Awesome List Updates on Mar 01 - Mar 07, 2021
70 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Machine Learning with Ruby
Projects and Code Examples / Vector search
- Handwritten Digits Recognition (⭐6) - Handwritten digits recognition using Neural Networks and Ruby.
2. Awesome Embedded Rust
Peripheral Access Crates / Nordic
- Peripheral access API for the nRF52811 microcontroller (generated using svd2rust) -
- Peripheral access API for the nRF52833 microcontroller (generated using svd2rust) -
- Peripheral access API for the nRF5340 application core (generated using svd2rust) -
- Peripheral access API for the nRF5340 network core (generated using svd2rust) -
- Peripheral access API for the nRF9160 system-in-package (generated using svd2rust) -
HAL implementation crates / Nordic
3. Awesome LaTeX
Books / TikZ
4. Awesome Iam
Competitive Analysis / GDPR
- Google Cloud Developer's Cheat Sheet (⭐8.1k) - Describe all GCP products in 4 words or less.
5. Awesome Wordpress Gatsby
Articles and Talks
- 2020.11: Announcing WPGraphQL v1.0
- 2019.06: Modern Web Development on the JAMstack - A report from Netlify about Modern Web Development on the JAMStack, published by O'REILLY.
WordPress / Essential Plugins
- WPGatsby - This plugin configures your WordPress site to be an optimized source for Gatsby.
WordPress / WPGraphQL Extensions
- WPGraphQL Cors (⭐80) - This FREE plugin from @kidunot89 and @byfunkhaus claims to enable authentication with WPGraphQL to “just work” by allowing you to set CORS headers that GraphQL will accept, which means WordPress default auth cookies can be accepted.
- Total Counts for WPGraphQL (⭐12) - This FREE plugin from @builtbycactus exposes total counts to connections in the WPGraphQL Schema.
- WPGraphQL Meta (⭐18) - This FREE plugin from @robertorourke exposes meta registered via the WordPress register_meta API to WPGraphQL.
- WPGraphQL Meta Query (⭐40) - Adds Meta_Query support to the WPGraphQL Plugin for postObject query args.
- WPGraphQL Persisted Queries (⭐18) - This FREE plugin from @qz adds the ability to use Persisted Queries with WPGraphQL.
- WPGraphQL Offset Pagination (⭐13) - This FREE plugin from @enshrined adds basic offset pagination as opposed to the standard Cursor based pagination that ships with WPGraphQL.
- WPGraphQL Send Email (⭐18) - This FREE plugin from @Ash_Hitchcock allows you to send emails via a simple mutation. Includes the abilitty to restrict sending to trusted origins.
- WPGraphQL Content Blocks (⭐72) - This FREE plugin from the folks at exposes a way to query HTML content from WordPress Posts and Pages as “Blocks” (not related to Gutenberg) to bring more structure to your queried content.
- WPGraphQL Enable All Post Types (DalkMania) (⭐7) - This FREE plugin from @DalkMania automatically adds ALL registered post types to the WPGraphQL Schema.
- WPGraphQL Enable All Post Types (TylerBarnes) (⭐4) - This FREE plugin from @tylbar automatically adds ALL registered post types to the WPGraphQL Schema.
- WPGraphQL Google Schema (⭐4) - This FREE plugin from @izzygld261 adds Google Schema support to WPGraphQL.
- WPGraphQL Gutenberg ACF (⭐52) - Exposes ACF blocks through GraphQL
- WPGraphQL MB (MetaBox) (⭐7) - This FREE plugin from @DalkMania adds all registered metaboxes using to the WPGraphQL Schema.
- WPGraphQL MetaBox Relationships (⭐6) - This FREE plugin from @hsimah adds support for the Relationships field to WPGraphQL (when also using his wp-graphql-metabox plugin).
- WPGraphQL Polls (⭐3) - This FREE plugin from @andrenosouza allows you to interact with data from the WP-Polls plugin via GraphQL Queries and Mutations.
- WPGraphQL Polylang Extension (⭐97) - Extends WPGraphQL schema with language data from the Polylang plugin.
