Awesome List Updates on Nov 29 - Dec 05, 2021
49 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome D
Game Frameworks / XML
- Dagon (⭐331) - 3D game engine for D. see
2. Awesome Esolangs
- False - Heavily obfuscated language with a minimal implementation.
- Haifu - Designed with the core values of Eastern philosophy in mind.
3. Awesome Css Frameworks
- Open Props - CSS custom properties to help accelerate adaptive and consistent design.
Demo, Docs, Repo (⭐4.8k) | #CSS #PostCSS
4. Awesome Sre
Service Level Agreement
5. Awesome Geojson
- OpenStreetMap
- osmtogeojson (⭐709): convert OpenStreetMap data to GeoJSON
- osm2geojson (⭐12): converts OSM XML to GeoJSON
- osm2geojson (⭐102): (Python) converts OSM XML and Overpass XML/JSON to GeoJSON
- minjur (⭐59): converts OpenStreetMap data to GeoJSON faster than anything else
- geojsontoosm (⭐22): convert GeoJSON to OSM XML
- geojson2osm (⭐6): convert GeoJSON to OSM XML
- osm-and-geojson (⭐90): convert GeoJSON to OSM XML and OSM XML to GeoJSON
- geojson2osm-es6 (⭐1): convert GeoJSON to OSM XML
- query-overpass (⭐157) CLI to make Overpass query and transform result to GeoJSON. Based on osmtogeojson (⭐709)
6. Awesome Programming for Kids
- Code-a-pillar - A walking and singing catapiller toy that can be programmed by connecting a series of segments that give instructions.
Upper Elementary
- Sphereo - A spherical robot that can be programmed with a block-programming language in a companion app.
7. ALL About RSS
FreshRSS / Outline Processor Markup Language
8. Public Apis
Science & Math
API: Noctua
Description: REST API used to access NoctuaSky features
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Description: Create and edit videos programmatically: watermarks,resizing,slideshows,voice-over,text animations
9. Awesome Python Data Science
Time Series / Others
- sktime (⭐8.2k) - A unified framework for machine learning with time series.
- tslearn (⭐2.9k) - Machine learning toolkit dedicated to time-series data.
- tick (⭐497) - Module for statistical learning, with a particular emphasis on time-dependent modeling.
- Prophet (⭐19k) - Automatic Forecasting Procedure.
- PyFlux (⭐2.1k) - Open source time series library for Python.
- bayesloop (⭐156) - Probabilistic programming framework that facilitates objective model selection for time-varying parameter models.
- luminol (⭐1.2k) - Anomaly Detection and Correlation library.
- dateutil - Powerful extensions to the standard datetime module
- maya (⭐3.4k) - makes it very easy to parse a string and for changing timezones
10. Dive Into Machine Learning
Tools you'll need / If you prefer local installation
- Python. Python 3 is the best option.
- Jupyter Notebook. (Formerly known as IPython Notebook.)
- Some scientific computing packages:
- numpy
- pandas
- scikit-learn
- matplotlib
Other courses / Take my tips with a grain of salt
- Data science courses as Jupyter Notebooks:
- Coursera's Data Science Specialization
Supplement: Learning Pandas well / Some communities to know about!
- Here are some docs I found especially helpful as I continued learning:
Supplement: Troubleshooting / Risks - some starting points
- Awesome Production Machine Learning (⭐12k), "a curated list of awesome open source libraries to deploy, monitor, version and scale your machine learning." It includes a section about privacy-preserving ML (⭐12k), by the way!
- "So, you want to build an ethical algorithm?" An interactive tool to prompt discussions (source) (⭐58)
More Data Science materials / Aside: Bayesian Statistics and Machine Learning
- The free book Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods for Hackers. Made with a "computation/understanding-first, mathematics-second point of view." Uses PyMC (⭐7.1k). It's available in print too!
- Like learning by playing? Me too. Try 19 Questions (⭐15), "a machine learning game which asks you questions and guesses an object you are thinking about," and explains which Bayesian statistics techniques it's using!
- Time Series Forecasting with Bayesian Modeling by Michael Grogan, a 5-project series - paid but the first project is free.
- Bayesian Modelling in Python (⭐2.4k). Uses PyMC (⭐7.1k) as well.
11. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Public Data Resources / Health
- WHO Data - The World Health Organization's (WHO) health data collections featuring international datasets on health indicators and related data.
