internet.
- PackingData (⭐11) - Original dataset with sample PE files packed with a large variety of packers, including ASPack, BeRoEXEPacker, exe32pack, eXpressor, FSG, JDPack, MEW, Molebox, MPRESS, Neolite, NSPack, Pckman, PECompact, PEtite, RLPack, UPX, WinUpack, Yoda's Crypter and Yoda's Protector.
- SOREL (⭐646) - Sophos-ReversingLabs 20 Million dataset.
- theZoo (⭐11k) - Project created to make the possibility of malware analysis open and available to the public.
- VirusTotal - File analysis Web service for detecting malware.
- WildList - Cooperative listing of malwares reported as being in the wild by security professionals.
📦 Packers / After 2010
- Andromeda - Custom packer used in malware campaigns using RunPE techniques for evading AV mitigation methods.
- BIN-crypter - EXE protection software against crackers and decompilers.
- ELFuck (⭐32) - ELF packer for i386 original version from sk2 by sd.
- LM-X License Manager - LM-X License Manager lets you protect your products against piracy by enforcing various levels of security, save time, and reduce business risks.
- m0dern_p4cker (⭐42) - Just a modern packer for elf binaries ( works on linux executables only ).
- MidgetPack (⭐197) - Midgetpack is a binary packer for ELF binaries, such as burneye, upx or other tools.
- Obsidium - Feature-rich professional software protection and licensing system designed as a cost effective and easy to implement, yet reliable and non-invasive way to protect your 32- and 64-bit Windows software applications and games from reverse engineering.
- PE-Packer (⭐330) - Simple packer for Windows 32-bits PE files.
- PE-Toy (⭐9) - A PE file packer.
- Silent-Packer (⭐81) - Silent Packer is an ELF / PE packer written in pure C.
- Simple-PE32-Packer (⭐10) - Simple PE32 Packer with aPLib compression library.
- theArk (⭐52) - Windows x86 PE Packer In C++.
- UPX - Ultimate Packer for eXecutables.
- xorPacker (⭐14) - Simple packer working with all PE files which cipher your exe with a XOR implementation.
📦 Packers / Between 2000 and 2010
- Yoda Protector - Free, open source, Windows 32-bit software protector.
🔧 Tools / Before 2000
- Android Unpacker (⭐1.1k) - Android Unpacker presented at Defcon 22: Android Hacker Protection Level 0.
- aPLib - Compression library based on the algorithm used in aPACK.
- AppSpear (⭐42) - Universal and automated unpacking system suitable for both Dalvik and ART.
- Bintropy (⭐43) - Prototype analysis tool that estimates the likelihood that a binary file contains compressed or encrypted bytes.
- BitBlaze - Analysis platform that features a novel fusion of static and dynamic analysis techniques, mixed concrete and symbolic execution, and whole-system emulation and binary instrumentation, all to facilitate state-of-the art research on real security problems.
- Clamscan Unpacker - Unpacker derived from ClamAV.
- de4js (⭐1.4k) - JavaScript Deobfuscator and Unpacker.
- EXEInfo-PE (⭐773) - Fast detector for executable PE files.
- GUnpacker - Shell tool that performs OEP positioning and dumps decrypted code.
- Manalyze (⭐1k) - Robust parser for PE files with a flexible plugin architecture which allows users to statically analyze files in-depth.
- PackerAttacker (⭐270) - Tool that uses memory and code hooks to detect packers.
- PackerBreaker - Tool for helping unpack, decompress and decrypt most of the programs packed, compressed or encrypted using advanced emulation technology.
- PackerGrind (⭐36) - Adaptive unpacking tool for tracking packing bahaviors and unpacking Android packed apps.
- Packing-Box (⭐49) - Docker image gathering many packing-related tools and for making datasets of packed executables for use with machine learning.
- PEFrame (⭐612) - Tool for performing static analysis on PE malware and generic suspicious files.
- PEiD - Packed Executable iDentifier.
- PEiD (yara) (⭐17) - Yet another implementation of PEiD with yara.
