Awesome List Updates on Feb 08 - Feb 14, 2021
54 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Npm
- moiva - Discover and compare packages.
2. Awesome Embedded Rust
Board support crates / STMicroelectronics
Board Support Crate for the STM32F3DISCOVERY used in Rust Embedded Discovery book -
3. Awesome Deno
Modules / CLI utils
- cliffy (⭐951) - The complete solution for building interactive command-line tools.
4. Awesome Ember
Packages / Why Articles
Packages / Articles Modern Testing
Packages / Best-practices
Packages / Nice to know
5. Awesome Osint
Geospatial Research and Mapping Tools / Steam
6. Awesome Rails
Articles / Other external resources
7. Awesome Data Engineering
Community / Conferences
- Data Council - Data Council is the first technical conference that bridges the gap between data scientists, data engineers and data analysts.
8. Awesome Translations
Platforms / Localization and translation platforms
- SimpleLocalize - A simple translation management for software projects.
9. Awesome Android Ui
Name: IridescentView (⭐15)
License: MIT
10. Awesome React Components
- react-spinners (⭐3k) - A collection of loading spinner components for react.
- react-content-loader (⭐13k) - SVG-Powered component to easily create placeholder loadings (like Facebook's cards loading).
11. Awesome React
React Development Tools
- create-react-app (⭐103k) - Set up a modern Web app by running one command
12. Awesome Cassandra
Cassandra Data Modeling / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Cassandra Data Modeling Notes - Simple notes on how to estimate the size of your cluster.
- Cassandra Data Modeling Best Practices Guide - Explains five Cassandra data modeling best practices.
Cassandra Maintenance / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Backup Strategies for Cassandra - Good comparison of different backup and restoration strategies for Cassandra.
- Cassandra backup util (⭐40) - Instaclustr's cassandra backup tool.
Cassandra Performance Tuning / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Analyzing Cassandra Performance with Flame Graphs - Visually examining Cassandra performance visually using Flamegraphs.
Cassandra Deployment / Cassandra Deployment on Kubernetes / Kubernetized Cassandra
- Sky UK - Cassandra Kubernetes Operator (⭐23) - Kubernetes operator that manages Cassandra clusters inside Kubernetes. Well designed and organized.
Timeseries Databases / Monitoring / Metrics
- filodb/FiloDB (⭐1.4k) - Distributed Prometheus time-series database compatible with Prometheus queries.
- cybem/cyanite-iow (⭐0) - Cassandra backed Carbon daemon and metric web service. IPONWEB repository, compatible with Carbon.
Graph / Custom Time Series
- DSE Graph | Datastax - Successor to TitanDB , Commercial Tinkerpop / Gremlin compatible large scale Graph Database on DSE.
Tools / Custom Time Series
- cassandra-migration-tool-java (⭐98) - Cassandra migration tool for java is a lightweight tool used to execute schema and data migration on Cassandra database.
- Presto - Distributed SQL Query Engine for Big Data. Presto allows querying data where it lives, including Hive, Cassandra, relational databases or even proprietary data stores.
Open Source Applications / Custom Time Series
- Cassandra-Tools (⭐55) - Python Fabric scripts to help automate the launching and managing of cluster testing on AWS.
Logging /Metrics / Custom Time Series
- Cassandra CFStats to CSV Parser (⭐1) - Converts the output of CFStats to CSV.
Books / Custom Time Series
Videos / Custom Time Series
- Tuning the Spark Cassandra Connector - Great talk by Russell Spitzer maintainer of the Spark Cassandra connector.
Slides / Custom Time Series
- Tuning the Spark Cassandra Connector - Slides by Russell Spitzer maintainer of the Spark Cassandra connector.
13. Awesome Blazor
Presentations slides / Others
- Using .NET 5 with the Raspberry Pi - January 28, 2021 - Using .NET 5 with the Raspberry Pi, on Slideshare.
