Awesome List Updates on Nov 15 - Nov 21, 2021
53 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Pascal
General Libraries
- minilib (⭐54).
cross platform library, Socket wrapper (include SSL and TLS), and Database connection (SQLite, PostgreSQL, FirebirdSQL, MariaDB), XML reader and writer, ComPort (COM1, COM2 etc).
2. Awesome Lowcode
- Camunda - Automate Any Process, Anywhere.
- Doppler - Sync environment variables at scale.
3. Awesome Competitive Programming
Community / Youtube and Livestreams
Name (Handle): Colin Galen (galen_colin)
Link: Youtube, Editorials, screencasts
4. Awesome Wpo
CDN / Meetups
- Amazon CloudFront - A content delivery network by Amazon that integrates nicely with other Amazon services or can be used standalone.
5. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- inframap (⭐1.8k) - Read your tfstate or HCL to generate a graph specific for each provider, showing only the resources that are most important/relevant.
- terracognita (⭐2.3k) - Reads from existing Cloud Providers (reverse Terraform) and generates your infrastructure as code on Terraform configuration.
- terracost (⭐312) - Cloud cost estimation for Terraform in your CLI.
- terradozer (⭐165) - Terraform destroy without configuration files.
- tfcmt (⭐432) - CLI to notify the result of plan and apply as Pull Request comment.
6. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Password Managers
- Passky - Simple, modern and open source password manager with website, browser extension, android and desktop application. (Demo, Source Code (⭐212))
Software / Photo Galleries
- Damselfly - Fast server-based photo management system for large collections of images. Includes face detection, face & object recognition, powerful search, and EXIF Keyword tagging. Runs on Linux, MacOS and Windows. (Source Code (⭐1.6k))
7. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🔧 Tailwind CSS with Ember (⭐23) - How to add Tailwind CSS to an Ember application.
8. Awesome Prisma
🦺 Community Prisma Tools
9. Awesome Nix
Programming Languages / Scala
- sbt-derivation (⭐67) - mkDerivation for sbt, similar to buildGoModule.
10. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Logging
- DRF-API-Logger (⭐318) - An API Logger for your Django Rest Framework project.
11. Awesome Vscode
JavaScript / More
12. Awesome Swift
Official Guides
- API Design Guidelines - Official Swift API design guidelines.
- Getting Started - Find information about the how to use the Swift programming language.
- Cely (⭐166) - A Plug-n-Play login framework.
13. Awesome Graphql
- GraphQL (⭐14k) - Working draft of the specification for GraphQL.
- GraphQL over HTTP (⭐397) - Working draft of "GraphQL over HTTP" specification.
- GraphQL Relay - Relay-compliant GraphQL server specification.
- OpenCRUD (⭐388) - OpenCRUD is a GraphQL CRUD API specification for databases.
- Apollo Federation - Apollo Federation specification
- GraphQL Foundation - GraphQL Foundation under the Linux Foundation
- GraphQL Weekly - A weekly newsletter highlighting resources and news from the GraphQL community.
- Facebook - Group for discussions, articles and knowledge sharing.
- StackOverflow - Questions and answers. Use the tag
- GraphQL APIs (⭐4.6k) - A collective list of public GraphQL APIs.
- Relay Meetup - A global, online meetup on Relay, the GraphQL client.
- graphql-js (⭐20k) - A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript.
- graphql-jit (⭐1.1k) - GraphQL execution using a JIT compiler.
- apollo-client (⭐19k) - A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for every UI framework and GraphQL server.
- graphql-request (⭐6k) - A minimal GraphQL client for Node and browsers.
- typescript-graphql-request - Use GraphQL Request as a fully typed SDK.
- graphql-zeus (⭐2k) - GraphQL Zeus creates autocomplete client library for
which provides autocompletion for strongly typed queries.
- graphqurl (⭐3.4k) - curl for GraphQL with autocomplete, subscriptions and GraphiQL. Also a dead-simple universal javascript GraphQL client.
- aws-amplify (⭐9.5k) - A client library developed by Amazon for caching, analytics and more that includes a way to fetch GraphQL queries.
Frontend Framework Integrations
- vue-apollo (⭐6k) - Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS.
- apollo-angular (⭐1.5k) - A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for Angular and every GraphQL server.
- svelte-apollo (⭐946) - Svelte integration for Apollo GraphQL.
- ember-apollo-client (⭐281) - An ember-cli addon for Apollo Client and GraphQL.
- apollo-elements (⭐419) - GraphQL web components that work in any frontend framework.
Frontend Framework Integrations / React
- react-apollo - The core @apollo/client library provides built-in integration with React.
- relay (⭐19k) - Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.
- urql (⭐8.7k) - A simple caching GraphQL client for React.
- graphql-hooks (⭐1.9k) - Minimal hooks-first GraphQL client with caching and server-side rendering support.
- mst-gql (⭐687) - Bindings for mobx-state-tree and GraphQL.
- micro-graphql-react (⭐530) - A lightweight utility for adding GraphQL to React. components. Includes simple caching and uses GET requests that could additionally be cached through a service-worker.
Servers / React
- apollo-server (⭐14k) - Spec-compliant and production ready JavaScript GraphQL server that lets you develop in a schema-first way. Built for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa, and more.
- hapi-graphql (⭐114) - Create a GraphQL HTTP server with Hapi.
- hapi-plugin-graphiql (⭐21) - HAPI plugin for GraphiQL integration.
- graphql-api-koa (⭐52) - GraphQL Koa middleware that implements GraphQL.js from scratch and supports native ESM.
- koa-graphql (⭐843) - GraphQL Koa Middleware.
- graphql-koa-scripts (⭐2) - GraphQL Koa 1 file simplified. usefull for quick test
- gql (⭐196) - Universal GraphQL HTTP middleware for Deno.
- mercurius (⭐2.4k) - GraphQL plugin for Fastify.
- graphql-yoga (⭐8.3k) - Fully-featured GraphQL Server with focus on easy setup, performance and great developer experience.
- graphitejs (⭐120) - Framework NodeJS for GraphQL.
- graphql-helix (⭐830) - A highly evolved GraphQL HTTP Server.
Databases & ORMs / React
- graphql-sequelize (⭐1.9k) - Sequelize helpers for GraphQL.
- graphql-bookshelf (⭐184) - Some help defining GraphQL schema around BookshelfJS models.
- join-monster (⭐2.7k) - A GraphQL-to-SQL query execution layer for batch data fetching.
PubSub / React
- graphql-ably-pubsub - Ably PubSub implementation for GraphQL to publish mutation updates and subscribe to the result through a subscription query.
Custom Scalars / React
- graphql-scalars (⭐1.9k) - A library of custom GraphQL Scalars for creating precise type-safe GraphQL schemas.
- graphql-java-datetime (⭐149) - GraphQL ISO Date is a set of RFC 3339 compliant date/time scalar types to be used with graphql-java.
- graphql-java-extended-scalars (⭐270) - Extended scalars for graphql-java.
Type / React
- type-graphql (⭐8.1k) - Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!
- graphql-nexus (⭐3.4k) - Code-First, Type-Safe, GraphQL Schema Construction.
Tools - Miscellaneous / React
- graphql-code-generator (⭐11k) - GraphQL code generator based on schema and documents.
- swagger-to-graphql (⭐924) - GraphQL types builder based on REST API described in Swagger. Allows to migrate to GraphQL from REST for 5 minutes
- ts-graphql-plugin (⭐736) - A language service plugin complete and validate GraphQL query in TypeScript template strings.
- apollo-tracing (⭐478) - GraphQL extension that enables you to easily get resolver-level performance information as part of a GraphQL response.
- json-graphql-server (⭐1.9k) - Get a full fake GraphQL API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds, based on a JSON data file.
- Prisma (⭐41k) - Turn your database into a GraphQL API. Prisma lets you design your data model and have a production ready GraphQL API online in minutes.
- tuql (⭐1.1k) - Automatically create a GraphQL server from any sqlite database.
- Bit (⭐18k) - Organize GraphQL API as components to be consumed with NPM or modified from any project, example-explanation).
- openapi-to-graphql (⭐1.6k) - Take any OpenAPI Specification (OAS) or swagger and create a GraphQL interface - Two minute video and resources here
- Retool – Internal tools builder on top of your GraphQL APIs + GraphQL IDE with a schema explorer.
- dataloader-codegen (⭐113) - An opinionated JavaScript library for automatically generating predictable, type safe DataLoaders over a set of resources (e.g. HTTP endpoints).
- raphql-inspector (⭐1.7k): alidate schema, get schema change notifications, validate operations, find breaking changes, look for similar types, schema coverage.
Miscellaneous / React
- graphql-tools (⭐5.4k) - Tool library for building and maintaining GraphQL-JS servers.
- graphql-tag (⭐2.3k) - A JavaScript template literal tag that parses GraphQL queries.
- graphql-compose (⭐1.2k) - Tool which allows you to construct flexible graphql schema from different data sources via plugins.
- graphql-modules (⭐1.3k) - Separate GraphQL server into smaller, reusable parts by modules or features.
- graphql-shield (⭐3.6k) - A library that helps creating a permission layer for a graphql api.