- PeLib (⭐63) - PE file manipulation library.
- PINdemonium (⭐229) - Unpacker for PE files exploiting the capabilities of PIN.
- PolyUnpack (⭐12) - Implemention attempt of the general approach for extracting the original hidden code of PE files without any heuristic assumptions.
- PyPackerDetect (⭐30) - Small python script/library to detect whether an executable is packed.
- PyPackerDetect (refactored) (⭐21) - A complete refactoring of the original project to a Python package with a console script to detect whether an executable is packed.
- PyPeid (⭐6) - Yet another implementation of PEiD with yara-python.
- Quick Unpack - Generic unpacker that facilitates the unpacking process.
- Unipacker (⭐666) - Automatic and platform-independent unpacker for Windows binaries based on emulation.
- Uunp (IDA Pro plugin) - IDA Pro debugger plug-in module automating the analysis and unpacking of packed binaries.
- VMUnpacker - Unpacker based on the technology of virtual machine.
4. Awesome Tailwindcss
Starters & Themes
- 🚀 Vite + React + TypeScript + Tailwind 3.x starter (⭐81) - GitHub Template for Vite, React + Tailwind 3.x + TypeScript.
5. Awesome List
- Neovim (⭐17k) - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability.
6. Awesome Cli Apps
Entertainment / Music
- dzr (⭐199) - player.
Productivity / Time Tracking
- Bartib (⭐685) - Easy to use time tracking tool.
7. Awesome Python Typing
Dynamic type checkers
- trycast (⭐80) - Parse JSON-like values whose shape is defined by typed dictionaries (TypedDicts) and other standard Python type hints.
Tools / Linters
- flake8-type-ignore - flake8 plugin to disallow type: ignore comments in your typed Python code.
Tools / Helper tools to add annotations to existing code
- auto-optional (⭐17) - Makes typed arguments Optional when the default argument is
Articles / Third-party articles
- Python-typing-koans (⭐118) - A set of examples to learn optional static typing in Python.
- Adding type hints to urllib3 - Tests are not enough: Case study adding type hints to urllib3.
- Adam Johnsons Blog - Adam Johnson blogs about typing practices.
- ParamSpec Guide - Newly released feature in
allows you do a lot of advanced typing things with functions and their signatures.
8. Awesome Vite
Templates / Vue 2
- vite-vue2-ts-vuetify-starter (⭐83) - It is the above vite-vue2-ts-starter with Vuetify and its optimized settings. Includes basic templates.
9. Awesome Swift
- Surmagic (⭐312) - Create XCFrameworks with ease! A Command Line Tool to create XCFramework for multiple platforms at one shot! iOS, Mac Catalyst, tvOS, macOS, and watchOS.
10. Awesome Open Hardware
- Biohack Academy - Open-source biotechnological hardware such as Incubator, Thermocycler, Centrifuge, Microscope, etc.
- GaudiLab - Open-source hardware projects for biology laboratories.
- Instructables - Instructables is a place that lets you explore, document, and share your creations.
- - is the world's largest collaborative hardware development community.
- Openlifescience - Program to make Open Science ambassadors in research.
- Thingiverse - A platform for sharing and contributing to design hardware for 3D printing, laser cutting and CNC milling.
Further Readings
- Wikipedia - General information about Open Source Hardware.
- The Journal of Open Hardware - (JOH) is a peer reviewed open access publication for open hardware research and development.
- HardwareX Journal - An open access scientific hardware journal.
11. Public Apis
API: Catboy
Description: Neko images, funny GIFs & more
Auth: No
12. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Standard ML / Play Scala
- Unix System Programming with Standard ML - Anthony L. Shipman (PDF)
13. Awesome Productivity
Tools and Apps / File Management
- OneDrive - Best cloud storage solution for Windows users.
- pCloud - A cloud storage solution with a strong focus on security.
14. Awesome Chrome Devtools
Automation / Ruby
- Puppeteer IDE (⭐214) - Standalone Puppeteer playground in browser's developer tools.
- Prev: Jan 14, 2022
- Next: Jan 12, 2022