Awesome List Updates on Feb 22 - Feb 28, 2021
59 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- ByteHub (⭐60) - An easy-to-use, Python-based feature store. Optimized for time-series data.
2. Awesome Flask
Utils / Testing
- Flask-Shell2HTTP (⭐178) - RESTful/HTTP wrapper for Python's subprocess API, so you can convert any command-line tool into a RESTful API service.
3. Awesome Ci
Description: Self-Hosted, powerful and user-friendly CI/CD server
Features: All Languages, Docker & K8s, High Availability, Parallel Build, Statistic
Supported repositories: GitHub, GitLab, Gitee, Gogs
Documentation: Documentation (⭐727)
Price: Open Source (⭐410)
4. Awesome Cpp
- mini-yaml (⭐229) - Single header YAML 1.0 C++11 serializer/deserializer. [MIT]
- yaml-cpp (⭐5.3k) - A YAML parser and emitter in C++. [MIT]
5. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Productivity
- Journapi (⭐8) - Bullet journal application made with Flutter and GetX. by ChangJoo Park
6. Awesome Computer Vision
Pre-trained Computer Vision Models
- List of Computer Vision models (⭐28) These models are trained on custom objects
7. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Misc
- Diff (⭐178) - Run ESLint on your changed lines only. Also supports CI!
8. Awesome Newsletters
General Section / Svelte
- BaseClass. A fortnightly newsletter explaining fundamental computing topics in under 5 minutes.
9. Awesome Scriptable
Related / Additional resources
- Scriptable on Reddit - Widgets and help for creating them.
- Scriptable at GitHub - Repositories with scripts and widgets.
10. Awesome Crystal
- anyolite (⭐166) - Full mruby interpreter with simple bindings, allowing for easy scripting support in projects
11. Awesome Cl
Monitoring / Isomorphic web frameworks
- rollbar.lisp (⭐3) - interface to, an error tracking software.
12. Awesome Vite
Templates / Vue 2
- vite-vue2-windicss-starter (⭐198) - Vue 2, Vue Router, Composition API, VueUse, Windi CSS and TypeScript.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-node (⭐1k) - Integration with Node.js backend servers.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers
- vite-plugin-ts-nameof (⭐22) - Ability to resolve nameof (⭐494) in TypeScript.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-tsconfig-paths (⭐1.4k) - Support for TypeScript's path mapping.
Vue / Integrations
vite-plugin-vue2 (⭐621) - Vue 2 integration.
Vue / Routing
vite-plugin-pages (⭐1.9k) - File system based route generator.
Vue / Loaders
vite-plugin-md (⭐616) - Markdown as Vue components / Vue components in Markdown.
vite-svg-loader (⭐623) - Load SVG files as Vue components.
Vue / SSG
vite-ssg (⭐1.4k) - Server-side generation.
Vue / Ecosystem
vite-plugin-i18n-resources (⭐30) - Load i18n translation message files.
13. Awesome Inertiajs
Resources / Examples
- Ping CRM / Masonite (⭐4) - Demonstration application made with Masonite and Vue.js.
14. Awesome Video
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Industry Forums & Standards Bodies
- MPEG About - A tool or resource for industry-forums-standards-bodies.
- MPEG Meetings - A tool or resource for industry-forums-standards-bodies.
- MPEG home page - A tool or resource for industry-forums-standards-bodies.
- Official Registration Authority for the ISOBMFF family of standards - A tool or resource for industry-forums-standards-bodies.
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Video Codec Specifications
- ISO Base Media File Format Reference Software (⭐139) - A tool or resource for video-codec-specifications.
- MPEG High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) - A tool or resource for video-codec-specifications.
- MPEG point cloud compression - A tool or resource for video-codec-specifications.
15. Awesome Nextjs
16. Awesome Javascript
MVC Frameworks and Libraries / Runner
- FoalTS - Elegant and all-inclusive Node.JS framework for building web applications (TypeScript).
17. Awesome Biological Visualizations
3D Genomics
- HiPiler - A tool for visually exploring and aggregating reoccurring patterns (like loops, TADs, etc.) in Hi-C maps.
- Peax (⭐63) - Interactive visual pattern exploration in epigenomic data using unsupervised deep representation learning.
Mass Spectrometry / Gene expression matrices
- Cytosplore - Cytosplore is an interactive visual analysis system for the analysis of mass cytometry data.
18. Awesome Ruby
Performance Monitoring
- RoRvsWild (⭐344) - Performances and exceptions monitoring for Rails developers.
19. Awesome React Components
- react-swipeable-list (⭐101) - demo - Configurable component to render list with swipeable items.
20. Mind Expanding Books
Startups and Business
Name: Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup
Author: John Carreyrou
Goodreads Rating: 4.4
Year Published: 2018
Name: Never Split the Difference
Author: Chris Voss
Goodreads Rating: 4.39
Year Published: 2016
21. Awesome Playcanvas
Games / Browser Games
- Nitro Knights - Futuristic jousting game.