14. Awesome Piracy
Academic Papers and Material / Third Party Hosts
- LibGen search engine for articles and books on various topics, which allows free access to content that is otherwise paywalled or not digitized elsewhere
15. Awesome Rust
Applications / Blockchain
- Forest (⭐647) - Filecoin implementation
Libraries / Parsing
- softdevteam/grmtools (⭐533) - A LR parser with better error correction
16. Awesome Lidar
- Audi A2D2 Dataset - The dataset features 2D semantic segmentation, 3D point clouds, 3D bounding boxes, and vehicle bus data.
17. Awesome Mongodb
Applications / Web
- Builder Book App (⭐3.8k) - Web app to publish books or documentation built with React and Express
18. Awesome Cryptography
Standalone / Hash functions
- Databunker - API based personal data or PII storage service built to comply with GDPR and CCPA.
19. Awesome Vite
Templates / Vue 3
- Vitesse (⭐9.1k) - Opinionated starter template.
- vite-ts-tailwind-starter (⭐447) - TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, e2e tests + CI.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Loaders
- vite-imagetools (⭐995) - Load and transform images using url query parameters.
React / Framework
- vite-plugin-react-pages (⭐467) - A Vite framework for building React app.
Rollup Plugins / Compatible with Vite
- @rollup/plugin-image (⭐3.7k) - Import JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, and WebP files (needs
enforce: 'pre'
- @rollup/plugin-strip (⭐3.7k) - Remove debugger statements and functions from your code.
Apps/Websites / Community
- - A task-based time tracker for everyday use.
20. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- LogChimp (⭐766) - Open-source software to track your customer's feedback to build better products.
21. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Dependency Management Extras
- Composer Patches (⭐1.6k) - A plugin for Composer to apply patches.
Table of Contents / Testing
- PHP MySQL Engine (⭐557) - A MySQL engine written in pure PHP.
Configuration / PHP Websites
- Laravel News - The official Laravel blog.
- PHP Watch - PHP articles, news, upcoming changes, RFCs and more.
Configuration / PHP Videos
- Laravel YouTube Channel - The official Laravel YouTube channel.
- SymfonyCasts - Screencasts and tutorials about PHP and Symfony.
22. Awesome Sitecore
- Konabos Docker Examples (⭐12) - Sample compose files and associated configuration beyond those officially provided by Sitecore.
Data Exchange Framework
- Gutters for Sitecore Data Exchange Framework (⭐1) - Collection of 3 gutters for DEF to provide a quick solution for context item of an item within the tree:
- WFFM Conversion Tool (⭐11) - A console application that provides an automated solution to convert and migrate Web Forms For Marketers (WFFM) items and their data to Sitecore Forms.
SXA (Sitecore Experience Accelerator)
- SXA.Platform.Assemblies (⭐0) - the lists of assemblies for SXA back to v1.6 and Powershell script to generate your own.
23. Awesome Nosql Guides
Overview of NoSQL
- NoSQL Distilled - Very digestable and affordable book describing the different NoSQL databases and help you make the decision on whether using a NoSQL database is appropriate for your project.
- NoSQL Databases: a Survey and Decision Guidance (2016) - "This NoSQL Toolbox allows us to derive a simple decision tree to help practitioners and researchers filter potential system candidates based on central application requirements".
- Data Management in the Cloud: Limitations and Opportunities (PDF) - Abadi (2009) discusses limitations and opportunities of data management and data analysis in the cloud.
- Five Common Data Stores and When to Use Them (2019) - Article describes five common data stores (relational database, non-relational (“NoSQL”) database, key-value store, full-text search engine, message queue) and their attributes.
- Comparing Database Types: How Database Types Evolved to Meet Different Needs - Good overview of databases in general and how NoSQL database types differ and can be useful.
Data Structures and Modeling
- Unified Data Modeling for Relational and NoSQL Databases - Solution for managing both NoSQL and relational databases using the Unified Data Modeling technique.