- graphql-let (⭐454) - A webpack loader to import type-protected codegen results directly from GraphQL documents
- graphql-config (⭐1.2k) - One configuration for all your GraphQL tools (supported by most tools, editors & IDEs).
- graphql-cli (⭐2k) - A command line tool for common GraphQL development workflows.
- graphql-toolkit (⭐168) - A set of utils for faster development of GraphQL tools (Schema and documents loading, Schema merging and more).
- graphql-mesh (⭐3.4k) - use GraphQL query language to access data in remote APIs that don't run GraphQL (and also ones that do run GraphQL).
- sofa (⭐1.1k) - Generate REST API from your GraphQL API.
- graphback (⭐409) - Framework and CLI to add a GraphQLCRUD API layer to a GraphQL server using data models.
- graphql-middleware (⭐1.1k) - Split up your GraphQL resolvers in middleware functions.
- graphql-relay-js (⭐1.5k) - A library to help construct a graphql-js server supporting react-relay.
- graphql-normalizr (⭐194) - Normalize GraphQL responses for persisting in the client cache/state.
- babel-plugin-graphql (⭐64) - Babel plugin that compile GraphQL tagged template strings.
- eslint-plugin-graphql (⭐1.2k) - An ESLint plugin that checks your GraphQL strings against a schema.
- graphql-ws (⭐1.8k) - Coherent, zero-dependency, lazy, simple, GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol compliant server and client.
- graphql-live-query (⭐438) - Realtime GraphQL Live Queries with JavaScript.
- GraphVinci (⭐75) - An interactive schema visualizer for GraphQL APIs.
JavaScript Examples / React
- React Starter Kit (⭐23k) - front-end starter kit using React, Relay, GraphQL, and JAM stack architecture.
- SWAPI GraphQL Wrapper (⭐1k) - A GraphQL schema and server wrapping SWAPI.
- Relay TodoMVC (⭐158) - Relay TodoMVC with routing.
- Apollo Server tools documentation - Documentation, tutorial and examples for building GraphQL server and connecting to SQL, MongoDB and REST endpoints.
- F8 App 2017 (⭐14k) - Source code of the official F8 app of 2016, powered by React Native and other Facebook open source projects.
- Apollo React example for Github GraphQL API (⭐114) - Usage Examples Apollo React for Github GraphQL API with create-react-app.
- Next.js TypeScript and GraphQL Example (⭐130k) - A type-protected GraphQL example on Next.js running graphql-codegen under the hood
- GraphQL StackBlitz Starter – A live, editable demo spinning up in about 2 seconds and running in a browser.
- NAPERG (⭐819) - Fullstack Boilerplate GraphQL. Made with React & Prisma + authentication & roles.
- VulcanJS - The full-stack React+GraphQL framework
- RAN Toolkit (⭐2.2k) - Production-ready toolkit/boilerplate with support for GraphQL, SSR, Hot-reload, CSS-in-JS, caching, and more.
TypeScript Examples / React
- Node.js API Starter (⭐3.9k) - Yarn v2 based monorepo template (code-first GraphQL API, PostgreSQL, PnP, Zero-install, serverless).
- Next.js Apollo TypeScript Starter (⭐274) - Next.js starter project focused on developer experience.
- GraphQL Starter (⭐106) - A boilerplate for TypeScript + Node Express + Apollo GraphQL APIs.
Ruby / React
- graphql-ruby (⭐5.4k) - Ruby implementation of Facebook's GraphQL.
- graphql-batch (⭐1.4k) - A query batching executor for the graphql gem.
- graphql-auth (⭐26) - A JWT auth wrapper working with devise.
- agoo (⭐914) - Ruby web server that implements Facebook's GraphQL.
- GQLi (⭐209) - A GraphQL client and DSL. Allowing to write queries in native Ruby.
Ruby Examples / React
- graphql-ruby-demo (⭐220) - Use graphql-ruby to expose a Rails app.
- github-graphql-rails-example (⭐280) - Example Rails app using GitHub's GraphQL API.
- relay-on-rails (⭐43) - Barebones starter kit for Relay application with Rails GraphQL server.
- relay-rails-blog (⭐139) - A graphql, relay and standard rails application powered demo weblog.
- to_eat_app (⭐13) - A sample graphql/rails/relay application with a related 3-part article series.
- agoo-demo (⭐914) - Use of the Agoo server to demonstrate a simple GraphQL application.
- rails-devise-graphql (⭐286) - A rails 6 boilerplate with devise, graphql & JWT auth.
PHP / React
- graphql-php (⭐4.7k) - A PHP port of GraphQL reference implementation.
- graphql-relay-php (⭐272) - Relay helpers for webonyx/graphql-php implementation of GraphQL.
- lighthouse (⭐3.4k) - A PHP package that allows to serve a GraphQL endpoint from your Laravel application.
- graphql-laravel (⭐2.2k) - Laravel wrapper for Facebook's GraphQL.
- overblog/graphql-bundle (⭐789) - This bundle provides tools to build a complete GraphQL server in your Symfony App. Supports react-relay.
- wp-graphql (⭐3.7k) - GraphQL API for WordPress.
- graphqlite (⭐559) - Framework agnostic library that allows you to write GraphQL server by annotating your PHP classes.
- siler (⭐1.1k) - Plain-old functions providing a declarative API for GraphQL servers with Subscriptions support.
- graphql-request-builder (⭐4) - Builds request payload in GraphQL structure.
PHP Examples / React
- siler-graphgl (⭐1.1k) - An example GraphQL server written with Siler.
Python / React
- graphql-parser (⭐47) - GraphQL parser for Python.
- graphql-relay-py (⭐145) - A library to help construct a graphql-py server supporting react-relay.
- graphql-parser-python (⭐4) - A python wrapper around libgraphqlparser.
- graphene (⭐8.1k) - A package for creating GraphQL schemas/types in a Pythonic easy way.
- graphene-gae (⭐117) - Adds GraphQL support to Google AppEngine (GAE).
- django-graphiql (⭐35) - Integrate GraphiQL easily into your Django project.
- flask-graphql (⭐1.3k) - Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application.
- python-graphql-client (⭐156) - Simple GraphQL client for Python 2.7+
- python-graphjoiner (⭐2) - Create GraphQL APIs using joins, SQL or otherwise.
- graphene-django (⭐4.3k) - A Django integration for Graphene.
- Flask-GraphQL-Auth (⭐62) - An authentication library for Flask inspired from flask-jwt-extended.
- tartiflette (⭐856) - GraphQL Implementation, SDL First, for python 3.6+ / asyncio.
- tartiflette-aiohttp (⭐61) - Wrapper of Tartiflette to expose GraphQL API over HTTP based on aiohttp / 3.6+ / asyncio, official tutorial available on
- Ariadne (⭐2.2k) - library for implementing GraphQL servers using schema-first approach. Asynchronous query execution, batteries included for ASGI, WSGI and popular webframeworks, fully documented.
- django-graphql-auth (⭐334) - Django registration and authentication with GraphQL.
- strawberry (⭐4.2k) - A new GraphQL library for Python.
Python Examples / React
- swapi-graphene (⭐173) - A GraphQL schema and server using Graphene.
Java / React
- graphql-java (⭐6.2k) - GraphQL Java implementation.
- DGS Framework (⭐3.1k) - A GraphQL server framework for Spring Boot, developed by Netflix.
- graphql-java-generator - A Maven plugin (⭐121) and a Gradle plugin (⭐55) that can generate both the Client and the Server (POJOs and utility classes). The server part is based on graphql-java, and hides all its boilerplate codes.
- gaphql-java-type-generator (⭐36) - Auto-generates types for use with GraphQL Java
- schemagen-graphql (⭐48) - Schema generation and execution package that turns POJO's into a GraphQL Java queryable set of objects. Enables exposing any service as a GraphQL service using Annotations.
- graphql-java-annotations (⭐387) - Provides annotations-based syntax for schema definition with GraphQL Java.
- graphql-java-tools (⭐814) - Schema-first graphql-java convenience library that makes it easy to bring your own implementations as data resolvers. Inspired by graphql-tools (⭐5.4k) for JS.
- graphql-java-codegen-maven-plugin (⭐17) - Schema-first maven plugin for generating Java types and Resolver interfaces. Works perfectly in conjunction with graphql-java-tools. Inspired by swagger-codegen-maven-plugin (⭐17k).
- graphql-java-codegen-gradle-plugin (⭐19) - Schema-first gradle plugin for generating Java types and Resolver interfaces. Works perfectly in conjunction with graphql-java-tools. Inspired by gradle-swagger-generator-plugin (⭐308).
- graphql-java-servlet (⭐223) - A framework-agnostic java servlet for exposing graphql-java query endpoints with GET, POST, and multipart uploads.
- manifold-graphql (⭐2.5k) - Comprehensive GraphQL client use. Schema-first. Type-safe GraphQL types, queries, and results, no code generators, no POJOs, no annotations. Excellent IDE support with IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio. See the Java example below.
- spring-graphql-common (⭐134) - Spring Framework GraphQL Library.
- graphql-spring-boot (⭐1.5k) - GraphQL and GraphiQL Spring Framework Boot Starters.
- vertx-graphql-service-discovery (⭐50) - Asynchronous GraphQL service discovery and querying for your microservices.
