Awesome List Updates on Feb 15 - Feb 21, 2021
48 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Salesforce
Table of Contents / Packages and Libraries supporting salesforce
- Apex Test Kit (⭐119) - Apex Test Kit can help generate massive sObject data for Apex test classes. It is can help establish arbitrary levels of many-to-one, one-to-many relationships, and also generate field values based on simple rules automatically.
2. Awesome Mac
Utilities / System Related Tools
- Apple Silicon App Test - Browser-based tool for checking Apple Silicon app compatibility before you buy an M1 Mac.
3. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming Engine
- Maki Nage (⭐39) [Python] - A stream processing framework for data scientists, based on Kafka and ReactiveX.
4. Awesome Transit
GTFS Courses
- Planetizen "Building a Transit Map Web App" course - A video tutorial on setting up your own web-based mapping application, with no coding experience required.
5. Awesome Deep Learning Resources
Misc. Hubs & Links / Other
- Awesome Neuraxle (⭐1) - An awesome list for Neuraxle, a ML Framework for coding clean production-level ML pipelines.
6. Awesome Electron
Closed Source / Other
- Dynobase - AWS DynamoDB GUI.
7. Alternative Front Ends
Overview / YouTube
- Youtube-viewer (⭐1.1k): Lightweight YouTube client for Linux
- Invidious-viewer (⭐15): Python application to watch YouTube videos through the Invidious API, in the terminal (requires MPV player and, provided by Linux distro)
- Youtube-dl (⭐122k): Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
- Alltube (⭐2.9k): Web GUI for youtube-dl
- Vividl (⭐425): Modern Windows GUI for youtube-dl
- Tartube (⭐1.5k): A GUI front-end for youtube-dl, partly based on youtube-dl-gui and written in Python 3 / Gtk 3
- Plumber (⭐54): Local and remote video trimmer, can trim parts of video without downloading whole video, utilizes youtube-dl, allows conversion to GIFs
- ViewTube (⭐755): An alternative front-end for YouTube, written in Vue.js, uses Plyr video player; supports SponsorBlock, multiple Invidious instances support, chapters
Overview / Twitter
- Shitter (⭐196): Android, alternative front-end for Twitter, built with Java
- Harpy (⭐2k): Android, alternative front-end for Twitter, built with Flutter/Dart
- Twidere X (⭐970): Android, alternative front-end for Twitter, built mostly with Kotlin, in early stage
- Tweeterr (⭐6): A tool to use Twitter from the command line on the fly
- Tweet-app (⭐65): Desktop Twitter client only for tweeting. Timeline never shows up
- Tweepy (⭐9.8k): Twitter for Python
Overview / Reddit
- RedditClient (⭐15): Alternative front-end for Reddit, built with Angular
- Eddrit (⭐21): Alternative front-end for Reddit, inspired by Nitter, built with Python & Starlette
- Top of Reddit (⭐23): Top Reddit posts every day
Overview / Hacker News
- HNTopLinks (⭐30): Top Links on Hacker News
Redirection / Other services
- Privacy Redirect (⭐1.7k): A simple web extension that redirects Twitter, YouTube, & Google Maps requests to privacy friendly alternatives
Related projects / Other services
- uBlock Origin (⭐37k): An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean
8. Awesome Gnome
Examples / Skeumorphic Icons
- Hello - Set of Hello World examples for GNOME/GTK in different languages.
9. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Languages and Environments
- JSON (⭐209) - Lint your JSON files.
- JSON, package.json (⭐41) - Lint, format, and auto-fix your JSON files. Sort your
. - JSON with Comments (⭐197) - ESLint plugin for JSON, JSONC and JSON5.
- JSON Schema (⭐71) - Validates data defined in JavaScript, JSON, YAML and TOML using JSON Schema Validator.
10. Awesome Regression Testing
Online services (a-z↓)
- Micoo (⭐191) - Open source service for all UI application visual regression solution
11. Awesome Elm
Inspired by Elm / Games
- Bucklescript-TEA (⭐600) - The Elm Architecture based on OCaml / Reason and Bucklescript
- Oolong - An Elm inspired Model-View-Update (MVU) implementation for Kotlin multiplatform.
12. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- Programming for Non-Programmers, Release 2.6.2 - Steven F. Lott (PDF) (2.6) (🗃️ archived)
13. Awesome React Native
Utilities / Navigation Demos
- SimpleLocalize CLI (⭐34) - An open source Localization CLI tool for finding i18n keys in project files.
14. Awesome Ada
Components / Apache License
- lace (⭐9) - A set of Ada components to allow 3D simulations, games and GUI's in Ada.
Automation / Apache License
- aicwl - Collection of packages provided for design of high-quality industrial control widgets for Ada applications.
- ada-for-automation - A4A is a framework for designing industrial automation applications using the Ada language.
Science / Apache License
- si - SI units checked and unchecked.
Shells, Interpreters and Emulators / Apache License
- a-shell (⭐14) - A component to aid in writing shell-like applications in Ada.
15. Awesome Spark
Packages / General Purpose Libraries
- itachi (⭐56)
- A library that brings useful functions from modern database management systems to Apache Spark.
16. Free for Dev
Messaging and Streaming
- Ably - Realtime messaging service with presence, persistence and guaranteed delivery. The free plan includes 3m messages per month, 100 peak connections, and 100 peak channels.
- — Free email forwarding for custom domains. Create and forward an unlimited amount of email addresses with your domain name (note: You must pay if you use .casa, .cf, .click, .email, .fit, .ga, .gdn, .gq, .lat, .loan, .london, .men, .ml, .pl, .rest, .ru, .tk, .top, .work TLDs due to spam)
17. Awesome Scriptable
scriptable-recipe (⭐6) - Random food recipe widget that opens cooking video on YouTube.
18. Awesome Blazor
- - .NET 6 planning process.
19. Awesome Design Systems
Books / Storybook addons
- Introduction to Design Systems - A practical introduction to design systems by using React, Figma and Storybook by Emma Bostian
20. Awesome Ddd
Sample Projects / GO
- BDD in GO (⭐3) - Sample app demonstrating the use of Cucumber + GO for a BDD testing approach. Blog post can be found here.
- Citerus DDD Sample App GO Port (⭐2.4k) - This is an attempt to port the DDD Sample App (⭐4.8k) to idiomatic Go. It can be run in a dockerized mode for previewing the application.
- DDD by Refactoring (⭐4.8k) - Complete serverless application to show how to apply DDD, Clean Architecture, and CQRS by practical refactoring of a Go project. A full blog series about it can be found at
- DDD Food App (⭐603) - Sample DDD application implementing the 4 layers (Domain, Infrastructure, Application and Interface) and considering two domain patterns. There's a blog article written for it here.
- DDD Sample in GO (⭐273) - Just another sample application implementing the four layers of DDD.
- Evolutive CRUD API (⭐73) - API implementation with full CRUD using a SOLID, Hexagonal Architecture. There is a series of blog post written for it at
- Simple Hexagonal Architecture PoC API (⭐29) - PoC for a patients API using the hexagonal architecture pattern.
Libraries and Frameworks / GO
- Ginkgo (⭐7.9k) - Ginkgo builds on Go's testing package, allowing expressive Behavior-Driven Development ("BDD") style tests.
- GOBDD (⭐104) - Small BDD framework for GO.
- GoConvey (⭐8.1k) - Go testing in the browser. Integrates with
go test
. Write behavioral tests in Go.
- Godog (⭐2.2k) - Package godog is the official Cucumber BDD framework for Golang, it merges specification and test documentation into one cohesive whole, using Gherkin formatted scenarios in the format of Given, When, Then.
21. Awesome Devsecops
- Periodic Table of DevOps Tools - XebiaLabs - A collection of DevSecOps tooling categorised by tool functionality.
22. Awesome Piracy
Trackers / Public Trackers
- YggTorrent French tracker and search engine (have a download/upload ratio limitation)
23. Awesome Angular
CLI / Google Developer Experts
- ng-cli-hooks (⭐6) - Hooks for the Angular CLI to customize the build.
24. Awesome Jmeter
CI / Tools & Plugins
- TeamCity Performance Tests Analysis Plugin (⭐21) - TeamCity plugin to organize simplest performance testing in CI 💀.
- Sonar JMeter Plugin (⭐10) - Plugin to collect JMeter performance tests results and display in Sonar dashboard 💀.