Crowd-Sourced Information
- /r/nosql - Reddit page on NoSQL on general questions and discussions people may have about NoSQL databases.
Graph Databases
- Graph Data Modeling Visualize Structure and Meaning - Brief introduction to graph data modeling and is an introduction to the book "Graph Data Modeling for NoSQL and SQL" by Thomas Frisendal.
Criticisms and Debates
- Addressing the NoSQL Criticism (2011) - Argues against nine criticisms to NoSQL databases as they apply to CouchDB, but may apply to others as well.
24. Awesome Construct
Made With Construct
- Games made with Construct - A website that list all the games made with the engine.
25. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot version unknown
- Godot Shaders (⭐3.3k) - A large library of free and open-source shaders for 2D and 3D.
26. Alternative Internet
Cloud and storage
- DAT decentralized file system with live replication
- IPFS is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. IPFS is an open source project developed by the team at Interplanetary Networks and many contributors from the open source community.
- ownCloud is personal cloud software with a focus on ease of use and syncing, mobile clients and a wide range of applications.
- Perkeep (was Camlistore) is your personal storage system for life. It is an acronym for "Content-Addressable Multi-Layer Indexed Storage" and could be described as "Like git for all content in your life"
- Seafile is a cloud software similar to owncloud, with clients for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS. Server for Linux and Raspberry Pi.
- Sia is the leading decentralized cloud storage platform. No signups, no servers, no trusted third parties. Sia leverages blockchain technology to create a data storage marketplace that is more robust and more affordable than traditional cloud storage providers. Instead of using a centralized provider, peers on Sia rent storage from each other. Sia itself stores only the storage contracts formed between parties, using a Bitcoin-style blockchain.
- Tahoe-LAFS is a Free and Open cloud storage system. It distributes your data across multiple servers. Even if some of the servers fail or are taken over by an attacker, the entire filesystem continues to function correctly, preserving your privacy and security.
- Thali is an open source personal data store that syncs across one or more of your devices, and (selectively, via one or more apps) to one or more more trusted peers. Data store: Couchbase Lite (open source, NoSQL, multi-master sync). Trust model: public key exchange, mutual SSL authentication. Network transport: HTTPS. P2P mechanisms: local/ad-hoc, or Tor (using hidden services).
Cryptocurrencies and markets
- BitCoin is a digital currency, a protocol, and a software that enables it. Decentralized crypto-currency
- Bitsquare Bitsquare is a decentralized bitcoin exchange. It supports national currencies (fiat) with a variety of payment methods as well as alternative cryptocurrencie
- Ethereum is an enhanced cryptocurrency with support for Next-Generation Generalized Smart Contract and Smart Property.
- PeerCoin/PPCoin is the first known cryptocurrency based on an implementation of a combined proof-of-stake/proof-of-work system
Developer tools and frameworks
- jIO is a client-side JavaScript library to manage documents across multiple storages, in a modular way, such as LocalStorage, WebDAV, Amazon S3, you name it.
- Kademlia is a distributed hash table for decentralized peer-to-peer computer networks
- OpenDHT (⭐1k) is a lightweight C++11 Distributed Hash Table implementation offering a clean and powerful distributed map API. It is used by Ring, is able to listen to value changes and adds a cryptography layer.
- Shark is an open source framework for building semantic P2P applications in Java. It facilitates building decentralized application based on the notion of ontologies. The name is an acronym for 'Shared Knowledge'.
- cabal is a distributed chat platform built ontop of dat's foundational technologies. It's like IRC except you have backscroll when you join, and there are no servers. There is currently a nodejs library (⭐302), a terminal client (⭐521), a desktop client (⭐847), and an experimental mobile client (⭐146).
- Delta Chat is a free software chat application and ecosystem based on IMAP and SMTP, which leverages end-to-end encryption via autocrypt. It piggybacks on top of the huge, already existing email infrastructure. All you need to get started is an email address. There's a client for Android and clients for iOS and desktop in the works. Follow the development on the GitHub page.