- WPGraphQL Tax Query (⭐33) - Adds Tax_Query support to the WPGraphQL Plugin for postObject query args (WP_Query).
- WPGraphQL WPML (⭐38) - This FREE plugin from @rburgst extends the WPGraphQL schema with language data from the WPML plugin. In addition it turns off WPML default filters in order to be able to iterate over all posts regardless of language.
- WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields (⭐537) - Exposes Advanced Custom Fields to the WPGraphQL Schema.
- WPGraphQL for BuddyPress (⭐31) - This FREE plugin from @RenatoNascAlves exposes BuddyPress data to WPGraphQL.
- WPGraphQL for Carbon Fields (⭐16) - This FREE plugin from @matepaiva exposes fields registered using Carbon Fields to the WPGraphQL Schema.
- WPGraphQL for Custom Post Type UI (⭐77) - This FREE plugin adds settings to Custom Post Type UI allowing you to set which Post Types and Taxonomies registered by CPTUI should display in the WPGraphQL Schema.
- WPGraphQL for FacetWP (⭐29) - This FREE plugin from @hsimah exposes filters on WPGraphQL queries to allow for faceted search with FacetWP.
- WPGraphQL for Gravity Forms (⭐132) - This FREE plugin from @KellenMace of @harness_up exposes @gravityforms data to WPGraphQL, allowing you to query for forms, fields, entries, and more.
- WPGraphQL for Metabox (⭐25) - This FREE plugin from @hsimah exposes fields registered using the popular to the WPGraphQL Schema.
- WPGraphQL for Ninja Forms (⭐6) - This free plugin exposes forms created by the Ninja Forms plugin to the WPGraphQL Schema and allows for the forms to be submitted via GraphQL Mutations.
- WPGraphQL for Posts 2 Posts (⭐5) - This FREE plugin from @KellenMace of @harness_up automatically creates GraphQL connections for all of your Posts 2 Posts connections.
- WPGraphQL for SEOPress (⭐194) - This FREE plugin from @moon_meister exposes data managed by SEOPress to the WPGraphQL Schema, allowing for SEO data to be used in your headless applications.
- WPGraphQL for WooCommerce (⭐530) - This FREE plugin exposes WooCommerce data to WPGraphQL allowing you to interact with your store’s data via GraphQL Queries and mutations.
WordPress / Other helpful Plugins
- Headless Mode - Headless mode sets up a redirect for all users trying to access the site. The only requests that are granted admission are ones that are either trying to access the REST API, the WP GraphQL API, or any logged-in user looking to access the headless install to edit or create posts.
- WP JAMstack Deployments (⭐254) - WordPress plugin for JAMstack deployments on Netlify (and other platforms).
Written Tutorials / Other helpful Plugins
- 2018.08: Headless WordPress + Gatsby + Netlify continuous deployment - Guide showing how to create a WordPress + Gatsby + Netlify setup in a few simple steps.
Video Tutorials / Other helpful Plugins
- 2019.11: 25+ Videos - Gatsby + WordPress (2019) Complete Course - The series focuses on how we can use WordPress as a headless CMS with a GraphQL schema to interface with. After setting up our WordPress site and theme, we'll move onto Gatsby and how we can use our new schema to generate content for our Gatsby site, programmatically generating pages, converting Gutenberg blocks to React components and finishing off the chapter with a focus on SEO in Gatsby.
Starters / Other helpful Plugins
- Gatsby Starter - WordPress Twenty Twenty (⭐142) - A port of the WordPress Twenty Twenty theme to Gatsby using the new gatsby-source-wordpress@v4.
- Gatsby Starter Blog (⭐7) - Blog starter with enough features to be production ready out of the box.
6. Awesome List
Back-End Development
- IAM (⭐1.9k) - User accounts, authentication and authorization.
7. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Yana (⭐253) - Notebook app with rich-text notes, nested note organization and global search.
8. Awesome Translations
Tools / Libraries and tools for developers
- Moment.js - Parse, validate, manipulate and display dates and times in JavaScript.