Trainings & Courses / Utilities
- JMeter: Performance and Load Testing (Feb 2019) - By LinkedIn Learning.
- Advanced JMeter (Jul 2020) - By LinkedIn Learning.
- Apache JMeter Training - By QAInsights.
- JMeter Getting Started Course (Apr 2019) - By Pluralsight.
Videos / Utilities
- JMeter Tutorials - By Automation Step by Step.
- Learn Apache JMeter Series - By QAInsights.
Community / Q&A
25. Awesome Prometheus
- Kubernetes monitoring with Prometheus, the ultimate guide - Kubernetes monitoring with Prometheus, the ultimate guide by Mateo Burillo.
26. Awesome Cpp
- Csv::Parser (⭐31) - Compile-time and runtime CSV parser written in C++17. [Zlib]
- Refureku (⭐231) - A C++17 runtime reflection and code generation library. [MIT]
27. Awesome Flutter
Navigation / Image Picker
- Beamer (⭐595) - Route through guarded page stacks and URLs using the Navigator 2.0 API effortlessly by Sandro Lovnički
28. Awesome Yew
- Reddit - Dedicated Sub Reddit.
- KeyPress (⭐8) - A Rust WebAssembly Website example for practising english for chinese.
Crates / Component Libraries
- yew-feather (⭐19) - Feather Icons components for Yew.
29. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-windicss (⭐858) - Windi CSS integration.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers
- vite-plugin-html (⭐634) - Plugin to minimize and use ejs template syntax in
30. ALL About RSS
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
😎 Services that support RSS / Outline Processor Markup Language
🔱 Workflow Automation / 酷Q Plugin
Sponsors / Sharing APP Promo codes with my Telegram Channel subscribers
universally from / text
specifically from (a certain platform) / Wechat Subscription Accounts (微信公众号)
Feed item filtering / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Tech or IT / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Multi-subject / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Views / Discussions / Experiences / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- Views / Discussions About RSS 4, 6, 10, 11, 115, 132, 241, 265, 335, 350, 378, 397, 447, 479, 605, 938, 957
😣 Services that have stopped supporting RSS / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Figures / Developers / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- DIYGod (RSSHub) 345
- Dave Winer 538
- GuysKK (蚁阅 Anyant) 777
- PixelMage (Ego Reader) 856
- Josh Holtz (An Otter RSS) 948
Podcast Feed Customization / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Views / Discussions About RSS and Podcast / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
31. Awesome Wardley Maps
Maps in the Wild
- Some initial thoughts about ERP systems - Jan 23, 2020.
- The Art of Strategy - A curated atlas of Wardley mapping examples. Mar 6, 2019 - Present.
32. Awesome Digitalocean
Commercial integrations
- - Free DigitalOcean billing monitoring and insights tool
- SnapShooter - Tool for taking Daily to Hourly backups of Droplets and Volumes
33. Awesome Typescript
Types / Playground
- typetype (⭐419) - A programming language designed for typescript type generation
34. Awesome Jamstack
Jamstack Sites Showcase
- HandleDroid - Built with Next.js, MongoDB, Auth0, AWS CloudWatch, SendGrid, Stripe and hosted on Netlify.
35. Awesome Hacking
Tools / Other
- CSP Scanner - Analyze a site's Content-Security-Policy (CSP) to find bypasses and missing directives.
- RustScan (⭐11k) - Extremely fast port scanner built with Rust, designed to scan all ports in a couple of seconds and utilizes nmap to perform port enumeration in a fraction of the time.
36. Awesome React
React Routing
- wouter (⭐6.8k) - A minimalist-friendly routing
React Libraries
- react-uploady (⭐1.1k) - Modern file-upload components & hooks for React
37. Awesome React Components
Miscellaneous / Lazy Load
- SimpleLocalize (⭐56) - Open source CLI tool for finding i18n keys in React projects.
Form Components / Color Picker
- react-colorful (⭐3k) - A tiny (2,5 KB), dependency-free, fast and accessible color picker component.
Router / Mouse Events
- redux-first-history (⭐440) - Redux First History - Redux history binding support react-router - @reach/router - wouter
38. Awesome Elixir
- hush (⭐133) - Read and inject configuration at runtime, and in release mode with support for multiple providers.
- hush_aws_secrets_manager (⭐19) - AWS Secrets Manager provider for hush.