Educational and Informational Resources / Literature Resources
- Automated Decision-Making and the Law Clearinghouse Project - The aim of this clearinghouse project thus is to highlight seminal and impactful articles focused on issues of AI Decision-Making and the law.
12. Awesome Cytodata
Software / Genetic Perturbations
- Cytominer (⭐43) - Methods for image-based cell profiling in R.
- BioProfiling.jl (⭐13) - Toolkit for filtering and curation of morphological profiles in Julia.
- PyCytominer (⭐55) - Methods for image-based cell profiling in Python.
- ImJoy - A platform compiling tool for deep-learning based image analyses with a GUI.
Publications / Reviews
- Large-scale image-based screening and profiling of cellular phenotypes - Overview of image-based profiling, including its applications and challenges.
- How cells explore shape space: A quantitative statistical perspective of cellular morphogenesis - Discussion on the biology of cell shape changes based on quantitative descriptors.
- Machine learning and image-based profiling in drug discovery - Introduction to morphological profiling and discussion on what machine learning has to offer.
Publications / Applications
- Mapping the perturbome network of cellular perturbations - Image-based profiling and network analysis of drug combinations.
- Morphological profiling of human T and NK lymphocytes by high-content cell imaging - Image-based profiling of actin organization at the immunological synapse.
- A subcellular map of the human proteome - Classification of protein subcellular location from confocal microscopy images of the Human Protein Atlas.
- A multi-scale map of cell structure fusing protein images and interactions - Combining confocal imaging and mass spectrometry representations of proteins to predict physical proximity and characterize cellular organization.
- Predicting cell health phenotypes using image-based morphology profiling - Image-based profiles as predictors of apoptosis, proliferation and other cell health descriptors.
- Systematic genetics and single‐cell imaging reveal widespread morphological pleiotropy and cell‐to‐cell variability - Analysis of single-cell profiles to characterize variability, pleiotropy and incomplete penetrance.
- Large‐scale image‐based profiling of single‐cell phenotypes in arrayed CRISPR‐Cas9 gene perturbation screens - Demonstrates feasibility of imaging arrayed CRISPR screens and offers a way to characterize transfection efficacy in individual cells.
- A chemical-genetic interaction map of small molecules using high-throughput imaging in cancer cells - Profiling the morphological changes induced in 1280 compounds in 12 knockout cell lines.
- Time-resolved mapping of genetic interactions to model rewiring of signaling pathways - Changes in genetic interactions across time based on multiple morphological descriptors.
- High-Content Imaging of Unbiased Chemical Perturbations Reveals that the Phenotypic Plasticity of the Actin Cytoskeleton Is Constrained - Defining morphological clusters in a large compound screen.
- A map of directional genetic interactions in a metazoan cell - Characterizing genetic interactions by integrating 21 phenotypic descriptors.
- Evaluation of Gene Expression and Phenotypic Profiling Data as Quantitative Descriptors for Predicting Drug Targets and Mechanisms of Action - Benchmarking profiling modalities, including image-based profiles, for mechanism of action prediction.
Publications / Methods
- Learning unsupervised feature representations for single cell microscopy images with paired cell inpainting - Selfsupervised method to learn feature representations of single cells in microscopy images without labelled training data.
- A BaSiC tool for background and shading correction of optical microscopy images - Illumination-correction method accounting for space- and time-dependent biases.
- Cellpose: a generalist algorithm for cellular segmentation - Generalist deep learning model for cell and nucleus segmentation with pre-trained weights.
- Deep Learning Automates the Quantitative Analysis of Individual Cells in Live-Cell Imaging Experiments - DeepCell: collection of deep learning segmentation models.
- Improving Phenotypic Measurements in High-Content Imaging Screens - Embedding single-cell and compound profiles using transfer learning, examplified on mechanism of action prediction.
- The Multidimensional Perturbation Value - Proposing a score to define significant activity in screens.
- CytoGAN: Generative Modeling of Cell Images - Generative network displaying potential for learning latent representation of biological conditions from cell images.
- Self-supervised feature extraction from image time series in plant phenotyping using triplet networks - Direct extraction of phenotypic features from plant images.
13. Awesome Developer First
Databases & Spreadsheets
- PlanetScale - Hosted managed MySQL database, CI integration & auto scaling.
14. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Database Management
- Directus - An Instant App & API for your SQL Database. Directus wraps your new or existing SQL database with a realtime GraphQL+REST API for developers, and an intuitive admin app for non-technical users. (Source Code (⭐29k))
Software / Money, Budgeting & Management
- IHateMoney - Manage your shared expenses, easily. (Demo, Source Code (⭐1.2k))
Software / Polls and Events
- ClearFlask - Community-feedback tool for managing incoming feedback and prioritizing a public roadmap (alternative to Canny, UserVoice, Upvoty). (Demo, Source Code (⭐338))
Software / Software Development - Project Management
- OneDev - All-In-One DevOps Platform. With Git Management, Issue Tracking, and CI/CD. Simple yet Powerful. (Source Code)
15. Awesome Flutter
Forms / Image Picker
- Form Builder (⭐1.5k) - Framework that simplifies building forms, validating fields, reacting to changes, and collecting the final user input by Danvick Miller
- Reactive Forms (⭐477) - Model-driven approach to handling Forms inputs and validations, heavily inspired in Angular's Reactive Forms.
16. Awesome Lowcode
- Data Fetcher for Airtable - Connect Airtable to any API using the Data Fetcher app.
17. Awesome Python Typing
Tools / Linters
- flake8-type-checking (⭐115) - Plugin to help you guard any type-annotation-only import correctly.
18. Tools
UI Builders
19. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Global
- Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog - Book search engine for finding hundreds of millions of media in catalogs worldwide.
20. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Functional Programming
- Prelude
- JasonShin/ (⭐1.4k) - A library for functional programming
- myrrlyn/tap (⭐429) - Suffix-Position Pipeline Behavior
21. Awesome Ansible
- Ansible Tutorial by BlueBanquise team - Basic Ansible tutorial.
22. Awesome Typescript
Validation / Playground
- ts-codec (⭐18) - TypeScript Codecs for encoding, decoding and validating data
23. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- @vitejs/plugin-legacy (⭐71k) - Legacy browser support.
Svelte / Integrations
- vite-plugin-svelte (⭐897) - Adds Svelte support. Official plugin of Svelte team.
24. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- rmagatti/goto-preview (⭐921) - Previewing native LSP's goto definition calls in floating windows.
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- andersevenrud/nordic.nvim (⭐175) - A nord-esque colorscheme.
Utility / Diagnostics
- stevearc/dressing.nvim (⭐2k) - Improve the built-in
interfaces with telescope, fzf, etc.
25. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Papers Collection
- Casual GAN Papers: Easy to read summaries of popular AI papers
- The Illustrated VQGAN: illustrated explanation on how VQGAN works
- CLIP: Connecting Text and Images: OpenAI's explanation on how CLIP works
- A State-of-the-Art Review on Image Synthesis With Generative Adversarial Networks
- Utilizando redes adversárias generativas (GANs) como agente de apoio à inspiração para artistas: Trabalho de Graduação de Cláudio Carvalho no Centro de Informática - UFPE
- GAN Lab: Play with Generative Adversarial Networks in Your Browser!
Improving Google Colab experience / Deforum
- Jupyter Widgets for Interactivity in Google Colab: notebook with examples of using Jupyter Widgets in Colab, allowing interactive inputs
26. Awesome Dotnet
Application Frameworks
- Signals (⭐61) - Signals is a .NET5 based framework which focuses on increasing the quality and productivity within development teams by providing them with tools, aspects and processes.
- UNO Platform - The only platform for building native mobile, desktop and WebAssembly with C#, XAML from a single codebase. Open source and professionally supported. Website:
- Community Toolkit - Collection of control & helper libraries and samples for various .NET technologies. Contains modern MVVM library, supported by Microsoft. Includes Windows Community Toolkit (⭐5.9k), MAUI Community Toolkit (⭐2.4k), and Dotnet Community Toolkit (⭐3.2k).
- FlatSharp (⭐519) - Fast, idiomatic FlatBuffers implementation. Use .fbs files or attributes.
27. Awesome Vscode
C++ / More
Libraries / Gradle Tasks
- typed-vscode - Generates types from contribution points of your extension manifest
28. Awesome Captcha
- captcha-api - Free, fast and reliable Captcha API POWERED BY AI
29. Awesome Broadcasting
Multimedia content processing
- SVT Encore (⭐274) - Selfhosted video transcoding plattform, built around FFmpeg.
30. Awesome Preact
Contents / Libraries
- Nano Stores (⭐4.9k) - A tiny (199 bytes) state manager with many atomic tree-shakable stores.
