Awesome List Updates on Nov 08 - Nov 14, 2021
60 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- rover (⭐3.1k) - Interactive Terraform state and configuration explorer.
2. Awesome Falsehood
- Falsehoods about Airline Seat Maps - Airline seat maps are far more complex than just neat rows and columns of seats.
3. Awesome Ansible
- ansible-bender - Tool which bends containers using Ansible playbooks and turns them into container images.
- ansible-runner (⭐985) - A tool and python library that helps when interfacing with Ansible directly or as part of another system whether that be through a container image interface, as a standalone tool, or as a Python module that can be imported.
- ansible-builder - Using Ansible content that depends on non-default dependencies can be tricky. Packages must be installed on each node, play nicely with other software installed on the host system, and be kept in sync.
4. Awesome Yew
Crates / Component Libraries
- yew-mdc (⭐63) - Material Design Components for the Yew framework.
5. Awesome Mqtt
- NanoMQ (⭐572) - A light-weight and Blazing-fast MQTT Broker for IoT Edge platform.
- mqtt_monitor (⭐6) - simple and lightweight console moniotor for mqtt topics, with eye-candies, in python 3.
Smart Home Hardware Interfaces / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- can2mqtt (⭐42) - CAN-Bus - MQTT Bridge (also works vice versa).
- gardena2mqtt (⭐4) - Docker Gateway to control GARDENA Smart system devices (Sileno mower, Irrigation Control, etc.) through MQTT.
- zwavejs2mqtt (⭐618) - Zwave to Mqtt gateway and Control Panel Web UI.
Misc / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- serial2mqtt (⭐87) - A Linux gateway to connect low-cost microcontrollers only with a serial port to MQTT.
Visualization, Dashboards / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- MYHELLOIOT - MYHELLOIOT is a MQTT dashboard application inspired in my other MQTT project HelloIoT.
- PlotJuggler (⭐3.1k) - PlotJuggler is a tool to visualize time series (from sources such as: MQTT, Websockets, ZeroMQ, UDP, etc., supports data formats such as JSON, CBOR, BSON, Message Pack, etc.). It is a fast, powerful and intuitive cross-platform tool.
6. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
DevSecOps / Dependency confusion
- Dependency Combobulator (⭐85) - Open source, modular and extensible framework to detect and prevent dependency confusion leakage and potential attacks.
- Confusion checker (⭐60) - Script to check if you have artifacts containing the same name between your repositories.
7. Awesome Jax
Libraries / New Libraries
- JaxDF (⭐123) - Framework for differentiable simulators with arbitrary discretizations.
8. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Platforms and Software Resources / Environmental and Climate Planning Tools and Platforms
- iTree - Quantifies the benefits and values of trees around the world. Is based on peer-reviewed, USDA Forest Service Research.
- HAZUS - FEMA's Hazus Program provides standardized tools and data for estimating risk from earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and hurricanes. Risk assessment resources and tools from the Hazus program are always freely available and transparently developed.
Platforms and Software Resources / Public Engagement Tools and Platforms
- bangthetable - Provides access to a platform that centralizes community engagement, making it easy to capture, analyze, and report on city-wide engagement through one single platform.
Other Resources / Other Technology Resource Aggregators
- Digital.Gov - Guidance and resources on building better digital services in government.
9. Awesome Dotnet
- Sejil (⭐183) - Capture, view and filter your ASP.NET Core app's logs right from your app. It supports structured logging, querying as well as saving log queries.
10. Awesome Influxdb
Queries / Hooks
- Time Series Admin (⭐133) - Administration panel and querying interface for InfluxDB databases
11. Awesome Lowcode
Online database creator apps
- NocoDB - NocoDB is an open source #NoCode platform that turns any database into a smart spreadsheet.
12. Awesome React Components
- react-steps (⭐15) - Demo - Responsive React Stepper.
Form Components / Rich Text Editor
- tiptap (⭐24k) - demo - docs - The headless editor framework for web artisans.
Data Store / Mouse Events
- teaful (⭐707) - Tiny, easy and powerful React state management
13. Awesome Playcanvas
Interactive Experiences
- How Not To Suck At Money - Educational game from Invesco about personal finance.
Automotive / YouTube Playables
- Nissan Ariya - Explore Nissan's Arriya in 3D (Japanese - requires sign in).
14. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- yole/kxdate (⭐258) - Kotlin extensions for Java 8 java.time API
15. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Media Streaming - Multimedia Streaming
- Stash - A web-based library organizer and player for your adult media stash, with auto-tagging and metadata scraping support. (Source Code (⭐10k))
Software / Ticketing
- Trudesk - Trudesk is an open-source help desk/ticketing solution. (Source Code (⭐1.4k))
Software / Wikis
- WackoWiki - WackoWiki is a light and easy to install multilingual Wiki-engine. (Source Code (⭐49))
16. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- catppuccin/nvim (⭐6.1k) - Warm mid-tone dark theme to show off your vibrant self! With support for native LSP, Tree-sitter, and more.
17. Awesome Osint
Web History and Website Capture / Steam
18. Awesome Golem
Apps / Miscellaneous
- Gc__ListOffers (⭐3) - List offers by providers on the Golem Network with a GUI.
19. Awesome Coq
Resources / Books
- Hydras & Co. (⭐70) - Continuously in-progress book and library on Kirby and Paris' hydra battles and other entertaining formalized mathematics in Coq, including a proof of the Gödel-Rosser first incompleteness theorem.
20. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / JSON
- JSONMapper (⭐212) - A library for mapping JSON to PHP objects.
21. Awesome Humane Tech
Social networks / Wear our badge
- Piped
- An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.
- resources on why it is important to quit mainstream social media + wonderful alternatives, and much more.
22. Awesome Math
23. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / ReactJS
24. Awesome Db Tools
- DbGate (⭐5.7k) - Database manager for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, SQLite and others. Runs under Windows, Linux, Mac or as web application.
25. Awesome V
Command line interface (CLI) / Terminal / Shell
- vesseract (⭐17) - V wrapper for Tesseract-OCR (optical character recognition).
Game development
- engine (⭐44) - WIP Vulkan in V.
26. Awesome Micropython
Communications / GPS
- Asynchronous GPS driver (⭐771) - Receive and parse GPS data as a uasyncio task.
Communications / IoT
- micropython-iot (⭐94) - An approach to designing IoT applications using ESP8266, ESP32 or Pyboard D endpoints.
Display / Fonts
- writer (⭐410) - A simple way to render above Python fonts to displays whose driver is subclassed from
Display / GUI
- micropython-nano-gui (⭐549) - A tiny display-only GUI with a limited set of GUI objects (widgets) for displays whose display driver is subclassed from the
class. With drivers for TFT, ePaper and OLED displays.
- micro-gui (⭐285) - Derived from nano-gui and supporting the same displays and hosts, this provides for user input via push buttons or a navigation joystick and an optional rotary encoder.
IO / Rotary Encoder
- encoders (⭐489) - Short document explaining issues around encoder technology.
- asynchronous encoder driver (⭐771) - Interface an encoder to uasyncio code.
Mathematics / Waveform Generator
- Filters (⭐67) - FIR filters using ARM Thumb assembler. Using an online utility you can go from a graph of required frequency response to a filter implementation.
Sensors / Temperature Digital
- HTU21D (⭐771) - Asynchronous driver for HTU21D temperature and humidity sensor.
Storage / EEPROM
- micropython_eeprom (⭐80) - Cross-platform MicroPython device drivers for memory chips (EEPROM, FRAM, Flash, PSRAM).
Storage / Flash
- micropython_data_to_py (⭐31) - A Python 3 utility to convert an arbitrary binary file to Python source for freezing as bytecode in Flash.
Debugging / SRAM
- micropython-aiosentry (⭐11) - Asynchronous micro client for MicroPython.
- Asynchronous monitor (⭐35) - Use a Raspberry Pico and a logic analyser or scope to monitor asynchronous code.
27. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
28. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
COBOL / Non-X86
- Micro Focus: OO Programming with Object COBOL for UNIX (1999) - MERANT International Ltd. (HTML)
Fortran / Phoenix
- Exploring Modern Fortran Basics - Milan Curcic
Smalltalk / Play Scala
29. Awesome Acg
- kalidoface (⭐48) - Face and Body Tracking for Live2D / 3D models on the web. [English]
30. Tools
Tools collection
31. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- Haven (⭐681) - Host a private blog on your Rasperry Pi intead of using Facebook.
32. Awesome Javascript
Notifications / Runner
- notifire (⭐36k) - Open-source notification infrastructure for products.