22. Awesome Humane Tech
- arkenfox user.js (⭐6.4k) - A user.js template for configuring and hardening Firefox privacy, security and anti-fingerprinting.
23. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects
- Open Source BIM Collective - Tools for building information modeling.
- PHPUnit - PHPUnit and related projects.
- Thirty Bees - Ecommerce software.
- Vim-Go - Go plugin for VIM.
Open Source Projects / Libraries
- Dear ImGui (⭐56k) - Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++.
- Hapi.js - Node.js framework.
People Doing Open Source Work / Hardware related
- Attogram Project - Shared Media Tagger, Open Translation Engine, and many more projects.
- Johann-S - Bootstrap JavaScript developer and various plugins and projects.
- Raph Levien - druid and other Rust projects.
- Scarlett Moore - KDE contributor.
- skypjack - C++ libraries such as uvw and EnTT.
24. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Yacht (⭐3.6k) - A Docker container management webui using Vuetify for a hassle free way of managing docker containers and projects.
- Antares SQL (⭐2.1k) - Cross platform SQL client made to be simple and complete.
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- swrv (⭐2.2k) - Stale-while-revalidate data fetching for Vue.
25. Awesome Unity
- 2D Rope System (Paid) - Scripts for creating any type of 2D ropes in the editor or during runtime.
- Ferr2D Terrain Tool (Paid) - Quickly create handcrafted 2D landscapes and levels.
- Unity Anima2D - Advanced skeletal animation editor with support for both per-object and skinned mesh animation with an integrated in-editor skinning tool.
Augmented & Virtual Reality
- SteamVR Unity Toolkit - Scripts and Great examples to abstract the use of VR controller actions in Unity.
- UFPS (Paid) - Provides camera, controllers, and other effects for use in FPS games.
- Unity Monetization - Unity Ads is a video ad network with quick and seamless integration using regular and opt-in ads.
- Nakama - Build social and realtime games with an open-source distributed server (⭐9.3k).
- Photon Bolt (Paid) - Build networked games without having to know the details of networking or write any complex networking code.
- Photon Unity Networking - Plug and play cloud networking that also works for local hosting. Free for up to 20 concurrent users.
- Easy Save 2 (Paid) - A fast and simple way to save and load data on all major platforms supported by Unity.
- UniStorm (Paid) - A customizable dynamic day and night weather system that creates realistic storms and weather.
- Unity Analytics - Provides a dashboard with metrics to help track active players, sessions, retention, and revenue.
- DOTween - Tween any numeric property or field (including Vectors, Rectangles, etc.), plus some non-numeric ones (like strings). This is the follow-up to HOTween.
- iTween - A simple, and easy to use animation system.
- LeanTween - FOSS, and also the most lightweight tweening library for Unity. Allows you to tween any value you have access to via the .value() method.
- NGUI (Paid) - A powerful UI system and event notification framework.
- TextMesh Pro - A alternative to render text in uGUI by using the distance field technique, which allows crisp fonts at any scale. This was recently purchased by Unity and will be integrated into the engine in the future.
- Grouping Tool - Easily group objects together
- SnazzyGrid (Paid) - Makes it easy to manage positions of assets in the scene with easy to use snapping tools and many more features to improve the scene creation workflow.
- UniMerge (Paid) - Editor extension for merging scenes and prefabs, also integrates with VCS.
Visual Scripting
- Playmaker (Paid) - Quickly make gameplay prototypes, A.I. behaviors, animation graphs, interactive objects, and more using finite state machines.
26. Awesome Embedded Rust
no-std crates / WIP
- mqtt-sn: Implementation of the MQTT-SN protocol -
27. Awesome Cryptography
Web-sites / Git
- TikZ for Cryptographers - A collection of block diagrams of common cryptographic functions drawn in TikZ to be used in research papers and presentations written in LaTeX.
28. Awesome Quantum Computing
- Programming a Quantum Computer with Qiskit - 2-hour guided course focusing on learning how to code for a Quantum Computer leveraging Qiskit.
- The Introduction To Quantum Computing - A subtle introduction to computation, the math behind it and its quantum counterparts followed by in-depth discussion of a few quantum algorithms.
- Quantum Computing. Less Formulas - More Understanding - Same professor of the previous course, this time more focused on quantum concepts rather than math.
- Quantum Mechanics by PBS Space Time - YouTube playlist targeting a wide audience with generic concepts around Quantum Mechanics and Computing.
29. Awesome Gdpr
Privacy by Design - Guides for developers (art. 25)
- Website Evidence Collector (WEC) (⭐425) - EDPS Inspection Software.
- GDPR Today - Privacy news from the Open Rights Group.
