Awesome List Updates on Jan 07, 2022
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Productivity
Tools and Apps / Task Management
- Timely - Automatic time tracking software. Get a flawless digital record of all project and team time, all without the hassle of manual timers and note taking.
- Tweek - Super Simple To Do list and Weekly Task Management.
2. Public Apis
API: Excuser
Description: Get random excuses for various situations
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: Portfolio Optimizer
Description: Portfolio analysis and optimization
Auth: No
3. Awesome Playwright
- Demo.Playwright (⭐275) - Various testing scenarios with Playwright, using the official test-runner and scripts authored in TypeScript.
4. Awesome Svelte
- felte - Extensible form library, with built-in Yup, Zod, Vest, and Superstruct validation.
5. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- vest (⭐2.6k) - 🦺 Declarative form validation framework inspired by unit testing.
6. Awesome Magento2
Development Utilities
- bitExpert/phpstan-magento (⭐136) - Magento specific extension for PHPStan
Company Blogs / Progressive Web Application
Learning / Progressive Web Application
- - The simplest way to learn Magento 2 & Adobe Commerce, with video lessons & courses
7. Awesome Cpp
- VLD - Visual Leak Detector. A free, robust, open-source memory leak detection system for Visual C++.
8. Awesome Conversational Ai
- Chai - Open-source platform for developers to build chatbots using Python and deploy them to the Chai mobile app.
9. Web Development Resources
Angular UI libraries:
Website: PrimeNG
Description: Angular UI Component Library featuring elegant, high-performance, accessible and fully customizable UI Components.
10. Awesome Sre
- Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud [Sample chapter titled CPUs
11. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- consoleau/kassava (⭐115) - This library provides some useful kotlin extension functions for implementing toString() and equals() without all of the boilerplate.
12. Awesome Nix
Overlays / Webinterface
- nixpkgs-firefox-darwin - Automatically updated Firefox binary packages for macOS.
13. Awesome Open Hardware
- Arduino - Arduino is an open-source electronics platform.
- Prusa3D - 3D printer manufacturer who shares their work open online.
- Open Source Ecology - Industrial machines made open.
- SafeCast - Environmental measurements for the public domain.
- WikiHouse - Digital designed open housing.
- OpenBCI - Brain computer interface.
- OpenSPIM - Open Access platform for Three-dimensional (3D) microscopy.
- mesoSPIM - Open-source light-sheet microscopes for imaging in cleared tissue.
- openUC2 (⭐396) - Open-source modular microscopy toolbox.
- OpenFlexure - Open-source, 3D-printed microscope, including a precise mechanical stage.
- How Open Hardware will Take Over the World - TEDx talk by Nathan Seidle.
- Revolution of the open hardware - TEDx talk by Bram Geenen.
- Why do open hardware - Talk by Limor Fried (ladyada).
- Open Hardware Projects to Fight COVID-19 - Collection video from N-O-D-E.
- Designing Open Hardware for 21st century science - Presentation by Andre Maia Chagas.
- Why open source hardware is(n't) working - Presentation by David Cuartielles.
- Open source and the future of hardware - Talk by Neil Gershenfeld.
- Emerging Business Models for Open Source Hardware - Paper by Joshua M. Pearce.
- Fosdem - Open Source event online on 5 & 6 February 2022.
- Open Hardware Summit - Annual conference on open hardware on 22 April 2022.
- Maker Faire - A celebration of the Maker Movement, locally organized.
- Open Hardware Repository - For electronics designers at experimental physics facilities to collaborate on open hardware designs.
- Open Hardware Observatory - Free blueprints for sustainable open hardware.
- - Connecting developers where exploring tomorrow starts today.
- - Tracking amazing open hardware projects.
- - Make open science hardware ubiquitous by 2025.
- Road to Open Science - Episode on open hardware in the Netherlands.
- Physics Worlds - Episode on the global impact of open hardware.
- Command Line Heroes - Episode Makers unite.
- A-podcast - Open source hardware is the future.
- Building open source hardware - Book by Alicia Gibb, on building open source hardware from 2014.
- Open-source Lab - Book by Josua m. Pearce, how to build your own hardware and reduce costs.
- Free to Make - Book by Dale Dougherty, how the maker movement is changing our schools, our jobs, and our minds.
- The bridge - Issue of the national academy of engineering on open source hardware.
Related awesome
- Awesome Open Electronics (⭐482) - List with resources for Electronics Enthusiasts.
- Awesome Open (⭐75) - A list of open companies and communities.
14. Awesome Remote Job
Job boards
- SwissDev Jobs - Filter -> "Remote / Work from home"
- Upwork - Find remote jobs in any category
- Vue.js Jobs Find Vue.js jobs all around the world - Click on "Remote" tab.
- Web3Jobs - Remote Web3 Jobs
- Workana Freelance Job Board in Spanish and Portuguese
15. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-remove-console (⭐169) - A vite plugin that deletes console.log in the production environment.
- Prev: Jan 08, 2022
- Next: Jan 06, 2022