Misc / Other
- SurveyJS (⭐4.3k) - SurveyJS is a JavaScript Survey and Form Library.
33. Awesome Cassandra
Cassandra History
- IDG: 10 Years of Apache Cassandra - Retrospective discussing the first 10 years of Cassandra's history.
Cassandra Distributions / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Open Source Cassandra
- IBM Cloud Databases for DataStax - IBM Cloud Managed Service for DataStax Enterprise.
34. Awesome Jamstack
No-Code Platforms
- Storipress - All-in-one publishing + blogging platform with integrated site builder and workflow management.
35. Awesome D
Dependency Injection / Language Processing
- Poodinis (⭐70) - A dependency injection framework for D with support for autowiring.
36. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- SideNotes - Quick notes on the screen side with Markdown support.
Utilities / File Organization Tools
- BetterZip - Archive tool supports ZIP, TAR, TGZ, TBZ, TXZ (new), 7-ZIP, RAR.
37. Awesome Board Games
Say What? Shiok Food Card Game
Love Singapore’s Local Food? This Food Card Game contains 50 local dishes for you to guess and the winner will be the one who can guess the most.
Players | Min. Age | Time |
2 - 6 | 5 | 20-30m |
38. Awesome Cpp
- ClickHouse (⭐314) - C++ client for ClickHouse DBMS. [Apache2]
39. Awesome Webxr
Communities / Discord
- Metaverse Makers Discord - Official server for M3, the Metaverse Makers Mastermind group.
- Zesty Market Discord - Official server for Zesty Market.
40. Awesome Cryptography
Rust / Git
- ockam (⭐4.5k) - is a Rust library for end-to-end encryption and mutual authentication.
41. Awesome Embedded Rust
Tools / Paid and commercially available materials
- ferros (⭐111) A Rust-based userland which also adds compile-time assurances to seL4 development.
no-std crates / WIP
- sntpc: Rust SNTP client to get a timestamp from NTP servers. -
42. Awesome Integration
Projects / API Management
- Anypoint Platform - Combines API design, integration, and management into one unified platform, streamlining connectivity and development.
Projects / API Gateway
- Ambassador Edge Stack - A Kubernetes-native API gateway designed for high-scale environments with flexible routing and advanced security features.
43. Awesome Vue
Resources / Blog Posts
- VueJS Admin Template - Collection of awesome opens source and premium VueJS Admin Templates.
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Materio Free Vuetify VueJS Laravel Admin Template (⭐198) - Open-source & easy to use Vuetify Vuejs Laravel Admin Template with Elegant Design & Unique Layout.
Components & Libraries / Frameworks
- Element Plus (⭐25k) - A Vue 3 UI Framework.
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- jz-gantt (⭐270) - A high-performance Vue gantt component, which includes highly customizable table columns, dynamic update data, freely drag the progress bar, switch header, etc.
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- harlem (⭐514) - Simple, unopinionated, lightweight and extensible state management for Vue 3
- vue-stripe-js (⭐160) - Vue 3 components for Stripe.js
44. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- IPinfo — Fast, accurate, and free (up to 50k/month) IP address data API. Offers APIs with details on geolocation, companies, carriers, IP ranges, domains, abuse contacts, and more. All paid APIs can be trialed for free.
- DatoCMS - Offers free tier for small projects. DatoCMS is a GraphQL-based CMS. On the lower tier, you have 100k/month calls.
Managed Data Services
- Astra — Cloud Native Cassandra as a Service with 80GB free tier
- Codepng - Create excellent snapshots from your source code to share on social media.
45. Awesome Transit
Academic papers / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations
- Gramacki et al. - "gtfs2vec - Learning GTFS Embeddings for comparing Public Transport Offer in Microregions" - Methology using Uber's H3 spatial index and machine learning to identify areas of "similar" public transit service quality in cities. Source code available on GitHub (⭐7).
46. Awesome AutoHotkey
Filesystem / Web
- QuickAccessPopup - Multi purpose launcher and file switcher. Website link.
Websites / Web
- - Official webpage of AutoHotkey Foundation LLC, a non-profit LLC (Limited Liability Company) founded for this software. Certificate of Organization (pdf) link.