- Spread Privacy - DuckDuckGo Blog.
- Freedom To Tinker - Blog from Princeton's CITP, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life.
- pdpEcho - All about personal data protection and privacy, by Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna.
- GDPRhub - Free and open wiki that allows anyone to find and share GDPR insights across Europe.
30. Awesome Terraform
Tutorials and Blog Posts / Beginner Guides
- Hello, world: The Fargate/Terraform tutorial I wish I had - Blog post describing setting up an ECS Fargate cluster from scratch
31. Awesome Qr Code
Libraries / C
- libqrencode
(⭐2.5k) - A fast and compact library for encoding data in a QR code symbol.
Libraries / C, C++, JavaScript, Python, Java, Rust
- QR-Code-generator
(⭐5k) - High-quality QR code generator library in Java, TypeScript/JavaScript, Python, C++, C, Rust.
Libraries / Java
- Qart
(⭐1.1k) - An app to merge a picture and a QR code.
Libraries / JavaScript
- instascan
(⭐2.9k) - HTML5 QR code scanner using your webcam.
- qrious
(⭐1.5k) - Pure JavaScript library for QR code generation using canvas.
Libraries / TypeScript
- jsQR
(⭐3.6k) - A pure JavaScript QR code reading library.
Libraries / React
- qrcode.react
(⭐3.7k) - A<QRCode/>
component for use with React.
Libraries / React Native
- react-native-qrcode-scanner
(⭐2k) - A QR code scanner component for React Native.
Libraries / Vue
- vue-qrcode-reader
(⭐2k) - A set of Vue.js components for detecting and decoding QR codes.
Libraries / Python
- sylnsfar/qrcode
(⭐10k) - Artistic QR code in Python (can produce GIFs).
Libraries / Objective-C
- SGQRCode
(⭐1.7k) - Easy to use QR code scan library for iOS.
Libraries / Swift
- EFQRCode
(⭐4.6k) - A better way to operate QR code in Swift, support iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS.
Libraries / C#
- QRCoder
(⭐4.4k) - A pure C# Open Source QR code implementation.
Libraries / Android
- BGAQRCode-Android
(⭐7.9k) - QR code reader and generator written in C.
- AwesomeQRCode (Kotlin)
(⭐1.9k) - An awesome QR code generator for Android (can produce GIFs).
Libraries / PHP
- php-qrcode-detector-decoder
(⭐1.4k) - PHP library to detect and decode QR codes.
- simple-qrcode
(⭐2.7k) - An easy-to-use PHP QR code generator.
- endroid/qr-code
(⭐4.3k) - QR code generator.
- BaconQRCode
(⭐1.8k) - QR code generator for PHP.
32. Awesome Jupyter
- ContainDS Dashboards (⭐199) - JupyterHub extension to host authenticated scripts or notebooks in any framework (Voilà, Streamlit, Plotly Dash etc).
33. Awesome Creative Coding
Quick References • Cheatsheets / Other
- Canvas Cheatsheet - Quick and visual canvas cheatsheet.
34. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Automation
- (⭐23k) - Self-hosted tool for staying up-to-date with web-site content changes.
Software / Calendar & Contacts
- Etebase (EteSync) - End-to-end encrypted and journaled personal information server supporting calendar and contact data, offering its own clients. (Source Code (⭐1.6k))
Software / File Transfer - Web-based File Managers
- FileGator - FileGator is a powerful multi-user file manager with a single page front-end. (Demo, Source Code (⭐2.3k))
Software / Pastebins
- FlashPaper (⭐432) - A one-time encrypted zero-knowledge password/secret sharing application focused on simplicity and security. No database or complicated set-up required. (Demo)
35. Webcomponents the Right Way
Case Studies
36. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Testing
- drf-openapi-tester (⭐118) - Django test utility for validating Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0 documentation.
37. Awesome Datascience
Bloggers / Book Deals (Affiliated)
- nbshare - Data Science notebooks
38. Awesome Love2d
- boon (⭐149) - Multi-platform, easy to use tool supporting Windows, macOS, Linux.
- love-release (⭐467) - A Lua script that automates game distribution. Supports Windows, macOS, Debian, Linux.
- makelove (⭐159) - Advanced multi-platform tool to fuse your game written in Python 3. Supports Windows and Linux with AppImage.
39. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Documentation and Presentation
- gollum (⭐13k) - A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
40. Awesome Electronics
Learning / Technical Tutorials
- How to design a motherboard for your electronics project - Introductory tutorial on Schematic & PCB design
41. Awesome Swift
- Throttler (⭐158) - Throttle massive number of asynchronous inputs in a single drop of one line API.