- Meshtastic as an open-source extendable mesh communication and location sharing device. Based on off-the-shelf $30 modules from various vendors, 8 day battery life. Good for skiers, hikers, protestors, finding lost kids, etc...
- PrivMX WebMail is an alternative private mail system with independent, decentralized PKI and support for end-to-end encrypted web forms.
- RetroShare is an open source, decentralised communication platform. It lets you chat and share with friends and family, with a web-of-trust to authenticate peers.
- Scramble is easy-to-use, open source encrypted email. Scramble server has no knowledge of the message contents, since encryption is always performed end-to-end on the clients. Public keys are verified using a fedetared trust model based on multiple independent notaries.
- Starkit is a private cloud plug-n-play secure email server for private communication allowing you the benefits of secure email as soon as you turn it on. Bundled with Web-based interface for anywhere access. Apart from a Secure Mail Server You can use Starkit as your Secure Private Cloud storage to save important documents, photos and videos and access your stuff from anywhere. Requires zero maintenance.
- STEED is a protocol for opportunistic email encryption, featuring automatic key generation and distribution.
- Freifunk is a non-commercial initiative for free decentralised wireless mesh networks. Technically Freifunk firmwares are based on OpenWRT and OLSR or B.A.T.M.A.N.
- Funkfeuer is, just like Freifunk, a non commercial initiative for free wireless mesh networks. Funkfeuer is based in Austria and uses OpenWRT as the firmware for the Routers.
- IPOP (IP-over-P2P) is an open-source user-centric software virtual network allowing end users to define and create their own virtual private networks.
- LibreVPN is a virtual mesh network using tinc plus configuration scripts that even let you build your own mesh VPN. It's also IPv6 enabled.
- Netsukuku is an ad-hoc network system designed to handle massive numbers of nodes with minimal consumption of CPU and memory resources. It can be used to build a world-wide distributed, fault-tolerant, anonymous, and censorship-immune network, fully independent from the Internet.
- NYC Mesh aims to create a free, resilient, stand-alone communication system that serves both for daily use and also for emergencies—be it power outages or internet disruption—running software that helps our community with hyperlocal maps and events.
- OpenNIC Project is an alternative DNS provider that is open and democratic.
- People's Open Network is a community mesh network in Oakland, California.
- ZeroNet enabled decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and the BitTorrent network
Social Networks
- Buddycloud is built for people who care about their privacy. We are building the future of social networks. A future founded on openness. A future built using open standards. We are making the future happen now, by building a massively scaled and fully distributed social network. Buddycloud is leading a quiet revolution to replace the closed retweet and like incumbents.
- Diaspora* is a free social network consisting of personal web server that implements a distributed social networking service. Diaspora* is a fun and creative community that puts you in control.
- Iris is a social networking application that stores everything on its users' devices which communicate directly with each other — no corporate gatekeepers needed.
- Mastodon is “the world’s largest free, open-source, decentralized microblogging network.”
- Movim is a decentralized open source social network based on XMPP.
- Patchwork (⭐3.6k) is a distributed social network. It uses crytographic keypairs to create feeds and publish unforgeable entries which can spread across the network. Relay servers optionally aggregate and redistribute the feeds.
- Pleroma is a free, federated social networking server built on open protocols. It is compatible with GNU Social, Mastodon, and many other ActivityPub implementations.
- PPNet (⭐118) is a middleware that can be used to create a social network, either temporarily or permanently for a group of users. Includes mobile client for Android.
- Scuttlebutt gossip based p2p community social media, chess, book reviews, gatherings, ... (code here)
- Synereo is an open source, decentralized social network. It is an attention economy that rewards popular content and participation with crypto-currency. Content is promoted or advertised in a way that fairly rewards the content's creator and those who choose to engage with that content. An automatic and transparent reputation economy assures that you experience content relevant to you. The privacy of your communications and contacts is baked-in to the structure of the network. Synereo is modeled in π-calculus and functionally programmed in Scala.