Tools / Other tools
- SimpleLocalize CLI (⭐58) - A CLI for finding translation keys in project files.
Articles / For developers
- What is 'hreflang'? - What is
attribute and how it can affect your SERP.
Blogs / Machine translation
- Speaking of Translation - Run by two outstanding experts in the field of translation and localization. You can listen to audio files covering their tips and opinions on the freelance translator's work.
- eMpTy Pages - Presents extremely detailed descriptions and opinions about localization management, collaborative translation platforms, translation management systems, machine translation, as well as the localization industry's biggest players.
9. Awesome Lockpicking
10. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Host-based tools / Sandboxes
- Bubblewrap (⭐3.8k) - Sandboxing tool for use by unprivileged Linux users capable of restricting access to parts of the operating system or user data.
11. Awesome Mqtt
- MQTT TUI (⭐93) - Simple lightweight terminal based MQTT monitor and publisher.
- VSMQTT - Simple MQTT client integrated in Visual Studio Code.
- MQTT-Tiles (⭐62) - MQTT-based IoT dashboard visualization tool. Allows easy dashboards sharing. Works with any MQTT broker supporting the WSS protocol.
Telephony, PBX / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- sms2mqtt (⭐17) - Docker Gateway to send/receive SMS through MQTT using an USB GSM dongle (gammu).
Misc / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- chrome2mqtt (⭐18) - Python program to enable MQTT control endpoints for chromecasts (both audio and video).
12. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Database
- Other
- NeDB (⭐14k) - Embedded persistent database written in JavaScript.
- Lowdb (⭐22k) - Small JavaScript database powered by Lodash.
- Keyv (⭐2.8k) - Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends.
- Finale (⭐188) - RESTful endpoint generator for your Sequelize models.
- database-js (⭐75) - Wrapper for multiple databases with a JDBC-like connection.
- Mongo Seeding (⭐557) - Populate MongoDB databases with JavaScript and JSON files.
- @databases (⭐615) - Query PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3 with plain SQL without risking SQL injection.
- pg-mem (⭐2.1k) - In-memory PostgreSQL instance for your tests.
Resources / Videos
- Make a vanilla Node.js REST API - Building a REST API without using a framework like Express.
13. Awesome R Learning Resources
Books / Uncategorized
- Data Science in a Box - The core content of the course focuses on data acquisition and wrangling, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, inference, modelling, and effective communication of results.
14. Awesome ad Free
No longer maintained / Talks
- Goblin Refuge - Video and image sharing service powered by MediaGoblin. (Wayback Machine archive)
15. Awesome Sitecore
Data Exchange Framework
- Data Exchange Framework Docs (⭐1) - Sitecore Data Exchange Framework Documentation generated using Sphinx.
- CopyPageToVersions (⭐2) - An extension for the Content Editor and the Experience Editor providing a dialog for content editors, where a page in a specific version can be copied to a selectable list of language versions, including all datasources referenced on the page renderings.
16. Awesome Algorithms
- W3School - Data Structures tutorial.
Books / Algorithms and Data structures
- Algorithms in a Nutshell - by George T. Heineman.
Books / Algorithm Analysis
- Sedgewick & Flajolet. An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithm - Am advanced complete survey, intended only for the mathematically matured reader.
- McConnell. Analysis of Algorithms - A very accessible and brief book on algorithms analysis, with implemented code included.
- Vrajitoru & Knight. Practical Analysis of Algorithms - A very accessible and brief book on algorithms analysis, with implemented code included.
Books / Randomized Algorithms
- Motwani & Raghavan. Randomized Algorithms - A standard classic book.
- Mitzenmacher & Upfal. Probability and Computing: Randomization and Probabilistic Techniques in Algorithms and Data Analysis - Standard text for probability methods and their applications on randomized algorithms.
17. Awesome Math
Geometry and Topology / Topology
Analysis / Complex Analysis
- 📝 Introduction to Complex Analysis - Michael Taylor
18. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers
- vite-plugin-handlebars (⭐190) - Process HTML files with Handlebars.
19. Awesome Neovim
Plugin Manager
- savq/paq-nvim (⭐676) - Neovim package manager written in Lua.