31. Awesome React Components
UI Animation / Syntax Highlight
- react-voodoo (⭐14) - demo/samples (⭐3) - Additive animation engine allowing complex android/iOs-like animations, rendering sliders on SSR, predictive inertia, multitouch, etc
32. Free for Dev
- — Manual, visual, screenshot, and automated browser testing on selenium and cypress, free for Open Source
Security and PKI
- Datree — Open Source CLI tool to prevent Kubernetes misconfigurations by ensuring that manifests and Helm charts follow best practices as well as your organization’s policies
Web Hosting
- — Unified cloud to build and run apps and sites with free SSL, a global CDN, private networks, auto-deploys from Git, and completely free plans for web services, databases, and static web pages.
Storage and Media Processing
- imgen - Free unlimited social cover image generation API, no watermark
Design Inspiration
- awwwards. - [Top websites] A showcase of all the best-designed websites (voted on by designers).
- Behance - [Design showcase] A place where designers showcase their work. Filterable with categories for UI/UX projects.
- dribbble - [Design showcase] Unique design inspiration, generally not from real applications.
- Mobbin - [Mobile screenshots] Save hours of UI & UX research with our library of 50,000+ fully searchable mobile app screenshots.
- Mobile Patterns - [Mobile screenshots] A design inspirational library featuring the finest UI UX Patterns (iOS and Android) for designers, developers, and product makers to reference.
- Screenlane - [Mobile screenshots] Get inspired and keep up with the latest web & mobile app UI design trends. Filterable by pattern and app.
- scrnshts - [Mobile screenshots] A hand-picked collection of the finest app store design screenshots.
- UI Garage - [Mobile / web screenshots] Daily UI inspiration & patterns for designers and developers to find inspiration, tools, and the best resources for your project.
33. Awesome Quantum Computing
- Quantumfy - Snippets on the latest quantum computing news and quantum infographics.
34. Awesome Newsletters
Awesome news / Svelte
- Weekly Robotics. A weekly newsletter with news, projects and research related to robotics.
35. Awesome Spark
Packages / Notebooks and IDEs
- Polynote
- Polynote: an IDE-inspired polyglot notebook. It supports mixing multiple languages in one notebook, and sharing data between them seamlessly. It encourages reproducible notebooks with its immutable data model. Originating from Netflix.
Packages / Machine Learning Extension
- Microsoft ML for Apache Spark (⭐5.1k)
- A distributed ml library with support for LightGBM, Vowpal Wabbit, OpenCV, Deep Learning, Cognitive Services, and Model Deployment.
Packages / Natural Language Processing
- spark-nlp (⭐3.9k)
- Natural language processing library built on top of Apache Spark ML.
Resources / Papers
- Structured Streaming: A Declarative API for Real-Time Applications in Apache Spark - Structured Streaming is a new high-level streaming API, it is a declarative API based on automatically incrementalizing a static relational query.
36. Awesome Cassandra
Cassandra from Relational / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Real-Time Replication from MySQL to Cassandra - Demonstration of migrating data from MySQL to Cassandra.
- Cassandra Tutorial for Beginners - Lesson plan for users just starting out with Cassandra.
Integrating with Cassandra / .NET and Cassandra
- Cassandra API with .NET - Quickstart guide on how to use .NET and the Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API to build a profile app.
- DataStax C# Driver Documentation - Documentation on the C# Driver for Cassandra from DataStax.
- CQL data types to C# types - Documentation on CQL data types to C# types.
- Connect to Cassandra with C# - Instaclustr article on how to connect to Cassandra with C#.
- Access Amazon Keyspaces with a Cassandra .NET Core Driver - Article shows how to connect to Amazon Keyspaces by using a .NET Core client driver.
- Cassandra ADO.NET Driver - Cassandra ADO.NET Data Provider enables user to easily connect to Cassandra data from .NET applications.
- Cassandra Pagination with ASP.NET Core C# - Article covering how to create infinite scroll pagination with Cassandra and ASP.NET Core C#.
Miscellaneous / Custom Time Series
- Cassandra vs MongoDB - Article comparing the two popular NoSQL databases.
Communities / Custom Time Series
- Stack Overflow: Astra DataStax - ASP.NET Core - Answered question regarding connecting DataStax Astra and an ASP.NET Core API published to Microsoft Azure.
Videos / Custom Time Series
- Working with .NET and Cassandra/DataStax Enterprise - Getting a C# .NET core application started to work against a Cassandra or DSE database.