- vertx-dataloader (⭐71) - Port of Facebook DataLoader for efficient, asynchronous batching and caching in clustered GraphQL environments.
- graphql-spqr (⭐1.1k) - Java 8+ API for rapid development of GraphQL services.
- Light Java GraphQL (⭐31): A lightweight, fast microservices framework with all cross-cutting concerns addressed and ready to plug in GraphQL schema.
- Elide: A Java library that can expose a JPA annotated data model as a GraphQL service over any relational database.
- federation-jvm (⭐259) - Apollo Federation on the JVM.
- graphql-java-extended-validation (⭐131) - Provides extended validation of fields and field arguments for graphql-java.
Java Examples / React
- light-java-graphql examples (⭐147) - Examples of Light Java GraphQL and tutorials.
- graphql-spqr-samples (⭐105) - An example GraphQL server written with Spring MVC and GraphQL-SPQR.
- manifold-graphql sample (⭐20) - A simple application, both client and server, demonstrating the Manifold GraphQL library.
- graphql-java-kickstart_samples (⭐118) - Samples for using the GraphQL Java Kickstart projects.
Kotlin Examples / React
- manifold-graphql sample (⭐3) - A simple GraphQL application, both client and server, demonstrating the Manifold GraphQL library with Kotlin.
C/C++ / React
- libgraphqlparser (⭐1.1k) - A GraphQL query parser in C++ with C and C++ APIs.
- agoo-c (⭐148) - A high performance GraphQL server written in C. benchmarks (⭐56)
- cppgraphqlgen (⭐328) - C++ GraphQL schema service generator.
- CaffQL (⭐28) - Generates C++ client types and request/response serialization from a GraphQL introspection query.
Go / React
- graphql (⭐10k) - An implementation of GraphQL for Go follows graphql-js
- graphql-go (⭐4.7k) - GraphQL server with a focus on ease of use.
- gqlgen (⭐10k) - Go generate based graphql server library.
- graphql-relay-go (⭐423) - A Go/Golang library to help construct a server supporting react-relay.
- graphjin (⭐3k): Build APIs in 5 minutes with GraphQL. An instant GraphQL to SQL compiler.
Go Examples / React
- golang-relay-starter-kit (⭐137) - Barebones starting point for a Relay application with Golang GraphQL server.
- todomvc-relay-go (⭐66) - Port of the React/Relay TodoMVC app, driven by a Golang GraphQL backend.
- go-graphql-subscription-example (⭐42) - A GraphQL schema and server that demonstrates GraphQL subscriptions (⭐1.5k) (over Websocket) to consume Apache Kafka messages.
Scala / React
- sangria (⭐2k) - Scala GraphQL server implementation.
- sangria-relay (⭐90) - Sangria Relay Support.
- caliban (⭐951) - Caliban is a purely functional library for creating GraphQL backends in Scala.
Scala Examples / React
- sangria-akka-http-example (⭐242) - An example GraphQL server written with akka-http and sangria
- sangria-playground (⭐87) - An example of GraphQL server written with Play and sangria.
.NET / React
- graphql-dotnet (⭐5.9k) - GraphQL for .NET.
- graphql-net (⭐891) - GraphQL to IQueryable for .NET.
- Hot Chocolate (⭐5.4k) - GraphQL server for .Net Core and .NET Framework.
- Snowflaqe (⭐157) - Type-safe GraphQL code generator for F# and Fable (⭐3k)
Elixir / React
- absinthe-graphql (⭐4.3k) - Fully Featured Elixir GraphQL Library.
- graphql-elixir (⭐857) - GraphQL Elixir. (No longer maintained)
- plug_graphql (⭐125) - Plug integration for GraphQL Elixir.
- graphql_relay (⭐36) - Relay helpers for GraphQL Elixir.
- graphql_parser (⭐22) - Elixir bindings for libgraphqlparser (⭐1.1k)
- graphql (⭐87) - Elixir GraphQL parser.
- plot (⭐32) - GraphQL parser and resolver for Elixir.
Haskell / React
- graphql-haskell (⭐169) - GraphQL AST and parser for Haskell.
SQL / React
- GraphpostgresQL (⭐1.1k) - GraphQL for Postgres.
- sql-to-graphql (⭐592) - Generate a GraphQL API based on your SQL database structure.
- PostGraphile (⭐13k) - Lightning-fast GraphQL APIs for PostgreSQL: highly customisable; extensible via plugins; realtime.
- Hasura (⭐31k) - Hasura gives Instant Realtime GraphQL APIs over PostgreSQL. Works with an existing database too.
- subZero - GraphQL & REST API for your database
Lua / React
- graphql-lua (⭐187) - GraphQL for Lua.
Elm / React
- elm-graphql (⭐783) - GraphQL for Elm.
Clojure / React
- graphql-clj (⭐285) - A Clojure library designed to provide GraphQL implementation.
- Lacinia (⭐1.8k) - GraphQL implementation in pure Clojure.
ClojureScript / React
- graphql-query (⭐71) - Clojure(Script) GraphQL query generation.
- re-graph (⭐463) - A GraphQL client for ClojureScript with bindings for re-frame applications.
Clojure Examples / React
- Clojure Game Geek (⭐47) - Example code for the Lacinia GraphQL framework tutorial.
Swift / React
- GraphQL (⭐948) - The Swift implementation for GraphQL.
OCaml / React
- ocaml-graphql-server (⭐622) - GraphQL servers in OCaml.
Android Examples / React
- apollo-frontpage-android-app (⭐1) - 📄 Apollo "hello world" app, for Android.
iOS / React
- apollo-ios (⭐3.9k) - 📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift.
- ApolloDeveloperKit (⭐64) - Apollo Client Devtools bridge for [Apollo iOS].
- Graphaello (⭐498) - Type Safe GraphQL directly from SwiftUI.
iOS Examples / React
- frontpage-ios-app (⭐99) - 📄 Apollo "hello world" app, for iOS.
ReasonML / React
- reason-apollo (⭐548) - ReasonML binding for Apollo Client.
- ReasonQL (⭐96) - Type-safe and simple GraphQL Client for ReasonML developers.
- reason-urql (⭐238) - ReasonML binding for urql Client.
Dart / React
- graphql-flutter (⭐3.3k) - A GraphQL client for Flutter.
- Artemis (⭐494) - A GraphQL type and query generator for Dart/Flutter.
Rust / React
- async-graphql (⭐3.4k) - High-performance server-side library that supports all GraphQL specifications.
- juniper (⭐5.8k) - GraphQL server library for Rust.
- graphql-client (⭐1.2k) - GraphQL client library for Rust with WebAssembly (wasm) support.
- graphql-parser (⭐358) - A parser, formatter and AST for the GraphQL query and schema definition language for Rust.
D (dlang) / React
- graphqld (⭐35) - GraphQL server library for D.
R (Rstat) / React
- ghql (⭐147) - General purpose GraphQL R client.
- graphql (⭐39) - Bindings to the 'libgraphqlparser' C++ library. Parses GraphQL syntax and exports the AST in JSON format.
- gqlr (⭐58) - R GraphQL Implementation.
Julia / React
- Diana.jl (⭐116) - A Julia GraphQL client/server implementation.
- GraphQLClient.jl (⭐47) - A Julia GraphQL client for seamless integration with a server.
Crystal / React
- graphql (⭐136) - GraphQL server library.
- graphql-crystal (⭐215) - library inspired by graphql-ruby (⭐5.4k) & go-graphql (⭐248) & graphql-parser (⭐219).
- crystal-gql (⭐6) - GraphQL client shard inspired by Apollo client.
- (⭐1) - GraphQL shard.
Tools - Editors & IDEs & Explorers / React
- GraphiQL (⭐16k) - An in-browser IDE for exploring GraphQL.
- GraphQL Editor (⭐6k) - Visual Editor & GraphQL IDE.
- GraphQL Voyager (⭐7.9k) - Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph.
- Altair GraphQL Client (⭐5.2k) - A beautiful feature-rich GraphQL Client for all platforms.
- Insomnia - A full-featured API client with first-party GraphQL query editor.
- Postman - An HTTP Client that supports editing GraphQL queries.
- Apollo Sandbox - The quickest way to navigate and test your GraphQL endpoints.
- GraphQL Birdseye (⭐706) – View any GraphQL schema as a dynamic and interactive graph.
- AST Explorer - Select "GraphQL" at the top, explore the GraphQL AST and highlight different parts by clicking in the query.
- Firecamp - GraphQL Playground - The fastest collaborative GraphQL playground.
Tools - Security / React
- InQL Scanner (⭐1.6k) - A Burp Extension for GraphQL Security Testing
- WAF for graphQL - Web Application Firewall for graphQL APIs
- GraphQL Intruder (⭐14) - Plugin based python script to perform GraphQL vulnerability assessment.
Tools - Browser Extensions / React
- Apollo Client Developer Tools (⭐1.5k) - GraphQL debugging tools for Apollo Client in the Chrome developer console
Tools - Prototyping / React
- GraphQL Faker (⭐2.7k) - 🎲 Mock or extend your GraphQL API with faked data. No coding required.
