Awesome List Updates on Dec 13 - Dec 19, 2021
46 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Ember
Packages / Articles
2. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Stanford / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Michael Frank - Department of Psychology, Stanford, The Stanford Language and Cognition Lab - Stanford.
3. Awesome Osint
Social Media Tools / Instagram
- Sterra (⭐603) - Instagram OSINT tool to export and analyse followers | following with their details
4. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / Log Management
- Loki - Log aggregation system designed to store and query logs from all your applications and infrastructure. (Source Code (⭐23k))
5. Awesome Golem
Apps / Miscellaneous
- golem-bulk-image-handler (⭐0) - Takes an input image and processes it in many different ways using the Pillow library.
6. Awesome Coq
Projects / Libraries
- Interaction Trees (⭐208) - Library for representing recursive and impure programs.
Projects / Tools
- Sail (⭐657) - Tool for specifying instruction set architecture (ISA) semantics of processors and generating Coq definitions.
Projects / Type Theory and Mathematics
- Monae (⭐71) - Monadic effects and equational reasoning.
Resources / Course Material
- Floating-Point Numbers and Formal Proof (⭐6) - Introductory course on Coq real numbers and floating-point numbers from the Flocq library.
7. Awesome Css Frameworks
General Purpose
- Pico.css - Elegant styles for all native HTML elements, dark mode automatically enabled.
Demo, Docs, Repo (⭐14k) | #SCSS
- Vanilla Framework - Simple, extensible CSS framework. Written by the Canonical Web Team.
Demo, Docs, Repo (⭐854) | #SCSS
- PatternFly - UI framework for enterprise web applications.
Demo, Docs, Repo (⭐714) | #SCSS #LESS
- Tufte CSS - Style your webpage like Edward Tufte’s handouts.
Repo (⭐6k) | #CSS
Stalled Development
- inuitcss - Extensible, scalable, Sass-based, OOCSS framework for large and long-lasting UI projects.
Repo (⭐1.8k) | #SCSS
- turretcss - Responsive front-end framework for accessible and semantic websites.
Demo, Docs, Repo (⭐798) | #CSS
8. Awesome Cl
Web development utilities / User login and password management
- cl-cas (⭐2) - A library to help CAS authenticaton to Common Lisp web applications. Not in Quicklisp.
- cas-middleware (⭐0) - CAS authenticaton middleware for Caveman.
- cas-demo (⭐2) - a demo project.
9. Dive Into Machine Learning
Supplement: Troubleshooting / Risks - some starting points
10. Awesome Machine Learning
C++ / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- PyCaret (⭐9.1k) - An open-source, low-code machine learning library in Python that automates machine learning workflows.
Clojure / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- clj-ml (⭐135) - A machine learning library for Clojure built on top of Weka and friends.
- Touchstone (⭐139) - Clojure A/B testing library.
Clojure / Deep Learning
- Flare (⭐285) - Dynamic Tensor Graph library in Clojure (think PyTorch, DynNet, etc.)
Clojure / Data Analysis
- (⭐693) - Clojure dataframe library and pipeline for data processing and machine learning
Clojure / Data Visualization
- Pink Gorilla Notebook (⭐103) - A Clojure/Clojurescript notebook application/-library based on Gorilla-REPL
- notespace (⭐148) - Notebook experience in your Clojure namespace
- Delight (⭐345) - A listener that streams your spark events logs to delight, a free and improved spark UI
Clojure / Misc
- kixistats (⭐365) - A library of statistical distribution sampling and transducing functions
Python / Computer Vision
- detectron2 (⭐31k) - FAIR's next-generation research platform for object detection and segmentation. It is a ground-up rewrite of the previous version, Detectron, and is powered by the PyTorch deep learning framework.
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Shapley (⭐218) -> A data-driven framework to quantify the value of classifiers in a machine learning ensemble.
- breze (⭐96) - Theano based library for deep and recurrent neural networks.
- Opytimizer (⭐613) - Python-based meta-heuristic optimization techniques.
Python / Neural Networks
- TResNet: High Performance GPU-Dedicated Architecture (⭐472) - TResNet models were designed and optimized to give the best speed-accuracy tradeoff out there on GPUs.