Git / Diagnostics
- tveskag/nvim-blame-line (⭐184) - A small plugin that uses Neovim's virtual text to print Git blame info at the end of the current line.
21. Web Development Resources
Code Editors:
- Website: Emacs
22. Awesome Electronics
Subscription Kit Services / Help
- HackerBoxes - A monthly surprise box which includes projects, components, modules and tools.
23. Awesome Css Frameworks
Base / Reset / Normalize
- Natural Selection - Collection of best-practice CSS selectors.
| #CSS
- MVP.css - Minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements.
Docs, Repo (⭐5k) | #CSS
General Purpose
- Fomantic-UI - Build beautiful websites fast, with concise HTML, intuitive javascript, and simplified debugging.
Docs, Repo (⭐3.6k) | #LESS
- TuiCss - Library to create MS-DOS interfaces.
Demo (⭐1.7k), Docs (⭐1.7k) | #SCSS
Stalled Development
- Semantic UI - User interface is the language of the web.
Docs, Repo (⭐51k) | #LESS
- Tachyons - Quickly build and design new UI without writing CSS.
Demo, Docs, Repo (⭐12k) | #CSS
24. Awesome Markdown
CMS / Blogs
- Laravel CommonMark Blog (⭐17) - Static-generator to use with Laravel. Utilizes CommonMark and FrontMatter and publishes directly into the
Tools / Converters
- clipboard2markdown - Website to paste content and get a markdown version. Works on any modern browser with JavaScript.
Tools / Editors
- Obsidian - Notebook editor with Mermaid support
25. Awesome Wardley Maps
- User Strategy Development with Wardley Maps in Miro - Tricia Bagley, Coursera Project Network.
Maps in the Wild
- Uber, the not so disrupting disruptor? - By Simon Wardley. Sep 11, 2017.
- Blue pill or red pill? - Doctrine and doctrine phases by Simon Wardley. May 25, 2017.
- Is my diagram a map? - By Simon Wardley. May 12, 2017.
- Gameplay for Data Flow - By James Urquhart. Mar 24, 2017.
- Applying doctrine to data flow - By James Urquhart. Feb 4, 2017.
- Adding Context To The Wardley Map of Data Flow - How do you extract value from the jumble of components and value relationships by James Urquhart. Jan 12, 2017.
- A Simple Wardley Map of Data Flow - Building a Wardley Map from a value chain for "real time business automation" by James Urquhart. Dec 30, 2016.
- The data flow value chain - Exploring a value chain using a basic architecture of data flow by James Urquhart. Dec 22, 2016.
26. Awesome Newsletters
Open Source / Svelte
- BSD Weekly. A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of BSD news and articles.
27. Awesome Fastapi
- FastAPI Cloud Auth (⭐342) - Simple integration between FastAPI and cloud authentication services (AWS Cognito, Auth0, Firebase Authentication).
28. Awesome Remote Job
Companies with "remote DNA"
- Crosscan - Retail Analytics, IoT (PHP, React, Web, Mobile, Rust)
29. Awesome Deno
Registries / XML
- - A free registry service meant for hosting small ( < 10kB) single deno scripts.
- Deno PKG - An easier way to use code from GitHub in your Deno project.
30. Awesome Transit
Pilot or development stage / Rust
- shared-row (⭐17) - A specification for right-of-way (ROW) for a SharedStreets Reference.
31. Awesome Earth
Other Services
- Ecotalk - UK-based mobile network powered by renewable energy. Profits are used to buy land which is then given back to nature.
32. Awesome Microservices
- Sogou Workflow (⭐13k) - Enterprise-grade programming engine aimed to satisfy most of the backend development requirements.
Workflow Orchestration / Scala
- Temporal (⭐13k) - Open source microservices orchestration platform for running mission critical code at any scale.
Storage / Scala
- Pilosa (⭐2.5k) - Open source, distributed bitmap index that dramatically accelerates queries across multiple, massive data sets.
- TiKV - Distributed transactional key-value database.