Tools - Docs / React
- graphdoc (⭐1.6k) - Static page generator for documenting GraphQL Schema.
- gqldoc (⭐193) - The easiest way to make API documents for GraphQL.
Tools - Editor Plugins / React
- Apollo GraphQL VSCode Extension - Rich editor support for GraphQL client and server development that seamlessly integrates with the Apollo platform
- js-graphql-intellij-plugin (⭐885) - GraphQL language support for IntelliJ IDEA and WebStorm, including Relay.QL tagged templates in JavaScript and TypeScript.
- vim-graphql (⭐497) - A Vim plugin that provides GraphQL file detection and syntax highlighting.
- Apollo Workbench - Tooling to help you develop and mock federated schemas using Apollo Federation.
- graphql-autocomplete (⭐48) - Autocomplete and lint from a GraphQL endpoint in Atom.
Databases / React
- Dgraph - Scalable, distributed, low latency, high throughput Graph database with GraphQL as the query language
- EdgeDB - The next generation object-relational database with native GraphQL support.
- FaunaDB - Relational NoSQL database with GraphQL schema import. Supports joins, indexes, and multi-region ACID transactions with serverless pay-per-use pricing.
- ArangoDB - Native multi-model database with GraphQL integration via the built-in Foxx Microservices Framework.
- Weaviate (⭐13k) - Weaviate is a cloud-native, modular, real-time vector search engine with a GraphQL interface built to scale your machine learning models.
Services / React
- AWS AppSync - Scalable managed GraphQL service with subscriptions for building real-time and offline-first apps
- FakeQL - GraphQL API mocking as a service ... because GraphQL API mocking should be easy!
- Moesif API Analytics - A GraphQL analaytics and monitoring service to find functional and performance issues.
- Booster framework - An open-source framework that makes you completely forget about infrastructure and allows you to focus exclusively on your business logic. It autogenerates a GraphQL API for your models, supporting mutations, queries, and subscriptions.
- Nhost - Open source Firebase alternative with GraphQL
- Saleor (⭐21k) - GraphQL-first headless e-commerce platform.
CDN / React
- GraphCDN - GraphQL CDN for caching GraphQL APIs.
CMS / React
- DatoCMS - CDN-based GraphQL based Headless Content Management System.
- Cosmic - GraphQL-powered Headless CMS and API toolkit.
Books / React
- The GraphQL Guide by John Resig and Loren Sands-Ramshaw
- Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe by Bruce Williams and Ben Wilson
- Practical GraphQL by Daniel Schmitz
- Production Ready GraphQL by Marc-André Giroux
- Full Stack GraphQL Applications by William Lyon
Videos / React
Podcasts / React
- GraphQL.FM by Marc-Andre Giroux and Tony Ghita.
Style Guides / React
- Shopify GraphQL Design Tutorial (⭐2.5k) - This tutorial was originally created by Shopify for internal purposes. It's based on lessons learned from creating and evolving production schemas at Shopify over almost 3 years.
Blogs / React
Blogs - Security / React
Posts / React
Tutorials / React
- How to GraphQL - Fullstack Tutorial Website with Tracks for all Major Frameworks & Languages including React, Apollo, Relay, JavaScript, Ruby, Java, Elixir and many more.
- Apollo Odyssey - Apollo's free interactive learning platform.
- learning-graphql (⭐942) - An attempt to learn GraphQL.
14. Awesome Icons
- Line Awesome - Is a free alternative for Font Awesome 5.11.2. It consists of ~1380 flat icons that offer complete coverage of the main Font Awesome icon set
15. Awesome Cassandra
Cassandra Deployment / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Benchmarking Cassandra with Local Storage on Azure - Learn about comparing Cassandra on Azure VMs w/ Local vs. Remote storage.
16. Awesome Blazor
Source generators / Others
- BlazorOcticons (⭐24)
Github Octicons created as a .razor components using source generator. The generated components are available via the NuGet package, the generator itself is available as a separate NuGet package. The project website is an example using the generated components.
17. Awesome
Praises / Tutorials
- Craft CMS vs WordPress: A comparison & why we love Craft CMS by Chris Cox/Made by Bridge -
17 Nov 2021
18. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Generic ZSH
- ZSH Unplugged (⭐415) - Good resource if you want to eliminate using a framework but still easily use plugins.
19. Awesome WSL
WSL Tools / For Managing WSL Installations
- WSL GUI Tool (⭐85) - A graphical tool to manage (run, stop, import, export...) WSL.
20. Awesome Ebpf
eBPF Workflow: Tools and Utilities / oxidebpf
- oxidebpf (⭐116) - A pure Rust library for managing eBPF programs, designed for security use cases. The featureset is more limited than other libraries but emphasizes stability across a wide range of kernels and backwards-compatible compile-once-run-most-places.
21. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Abduction / Explanation
- Abductive Cognition: The Epistemological and Eco-Cognitive Dimensions of Hypothetical Reasoning - Springer, 2009. [All Versions]. Most philosophers of science in the twentieth century have concluded that no logic of creative processes exists and, moreover, that a rational model of discovery is impossible. In short, scientific creative inferences are irrational and there is no “reasoning” to hypotheses. On the other hand, some research in the area of artificial intelligence has shown that methods for discovery could be found that are computationally adequate for rediscovering --- or discovering for the first time --- empirical or theoretical laws and theorems.
- The Role of Explanatory Considerations in Updating - Cognition, 2015. [All Versions]. This paper investigates experimentally controversy in philosophy about the connection between explanation and inference, of whether judgments of the explanatory goodness of hypotheses do play a role when people revise their degrees of belief in those hypotheses upon the receipt of new evidence.
- Use of current explanations in multicausal abductive reasoning - Cognitive Science, 2001. [All Versions].
- Kinematic mental simulations in abduction and deduction - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013. [All Versions]. This paper presents a theory, and its computer implementation, of how mental simulations underlie the abductions of informal algorithms and deductions from these algorithms. Three experiments tested the theory’s predictions, using an environment of a single railway track and a siding. The results corroborated the use of a kinematic mental model in creating and testing informal algorithms and showed that individuals differ reliably in the ability to carry out these tasks.
- Abduction: A categorical characterization - Journal of Applied Logic, 2015. [All Versions].
- Defending Abduction - Philosophy of Science, 1999. [All Versions].
- Abduction − the context of discovery + underdetermination = inference to the best explanation - Synthese, 2019. [All Versions].
- Towards an Architecture for Cognitive Vision Using Qualitative Spatio-temporal Representations and Abduction - Spatial Cognition, 2002. [All Versions].
- Abductive inference within a pragmatic framework - Synthese, 2018. [All Versions].
- Disjunctive Abduction - New Generation Computing, 2019. [All Versions].
- The order effect in human abductive reasoning: an empirical and computational study - Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 2006. [All Versions].
- The AHA! Experience: Creativity Through Emergent Binding in Neural Networks - Cognitive Science, 2012. [All Versions].
Abduction / Scientific Discovery
- Exploring science: The cognition and development of discovery processes - MIT Press, 2000. [All Versions]. In this book, D. Klahr sets out to describe the cognitive and developmental processes that have enabled scientists to make the discoveries that comprise the body of information we call "scientific knowledge." Over the past decade, Klahr and his colleagues have conducted laboratory experiments in which they create discovery contexts, computer-based environments, to evoke the kind of thinking characteristic of scientific discovery in the "real world." In attempting to solve the problems posed by the discovery tasks, experiment participants (from preschoolers to university students) use many of the same higher-order cognitive processes used by practicing scientists. Through his work, Klahr integrates two disparate approaches–the content-based approach and the process-based approach– to present a comprehensive model of the psychology of scientific discovery.
- Hypothesis generation, sparse categories, and the positive test strategy - Psychological Review, 2011. [All Versions].
Abduction / Applications in AI
- Abductive Inference in Bayesian Networks: A Review - Advances in Bayesian Networks, 2004. [All Versions]. The goal of this paper is to serve as a survey for the problem of abductive inference (or belief revision) in Bayesian networks. Thus, the problem is introduced in its two variants: total abduction (or MPE) and partial abduction (or MAP) . Also, the problem is formulated in its general case, that is, looking for the K best explanations. Then, a (non exhaustive) review of exact and approximate algorithms for dealing with both abductive inference problems is carried out. Finally, the authors collect the main complexity results appeared in the literature for both problems (MPE and MAP).
- Abductive Plan Recognition by Extending Bayesian Logic Programs - ECML'11, 2011. [All Versions].
- An Approach to Abductive Reasoning in Equational Logic - IJCAI'13, 2013. [All Versions].
- Abduction-Based Explanations for Machine Learning Models - AAAI'19, 2019. [All Versions].
Bayesian Modeling / Nonparametric Model
- Learning Systems of Concepts with an Infinite Relational Model - AAAI'06, 2006. [All Versions].
- The nested chinese restaurant process and bayesian nonparametric inference of topic hierarchies - Journal of the ACM, 2010. [All Versions].
Susan Carey / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Conceptual Change in Childhood - MIT Press, 1985. [All Versions].
- The Origin of Concepts - Oxford University Press, 2009. [All Versions].
Communications / Non-Verbal Communication
- The Picture Exchange Communication System - Behavior Modification, 1994. [All Versions].