- Jina AI An easier way to build neural search in the cloud. Compatible with Jupyter Notebooks.
Tools / Misc
- Flyte - Flyte makes it easy to create concurrent, scalable, and maintainable workflows for machine learning and data processing.
11. Awesome Quant
Reproducing Works, Training & Books / Data Visualization
- py4fi2nd (⭐1.4k) - Jupyter Notebooks and code for Python for Finance (2nd ed., O'Reilly) by Yves Hilpisch.
- aiif (⭐321) - Jupyter Notebooks and code for the book Artificial Intelligence in Finance (O'Reilly) by Yves Hilpisch.
- py4at (⭐709) - Jupyter Notebooks and code for the book Python for Algorithmic Trading (O'Reilly) by Yves Hilpisch.
- dawp (⭐603) - Jupyter Notebooks and code for Derivatives Analytics with Python (Wiley Finance) by Yves Hilpisch.
- dx (⭐724) - DX Analytics | Financial and Derivatives Analytics with Python.
12. Awesome Electronics
Documentation / University Course Archives
- Inkscape Electric Symbols (⭐411) - Circuit Drawing Symbols for Inkscape
13. Awesome Job Boards
Programming / Rust
- Rust Jobs - The go-to hiring platform for Rust engineering talent
Remote / TypeScript
- Dynamite Jobs - Jobs from remote-first companies
Remote / Aggregator
14. Awesome Ai in Finance
Research Tools / Crypto Currencies
- ML-Quant - Quant resources from ArXiv (sanity), SSRN, RePec, Journals, Podcasts, Videos, and Blogs.
15. Awesome Dotnet
- MASA.Blazor (⭐1.2k) - A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Material Design and Blazor WebAssembly.
16. Awesome Python
Game Development
- Arcade - Arcade is a modern Python framework for crafting games with compelling graphics and sound.
17. Awesome Swift
- ReduxUI (⭐44) - Redux framework for easy use with SwiftUI.
18. Awesome Developer First
- ngrok - Generate public URLs for internal servers (behind NAT/firewall).
- Loadmill - Generate tests from user behavior.
19. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Books
- Evolutionary Deep Learning - by Micheal Lanham
Table of Contents / Videos and Lectures
20. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Elastic Compute Cloud
- cristim/autospotting 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐2.2k) - Automatically rolling-replace on-demand EC2 instances in AutoScaling groups with compatible spot instances.
Open Source Repos / DevOps
- NixOS/nixops 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐1.3k) - Use NixOS to provision EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and other resources.
21. Awesome Django
Hosting / PaaS (Platforms-as-a-Service)
22. Awesome Embedded Rust
Driver crates / Other
- MAX116xx-10bit - SPI - Driver for the MAX11619-MAX11621, MAX11624 and MAX11625 10-bit ADCs - Intro blog post -
- port-expander - I2C - Driver for I2C port expanders (supports
) - Intro blog post -
23. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Testing
- xgouchet/Elmyr (⭐83) - A utility to make Kotlin/Java tests random yet reproducible
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- DragonKnightOfBreeze/breeze-framework (⭐11) - Integrated code framework base on Kotlin, provide many useful extensions for standard library and some frameworks.
24. Awesome Ios
- ARHeadsetKit (⭐124) - High-level framework for using $5 Google Cardboard to replicate Microsoft Hololens.
Deployment / Distribution
- Runway - Easier mobile releases for teams. Integrates across tools (version control, project management, CI, app stores, crash reporting, etc.) to provide a single source of truth for mobile teams to come together around during release cycles. Equal parts automation and collaboration.