- hush_gcp_secret_manager (⭐18) - Google Secret Manager provider for hush.
Feature Flags and Toggles
- ConfigCat (⭐20) - Elixir SDK for ConfigCat hosted feature flag service.
- temple - An HTML DSL for Elixir and Phoenix.
- mix_test_interactive (⭐94) - Interactive test runner for mix test with watch mode.
Text and Numbers
- bitcoinex (⭐70) - Bitcoin utilities in Elixir.
39. Awesome Kde
Internet & Networking
- Falkon - QtWebEngine based cross-platform web browser 📌.
- Smb4K - Advanced Network Neighborhood Browser and Samba Share Mounting Utility 📌.
System Administration
- KInfoCenter - A utility that provides detailed information about a computer system 📌.
Utilities & Tools
- KWinFT - Wayland compositor and X11 window manager.
40. Awesome Rust
Applications / Audio and Music
- ncspot (⭐5.3k) - Cross-platform ncurses Spotify client, inspired by ncmpc and the likes.
Applications / Database
- WooriDB (⭐131) - General purpose time serial database inspired by Crux and Datomic.
41. Awesome Humane Tech
- RethinkDNS
- DNS over HTTPS and Tor, DNSCrypt client, firewall and connection tracker for Android.
- Mozilla Stumbler
- A scanner that collects GPS and wireless network data for our crowd-sourced location db.
42. Public Apis
Description: Registered Domain Names Search
Auth: No
API: CoinCap
Description: Real time Cryptocurrency prices through a RESTful API
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
43. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Frameworks and Stacks
- F Prime (⭐9.3k) - A component-driven framework that enables rapid development and deployment of spaceflight and other embedded software applications.
Electronics and Mechanics / Version Control
- OpenAeroStruct (⭐140) - A lightweight tool that performs aerostructural optimization using OpenMDAO.
44. Awesome Pcaptools
Linux commands
- Iptraf-ng: is an interactive and colorful IP Lan monitor. It shows individual connections and the amount of data flowing between the hosts. A maintained fork of the defunct iptraf. Screenshot
45. Awesome Godot
Demos / Godot 3
- Godot experiments (⭐802) - Several 2D, 3D and VR experiments.
Plugins and scripts / Godot 4
- SmartShape2D (⭐1.4k) - A 2D terrain tool. (Godot 3 and 4)
Plugins and scripts / Godot 3
- Anima (⭐714) - Run sequential and parallel animations with less code compared to Tween.
- Godot GamePad (⭐123) - Allows players to use their mobile devices as controllers.
Modules / Godot 4
- Godex (⭐1.3k) - An entity component system library.
46. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Building an E-Commerce app with Vue.js, Vuex & Axios by Deven Rathore ( November 2020)
- Vue.js Debugging: A Guide to Fixing Your Frontend - Learn the basics of Vue.js debugging. This guide will walk you through a tutorial on how to fix your application's frontend.
Projects Using Vue.js / Commercial Products
- NxShell (⭐1.1k) - An easy to use new terminal for SSH, which based on Electron and VueJS.
Components & Libraries / Frameworks
- Native script (⭐5.4k) - Native mobile applications using NativeScript
47. Awesome Terraform
Providers / Vendor supported providers
- terraform-provider-checkly (⭐44) - Manage Checkly resources for API & E2E monitoring.
48. Awesome Sitecore
- Next.js Starter kit using GraphQL and Sitecore Experience Edge for Content Hub (⭐9) - This is a great example of Sitecore Experience Edge Content as-a-Service approach using NextJS upon React, using a demo instance of the latest Content Hub.
- Sitecore Foundation (⭐46) - Sitecore Framework from Avanade that follows the Helix modular architecture design principles.
- Helixify (⭐0) - The module is designed to add instant Helix compatibility to any Sitecore project.
- Conditional Placeholder Settings - A module to allow Sitecore Rules Engine to support the existing placeholder settings functionality coming with Sitecore.
- Securty Headers (⭐8) - Shows how to implement response security headers on an example of SXA, but they are truly Helix-generic.
- Minq (⭐1) - Mockable, LINQable support for Sitecore and Sitecore MVC.
- Prev: Feb 22 - Feb 28, 2021
- Next: Feb 08 - Feb 14, 2021