- A multimodal discourse theory of visual narrative - Journal of Pragmatics, 2014. [All Versions].
Communications / Pragmatics
- How young children integrate information sources to infer the meaning of words - Nature Human Behavior, 2021. [All Versions]. Before formal education begins, children typically acquire a vocabulary of thousands of words. This learning process requires the use of many different information sources in their social environment, including their current state of knowledge and the context in which they hear words used. This paper specifies a developmental model according to which children consider information sources in an age-specific way and integrate them via Bayesian inference. This work presents a developmental theory of information integration during language learning and illustrates how formal models can be used to make a quantitative test of the predictive and explanatory power of competing theories.
- Information Structure in Discourse: Towards an Integrated Formal Theory of Pragmatics - Semantics and Pragmatics, 1998. [All Versions].
Communications / Language Compositionality
- Emergence of Language with Multi-agent Games: Learning to Communicate with Sequences of Symbols - NeurIPS'18, 2018. [All Versions].
- Emergent communication through negotiation - ICLR'18, 2018. [All Versions].
- The language of generalization - Psychological Review, 2019. [All Versions].
- Compositionality and Generalization in Emergent Languages - ACL'20, 2020. [All Versions].
Domain Specific Language / Declarative DSL Applications
- A Language for Counterfactual Generative Models - ICML'21, 2021. [All Versions]. [Project (⭐165)]. This paper presents Omega, a probabilistic programming language with support for counterfactual inference. This feature is accomplished by introducing a new operator to probabilistic programming akin to Pearl’s do.
Problem Solving / Human-Level Problem Solving
- Learning to Solve Problems: A Handbook for Designing Problem-Solving Learning Environments - Taylorfrancis, 2010. [All Versions].
- Learning to perceive and act by trial and error - Machine Learning, 1991. [All Versions].
- Representations in distributed cognitive tasks - Cognitive Science, 1994. [All Versions].
- The nature of external representations in problem solving - Cognitive Science, 1997. [All Versions].
- Exploration: from machines to humans - Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2020. [All Versions].
- Balancing exploration and exploitation with information and randomization - Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2021. [All Versions].
Problem Solving / Planning
- What Is the Model in Model-Based Planning? - Cognitive Science, 2021. [All Versions].
Problem Solving / Reinforcement Learning
- Solving Compositional Reinforcement Learning Problems via Task Reduction - ICLR'21, 2021. [All Versions].
- Neural Task Programming: Learning to Generalize Across Hierarchical Tasks - ICRA'18, 2018. [All Versions].
- Learning to act: qualitative learning of deterministic action models - Journal of Logic and Computation, 2017. [All Versions].
- Data-Efficient Learning for Complex and Real-Time Physical Problem Solving Using Augmented Simulation - Robotics and Automation Letters, 2021. [All Versions].
Problem Solving / Inverse Reinforcement Learning
- From Language to Goals: Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Instruction Following - ICLR'19, 2019. [All Versions].
- Few-shot Bayesian imitation learning with logical program policies. - AAAI'20, 2020. [All Versions].
System 1 & System 2 / Neural-Symbolic AI
- Neural Logic Reinforcement Learning - ICML'19, 2019. [All Versions].
- Abductive learning: towards bridging machine learning and logical reasoning - Science China Information Sciences, 2019. [All Versions].
- Abductive Knowledge Induction From Raw Data - IJCAI'21, 2021. [All Versions].
- Making sense of sensory input - Artificial Intelligence, 2021. [All Versions].
- Abstract Spatial-Temporal Reasoning via Probabilistic Abduction and Execution - CVPR'21, 2021. [All Versions].
- Learn to explain efficiently via neural logic inductive learning - ICLR'20, 2020. [All Versions]. [Project (⭐42)].
- Closed Loop Neural-Symbolic Learning via Integrating Neural Perception, Grammar Parsing, and Symbolic Reasoning - ICML'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Generating new concepts with hybrid neuro-symbolic models. - CogSci'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Learning Task-General Representations with Generative Neuro-Symbolic Modeling - ICLR'21, 2021. [All Versions].
- Neuro-Symbolic Visual Reasoning: Disentangling “Visual” from “Reasoning” - ICML'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Understanding Deep Architectures with Reasoning Layer - NeurIPS'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- An Explicitly Relational Neural Network Architecture - ICML'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Compositional Generalization via Neural-Symbolic Stack Machines - NeurIPS'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Stochastic Optimization of Sorting Networks via Continuous Relaxations - ICLR'19, 2019. [All Versions].
- Program Guided Agent - ICLR'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Learning Compositional Rules via Neural Program Synthesis - NeurIPS'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Discovering Symbolic Models from Deep Learning with Inductive Biases - NeurIPS'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Neural Logic Machines - ICLR'19, 2019. [All Versions].
- The Neuro-Symbolic Concept Learner: Interpreting Scenes, Words, and Sentences From Natural Supervision - ICLR'19, 2019. [All Versions].
- Grounding Physical Concepts of Objects and Events Through Dynamic Visual Reasoning - ICLR'21, 2021. [All Versions].
- Temporal and Object Quantification Networks - IJCAI'21, 2021. [All Versions].
Explainability / Explainable Deep Learning
- Unsupervised learning by competing hidden units - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019. [All Versions].
Embodied Intelligence / Explainable Deep Learning
- Rapid Assimilation of External Objects Into the Body Schema - Psychological Science, 2010. [All Versions].
- The cognitive bases of human tool use - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2012. [All Versions].
- The embodied mind extended: using words as social tools - Frontiers in Psychology, 2013. [All Versions].
- Tool use as adaptation - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2013. [All Versions].
- Intensive tool-practice and skillfulness facilitate the extension of body representations in humans - Neuropsychologia, 2014. [All Versions].
- Meta-strategy learning in physical problem-solving: the effect of embodied experience - CogSci'21, 2021. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. This paper focuses on how natural embodied experience affects what kinds of abstract physical problem-solving strategies people use in a virtual task. The findings suggest that differences in embodied experience drive the acquisition of different meta-strategies for balancing acting with thinking, deciding what kinds of actions to try, and deciding how persistent to be with a current action plan.
- Robotic hand augmentation drives changes in neural body representation - Science Robotics, 2021. [All Versions].
- Expert Tool Users Show Increased Differentiation between Visual Representations of Hands and Tools - Journal of Neuroscience, 2021. [All Versions].
- Visual scoping operations for physical assembly - CogSci'21, 2021. [All Versions].
- Behavior-grounded representation of tool affordances - ICRA'05, 2005. [All Versions].
- A Relational Approach to Tool-Use Learning in Robots - ILP'12, 2012. [All Versions].
- Relational affordances for multiple-object manipulation - Autonomous Robots, 2017. [All Versions].
- Improvisation through Physical Understanding: Using Novel Objects as Tools with Visual Foresight - RSS'19, 2019. [All Versions].
Methodologies for Experiments / Human-Machine Comparison
- Problem Solving and Rule Induction: A Unified View - Knowledge and cognition, 1974. [All Versions].
- Evidence integration in model-based tree search - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015. [All Versions].
- People Infer Recursive Visual Concepts from Just a Few Examples - Computational Brain & Behavior, 2020. [All Versions].
- One-shot learning of generative speech concepts - CogSci'14, 2014. [All Versions].
- Human few-shot learning of compositional instructions - CogSci'19, 2019. [All Versions].
- Fast and flexible: Human program induction in abstract reasoning tasks - CogSci'21, 2021. [All Versions].
- Investigating Human Priors for Playing Video Games - ICML'18, 2018. [All Versions].
- Tasks for aligning human and machine planning - Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2019. [All Versions].
Meta-Level Considerations / Gestalt
- Restructuring revisited I. Summary and critique of the Gestalt theory of problem solving - Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 1984. [All Versions].
Meta-Level Considerations / The Aha! Moment
- Human Performance on Insight Problem Solving: A Review - The Journal of Problem Solving, 2011. [All Versions].
Meta-Level Considerations / Cognitive Architecture
- SOAR: An architecture for general intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, 1987. [All Versions].
- Metacognition in computation: A selected research review - Artificial Intelligence, 2005. [All Versions].
- Basic functional trade-offs in cognition: An integrative framework - Cognition, 2018. [All Versions].
- A Theoretical Computer Science Perspective on Consciousness - Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness, 2020. [All Versions].
Theory of Mind / AI Assisted Research
- The Signature of All Things: Children Infer Knowledge States from Static Images - CogSci'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Rational quantitative attribution of beliefs, desires and percepts in human mentalizing - Nature Human Behavior, 2017. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. This paper presents a model of core mentalizing computations: inferring jointly an actor’s beliefs, desires and percepts from how they move in the local spatial environment. The proposed Bayesian theory of mind (BToM) model is based on probabilistically inverting artificial-intelligence approaches to rational planning and state estimation, which extend classical expected-utility agent models to sequential actions in complex, partially observable domains.
- Theory of mind as inverse reinforcement learning - Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2019. [All Versions]. This paper reviews the idea that Theory of Mind --- humans' ability to reason about other people's mental states --- can be formalized as inverse reinforcement learning. Under this framework, expectations about how mental states produce behavior are captured in a reinforcement learning (RL) model. Predicting other people’s actions is achieved by simulating a RL model with the hypothesized beliefs and desires, while mental-state inference is achieved by inverting this model. Although many advances in inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) did not have human Theory of Mind in mind, this paper focuses on what they reveal when conceptualized as cognitive theories.