- Tonika is a (digital) social network, which (by design) restricts direct communication to pairs of users who are friends, possesses many of the security properties (privacy, anonymity, deniability, resilience to denial-of-service attacks, etc.) that human sociaties implement organically in daily life.
- trsst looks and feels like twitter but encrypted and anonymized and decentralized and only you hold the keys. Protocol implementation draft is available on github (⭐172).
- Twister is a secure and fully-decentralized P2P microblogging platform based on concepts and code from Bitcoin and Libtorrent (as described in this whitepaper). Feel free to contribute to its core service (⭐1.4k) or HTML UI (⭐229)!
- Vole is a web-based social network that you use in your browser, without a central server. It's built on the power of Bittorrent, Go and Ember.js. Uses bittorrent sync.
- The Serval Project lets mobile phones make phone calls to each other peer-to-peer without a base station.
- Smallest Federated Wiki innovates in three ways. It shares through federation, composes by refactoring and wraps data with visualization. The project aims to demonstrate that wiki would have been better had it been effectively federated from the beginning, and explore federation policies necessary to sustain an open creative community.
- Bitcloud is an open source distributed cloud storage system and escrow agent based on Tahoe-LAFS that allows publishers to pay storage nodes for storing encrypted data and sharing that data with others. The decentralized nature of Bitcloud allows anyone to publish large amounts of data in a way that is free from censorship, high costs, and proprietary software. The first application for bitcloud will be WeTube (⭐54), a platform for viewing and publishing videos, podcasts, ebooks, music, and other forms of media.
- The Drogulus (WIP) is a programmable peer-to-peer data store. It's an open, federated and decentralised system where the identity of users and provenance of data is ensured by cryptographically signing digital assets.Redecentralise Video interview
- Swarm is a distributed storage platform and content distribution service, a native base layer service of the ethereum web3 stack. It uses the ethereum economy to incentivize P2P storage.
- VirtKick is your self-hosted DigitalOcean. Take cloud back to your computer, home network or a dedicated server. Manage virtual machines, Docker containers and create 1-click apps.
- Bitmarkets (⭐111) a working decentralized marketplace based on bitcoinj and bitmessage.
- P (⭐411) is a small JavaScript library for creating peer-to-peer applications in browsers. It allows for transitive connections across peers which makes certain network topologies, such mesh networks,easy to establish.
- Streisand (⭐23k) sets up a new server running L2TP/IPsec, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, Stunnel, and a Tor bridge. It also generates custom configuration instructions for all of these services. At the end of the run you are given an HTML file with instructions that can be shared with friends, family members, or fellow activists.
- OTRTalk (⭐51) Is a command line based chat application, uses BitTorrent P2P DHT Network for peer discovery and OTR (Off the Record) for secure messaging.
- Quietnet (⭐2.9k) is a simple chat program using near ultrasonic frequencies. It works without Wi-Fi or Bluetooth and cannot be eavesdropped using conventional network capturing methods.
27. Awesome React Native
Build & Development / Navigation Demos
- react-native-react-bridge (⭐109) - A toolset to run React web app in React Native and handle communication between them.
28. Awesome Software Patreons
People Doing Open Source Work / Hardware related
- Bailey Burnsed - FOSS Nerd developing open source games in Godot and Rust
29. Awesome Bigdata
- Cronicle (⭐4.2k) - Distributed, easy to install, NodeJS based, task scheduler
Data Visualization
- Dash (⭐22k) - Analytical Web Apps for Python, R, Julia, and Jupyter. Built on top of plotly, no JS required
30. Awesome Cl
Web frameworks / Isomorphic web frameworks
- CLOG (⭐1.6k) - The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI. Uses web technology to produce graphical user interfaces for applications locally or remotely. BSD_3Clause.
- CLOG is based on the ideas of GNOGA, a framework the author wrote for Ada and used in commercial production code since 2013.