42. Free for Dev
Source Code Repos
- — Heptapod is a friendly fork of GitLab Community Edition providing support for Mercurial
- — is a free and open source software code collaboration platform for FOSS-licensed projects, Git-based
APIs, Data, and ML
- ipapi - IP Address Location API by Kloudend, Inc - A reliable geolocation API built on AWS, trusted by Fortune 500. The free tier offers 30k lookups/month (1k/day) without signup.
- Kreya — Free gRPC GUI client to call and test gRPC APIs. Can import gRPC APIs via server reflection.
- News API — Search news on the web with code, and get JSON results. Developers get 3,000 queries free each month.
- Roboflow - create and deploy a custom computer vision model with no prior machine learning experience required. The free tier includes up to 1,000 free source images.
- TinyMCE - rich text editing API. Core features are free for unlimited usage.
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- Braid — Chat app designed for teams. Free for public access group, unlimited users, history, and integrations. also, it provides a self-hostable open-source version.
- Fibery — Connected workspace platform. Free for single users, up to 2 GB disk space.
- — Straightforward file sharing service. Share unlimited files up to 5GB with as many peers as you want.
- Zulip — Real-time chat with a unique email-like threading model. The free plan includes 10,000 messages of search history and File storage up to 5 GB. also, it provides a self-hostable open-source version.
- Contentful — Headless CMS. Content management and delivery APIs in the cloud. Comes with one free Community space that includes five users, 25K records, 48 Content Types, 2 locales.
Code Quality
- - The #1 static code analyzer for Postgresql optimization. Performance, security, and architect database issues automatic detection service
- - Abstract syntax tree parsers and intermediate representation compilers as a service
- — Smart visual validation for web, native mobile and desktop apps. Integrates with almost all automation solutions (like Selenium and Karma) and remote runners (Sauce Labs, Browser Stack). free for open source. A free tier for a single user with limited checkpoints per week.
- - Automatically create API and load tests by analyzing network traffic. Simulate up to 50 concurrent users for up to 60 minutes for free monthly.
- - Verify webhooks, outbound HTTP requests, or emails with a custom URL. A temporary URL and email address are always free.
Management System
- - Server management tool to easily manage and deploy your servers & sites. Free for one server.
Messaging and Streaming
- — Single API for push, in-app, email, chat, SMS, and other messaging channels with template management and other features. The free plan includes 10,000 messages/mo.
Translation Management
- SimpleLocalize - Free up to 100 translation keys, unlimited strings, unlimited languages, startup deals
- - Free for Open Source
- - Open source E2E / Synthetic monitoring and deep API monitoring for developers. Free plan with five users and 50k+ check runs.
- — New Relic observability platform built to help engineers create more perfect software. From monoliths to serverless, you can instrument everything and then analyze, troubleshoot, and optimize your entire software stack. The free tier offers 100GB/month of free data ingest, one free full-access user, and unlimited free primary users.
Crash and Exception Handling
- GlitchTip — Simple, open-source error tracking. Compatible with open-source Sentry SDKs. 1000 events per month for free, or can self-host with no limits
- - Exception, uptime, and cron monitoring. Free for small teams and open-source projects (12,000 errors/month).
- - Unlimited chat messages, p2p voice & video calls, files attachments and push notifications. Free for apps up to 1000 users.
- - Hosted language combined with editor and infrastructure. Accessible during the beta, a generous free tier is planned after beta.
Managed Data Services
- Upstash — Serverless Redis with free tier up to 10,000 requests per day, 256MB max database size, and 20 concurrent connections
- SeaTable — Flexible, Spreadsheet-like Database built by the Seafile team. unlimited tables, 2,000 lines, 1-month versioning, up to 25 team members.
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- - Collaborate through all phases of the product development process and keep track of work across Slack, Discord, Figma, and Github. Unlimited users, unlimited spaces. Free plan up to 250 work items.
- Linear — Issue tracker with a streamlined interface. Free for unlimited members, up to 10MB file upload size, 250 issues (excluding Archive)
- MeisterTask — Online task management for teams. Free up to 3 projects and unlimited project members.
- Tara AI — Simple sprint management service. The free plan has unlimited tasks, sprints, and workspaces without user limits.
- — Project management & Team Chat. Free for five users and two projects. Premium plans are available.
- Yodiz — Agile development and issue tracking. Free up to 3 users, unlimited projects.
Storage and Media Processing
- — Simple and secure offsite backup hosting for Borg Backup. 10 GB free backup space and two repositories.
- — Image upload, powerful manipulations, storage, and delivery for sites and apps, with Ruby, Python, Java, PHP, Objective-C, and more libraries. The free tier includes 25 monthly credits. One credit equals 1,000 image transformations, 1 GB of storage, or 1 GB of CDN usage.
Design and UI
- Plasmic - A fast, easy-to-use, robust web design tool and page builder that integrates into your codebase. Build responsive pages or complex components; optionally extend with code; and publish to production sites and apps.