- Computational Models of Emotion Inference in Theory of Mind: A Review and Roadmap - Topics in Cognitive Science, 2019. [All Versions]. This paper proposes an intuitive theory framework to studying affective cognition—how humans reason about emotions—and derive a taxonomy of inferences within affective cognition. Using this taxonomy, the authors review formal computational modeling work on such inferences, including causal reasoning about how others react to events, reasoning about unseen causes of emotions, reasoning with multiple cues, as well as reasoning from emotions to other mental states. This framework proposes unifying these various types of reasoning as Bayesian inference within a common “intuitive Theory of Emotion.”
- The Naïve Utility Calculus as a unified, quantitative framework for action understanding - Cognitive Psychology, 2021. [All Versions]. [Project]. This paper presents a formal theory of the Naïve Utility Calculus as a probabilistic generative model, which highlights the role of cost and reward tradeoffs in a Bayesian framework for action-understanding. The model predicts with quantitative accuracy how people infer agents’ subjective costs and rewards based on their observable actions. By distinguishing between desires, goals, and intentions, the model extends to complex action scenarios unfolding over space and time in scenes with multiple objects and multiple action episodes.
- Leveraging Facial Expressions and Contextual Information to Investigate Opaque Representations of Emotion - Emotion, 2019. [All Versions].
- Waiting and weighting: Information sampling is a balance between efficiency and error-reduction - Cognition, 2013. [All Versions].
- Natural scene statistics account for the representation of scene categories in human visual cortex - Neuron, 2013. [All Versions].
- Unit of visual working memory: A Boolean map provides a better account than an object does - Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2020. [All Versions].
- The logic of universalization guides moral judgment - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020. [All Versions].
- Origins of the concepts cause, cost, and goal in prereaching infants - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019. [All Versions].
Analogy / AI Assisted Research
- Generalize and Blend: Concept Blending Based on Generalization, Analogy, and Amalgams - ICCC'15, 2015. [All Versions].
- VISALOGY: Answering Visual Analogy Questions - NeurIPS'15, 2015. [All Versions].
- Detecting Unseen Visual Relations Using Analogies - CVPR'19, 2019. [All Versions].
- Learning to Make Analogies by Contrasting Abstract Relational Structure - ICLR'19, 2019. [All Versions].
- Sky + Fire = Sunset. Exploring Parallels between Visually Grounded Metaphors and Image Classifiers - ACL'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Analogy as Nonparametric Bayesian Inference over Relational Systems - CogSci'20, 2020. [All Versions].
Causality / AI Assisted Research
- Causal Reasoning - The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology, 2013. [All Versions].
- Inferring causal networks from observations and interventions - Cognitive Science, 2010. [All Versions].
- Constraints on Hypothesis Selection in Causal Learning - CogSci'15, 2015. [All Versions].
Commonsense / AI Commonsense Reasoning
- From Recognition to Cognition: Visual Commonsense Reasoning - CVPR'19, 2019. [All Versions]. [Project].
- PIQA: Reasoning about Physical Commonsense in Natural Language - AAAI'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Visual Commonsense R-CNN - CVPR'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- VisualCOMET: Reasoning About the Dynamic Context of a Still Image - ECCV'20, 2020. [All Versions].
Inductive Logic & Program Synthesis / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Towards combining inductive logic programming with Bayesian networks - ILP'01, 2001. [All Versions].
- Learning Efficient Logical Robot Strategies Involving Composable Objects - IJCAI'15, 2015. [All Versions].
- Learning Higher-Order Logic Programs through Abstraction and Invention - IJCAI'16, 2016. [All Versions].
- How Much Can Experimental Cost Be Reduced in Active Learning of Agent Strategies? - ILP'18, 2018. [All Versions].
- Meta-Interpretive Learning from noisy images - Machine Learning, 2018. [All Versions].
- Learning efficient logic programs - Machine Learning, 2018. [All Versions].
- Learning higher-order logic programs - Machine Learning, 2019. [All Versions].
- Logical reduction of metarules - Machine Learning, 2019. [All Versions].
- Playgol: Learning Programs Through Play - IJCAI'19, 2019. [All Versions].
- Machine Discovery of Comprehensible Strategies for Simple Games Using Meta-interpretive Learning - New Generation Computing, 2019. [All Versions].
- Forgetting to Learn Logic Programs - AAAI'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Turning 30: New Ideas in Inductive Logic Programming - IJCAI'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Learning programs by learning from failures - Machine Learning, 2020. [All Versions].
- Complete Bottom-Up Predicate Invention in Meta-Interpretive Learning - IJCAI'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Meta-Interpretive Learning as Metarule Specialisation - Machine Learning, 2021. [All Versions].
- Derivative-free optimization of high-dimensional non-convex functions by sequential random embeddings - IJCAI'16, 2016. [All Versions].
- Finitely Generated Groups and First-Order Logic - Journal of The London Mathematical Society-second Series, 2005. [All Versions].
- Leveraging Language for Abstraction and Program Search - ICML'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Learning Part-Based Abstractions for Visual Object Concepts - CogSci'21, 2021. [All Versions].
Knowledge Representation / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- The Analysis of Knowledge - Plato Stanford.
- Common Knowledge - Plato Stanford.
- Sense-Data - Plato Stanford.
- Epistemic Modal Logic - Wikipedia.
- Logics for Epistemic Programs - Synthese, 2004. [All Versions].
- A Translation Approach to Portable Ontology Specifications - Knowledge Acquisition, 1993. [All Versions].
- The Symbolic Grounding Problem - Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 1990. [All Versions].
- Learning overhypotheses with hierarchical Bayesian models - Developmental Science, 2007. [All Versions].
- Learning Causal Schemata - CogSci'07, 2007, [All Versions].
- A Rational Analysis of Rule-Based Concept Learning - Cognitive Science, 2008. [All Versions].
- Modeling semantic cognition as logical dimensionality reduction - CogSci'08, 2008. [All Versions].
- Theory Acquisition as Stochastic Search - CogSci'10, 2010. [All Versions].
- A probabilistic model of theory formation - Cognition, 2010. [All Versions].
- Bootstrapping in a language of thought: A formal model of numerical concept learning - Cognition, 2012. [All Versions].
- Exploring the Conceptual Universe - Psychological Review, 2012. [All Versions].
- A taxonomy of inductive problems - Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2014. [All Versions].
- The Logical Primitives of Thought: Empirical Foundations for Compositional Cognitive Models - Psychological Review, 2016. [All Versions].
- The Emergence of Organizing Structure in Conceptual Representation - Cognitive Science, 2018. [All Versions].
- Theory Acquisition as Constraint-Based Program Synthesis - CogSci'21, 2021. [All Versions].
- Connecting perceptual and procedural abstractions in physical construction - CogSci'21, 2021. [All Versions].
- Introduction to The Fluent Calculus - Linkoeping University Electronic Press, 1998. [All Versions].
- From situation calculus to fluent calculus: State update axioms as a solution to the inferential frame problem - Artificial Intelligence, 1999. [All Versions].
- Algorithms of Adaptation in Inductive Inference - Cognitive Psychology, 2021. [All Versions].
- A representational analysis of numeration systems - Cognition, 1995. [All Versions].
Cognitive Development / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Cognitive development: An information processing approach - B.Blackwell, 1991. [All Versions].
- From exploration to play: A cross-sectional study of infant free play behavior - Developmental Psychology, 1981. [All Versions].
- Detecting Blickets: How Young Children Use Information about Novel Causal Powers in Categorization and Induction - Children Development, 2003. [All Versions].
- Serious fun: Preschoolers engage in more exploratory play when evidence is confounded - Developmental Psychology, 2007. [All Versions].
- Where science starts: Spontaneous experiments in preschoolers' exploratory play - Cognition, 2011. [All Versions].
- Scientific thinking in young children: Theoretical advances, empirical research, and policy implications - Science, 2012. [All Versions].
- Finding New Facts; Thinking New Thoughts - Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 2012. [All Versions].
- Theory learning as stochastic search in the language of thought - Cognitive Development, 2012. [All Versions].
- Infants make more attempts to achieve a goal when they see adults persist - Science, 2017. [All Versions].
- Knowing when to quit: Children consider access to solutions when deciding whether to persist - CogSci'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Bayesian Models of Conceptual Development: Learning as Building Models of the World - Annual Review of Developmental Psychology, 2020. [All Versions].
- Sticking to the Evidence? A Behavioral and Computational Case Study of Micro-Theory Change in the Domain of Magnetism - Cognitive Science, 2019. [All Versions].
- Cognitive pragmatism: Children flexibly choose between facts and conjectures - CogSci'18, 2018. [All Versions].
- Exploratory play, rational action, and efficient search - CogSci'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Children selectively endorse speculative conjectures - Child Development, 2021. [All Versions].
- Learning higher-order generalizations through free play: Evidence from 2- and 3-year-old children - Developmental Psychology, 2017. [All Versions].