33. Awesome Decentralized
- Hardbin (⭐253): Encrypted pastebin using IPFS.
- ArcBlock: ArcBlock is a decentralized developer platform that simplifies the development of DApps, DLT and Blockchains.
34. Public Apis
API: Shikimori
Description: Anime discovery, tracking, forum, rates
CORS: Unknown
API: Discord
Description: Make bots for Discord, integrate Discord onto an external platform
CORS: Unknown
35. Awesome Humane Tech
Social networks / Wear our badge
- Watomatic (⭐321) - Auto reply for WhatsApp so you can stop using it.
- OpenStreetMap
- A crowdsourced map of the world with many layers, free to use under an open licence.
36. Awesome Free Software
Software / Other
- IP2Trace (⭐19) - A traceroute tools that displaying geolocation information using IP2Location database. (MIT (⭐19))
37. Awesome Saltstack
- Salt Guides and Tutorials, by Linode - A good collection of Salt guides and tutorials created and managed by Linode.
- Salt Project on Twitch - Salt Project's official Twitch channel.
- Facebook - Official Salt Project Facebook account.
38. Awesome Ruby
- GitHub Changelog Generator (⭐7.4k) - Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub.
39. Awesome Audio Visualization
Libraries Visualization
- Muser - Using machine learning to enhance music visualization in the browser.
40. Awesome Mobile Web Development
Articles and Documentation
- Measuring Network Performance in Mobile Safari - An advices on using Mobile Safari for measuring network performance.
41. Awesome Dotnet
- BootstrapBlazor (⭐3k) - A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Bootstrap and Blazor.
- Validot (⭐315) - Validot is a performance-first, compact library for advanced model validation. Using a simple declarative fluent interface, it efficiently handles classes, structs, nested members, collections, nullables, plus any relation or combination of them. It also supports translations, custom logic extensions with tests, and DI containers.
Source Generator
- Awesome Microservices .NET Core (⭐2.8k) - A collection of awesome training series, articles, videos, books, courses, sample projects, and tools for Microservices in .NET Core.
42. Awesome Parasite
Scientific Journals
- Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology - Open-access (2013 - present) scientific journal of The Eyptian Society of Parasitology. Published since the 1970s, their archive is indexed in Pub-Med since 1972 (Index Medicus ISSN: 0253-5890).
43. Awesome Tall Stack
- Filament - The elegant TALL stack admin panel for Laravel artisans.
44. Awesome Python Typing
Dynamic type checkers
- beartype (⭐2.9k) - Unbearably fast
runtime type-checking in pure Python.
Tools / Helper tools to add annotations to existing code
- pyannotate (⭐1.4k) - Insert annotations into your source code based on call arguments and return types observed at runtime.
- pyre infer (⭐6.9k) - Pyre has a powerful feature for migrating codebases to a typed format. The infer command-line option ingests a file or directory, makes educated guesses about the types used, and applies the annotations to the files.
- pytype annotate-ast (⭐4.8k) - A work-in-progress tool to annotate the nodes of an AST with their Python types.
45. Awesome React Components
Framework bindings / integrations / Mouse Events
- react-unity-webgl (⭐1.7k) - Unity intergration with two-way communication using a built-in Event System.
46. Awesome Job Boards
- Kube Careers — Hand-picked Kubernetes jobs, clear salary ranges and apply directly to companies
47. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 3
- Godot Gif Getter (⭐42) - An in-game utility for recording and saving GIFs (written in GDNative Rust).
- Tree generator (⭐167) - Tool for generating trees.
Modules / Godot 3
- Speech to Text (⭐33) - Captures the user's microphone input and converts it to text.
48. Awesome Javascript
Misc / Other
- FingerprintJS (⭐24k) - Makes a visitor identifier from a browser fingerprint that stays the same in incognito mode and when browser data is purged.
MVC Frameworks and Libraries / Runner
- angular.js (⭐59k) - HTML enhanced for web apps. (deprecated)
- angular (⭐97k) - Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications using Typescript/JavaScript and other languages.
- Lucia (⭐745) - 3kb library for tiny web apps.