Data Visualization on Maps
- — APIs and SDKs for maps, geospatial data storage, analysis, geocoding, routing, and more across web, desktop, and mobile. Two million free base map tiles, 20,000 non-stored geocodes, 20,000 simple routes, 5,000 drive time calculations, and 5GB free tile+data storage per month.
IDE and Code Editing
- 3v4l - Free online PHP shell and snippet-sharing site, that runs your code in 300+ PHP versions
- Eclipse Che - Web-based and Kubernetes-Native IDE for Developer Teams with multi-language support. Open Source and community-driven. An online instance hosted by Red Hat is available at
Analytics, Events and Statistics
- Avo — Simplified analytics release workflow. Single-source-of-truth tracking plan, type-safe analytics tracking library, in-app debuggers, and data observability to catch all data issues before you release. Free for two workspace members and 1 hour data observability lookback.
Visitor Session Recording
- - 1,000 sessions/month with 30-day retention, error tracking, live mode
Screenshot APIs
- PhantomJsCloud — Browser automation and page rendering. Free Tier offers up to 500 pages/day. Free Tier since 2017.
- Hook Relay - Add webhook support to your app without the hassles: done-for-you queueing, retries with backoff, and logging. The free plan has 100 deliveries per day, 14-day retention, and 3 hook endpoints.
- — SaaS tool for managing HTTP redirections for businesses, marketing and SEO.
- Smartcar API - An API for cars to locate, get fuel tank, battery levels, odometer, unlock/lock doors, etc.
43. Awesome Fastapi
Utils / Other Tools
- FastAPI Websocket Pub/Sub (⭐13) - The classic pub/sub pattern made easily accessible and scalable over the web and across your cloud in realtime.
- FastAPI Websocket RPC (⭐7) - RPC (bidirectional JSON RPC) over Websockets made easy, robust, and production ready.
44. Awesome Elixir
- mazurka (⭐15) - Hypermedia API toolkit.
- SOAP client (⭐137) - Hex-documented SOAP client based on HTTPoison.
45. Awesome Cdk
Training Materials and Sample Code / Multi-accounts setup
- Create and Publish CDK Constructs Using projen and jsii (⭐28) - A step-by-step guide with sample code to create a new CDK construct using projen (⭐1.7k) and
and publish it to npm, Maven Central, PyPi and NuGet.
46. Awesome Jmeter
- JMeter Tutorial - By ArtOfTesting.
- JMeter Tutorial - By Tutorials Point.
- JMeter Tutorial for Load Testing: The Ultimate Guide - By Daniel Gutierrez Diez.
- JMeter Tutorial for Beginners - By Guru99.
Community / Blogs
- JMeter Basics - By João Farias.
47. Public Apis
API: PlaceDog
Description: Placeholder Dog pictures
Auth: No
API: IEX Cloud
Description: Realtime & Historical Stock and Market Data
Description: Provides worldwide forward/reverse geocoding, batch geocoding and geoparsing
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Description: Contains live datasets including information about petitions, bills, MP votes, attendance and more
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: GraphQL Jobs
Description: Jobs with GraphQL
Auth: No
Science & Math
Description: Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Auth: No
API: Launch Library 2
Description: Spaceflight launches and events database
Auth: No
Text Analysis
API: Aylien Text Analysis
Description: A collection of information retrieval and natural language APIs
CORS: Unknown
Description: Travel Search - Limited usage
CORS: Unknown
API: Foreca
Description: Weather
CORS: Unknown
48. Awesome Sitecore
- Cake.Sitecore (⭐11) - Provides a set of pre-build [CAKE build] tasks to be used to simplify a configuration of CI/CD for Helix-based Sitecore projects.
Extending Content Editor
- Sitecore Smart Commands (⭐10) - A shared-source module that contains smart copy, duplicate, and clone commands in Content Editor, that implement so much wanted functionality missing by default.
- NitroNet for Sitecore (⭐24) - Handles all possible presentation scenarios to integrate a handlebars frontend into Sitecore instead of Razor View without functional loss and improving productivity.
- Uniform, JSS and Next.js starter kit (⭐28) - A starter kit of Uniform, JSS, and Next.JS with content items and required configuration files, great to start a vanilla project with.
- Namics.Foundation.Logger (⭐0) - Provides a set of static methods to use for logging with flexible options
49. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 3
- Funexpected Flash Tools (⭐21) - Adobe Animate (Flash) plugin that allows you to export a project for a Godot Engine.
- Ridiculous Coding (⭐900) - Makes your coding experience in Godot 1000× more ridiculous.
- Shell Fur (⭐313) - 3D fur node for Godot.
Modules / Godot 3
- Flash Module (⭐41) - Use Adobe Animate (Flash) projects in Godot.
- GodotAIGym (⭐219) - Make your Godot project into an OpenAI Gym environment to train RL models with PyTorch.