25. Awesome Scientific Computing
Meshing / Triangular and tetrahedral meshing
- Triangle - Two-dimensional quality mesh generator and Delaunay triangulator. (C, nonfree software)
- SeismicMesh (⭐129) - Parallel 2D/3D triangle/tetrahedral mesh generation with sliver removal. (Python and C++, GPL 3, GitHub)
Meshing / Quadrilateral and hexahedral meshing
- QuadriFlow - Scalable and robust quadrangulation from triangulation. (C++, BSD, GitHub (⭐677))
Meshing / Mesh tools
- meshio (⭐2k) - I/O for various mesh formats, file conversion. (Python, MIT, GitHub)
- pmp-library - Polygon mesh processing library. (C++, MIT with Employer Disclaimer, GitHub (⭐1.3k))
- Mmg - Robust, open-source & multidisciplinary software for remeshing. (C, LGPL 3, GitHub (⭐375))
26. Awesome Typescript
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- 🐙 iter-ops (⭐141) - Operations with iterable objects
27. Public Apis
API: MeowFacts (⭐409)
Description: Get random cat facts
Auth: No
API: Zoo Animals
Description: Facts and pictures of zoo animals
Auth: No
API: Trace Moe
Description: A useful tool to get the exact scene of an anime from a screenshot
Auth: No
Authentication & Authorization
API: Warrant
Description: APIs for authorization and access control
API: The Graph
Description: Indexing protocol for querying networks like Ethereum with GraphQL
CORS: Unknown
API: 1inch
Description: API for querying decentralize exchange
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Games & Comics
Description: API to get Information about a Minecraft Server
Auth: No
Test Data
API: ItsThisForThat
Description: Generate Random startup ideas
Auth: No
28. Alternative Internet
Developer tools and frameworks
- OrbitDB (⭐8.3k) is a serverless, distributed, peer-to-peer database. OrbitDB uses IPFS as its data storage and IPFS Pubsub to automatically sync databases with peers. It's an eventually consistent database that uses CRDTs for conflict-free database merges making OrbitDB an excellent choice for decentralized apps (dApps), blockchain applications and offline-first web applications.
- RenderJS is a JavaScript library which provides an easy way to define gadgets (aka mashups) in pure HTML5, without requiring any application server. It is suitable for the development of mobile applications, desktop applications.
Hosting and media
- LibreWeb is a decentralized and open-source web browser leveraging the IPFS network, using markdown as document source code.
- Project Meshnet aims to build a sustainable decentralized alternative internet. Used by Hyperboria and built on CJDNS.
- cjdns (⭐5.2k) - Encrypted networking for regular people. cjdns implements an encrypted IPv6 network using public key cryptography for address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing. This provides near zero-configuration networking without many of the security and robustness issues that regular IPv4 and IPv6 networks have.
- Telehash a new encrypted P2P JSON-based protocol enabling developers to quickly build apps that are distributed and private (see the protocol (⭐483) spec)
29. Awesome Newsletters
General Web Development
- Labnotes. A weekly email about software development, tech, and anything else interesting.
- Deno Weekly. A weekly roundup of news, tutorials and projects from the land of Deno, the newest JavaScript runtime on the block.
30. Awesome Security
EBooks / Online resources
- Data Privacy - A book that teaches you to implement technical privacy solutions and tools at scale. (early access, published continuously, final release January 2022)
31. Awesome Javascript
Functional Programming / Runner
- fxts (⭐1k) - Lazy evaluation and concurrency.
32. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Containerization
- ros2-docker - Connecting ROS 2 nodes running in Docker containers over the internet.
Packages / Networking
- Husarnet VPN (⭐241) - A P2P, secure network layer dedicated for ROS & ROS 2.
Companies / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)
- Husarnet - Open Source, P2P, low-latency VPN dedicated for robots.
33. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- driftctl (⭐2.5k) - Detect, track, and alert on infrastructure drift 💀
- terraform-credentials-vault (⭐5) - A Terraform "credentials helper" plugin that allows providing credentials for Terraform-native services (private module registries, Terraform Cloud, etc) via environment variables.
- terrastate (⭐77) - Visual Studio Code extension to monitor/deploy/destroy Terraform resources in your workspace
- tfvaultenv (⭐47) - tfvaultenv reads secrets from HashiCorp Vault and outputs environment variables for various Terraform providers with those secrets.
34. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / WARC I/O Libraries
- FastWARC (⭐98) - A high-performance WARC parsing library (Python).
35. Awesome Design Systems
Develop isolated components
- Backlight - Collaborative platform to build Design Systems on the code side. Empower your front-end with an all-in-one solution to manage components. Quick start, speed-up collaboration.