Date / Runner
- luxon (⭐16k) - Luxon is a library for working with dates and times in JavaScript.
49. Awesome Security
Fraud prevention / Online resources
- FingerprintJS Android (⭐534) - Identifies Android application users even when they purge data storage. Allows you to detect account takeovers, account sharing and repeated malicious activity.
50. Awesome Jax
- RLax (⭐1.3k) - Library for implementing reinforcement learning agents.
Libraries / New Libraries
- FlaxVision (⭐44) - Flax version of TorchVision.
- Oryx (⭐4.3k) - Probabilistic programming language based on program transformations.
Videos / NumPyro
- Solving y=mx+b with Jax on a TPU Pod slice - Mat Kelcey - A four part YouTube tutorial series with Colab notebooks that starts with Jax fundamentals and moves up to training with a data parallel approach on a v3-32 TPU Pod slice.
Tutorials and Blog Posts / NumPyro
- Deterministic ADVI in JAX by Martin Ingram - Walk through of implementing automatic differentiation variational inference (ADVI) easily and cleanly with JAX.
- Evolved channel selection by Mat Kelcey - Trains a classification model robust to different combinations of input channels at different resolutions, then uses a genetic algorithm to decide the best combination for a particular loss.
51. Awesome Jmeter
Videos / Utilities
- JMeter / Devops/ CI-CD / Cloud - By xavki 🇫🇷.
52. Awesome Xai
Repositories / Critiques
- EthicalML/xai (⭐859) - A toolkit for XAI which is focused exclusively on tabular data. It implements a variety of data and model evaluation techniques.
- PAIR-code/what-if-tool (⭐753) - A tool for Tensorboard or Notebooks which allows investigating model performance and fairness.
53. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Documentation and Presentation
- GanttLab - The easy to use, fully functional Gantt chart for GitLab and GitHub.
Simulation / Version Control
- gym-pybullet-drones (⭐739) - PyBullet-based Gym environments for single and multi-agent reinforcement learning of quadcopter control.
54. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Email - Complete Solutions
- emailwiz (⭐1.9k) - Luke Smith's bash script to completely automate the setup of a Postfix/Dovecot/SpamAssassin/OpenDKIM server on debian.
55. Awesome Iot
Standards / - XMPP (IETF)
- W3C WoT - The W3C Working Group for the Web of Things (WoT) seeks to counter the fragmentation of the IoT by using and extending existing, standardized Web technologies. By providing standardized metadata and other re-usable technological building blocks, W3C WoT enables easy integration across IoT platforms and application domains.
56. Awesome Design Patterns
Micro services & Distributed Systems
- martinfowler - Patterns of Distributed Systems.
57. Awesome Naming
Data Structures and Algorithms
- Hill climbing - Starting somewhere in the hilly "landscape" of solutions you go in the direction of steepest ascent until reaching the top of a hill. You might miss higher hills though.
Programming Languages and Programming Language Theory
- Garbage Collector - Part of a program that attempts to find and reclaim garbage pieces of memory not used anymore.
58. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- regula (⭐963) - Evaluates Terraform infrastructure-as-code for potential AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud security misconfigurations and compliance violations prior to deployment.
59. Awesome Keycloak
60. Awesome Quantum Computing
- Quantum Computing Foundations - Microsoft Learn learning path covering Azure Quantum and elements of quantum computing.
61. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🌍🔧💼 Twind (⭐3.8k) - Compiler functions that turn Tailwind's classes into CSS at run, serve and build time.
62. Awesome Scientific Computing
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- Dedalus - Solve partial differential equations with spectral methods. (Python, GPL 3, GitHub (⭐524))
63. Awesome Crystal
Editor Plugins
- Acme:
- acmecrystal (⭐6) - Reformats crystal code in acme
- Emacs
- crystal-mode - Crystal language support for Emacs (crystal-lang-tools/emacs-crystal-mode (⭐48))
64. Free for Dev
Source Code Repos
- GitGud — Unlimited private and public repositories. Free forever. Powered by GitLab & Sapphire. CI/CD not provided.