- Interactive SSR (⭐40) - ISSR allows you to make interactive web pages without writing client scripting. No knowledge about Javascript or DOM is necessary.
- it is not unlike Phoenix LiveView or Hotwire.
Emacs / Third-party APIs
- Emacs4CL (⭐387) - A tiny Emacs initialization file to quickly set up vanilla Emacs for Common Lisp programming. Comes with a line-by-line explanation of every line of code in the initialization file.
31. Awesome Italy Events
- 27-31 - Global Game Jam - Multiple locations - Get together and create games in one weekend.
- 11-12 - Shipping 4.0 - Online - Technology improvements in shipping sector.
- 21 - ServerlessDays 2021 - Rome - Developer-oriented conference about serverless technologies.
- 24 - AWS Innovate ML & AI - Online - AI & Machine Learning with AWS.
- 2-4 - Microsoft Ignite - Online - Microsoft annual conference.
- 11 - CSSDay 2021 - Online - CSS dedicated conference.
- 23-25 - Codemotion Online tech conference 2021 - Online - Biggest tech conference in Italy.
- 7-9 - ITASEC 21 - Online - Cybersecurity italian conference.
- 15 - RubyDay 2021 - Online - Ruby's national conference.
- 28-30 - Secsolutionforum - Online - The digital event for the security industry.
- 29 - VueDay 2021 - Online - Vue's national conference.
- 29 - HackInBo - Bologna - Free INFOSEC event.
- 25 - RomHack - Roma - Cybersecurity convention.
- 27-28 - ItaliaSec - Milano - This groundbreaking summit is designed for senior security leaders.
32. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Python
33. Public Apis
API: Crossref Metadata Search (⭐742)
Description: Books & Articles Metadata
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: 4chan (⭐1k)
Description: Simple image-based bulletin board dedicated to a variety of topics
Auth: No
API: The Vampire Diaries
Description: TV Show Data
34. Awesome Scala Native
Tutorials and Examples
35. Awesome Jamstack
API / Forms
- Static Forms - Integrate HTML forms easily without any server side code. After user submits the form we'll send you content of the form to your registered email.
36. Awesome Cpp
- C++ Workflow (⭐14k) ⚡ - C++ Parallel Computing and Asynchronous Networking Engine. [Apache2]
37. Discount for Student Dev
Web Hosting
- Digital Ocean [CREDIT] - Digital Ocean provides $200 in hosting credit for every student that signs up for the Github Student Developer Pack.
38. Awesome Swift
Utility / Barcode
- SwiftPlantUML (⭐597) - A command-line tool and Swift Package to generate UML class from your Swift source code. Also available as Xcode Source Editor Extension.
39. Awesome Ruby
- Ruby-GNOME (⭐390) - Ruby language bindings for the GNOME development environment.
40. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Hub (⭐8.4k) - Fastest unstructured dataset management for TensorFlow/PyTorch. Stream & version-control data. Store even petabyte-scale data in a single numpy-like array on the cloud accessible on any machine. Visit for more info.
41. Free for Dev
Security and PKI
- — A quicker and more convenient way to automate various development tasks. Now in beta.
- Bump - Free 10 Bump email addresses, one custom domain
- — Free disposable temporary email service with multiple emails at once and forwarding
42. Awesome Saltstack
Official resources
- Salt Project site - Salt Project (Salt Open Source) website.
- vRealize Automation SaltStack Config - vRealize Automation SaltStack Config website at VMware (new name for commercial SaltStack product).
- GitLab repo - Salt Project's eventual new home.
- SaltStack Documentation - Official documentation.
- Salt in 10 minutes - Official walkthrough.
- SaltStack Get Started - These tutorials walk you through the basics of getting SaltStack up and running.
- About SaltStack - Extensive blogpost with lots of in-depth information.
- O'Reilly - Network Automation at Scale - By Mircea Ulinic and Seth House (an ebook sponsored by Cloudflare).
