Awesome List Updates on Dec 27 - Jan 02, 2021

50 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Remote Job

Tools / Project Management

2. Alternative Internet

Hosting and media


3. Awesome Security

Network / IDS / IPS / Host IDS / Host IPS

4. Awesome Datascience

Deep Learning Packages / Visualization Tools

5. Awesome H2o


6. Awesome Jamstack


7. Awesome Cli Apps

Productivity / HTTP Client

8. Awesome Jax

Models and Projects / Haiku

9. Awesome Humane Tech

Translation / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

10. Awesome Cpp


11. Awesome Rust

Libraries / Artificial Intelligence

12. Awesome Embedded Rust

Peripheral Access Crates / Microchip

HAL implementation crates / OS

HAL implementation crates / Microchip

no-std crates / WIP

13. Awesome Ci

14. Awesome Capacitor

Community plugins

Other plugins

15. Awesome Typescript

Libraries / Chrome Extensions

16. Awesome Vue

Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source

Components & Libraries / UI Components

17. Awesome Spark

Packages / GIS

18. Awesome Math

Foundations of Mathematics / Logic

19. Awesome Regression Testing

Tools and frameworks

20. Awesome Esports

Libraries / APIs & Web Services

Libraries / Data parsing and analysis

Libraries / Tournaments management

Developer tools / Tournaments management

Applications & Tools / Tournaments management

21. Awesome Tailwindcss


22. Awesome Machine Learning

Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning

23. Awesome Kotlin

Libraries/Frameworks / Misc

24. Awesome Swift

UI / Barcode

25. Awesome Scriptable


26. Awesome Nix

Resources / Discovery

Deployment Tools / Discovery

Command-Line Tools / Discovery

27. Awesome Naming

Data Structures and Algorithms

Tools, Applications, Libraries, Frameworks

28. Web Development Resources


29. Awesome Coldfusion


Dependency Injection



Other Libraries



30. Awesome Developer First


31. Awesome Crystal

C bindings

32. Awesome Fastapi

Databases / ORMs

Serverless / Other Tools

33. Awesome Static Website Services

Functions as a Service

34. Awesome Low Code

Platforms / Low Code Application Platform

Platforms / Business Process Management

Reference Resources / Power Platform (Microsoft)

Learning Resources / Power Platform (Microsoft)

Blogs / Power Platform (Microsoft)

35. Awesome Productivity

Tools and Apps / Password Manager

36. Awesome Terraform

Community Modules / Miscellaneous

Tools / Community providers

Videos / IDE

37. Awesome Mac

Utilities / Menu Bar Tools

Utilities / General Tools

38. Public Apis



Open Data



39. Awesome Quant

Python / Financial Instruments and Pricing

Python / Trading & Backtesting

Reproducing Works, Training & Books / Data Visualization

40. Awesome Dotnet

Git Tools


41. Awesome Lowcode

Flow-based programming

Visual programming


42. Free for Dev

APIs, Data, and ML

Tools for Teams and Collaboration


Security and PKI


Design and UI

Visitor Session Recording

43. Awesome Cryptography

Books / Hash functions

C / Git

Rust / Git

44. Awesome Golem

Provider Resources

45. Awesome Incident Response

IR Tools Collection / Books

IR Tools Collection / Incident Management

IR Tools Collection / Log Analysis Tools

IR Tools Collection / Memory Analysis Tools

46. Discount for Student Dev

Learning Resources

47. Awesome Neovim

Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics

48. Dive Into Machine Learning

Prof. Andrew Ng's Machine Learning on Coursera / Tips for this course

Prof. Andrew Ng's Machine Learning on Coursera / Tips for studying on a busy schedule

Other courses / Take my tips with a grain of salt

Deep Learning / Easier sharing of deep learning models and demos

49. Awesome Conversational Ai


50. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Bayesian Modeling / Nonparametric Model

Bayesian Modeling / Bayesian Optimization

Knowledge Representation / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Cognitive Development / Commonsense Knowledgebase