APIs, Data, and ML
- JSON IP — Returns the Public IP address of the client it is requested from. No registration is required for the free tier. Using CORS, data can be requested using client-side JS directly from the browser. Useful for services monitoring change in client and server IPs. Unlimited Requests.
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- Microsoft Teams — Microsoft Teams is a chat-based digital hub that brings conversations, content, and apps together in one place all from a single experience. Free for up to 500k users.
- Appetize — Test your Android & iOS apps on this Cloud Based Android Phone / Tablets emulator and iPhone/iPad simulators directly in your browser. The free tier includes two concurrent session with 30 minutes of usage per month. No limit on app size.
Management System
- Esper — MDM and MAM for Android Devices with DevOps. One hundred devices free with one user license and 25 MB Application Storage.
- CloudMailin - Incoming email via HTTP POST and transactional outbound - 10,000 free emails/month
- — Backend framework using static analysis to provide automatic infrastructure, boilerplate-free code, and more. Includes free cloud hosting for hobby projects.
Web Hosting
- Drive To Web — Host directly to the web from Google Drive & OneDrive. Static sites only. Free forever. One site per Google/Microsoft account.
IDE and Code Editing
- SoloLearn — A cloud programming playground well-suited for running code snippets. Supports various programming languages. No registration is required for running code, but it is necessary when saving code on their platform. Also offers free courses for beginners and intermediate-level coders.
Other Free Resources
- — FOSS for Dev (⭐1.2k) — A hub of free and Open Source software for developers.
- Microsoft 365 Developer Program — Get a free sandbox, tools, and other resources you need to build solutions for the Microsoft 365 platform. The subscription is a 90-day Microsoft 365 E5 Subscription (Windows excluded) which is renewable. It is renewed if you're active in development(measured using telemetry data & algorithms).
- RedHat for Developers — Free access to Red Hat products including RHEL, OpenShift, CodeReady, etc. exclusively for developers. Individual plan only. Free e-books are also offered for reference.
65. Awesome Ebpf
Articles and Presentations / Generic eBPF Presentations and Articles
- eBPF - From a Programmer's Perspective - A short paper describing the fundamentals of eBPF and how to get started with writing eBPF programs.
66. Awesome K6
- Load Testing & Black Friday capacity planning - How Back Market prepared for Black Friday with k6 based load testing.
67. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Application layer
- darknet_ros (⭐1.9k) - ROS2 wrapper for deploying Darknet's YOLO Computer Vision model.
68. Awesome Blazor
- TypinExamples (⭐247) -
A sample project that demonstrates the usage of Typin (⭐247) framework with a Blazor SPA application (Xterm.js and custom web workers implementation in C# to emulate terminal experience in browser). Live demo.
2D/3D Rendering engines / Tabs
- BlazorXTabs (⭐35) -
An extended tabs component library providing various tab features for Blazor.
2D/3D Rendering engines / Others
- BlazorDownloadFile (⭐190) -
Blazor download files to the browser from c# without any JavaScript library or dependency. BlazorDownloadFile is the solution to saving files on the client-side, and is perfect for web apps that generates files on the client. However if the file is coming from the server we recommend you to first try to use Content-Disposition attachment response header as it has more cross-browser compatibility.
- BlazorSliders (⭐38) -
Create multiple panels separated by sliding splitters.
Community / Others
- Blazor Help Website - Blogs and code samples primarily covering server-side Blazor.
69. Awesome Java
CSV / Text-Based User Interfaces
- FastCSV (⭐585) - Performance-optimized, dependency-free and RFC 4180 compliant.
Financial / Text-Based User Interfaces
- ta4j (⭐2.1k) - Library for technical analysis.
Security / Other
- OTP-Java (⭐205) - One-time password generator library according to RFC 4226 (HOTP) and RFC 6238 (TOTP).
70. Awesome Bigdata
- Smooks (⭐398) - An extensible Java framework for building XML and non-XML (CSV, EDI, Java, etc...) streaming applications.
- Prev: Jan 03 - Jan 09, 2022
- Next: Feb 22 - Feb 28, 2021