50. Awesome Rails
Official Resources
Articles / Other external resources
Open Source Rails Apps / Other external resources
- adopt-a-hydrant (⭐722) - A civic infrastructure detection app (using Rails 4.2).
- askaway (⭐33) - Question & answer app specialized in politics (using Rails 4.1).
- brimir (⭐1.4k) - An email helpdesk app (using Rails 5.2). (archived).
- canvas-lms (⭐5.9k) - A learning management app.
- ciao (⭐1.9k) - A URL status checking app (using Rails 6.0).
- coRM (⭐27) - A customer relationship management app - using Rails 3.2 - 🌍
- coderwall (legacy) (⭐859) - A social network app for software engineers - using Rails 3.2
- coderwall (next) (⭐203) - A social network app for software engineers - using Rails 5.0
- contribulator (⭐85) - An open source project finder app - using Rails 5.1
- covoiturage-libre (⭐112) - A carpooling app - using Rails 5.0 (archived).
- crowdAI (⭐149) - An app for data science challenges (using Rails 5.2). - 🌍
- (⭐142) - A messaging app with encryption support (using Rails 4.2).
- follow-all (⭐81) - A Twitter account management app (using Rails 4.2). (archived).
- graff_mags (⭐19) - A graffiti magazine sharing app (using Rails 4.1).
- hashrobot (⭐49) - A social media management app (using Rails 4.2).
- helpy (⭐2.4k) - A customer support app (using Rails 4.2). - 🌍
- hours (⭐1k) - A time tracking app (using Rails 4.2).
- (⭐116) - A control panel app for app deployment (using Rails 4.1).
- kitsu-tools (⭐2.1k) - An anime discovery platform (using Rails 4.1).
- lavish (⭐691) - A color scheme generator (using Rails 4.2).
- lifeToRemind (⭐11) - A career planning app (using Rails 5.2).
- obtvse2 (⭐257) - A blogging app (using Rails 4.0).
- onebody (⭐1.4k) - A social networking app for churches - using Rails 5.1
- opencongress (⭐48) - A website for getting information about US Congress - using Rails 3.0 (archived).
- rentmybikes-rails (⭐60) - A marketplace app - (using Rails 4.0).
- selfstarter (⭐3.2k) - A crowdfunding app (using Rails 4.0).
- sharetribe (⭐2.4k) - A peer-to-peer marketplace platform (using Rails 5.2). - 🌍
- socify (⭐378) - A social networking platform - using Rails 5.0
- splits-io (⭐139) - A speedrun data store and analysis engine. (using Rails 6.0). - 🌍
- spokenvote (⭐44) - A social voting app (using Rails 4.2).
- stackneveroverflow (⭐166) - A question asking & answering platform - using Rails 5.0
- teambox (⭐1.9k) - A collaboration app - using Rails 3.0 - 🌍 (archived).
- trado (⭐153) - An e-commerce platform (using Rails 4.2).
- whitehall (⭐920) - A content management app used by UK government - using Rails 7.0 Back to top
Gems / Other external resources
- rails (⭐57k) - A full-stack web development framework 🔴
- ace-rails-ap (⭐134) - A gem to integrate cloud9 editor into Rails asset pipeline. 🔴
- action_policy (⭐1.4k) - A tool to handle authorization. 🔴
- active_decorator (⭐1.1k) - A gem to keep views & helpers object-oriented. 🔴
- active_enum (⭐125) - A gem to provide enum classes 🔴
- activeadmin (⭐9.6k) - A gem to provide admin panel. 🔴
- activerecord-analyze (⭐222) - A gem to add EXPLAIN ANALYZE to Rails Active Record query objects. 🔴
- activerecord-import (⭐4.1k) - A gem to handle bulk data insertion using ActiveRecord. 🔴
- activerecord-pg_enum (⭐167) - A gem to integrate PostgreSQL's enumerated types with the Rails enum feature. 🔴
- activerecord-postgis-adapter (⭐899) - ActiveRecord connection adapter for PostGIS. 🔴
- activerecord-postgres_enum (⭐364) - A gem to adds migration and schema.rb support to PostgreSQL enum data types. 🔴
- activerecord-sqlserver-adapter (⭐977) - ActiveRecord connection adapter for the SQL Server. 🔴
- activerecord-typedstore (⭐454) - A gem to implement
with type definition. 🔴
- activity_notification (⭐506) - A gem to integrate user activity notification. 🔴
- aggregate_root (⭐1.4k) - A gem to handle event sourcing. 🔴
- ahoy_email (⭐1.1k) - A tool to provide mail analytics. 🔴
- algoliasearch-rails (⭐415) - A gem to integrate Algolia search. 🔴
- annotate (⭐4.5k) - A gem to annotate rails classes with schema & routes info. 🔴
- anycable-rails (⭐507) - A gem to handle websocket server. 🔴
- apipie-rails (⭐2.5k) - A REST API documentation tool. 🔴
- auther (⭐23) - A gem to provide simple, form-based authentication. 🔴
- autoprefixer-rails (⭐1.2k) - A gem to add vendor prefixes to stylesheets. 🔴
- avo (⭐1.6k) - Configuration-based, no-maintenance, extendable Ruby on Rails admin panel. rubygems
- better_errors (⭐6.9k) - A tool to provide better error page. 🔴