37. Awesome Flame
App Releases / Board
- Omnichess - Web, Android, iOS - Create and play your own Chess variants! 2-8 players. Online/AI. Square/Hexagonal tiled boards. By Chirag Patel
38. Awesome Bash
Command-Line Productivity
- sshrc (⭐215) - Bring your .bashrc, .vimrc, etc. with you when you SSH.
- zoxide (⭐21k) - A better way to navigate your filesystem. Written in Rust, cross-shell, and much faster than other autojumpers.
Shell Script Development
- bashly (⭐2.1k) - Bash command line framework and CLI generator.
- bash-modules (⭐127) - A collection of modules for unofficial strict mode.
39. Awesome Circuitpython
- CircuitPython Essentials - Learning the essential functions of CircuitPython.
- Changing Lives through Open Source, Passion and Mentoring - Changing Lives through Open Source, Passion and Mentoring, Keynote by Kattni Rembor at PyOhio 2019.
- CircuitPython 入门 - CircuitPython 程序!An entry level CircuitPython tutorial in Chinese 01: From zero to Hello World (YouTube).
Contributing / Contribution Workflow Overview
- Fork this repository (⭐620) on GitHub.
- Merge adafruit or main.
40. Awesome Coq
Projects / Libraries
- CertiGraph (⭐18) - Library for reasoning about directed graphs and their embedding in separation logic.
41. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Web
- moia-dev/lambda-kotlin-request-router (⭐20) - A REST request routing layer for AWS lambda handlers written in Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Graphics
- JetBrains/skiko (⭐1.9k) - Kotlin Multiplatform bindings to Skia
Projects / Web
- spolnik/JAlgoArena (⭐36) - JAlgoArena is a highly scalable programming contest platform which you can host on own infrastructure. It allows to define new problems and solve them in Kotlin and Java.
42. Awesome Ddd
Video Collections
- GlobalAppTesting TechTalks - A vimeo channel focused on DDD and CQRS.
- The Art of Discovering Bounded Contexts by Nick Tune - Session from 2017 DevoxxUK on how to define bounded contexts
- GlobalAppTesting engineering - GlobalAppTesting's engineering blog with materials on practical DDD and CQRS.
43. Awesome WebExtensions
tag on Stack Overflow - Relevant questions.
- webpack-target-webextension (⭐43) - Adds code-splitting support to WebExtensions build with Webpack.
44. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- imbalanced-ensemble (⭐352) - Python toolbox for quick implementation, modification, evaluation, and visualization of ensemble learning algorithms for class-imbalanced data. Supports out-of-the-box multi-class imbalanced (long-tailed) classification.
45. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue3-emoji-picker (⭐206) - Simple and Powerful Emoji Picker for Vue3.
- vue3-otp-input (⭐119) - A fully customizable, OTP (one-time-password) input component built with Vue 3.x and Vue Composition API.
- Vueform - (probably) the most comprehensive form builder for Vue.js Online Demo
46. Awesome Javascript
Testing Frameworks / Runner
- Playwright (⭐70k) - Node.js library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
47. Awesome Umbraco
Backoffice extensions
- Page Not Found Manager - Manage your sites 404 page(s) from Umbraco.
- Skybrud.Umbraco.Redirects - Redirects manager for Umbraco.
- SimpleRedirects - Redirects manager for Umbraco.
- Newsletter Studio* - Responsive email editor to create emails for all clients.
- Backoffice Themes - Allows choosing your own themes for in the backoffice.
Developer tools / SEO Tools
- Diplo God Mode - Exposes a lot of information for developers.
Starter Kits / Deployment
- Clean Starter Kit - Clean and simple website to get started with
Website Utilities / Deployment
- Full Text Search - Fast and easy way to setup search for your website.
48. Awesome Mac
Communication / Collaboration and Team Tools
- Telegram - Messaging app with a focus on speed and security.
Utilities / Productivity
- CursorSense - Mouse & trackpad driver that lets you tweak the acceleration curve and more.
Utilities / Password Management
- KeepassXC - Free, open source, cross-platform password manager.
- Strongbox - Secure Password Management for iOS and MacOS. Open Source. Compatible with KeePass and Password Safe.
49. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Harvard / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Elizabeth Spelke - Department of Psychology, Harvard, Harvard Laboratory for Developmental Studies - Harvard.
- Prev: Dec 06 - Dec 12, 2021
- Next: Nov 22 - Nov 28, 2021