- Childhood as a solution to explore–exploit tensions - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2020. [All Versions].
- Children's exploratory play tracks the discriminability of hypotheses - Nature Communications, 2021. [All Versions].
- A Developmental Perspective on Executive Function - Child Development, 2010. [All Versions].
- Rethinking Executive Function and Its Development - Psychological Science, 2020. [All Versions].
Learning in the Open World / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Online learning of symbolic concepts - Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2017. [All Versions].
- Towards Open Set Deep Networks - CVPR'16, 2016. [All Versions].
- Adversarial Filters of Dataset Biases - ICML'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- A Wholistic View of Continual Learning with Deep Neural Networks: Forgotten Lessons and the Bridge to Active and Open World Learning - 2020. [All Versions].
- Energy-Based Models for Continual Learning - NeurIPS'20, 2020. [All Versions]. [Project].
- Learning to Learn Image Classifiers with Visual Analogy - CVPR'18, 2018. [All Versions].
- Zero-Shot Object Detection - ECCV'18, 2018. [All Versions].
- Towards Open World Object Detection - CVPR'21, 2021. [All Versions]. [Project (⭐1k)].
- Learning to Recognise Unseen Classes by A Few Similes - MM'17, 2017. [All Versions].
Learning with Cognitive Plausibility / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Cognitive Science: Definition, Status, and Questions - Annual Review of Psychology, 1989. [All Versions].
- Machine Behaviour - Nature, 2019. [All Versions].
- CLEVRER: CoLlision Events for Video REpresentation and Reasoning - ICLR'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- The relationship between Precision-Recall and ROC curves - ICML'06, 2006. [All Versions].
- Language acquisition in the absence of explicit negative evidence: how important is starting small? - Cognition, 1999. [All Versions].
- Parsing video events with goal inference and intent prediction - ICCV'11, 2011. [All Versions].
- Explainable and Explicit Visual Reasoning over Scene Graphs - CVPR'19, 2019. [All Versions].
- Motion Reasoning for Goal-Based Imitation Learning - ICRA'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Action Genome: Actions as Compositions of Spatio-temporal Scene Graphs - CVPR'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Refactoring Policy for Compositional Generalizability using Self-Supervised Object Proposals - NeurIPS'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Something-Else: Compositional Action Recognition with Spatial-Temporal Interaction Networks - CVPR'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Putting visual object recognition in context - CVPR'20, 2020. [All Versions].
- Describing Objects by their Attributes - CVPR'09, 2009. [All Versions].
MIT / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Rebecca Saxe - Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT, Social Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory (SaxeLab) - MIT.
- Laura Schulz - Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT, Early Childhood Cognition Lab - MIT.
Stanford / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Tobias Gerstenberg - Department of Psychology, Stanford, Causality in Cognition Lab (CICL) - Stanford.
Princeton / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Tania Lombrozo - Department of Psychology, Princeton, Concepts & Cognition Lab - Princeton.
UC Berkeley / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Fei Xu - Department of Psychology, UC Berkeley, Berkeley Early Learning Lab (Xu Lab) - UC Berkeley.
- Alison Gopnik - Department of Psychology, UC Berkeley, Cognitive Development & Learning Lab (Gopnik Lab) - UC Berkeley.
- Steve Piantadosi - Department of Psychology, UC Berkeley, The computation and language lab (colala) - UC Berkeley.
- Celeste Kidd - Department of Psychology, UC Berkeley, Kidd Lab - UC Berkeley.
UCSD / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Zhuowen Tu - Department of Computer Science, UCSD, Machine Learning, Perception, and Cognition Lab (mlPC) - UCSD.
- Ed Vul - Department of Psychology, UCSD, Computational Cognition Lab - UCSD.
NYU / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Brenden Lake - Department of Psychology, NYU, Human & Machine Learning Lab (Lake Lab) - NYU.
- Todd Gureckis - Department of Psychology, NYU, Computation & Cognition Lab - NYU.
- Wei Ji Ma - Department of Psychology, Center for Neural Science, NYU, Wei Ji Ma Lab - NYU.
Ulf Grenander / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- A Calculus of Ideas: A Mathematical Study of Thinking - World Scientific Publishing Company, 2012. [All Versions].
- General Pattern Theory: A Mathematical Study of Regular Structures - Oxford University Press, 1993. [All Versions].
Michael Tomasello / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Origins of human communication - MIT Press, 2010. [All Versions].
- The cultural origins of human cognition - Havard University Press, 2000. [All Versions].
Judea Pearl / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect - Basic Books, 2018. [All Versions].
- Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference - Cambridge University Press, 2009. [All Versions].
Daniel Kahneman / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Thinking, fast and slow - Farrar Straus Giroux, 2011. [All Versions].
Karl Popper / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- The logic of scientific discovery - Routledge, 2005. [All Versions].
- All Life is Problem Solving - Routledge, 2001. [All Versions].
22. Awesome Code Review
- Modern Code Reviews Arguably belongs in academic paper, but it's a website giving an overview of evidence on code review by facet/context. Links off to a bunch of papers.
23. Awesome Ci
Name: Woodpecker
Description: Continuous Integration service
Features: Woodpecker is a community fork of the Drone CI system.
Supported repositories: GitHub, GitLab, Gitea, BitBucket, Custom
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free Open Source (Apache License 2.0)
24. Awesome Capacitor
Official plugins
- Action Sheet (⭐546) - Provides access to native Action Sheets.
- App Launcher (⭐546) - Allows to check if an app can be opened and open it.
- Browser (⭐546) - Provides the ability to open an in-app browser and subscribe to browser events.
- Camera (⭐546) - Provides the ability to take a photo with the camera or choose an existing one from the photo album.
- Clipboard (⭐546) - Enables copy and pasting to/from the system clipboard.
- Dialog (⭐546) - Provides methods for triggering native dialog windows for alerts, confirmations, and input prompts.
- Geolocation (⭐546) - Provides simple methods for getting and tracking the current position of the device using GPS, along with altitude, heading, and speed information if available.
- Haptics (⭐546) - Provides physical feedback to the user through touch or vibration.
- Keyboard (⭐546) - Provides keyboard display and visibility control, along with event tracking when the keyboard shows and hides.
- Local Notifications (⭐546) - Provides a way to schedule device notifications locally (i.e. without a server sending push notifications).
- Motion (⭐546) - Tracks accelerometer and device orientation (compass heading, etc.).
- Network (⭐546) - Provides network and connectivity information.
- Push Notifications (⭐546) - Provides access to native push notifications.
- Share (⭐546) - Provides methods for sharing content in any sharing-enabled apps the user may have installed.
- Splash Screen (⭐546) - Provides methods for showing or hiding a Splash image.
- Status Bar (⭐546) - Provides methods for configuring the style of the Status Bar, along with showing or hiding it.
- Text Zoom (⭐546) - Provides the ability to change Web View text size for visual accessibility.
Community plugins
- Admob (⭐232) - A native plugin for AdMob.
- Apple sign in (⭐148) - Capacitor Sign in with Apple.
- Background geolocation (⭐200) - Receive geolocation updates even while app is backgrounded.
- Barcode scanner (⭐440) - A fast and efficient QR / barcode scanner for Capacitor.
- Bluetooth-le (⭐302) - Bluetooth Low Energy.
- Camera preview (⭐196) - Camera preview.
- Googlemaps (⭐155) - Plugin using native Maps API for Android and iOS.
- Contacts (⭐125) - Contacts Plugin for Capacitor.
- Date picker (⭐89) - Native DateTime Picker Plugin for Capacitor Apps.
- Facebook Login (⭐107) - A native plugin for Facebook Login.
- Flipper (⭐11) - A native plugin for flipper debugger.
- Http (⭐210) - A native HTTP plugin for CORS-free requests and file transfers.
- Intercom (⭐62) - Enable Intercom features for Capacitor apps.
- Media (⭐112) - Enable some media features for Capacitor such as create albums, save videos, gifs and more.
- Native audio (⭐122) - A native plugin for native audio engine.
- Native market (⭐27) - A native market plugin for linking to google play or app store.
- React hooks (⭐252) - React Hooks for Capacitor apps.
- Realm (⭐25) - A native plugin for MongoDB Realm.
- Speech recognition (⭐97) - A native plugin for speech recognition.
- Sqlite (⭐526) - Native & electron SQLite databases.
- Stripe (⭐199) - Stripe SDK bindings for Capacitor Applications.
- Tauri (⭐118) - Support for the Tauri platform.
- Text to speech (⭐102) - Synthesizing speech from text.
- Twitter (⭐11) - Enable TwitterKit features for Capacitor.
- Uxcam (⭐5) - UXCam and FullStory analytics. It uses UXCam for Android and iOS platforms and FullStory for Web/PWA.
Other plugins
- App Tracking Transparency (⭐33) - Request user authorization to access app-related data for tracking the user or the device. iOS only.
- Brother Print (⭐13) - A native Brother Print SDK implementation for iOS & Android.
- Biometric (⭐189) - Use biometrics confirm device owner presence or authenticate users.
- Dark mode (⭐1) - Monitor the changes made to system's dark mode.
- Email composer (⭐22) - Open a native E-Mail Composer within your Capacitor App.