36. Free for Dev
Source Code Repos
- OSDN - is a free-of-charge service for open-source software developers, offering SVN/Git/Mercurial/Bazaar/CVS repositories.
37. Awesome Plotters
Software / G-code
- node-gcode (⭐34) - Node.js G-code interpreter and simulator.
- svg2gcode (⭐55) - Node.js command line utility for converting SVG to G-code.
- svg2gcode (⭐94) - Python utility for fast SVG to G-code conversion.
- jscut - A web-based utility for converting SVG to G-code.
- gcodeplot (⭐174) - Python utility to convert SVG and HPGL to G-code for a 3-axis CNC machine.
38. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- vue-use-paginator (⭐18) - Vue 3 use-hook to reactively paginate data and arrange paginator buttons. Completely renderless.
39. Discount for Student Dev
Visual Analytics
- AnyChart [FREE] - A flexible JavaScript library for creating interactive charts, maps, and dashboards for visual analytics. Provides students with a free license for use in their education or other non-commercial projects.
40. Awesome Graphql
Tools - Editors & IDEs & Explorers / React
- CraftQL (⭐109) - A CLI tool to visualize GraphQL schemas and to output a graph data structure as a graphviz .dot format.
41. Awesome Preact
Contents / Boilerplates
- Electron TypeScript Preact Boilerplate (⭐5) - Electron starter project with TypeScript and Preact support, powered by esbuild.
42. Tools
Code Playgrounds
43. Awesome Dataviz
JavaScript tools / Charting libraries
- G2 - an interactive and responsive charting library based on the grammar of graphics, maintained by Alibaba
- GraphicsJS - Lightweight JS graphics library with intuitive API, based on SVG/VML.
JavaScript tools / Charting libraries for graphs
- G6 (⭐9.3k) - Graph visualization library powered by Javascript & Typescript, maintained by Alibaba
JavaScript tools / Maps
- L7 (⭐2.9k) - Large-scale WebGL-powered Geospatial Data Visualization analysis framework, maintained by Alibaba
- L7 Plot (⭐41) - Geospatial Visualization Chart Library, maintained by Alibaba
- Dipper (⭐23) - Map application development framework powered by L7, maintained by Alibaba.
JavaScript tools / React
- BizCharts (⭐6k) - Data visualization library based on G2 (⭐11k) and React
- Graphin (⭐782) - Graph visualization library powered by React & Typescript (built on top of G6, maintained by Alibaba.
React Native / React
- F2 (⭐7.8k) - An elegant, interactive and flexible charting library for mobile, maintained by Alibaba
React Native / Misc
- Graphology (⭐755) - A robust & multipurpose Graph object for javascript & TypeScript; Serves as a base library to power other graph visualization libraries.
Other tools / Misc
- X6 - diagram creation library for rapid construction of DAG diagrams, ER diagrams, flowcharts and other applications, maintained by Alibaba
Books / Misc
- The Grammar of Graphics by Leland Wilkinson. Basic visualization theory.
Twitter accounts / Misc
44. Awesome Sre
Service Level Agreement
45. Awesome Rust
Development tools / Web Servers
- fw (⭐546) - workspace productivity booster
Libraries / Command-line
- Argument parsing
- clap-rs (⭐15k) [clap] - A simple to use, full featured command-line argument parser
- cliparser - Simple command line parser.
- docopt/ (⭐751) [docopt] - Implementation of DocOpt
- google/argh (⭐1.7k) [argh] - An opinionated Derive-based argument parser optimized for code size
- killercup/quicli (⭐541) [quicli] - quickly build cool CLI apps
- ksk001100/seahorse (⭐294) [seahorse] - A minimal CLI framework
- TeXitoi/structopt (⭐2.7k) [structopt] - parse command line argument by defining a struct
Libraries / Image processing
- image-rs/imageproc (⭐818) - An image processing library, based on the
- rust-cv/cv (⭐889) - Implement computer vision algorithms, abstractions, and systems.
is supported where possible.
46. Awesome Fastapi
Utils / Other Tools
- FastAPI Events (⭐466) - Asynchronous event dispatching/handling library for FastAPI and Starlette.
- Prev: Dec 20 - Dec 26, 2021
- Next: Dec 06 - Dec 12, 2021