- SaltConf19 - YouTube - Video recordings of SaltConf19 presentations.
- SaltConf20 - YouTube - Video recordings of SaltConf20 presentations.
Blogposts and opinions
- Using Salt with reclass - Use class inheritance to define nodes roles and avoid duplication.
- SaltStack Community Slack - Official SaltStack Slack Community (Signup Link).
- #saltstack on Network to Code Slack - #saltstack channel on Network To Code Slack (Signup Link).
- #saltstack on VMware {code} Community Slack - #saltstack channel on VMware {code} Community Slack (Signup Link).
- Twitter feed - Official Salt Project Twitter account.
- Salt Formulas In-depth blogpost about Salt Formulas.
43. Awesome Ocaml
- ocephes (⭐12) - Bindings to frequently used
special functions library.
44. Awesome Static Website Services
Forms / Really Simple Forms
- - Backend to handle form submissions easily and reliably, with email notifications, file uploads and GDPR-compliant data processing.
Authentication / Provided by the Host
- Uthentic - Serverless, passwordless login for static sites in 2 lines of code.
45. Awesome Microservices
- Awesome Microservices .NET Core (⭐2.8k) ⭐ - A collection of awesome training series, articles, videos, books, courses, sample projects, and tools for microservices in .NET Core.
Rust / Scala
- Are we web yet? ⭐ - A summary of the current state of web programming in Rust.
Frontend / UI / Scala
- Awesome Micro Frontends (⭐573) ⭐ - A curated list of resources about Micro Frontends.
Resilience / Scala
- Awesome Chaos Engineering (⭐6.1k) ⭐ - A curated list of awesome chaos engineering resources.
Continuous Integration & Delivery / Scala
- Awesome CI/CD DevOps (⭐1.9k) ⭐ - A curated list of awesome tools for continuous integration, continuous delivery and DevOps.
46. Awesome Security
Datastores / Online resources
- databunker - Databunker is an address book on steroids for storing personal data. GDPR and encryption are out of the box.
47. Awesome Java
Distribution / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Artipie (⭐559) - Binary artifact management toolkit which hosts them on the file system or S3.
Security / Other
- Password4j (⭐367) - User-friendly cryptographic library that supports Argon2, Bcrypt, Scrypt, PBKDF2 and various other cryptographic hash functions.
48. Awesome Tailwindcss
49. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Documentation and Presentation
- SVGrepo - Download free SVG Vectors for commercial use.
Electronics and Mechanics / Version Control
- Inkscape Ray Optics (⭐268) - An extension for Inkscape that makes it easier to draw optical diagrams.
Sensor Processing / Image Processing
- libvips (⭐7.9k) - A fast image processing library with low memory needs.
Datasets / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces
- Papers With Code - Thousands of machine learning datasets provided by Papers With Code.
50. Awesome Earth
- Reforestum - Reforestum is an online marketplace to drive reforestation and forest conservation, incentivizing companies and individuals to easily offset their carbon footprint by acquiring and tracking forest shares and carbon credits. Reforestum offers transparency via remote sensing and AI, together with a comprehensible API for seamless integration.
51. Awesome Ddd
Libraries and Frameworks / Databases
- Message DB (⭐1.6k) - Microservice Native Event Store and Message Store for Postgres. A fully-featured event store and message store implemented in PostgreSQL for Pub/Sub, Event Sourcing, Messaging, and Evented Microservices applications.
Libraries and Frameworks / Ruby
- Eventide - Event Sourcing and Microservices Stack for Ruby. A set of libraries for writing event driven, autonomous services.
52. Awesome Falsehood
- Falsehoods about Programming - A humbling and fun list on programming and programmers themselves.
- Falsehoods about Music - False assumption that might be made in codifying music.
- Falsehoods about Art - Common misconceptions about art.
- Falsehoods about Prices - Covers currencies, amounts and localization.
- Falsehoods about IBANs (⭐486) - International Bank Account Numbers are not international.
