Awesome List Updates on Nov 15 - Nov 21, 2021

53 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Pascal

General Libraries

2. Awesome Lowcode



3. Awesome Competitive Programming

Community / Youtube and Livestreams

4. Awesome Wpo

CDN / Meetups

5. Awesome Terraform

Tools / Community providers

6. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Password Managers

Software / Photo Galleries

7. Awesome Tailwindcss


8. Awesome Prisma

🦺 Community Prisma Tools

9. Awesome Nix

Programming Languages / Scala

10. Awesome Django

Third-Party Packages / Logging

11. Awesome Vscode

JavaScript / More

12. Awesome Swift

Official Guides


13. Awesome Graphql







Frontend Framework Integrations

Frontend Framework Integrations / React

Servers / React

Databases & ORMs / React

PubSub / React

Custom Scalars / React

Type / React

Tools - Miscellaneous / React

Miscellaneous / React

JavaScript Examples / React

TypeScript Examples / React

Ruby / React

Ruby Examples / React

PHP / React

PHP Examples / React

Python / React

Python Examples / React

Java / React

Java Examples / React

Kotlin Examples / React

C/C++ / React

Go / React

Go Examples / React

Scala / React

Scala Examples / React

.NET / React

Elixir / React

Haskell / React

SQL / React

Lua / React

Elm / React

Clojure / React

ClojureScript / React

Clojure Examples / React

Swift / React

OCaml / React

Android Examples / React

iOS / React

iOS Examples / React

ReasonML / React

Dart / React

Rust / React

D (dlang) / React

R (Rstat) / React

Julia / React

Crystal / React

Tools - Editors & IDEs & Explorers / React

Tools - Security / React

Tools - Browser Extensions / React

Tools - Prototyping / React

Tools - Docs / React

Tools - Editor Plugins / React

Databases / React

Services / React

CDN / React

CMS / React

Books / React

Videos / React

Podcasts / React

Style Guides / React

Blogs / React

Blogs - Security / React

Posts / React

Tutorials / React

14. Awesome Icons


15. Awesome Cassandra

Cassandra Deployment / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology

16. Awesome Blazor

Source generators / Others

17. Awesome

Praises / Tutorials

18. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Generic ZSH

19. Awesome WSL

WSL Tools / For Managing WSL Installations

20. Awesome Ebpf

eBPF Workflow: Tools and Utilities / oxidebpf

21. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Abduction / Explanation

Abduction / Scientific Discovery

Abduction / Applications in AI

Bayesian Modeling / Nonparametric Model

Susan Carey / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Communications / Non-Verbal Communication

Communications / Pragmatics

Communications / Language Compositionality

Domain Specific Language / Declarative DSL Applications

Problem Solving / Human-Level Problem Solving

Problem Solving / Planning

Problem Solving / Reinforcement Learning

Problem Solving / Inverse Reinforcement Learning

System 1 & System 2 / Neural-Symbolic AI

Explainability / Explainable Deep Learning

Embodied Intelligence / Explainable Deep Learning

Methodologies for Experiments / Human-Machine Comparison

Meta-Level Considerations / Gestalt

Meta-Level Considerations / The Aha! Moment

Meta-Level Considerations / Cognitive Architecture

Theory of Mind / AI Assisted Research

Analogy / AI Assisted Research

Causality / AI Assisted Research

Commonsense / AI Commonsense Reasoning

Inductive Logic & Program Synthesis / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Knowledge Representation / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Cognitive Development / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Learning in the Open World / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Learning with Cognitive Plausibility / Commonsense Knowledgebase

MIT / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Stanford / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Princeton / Commonsense Knowledgebase

UC Berkeley / Commonsense Knowledgebase

UCSD / Commonsense Knowledgebase

NYU / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Ulf Grenander / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Michael Tomasello / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Judea Pearl / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Daniel Kahneman / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Karl Popper / Commonsense Knowledgebase

22. Awesome Code Review


23. Awesome Ci

24. Awesome Capacitor

Official plugins

Community plugins

Other plugins

25. Awesome Lidar


26. Awesome Substrate


27. Awesome Gbdev

Tools / Music drivers and trackers

28. Awesome Slim


29. Awesome Micropython

Display / LCD Character

Display / OLED

30. Awesome Vlc

VLC lua extensions

31. Awesome Evm Security


32. Awesome Golem

Apps / VPN

33. Awesome Playcanvas

Interactive Experiences

34. Awesome Developer First

Deployment Hosting

35. Awesome Osint

Real-Time Search, Social Media Search, and General Social Media Tools

Social Media Tools / Telegram

Username Check / Steam

Keywords Discovery and Research / Steam

36. Awesome Mongodb

Tools / Desktop

37. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Image Synthesis / Multi-agents

Creative Uses of Generative AI Image Synthesis Tools / Deforum

Interesting Instagram Accounts, Posts and Reels / Deforum

Related Awesome Lists / Deforum

38. Awesome Cl

Querying HTML/DOM, web scraping / Isomorphic web frameworks

39. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Scheme / Play Scala

40. Awesome Preact

Contents / Libraries

41. Awesome Steam

Third-Party Services / Misc

42. Awesome Neovim

Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics

43. Dive Into Machine Learning

Tools you'll need / Cloud-based options

Explore another notebook / What just happened?

Other courses / Take my tips with a grain of salt

Supplement: Learning Pandas well / Some communities to know about!

Supplement: Troubleshooting / Production, Deployment, MLOps

More Data Science materials / Machine Learning and User Experience (UX)

44. Awesome Tmux

Status Bar

45. Awesome Flutter

UI / List

🇫🇷 France / Misc

46. Public Apis

Art & Design


47. Awesome Kotlin

Libraries/Frameworks / Testing

Libraries/Frameworks / Dependency Injection

Libraries/Frameworks / Misc

48. Awesome Icons


49. Free for Dev

Web Hosting

Data Visualization on Maps

50. Awesome React

React Styling

51. Awesome Crystal

CLI Builders

HTML/XML Parsing

Third-party APIs

52. Awesome Sysadmin

Software / Backups

53. Urban and Regional Planning Resources

Vendor Data Resources / Travel Behavior

Platforms and Software Resources / Environmental and Climate Planning Tools and Platforms