- brakeman (⭐7.1k) - A gem to scan code against security vulnerabilities. 🔴
- breadcrumbs_on_rails (⭐948) - A gem to create & manage breadcrumbs-style navigation. 🔴
- bulma-rails (⭐352) - A wrapper for Bulma, a CSS framework based on flexbox. 🔴
- cancancan (⭐5.6k) - A gem to handle authorization. 🔴
- carrierwave (⭐8.8k) - A gem to handle file uploads. 🔴
- caxlsx_rails (⭐745) - A gem to generate entity-relationship diagram. 🔴
- counter_culture (⭐2k) - A gem to provide counter caches. 🔴
- devise (⭐24k) - A gem to provide authentication. 🔴
- doorkeeper (⭐5.4k) - A gem to introduce OAuth2 provider functionality. 🔴
- draper (⭐5.2k) - A gem to add presentation logic. 🔴
- factory_bot_rails (⭐3.1k) - A fixture replacement for testing in Rails 🔴
- filestack-rails (⭐222) - A gem to integrate Filestack. 🔴
- formtastic (⭐5.2k) - A Rails form builder gem with semantically rich and accessible markup. 🔴
- friendly_id (⭐6.2k) - A gem to deal with slugs & permalinks. 🔴
- frozen_record (⭐407) - A gem to provide ActiveRecord-like interface to query static YAML files. 🔴
- geokit-rails (⭐1.6k) - A gem to integrate Geokit in Rails apps. 🔴
- good_job (⭐2.8k) - A gem to provide Postgres-based ActiveJob backend. 🔴
- gretel (⭐15) - A tool to generate breadcrumbs. 🔴
- groupdate (⭐3.8k) - A gem to manage temporal data. 🔴
- hotwire-rails (⭐970) - A gem to integrate Hotwire in Rails apps. 🔴
- image_optim_rails (⭐56) - A gem to handle image optimization. 🔴
- js-routes (⭐1.6k) - A tool to generate all Rails routes as JavaScript helpers. 🔴
- kaminari (⭐8.6k) - A gem to provide pagination. 🔴
- kt-paperclip (⭐281) - A gem to handle file uploads. 🔴
- lockbox (⭐1.5k) - A gem to deal with encryption. 🔴
- lograge (⭐3.5k) - A gem to customize logger in Rails apps. 🔴
- mailkick (⭐937) - A tool to handle mail unsubscriptions. 🔴
- marginalia (⭐1.8k) - A gem to attach comments to ActiveRecord's SQL queries. 🔴
- metka (⭐53) - A gem to manage tags using Postgresql array columns. 🔴
- money-rails (⭐1.8k) - A gem to integrate Money gem in Rails apps. 🔴
- paloma (⭐93) - A gem to manage page-specific JavaScript in Rails apps. 🔴
- pgcli-rails (⭐35) - A replacement of
command to manage Postgresql. 🔴
- premailer-rails (⭐1.7k) - A gem to handle email styling. 🔴
- prerender_rails (⭐358) - A gem to prerender JavaScript-rendered pages. 🔴
- rails-erd (⭐4k) - A gem to generate entity-relationship diagram. 🔴
- rails-settings-cached (⭐1.1k) - A gem to manage global settings as key-value pairs. 🔴
- rails_event_store (⭐1.4k) - A gem to implement event store in Rails 🔴
- ransack (⭐5.7k) - A gem to provide search functionality. 🔴
- react-rails (⭐6.7k) - A gem to integrate React.js with Rails app. 🔴
- redisWebManager (⭐172) - Web interface that allows you to manage easily your Redis instance. 🔴
- reform-rails (⭐100) - A gem to wrap Reform gem, a form validation tool, with Rails app. 🔴
- rgeo-activerecord (⭐90) - A gem to provide common tools used by RGeo-based spatial adapters. 🔴
- rodauth-rails (⭐642) - A gem to wrap Rodauth, an authentication handler, for Rails apps. 🔴
- rollup (⭐327) - A gem to handle time-series data in Rails 🔴
- route_translator (⭐897) - A tool to handle route translation. 🔴
- rspec-rails (⭐5.2k) - A testing framework. 🔴
- scenic (⭐3.5k) - A gem to manage database views. 🔴
- searchkick (⭐6.6k) - A gem to provide search functionality. 🔴
- select2-rails (⭐964) - A gem to integrate Select2 library in Rails apps. 🔴
- sequel-activerecord_connection (⭐138) - A gem to allow Sequel to reuse an ActiveRecord connection. 🔴
- simple_form (⭐8.2k) - A gem to handle forms. 🔴
- solidus (⭐5.1k) - A fork of Spree gem, an open source e-commerce platform. 🔴
- sorbet-rails (⭐636) - A gem to integrate Sorbet gem in Rails apps. 🔴
- spree (⭐14k) - An open source e-commerce platform. 🔴
- spring (⭐2.8k) - A gem to preload Rails app. 🔴
- sprockets (⭐959) - A gem to compile & serve web assets. 🔴
- stimulus-rails (⭐669) - A gem to integrate Stimulus.js in Rails apps. 🔴
- tinymce-rails (⭐816) - A gem to integrate Tinymce in Rails apps. 🔴
- transloadit-rails (⭐47) - A gem to integrate Transloadit's file uploading and encoding service. 🔴
- trove (⭐68) - A gem to handle machine learning models deployment. 🔴
- turbo-rails (⭐2.2k) - A gem to integrate Turbo.js in Rails apps. 🔴
- webpacker (⭐5.3k) - A gem to bundle web assets using Webpack. 🔴
- zeitwerk (⭐2k) - A gem to handle thread-safe code loading. 🔴
Starters/Boilerplates / Other external resources
- default_rails_template (⭐29) - Default template for generating new Rails applications.