- Falsehoods about Economics - Economics are not simple or rational.
- Falsehoods about Bitcoin (⭐73) - A list of mistaken perspectives on Bitcoin.
Dates and Time
- Falsehoods about Time - Seminal article on dates and time.
- More Falsehoods about Time - Part. 2 of the article above.
- Falsehoods about Time and Time Zones - Another takes on time-related falsehoods, with an emphasis on time zones.
- Critique of Falsehoods about Time - Takes on the first article above and provides an explanation of each falsehood, with more context and external resources.
- Falsehoods about Time Zones - Has some nice points regarding the edge-cases of DST transitions.
- Falsehoods about Maps - Covers coordinates, projection and GIS.
Human Identity
- Falsehoods about Names - The article that started it all.
- Falsehoods about Names – With Examples - A revisited version of the article above, this time with detailed explanations.
- Falsehoods about Biometrics - Fingerprints are not unique.
- Falsehoods about Families - You can't really define a family with strict rules.
- Falsehoods about Me - Issues at the intersection of names and gender and internationalization.
- Falsehoods about Language - Translating a software from English is not as straightforward as it seems to be.
- Falsehoods about Job Applicants - Assumptions about job applicants and their job histories aren't necessarily true.
- Falsehoods about Video - Cover it all: video decoding and playback, files, image scaling, color spaces and conversion, displays and subtitles.
- Falsehoods about Networks - Covers TCP, DHCP, DNS, VLANs and IPv4/v6.
Phone Numbers
- Falsehoods about Phone Numbers (⭐17k) - Covers phone numbers, their representation and meaning.
Postal Addresses
- Falsehoods about Addresses - Covers streets, postal codes, buildings, cities and countries.
- Falsehoods about Residence - It's not only about the address itself, but the relationship between a person and its residence.
- Falsehoods about Systems of Measurement - On working with systems of measurement and converting between them.
- Falsehoods about Political Appointments - Designing election systems has its own tricks.
- Falsehoods about Women In Tech - Myth about women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) industries.
Software Engineering
- Falsehoods about Versions (⭐69) - Attributing an identity to a software release might be harder than thought.
- Falsehoods about Build Systems - Building software is hard. Building software that builds software is harder.
- Myths about CPU Caches - Misconceptions about caches often lead to false assertions, especially when it comes to concurrency and race conditions.
- Falsehoods about CSVs - While RFC4180 to exists, it is far from definitive and goes largely ignored.
- Falsehoods about Testing - An attempt to establish a list of falsehoods about testing.
- Falsehoods about Search - Why search (including analysis, tokenization, highlighting) is deceptively complex.
- Falsehoods about Pagination - Why your pagination algorithm is giving someone (possibly you) a headache.
- Myths about File Paths - Diversity of file-systems and OSes makes file paths a little harder than we might think of.
- Myths about
- There are a few things about/dev/urandom
that are repeated again and again. Still they are false.
- Falsehoods about Cars (⭐6) - Even something as common as defining a car is full of pitfalls.
- Falsehoods about Fonts (⭐104) - Assumptions about typography on the web and in desktop applications.
53. Awesome Elm
Boilerplates / Individual Podcast episodes
- Elm Batteries (⭐117) - A project template and generator for Elm, Parcel, Cypress and Netlify
- IHP + Elm - The IHP Haskell Framework provides a built-in Elm boilerplate, useful when working with elm in the frontend and haskell in the backend
Inspired by Elm / Games
- MAUI - .NET Multi-platform App UI
54. Awesome Jax
Tutorials and Blog Posts / NumPyro
- Exploring hyperparameter meta-loss landscapes with JAX by Luke Metz - Demonstrates how to use JAX to perform inner-loss optimization with SGD and Momentum, outer-loss optimization with gradients, and outer-loss optimization using evolutionary strategies.
- Prev: Feb 15 - Feb 21, 2021
- Next: Feb 01 - Feb 07, 2021