- Facebook Analytics (⭐5) - Facebook Analytics Plugin for Capacitor.
- File selector (⭐14) - Select files form Android/iOS devices and the web.
- Jitsi (⭐85) - Make video calls through the free, open-sourced Jitsi video platform.
- Lightsensor (⭐3) - Get the illuminance level on the device.
- Native settings (⭐98) - Open native settings screens.
- NativeScript
- NativeScript Capacitor (⭐39) - Empower Capacitor with native APIs.
- Augmented Reality (⭐118) - Add AR experiences.
- Navigation bar (⭐64) - Navigation Bar manipulation, hide/show.
- Rate app (⭐173) - Let users rate your app using native rate app dialog for both Android and iOS.
- Read sms (⭐1) - Read the user's SMS with their permission.
- Screenshot (⭐15) - Take a screenshot of the current view.
- Send intent (⭐12) - Expose a listener in your JavaScript application for when another application sends data to your Capacitor application via the Android share menu or share sheet.
- Sentry (⭐121) - Add Sentry error tracking and performance monitoring for Capacitor apps.
- Stripe terminal (⭐29) - Stripe Terminal Plugin for Capacitor.
- Sprig (⭐0) - All-in-one product research platform.
- Square Payments (⭐2) - Enable Square Payments for Capacitor.
- Sumup (⭐4) - SumUp Mobile SDK.
25. Awesome Lidar
- USyd Dataset- The Univerisity of Sydney Campus- Dataset - Long-term, large-scale dataset collected over the period of 1.5 years on a weekly basis over the University of Sydney campus and surrounds. It includes multiple sensor modalities and covers various environmental conditions. ROS compatible
26. Awesome Substrate
- C (⭐7) - Maintained by Matthew Darnell.
27. Awesome Gbdev
Tools / Music drivers and trackers
- CBT-FX (⭐23) - A GBDK-2020 sound effect driver compatible with FX-Hammer sound effects.
28. Awesome Slim
- Slim JSON API (⭐269) - Slim extension to implement fast JSON API's.
29. Awesome Micropython
Display / LCD Character
- LCM1602-14_LCD_Library (⭐16) - driver for AIP31068L 3.3 V I2C and SPI 1602 Serial Character LCDs.
Display / OLED
- sh1107-micropython (⭐9) - MicroPython driver for SH1107-based OLED display (64x128).
30. Awesome Vlc
VLC lua extensions
- VideoLAN addons website - VideoLAN addons website.
- vlc-delete (⭐40) - VLC extension to remove videos from the hard disk.
- TraktForVLC (⭐294) - Automatically what you're watching on VLC.
- playlist-youtube-vlc (⭐0) - Lua plugin to parse Youtube playlists.
- vlc-super-skipper (⭐6) - Automatically Skip Opening and Ending Sequences.
31. Awesome Evm Security
- Blockchain Graveyard - A list of all massive security breaches or thefts involving blockchains.
- Blockchain Threat Intelligence - The latest in blockchain, DeFi and cryptocurrency threat intelligence, vulnerabilities, security tools, and events.
32. Awesome Golem
Apps / VPN
- Golem Provider with network access (⭐1) - A requstor that acts as a http proxy for running providers, allowing them to access the wider internet.
33. Awesome Playcanvas
Interactive Experiences
- Wild Rift - Solve the puzzle to unlock a League of Legends: Wild Rift character.
34. Awesome Developer First
Deployment Hosting
- Railway - Out-of-the-box git to deployment with auto-scaling, DBs, secrets, and rollbacks.
35. Awesome Osint
Real-Time Search, Social Media Search, and General Social Media Tools
- IDCrawl - Search for a name in popular social networks.
Social Media Tools / Telegram
- Telegram Nearby Map (⭐1.1k) - Webapp based on OpenStreetMap and the official Telegram library to find the position of nearby users.
Username Check / Steam
- IDCrawl - Search for a username in popular social networks.
Keywords Discovery and Research / Steam
36. Awesome Mongodb
Tools / Desktop
- Mingo - MongoDB Admin. Intuitive UI. Fast. Reliable
37. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Image Synthesis / Multi-agents
Creative Uses of Generative AI Image Synthesis Tools / Deforum
- AgaMiko/pixel_character_generator (⭐123): Generating retro pixel game characters with Generative Adversarial Networks. Dataset "TinyHero" included.
Interesting Instagram Accounts, Posts and Reels / Deforum
Related Awesome Lists / Deforum
- toxtli/awesome-machine-learning-jupyter-notebooks-for-colab (⭐300): A curated list of Machine Learning and Deep Learning tutorials in Jupyter Notebook format ready to run in Google Colaboratory
38. Awesome Cl
Querying HTML/DOM, web scraping / Isomorphic web frameworks
- 👍 lquery (⭐88) - A jQuery-like HTML/DOM manipulation library. zlib.
39. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Scheme / Play Scala
- Scheme 9 from Empty Space - First edition (2007) - Nils M. Holm (PDF)
40. Awesome Preact
Contents / Libraries
- Teaful (⭐707) - Tiny (800B), easy and powerful (P)React state management.
41. Awesome Steam
Third-Party Services / Misc
- - Provides prices for several games and Steam market/inventory related services.
42. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- RishabhRD/gruvy (⭐15) - Gruvbuddy without colorbuddy using Lush.
43. Dive Into Machine Learning
Tools you'll need / Cloud-based options
- Binder is Jupyter Notebook's official choice to try JupyterLab
Explore another notebook / What just happened?
- Jupyter's official Gallery of Interesting Jupyter Notebooks: Statistics, Machine Learning and Data Science (⭐14k) (permalink (⭐14k))
Other courses / Take my tips with a grain of salt
- There are more alternatives linked at the bottom of this guide
Supplement: Learning Pandas well / Some communities to know about!
- Essential: Things in Pandas I Wish I'd Had Known Earlier (as a Jupyter Notebook)
Supplement: Troubleshooting / Production, Deployment, MLOps
- MLOps Stack Template by Henrik Skogström
- Lessons on ML Platforms from Netflix, DoorDash, Spotify, and more by Ernest Chan in Towards Data Science
More Data Science materials / Machine Learning and User Experience (UX)
44. Awesome Tmux
Status Bar
- tmux-pomodoro-plus (⭐356) Incorporate the Pomodoro technique into your tmux workflow
45. Awesome Flutter
UI / List
- PlutoGrid (⭐693) - Web and desktop datagrid that can be controlled by the keyboard by bosskmk.
🇫🇷 France / Misc
46. Public Apis
Art & Design
API: xColors
Description: Generate & convert colors
Auth: No
API: Application Environment Verification (⭐82)
Description: Android library and API to verify the safety of user devices, detect rooted devices and other risks
47. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Testing
- EPadronU/balin (⭐72) - Balin is a browser automation library for Kotlin. It's basically a Selenium-WebDriver wrapper library inspired by Geb.
Libraries/Frameworks / Dependency Injection
- sergeshustoff/dikt (⭐141) - Simple and powerful DI for kotlin multiplatform
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- spoptchev/scientist - A kotlin library for refactoring code. Port of GitHub's scientist.
- DavidMellul/Kotlin-Publish-Subscribe (⭐21) - Intuitive and powerful human-readable Kotlin DSL for IPCs & turning anything into a message receiver / broadcaster
- sargunster/KtUnits (⭐23) - Tiny unit conversion library for Kotlin.
- kohesive/solr-undertow (⭐96) - Solr Standalone Tiny and High performant server.
48. Awesome Icons
- Radix Icons (⭐2.2k) - A crisp set of 15×15 icons designed by the WorkOS team. (Website)
49. Free for Dev
Web Hosting
- Alwaysdata — 100 MB free web hosting with support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, CouchDB, MongoDB, PHP, Python, Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, Java, Deno, custom web servers, access via FTP, WebDAV and SSH; mailbox, mailing list and app installer included.
Data Visualization on Maps
- - Free map tiles and tile hosting.
50. Awesome React
React Styling
- vanilla-extract (⭐9.6k) - Zero-runtime Stylesheets-in-TypeScript
51. Awesome Crystal
CLI Builders
- Athena Console (⭐18) - Allows for the creation of CLI based commands
HTML/XML Parsing
- docx_cr_converter (⭐8) - parse DOCX Word
Third-party APIs
- (⭐19) - Mollie Payments API wrapper (Creditcard, PayPal, Apple Pay, Sofort, Klarna, ...)
52. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / Backups
- Backupninja - Lightweight, extensible meta-backup system, provides a centralized way to configure and coordinate many different backup utilities.
53. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Vendor Data Resources / Travel Behavior
- Inrix - Delivers innovative data products for the automotive and transportation industries such as real-time parking and traffic information solutions.
Platforms and Software Resources / Environmental and Climate Planning Tools and Platforms
- Temperate - This user-friendly tool was developed by Azavea in partnership with ICLEI USA, with the primary purpose of facilitating a data-informed adaptation planning process in small-to-midsize communities with little to no devoted resources to plan for climate change impacts.
- City Energy Analyst - A series of open-source (⭐203) tools for the analysis and optimization of urban energy systems.
- Prev: Nov 22 - Nov 28, 2021
- Next: Nov 08 - Nov 14, 2021