- docker-Rails-Template (⭐134) - A freshly updated version of "rails new", preconfigured to be run with Docker.
- jumpstart(excid3) (⭐1.2k) - Easily jumpstart a new Rails application with a bunch of great features by default.
- jumpstart(thomasvanholder) (⭐21) - Template for set-up of Rails 6, Tailwind 2.0 and Devise.
- kickoff_tailwind (⭐580) - A rapid Rails 6 application template for personal use bundled with Tailwind CSS.
- rails-devise-graphql (⭐286) - A Rails 6 boilerplate to create your next Saas product. Preloaded with graphQL, devise, JWT, CanCanCan, RailsAdmin, Rubocop, Rspec, and more.
- rails-template(mattbrictson) (⭐1.1k) - Application template for Rails 6 projects; preloaded with best practices for TDD, security, deployment, and developer productivity.
- rails-template(TristanToye) (⭐34) - MVP Ready Rails - A Template for Your Next Rails App
- rails-template(ackama) (⭐339) - Application template for Rails 6.1 projects; preloaded with best practices for TDD, security, deployment, and developer productivity.
- rails-template(astrocket) (⭐79) - Template for Rails 6.0 + Kubernetes + Webpacker + Stimulus + TailwindCSS + Let's Encrypt.
- rails-template(dao42) (⭐381) - A best & newest & fastest rails 6.x template for senior rails developer.
- rails-templates(lewagon) (⭐667) - Jump start your Rails development with Le Wagon best practices.
- rails-templates(nimblehq) (⭐104) - Our optimized Rails templates used in our projects.
- rails-vue-template (⭐23) - An example of how to use VueJS as a single page application inside Rails using Webpacker.
- suspenders (⭐4k) - A Rails template with our standard defaults, ready to deploy to Heroku.
- vuejs-rails-starterkit (⭐216) - Vue.js + Rails Starting Kit GitHub Template to develop Hybrid Mobile Application.
DevTools / Other external resources
- Optic (⭐1.4k) - Optic automatically documents and tests your APIs.
51. Awesome Jax
Libraries / New Libraries
- imax (⭐37) - Image augmentations and transformations.
52. Awesome Keycloak
Video Playlists
53. Awesome Corda
- Codaptor (⭐15) - Create REST API for any CorDapp running on a Corda node automatically.
54. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Text processing
- becheran/wildmatch (⭐81) [wildmatch] - Simple string matching with questionmark- and star-wildcard operator
55. ALL About RSS
RSSHub / Outline Processor Markup Language
56. Awesome Economics
Discussions / Useful Materials
- Discord - A popular chat platform
- Academic Economics - A community with rooms to discuss economics and help members with exercises
Economics on GitHub / Economists
- mwt - Northwestern University, USA
57. Awesome Ansible
- How To Manage Remote Servers with Ansible - This Tutorial goes over how to use Ansible to manage remote servers.
- Ansible Tutorials on DigitalOcean - Basic tutorials on
- How To Manage Remote Servers with Ansible eBook - This book is based on the "How To Manage Remote Servers with Ansible" tutorial series.
58. Awesome Sre
Capacity Planning
59. Awesome Talks
- 7 minutes, 26 seconds, and the Fundamental Theorem of Agile Software Development by JB Rainsberger (Øredev 2013) [00:07:42]
- Prev: Mar 01 - Mar 07, 2021
- Next: Feb 15 - Feb 21, 2021