47. Public Apis
API: NetworkCalc
Description: Network calculators, including subnets, DNS, binary, and security tools
Auth: No
Test Data
API: FakeStoreAPI
Description: Fake store rest API for your e-commerce or shopping website prototype
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
URL Shorteners
API: Drivet URL Shortener
Description: Shorten a long URL easily and fast
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: owo
Description: A simple link obfuscator/shortener
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
48. Awesome Ci
Name: Agola
Description: Self-Hosted, Open Source CI/CD Platform
Features: Languages: everything
Supported repositories: GitHub, GitLab, Gitea
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Open Source (⭐1.5k)
Description: Automated mobile CI/CD/CT for iOS and Android with online device emulators.
Features: Support for iOS (Obj-C/Swift), Android (Java/Kotlin), React Native, Flutter and Smartface
Supported repositories: GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, Custom
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free with limitations
49. Awesome Ios
- Scyther (⭐108) - A full-featured, in-app debugging menu packed full of useful tools including network logging, layout inspection, location spoofing, console logging and so much more.
50. Awesome Substrate
Client Libraries
- Subscan Go Utilities (⭐185) - SS58 and more, developed by Subscan.
- SS58 Transform - Display key's addressees with all SS58 prefixes.
51. Awesome K6
- Load testing with k6 - Using k6 for load, soak, stress, spike and smoke testing.
- Real-time stress: AnyCable, k6, WebSockets, and Yabeda - Evil Martians adding "real-time stress" with k6 and WebSockets.
- Scaling Confidently with the Load and Fault Team - Robinhood on load testing a Kubernetes system with k6.
- Playlist - What others says about k6
- What is K6 & How to get started with k6 - Tutorial using k6 Extensions for Observability by "Is it Observable?"
- Website Performance + Load Testing with K6 ( in 5 MINUTES! - Introductory overview of k6, showing how to create a test from a HAR file, by the DevOps Directive.
- Performance Testing your web app with k6 - A walkthrough of the open-source load and performance regression testing tool, k6, and how to load test your APIs and websites, by Chris James.
- Application Load Testing with k6 - Daniel Knittl-Frank @TechTalk Days 2021, Intro to k6.
- Performance Testing From Zero to Hero with K6 & Azure - Jose Luis Latorre Millas at NDC Oslo 2021.
- AI-Powered K6 Testing: No Code, No Hassle, Just ChatGPT! 🦾🚀 - In this video, Karthik K.K. demonstrates how ChatGPT can create k6 tests without writing a single line of code.
- har-to-k6 (⭐127) - Tool for converting HAR recordings to k6 test scripts.
- postman-to-k6 (⭐290) - Tool for converting Postman collections to k6 test scripts.
- jmeter-to-k6 (⭐69) - Tool for converting JMeter test cases to k6 test scripts.
52. Awesome Developer First
Reports Generation
- Export SDK - PDF generator API with visual template editor.
53. Awesome Swift
- CBORCoding (⭐51) 🐧 - Easy CBOR encoding and decoding for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS.
54. Awesome Java
Database / Text-Based User Interfaces
- ArangoDB (⭐204) - ArangoDB Java driver.
Miscellaneous / Text-Based User Interfaces
- JObfuscator
- Source code obfuscator.
Monitoring / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Sentry
(⭐1.2k) - Integration with Sentry (⭐40k), an application error tracking and performance analysis platform.
Template Engine / Other
- Jamal (⭐59) - Extendable template engine embedded into Maven/JavaDoc, supporting multiple extensions (Groovy, Ruby, JavaScript, JShell, PlantUml) with support for snippet handling.
- jte (⭐912) - Compiles to classes, and uses an easy syntax, several features to make development easier and provides fast execution and a small footprint.
55. Nginx Resources
56. Awesome Remote Job
Job boards aggregators
- Remote Index - Job board and aggregator for remote jobs in tech.
Companies with "remote DNA"
- CodeWeavers - Wine-based open source software.
57. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Replay
- warc2html (⭐43) - Converts WARC files to static HTML suitable for browsing offline or rehosting.
58. ALL About RSS
RSS services powered by utilizing GitHub / Outline Processor Markup Language
- Bubo reader (⭐200): a hyper-minimalist RSS and JSON feed reader you can deploy on Netlify or Glitch
(Deploy on Github (⭐3)-personal fork)
59. Awesome Directus
Integration / Community
- Flutter SDK - Flutter SDK to provide interface for Directus API.
60. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Electronics and Mechanics / Version Control
- kicad - A Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite.
- Prev: Nov 15 - Nov 21, 2021
- Next: Nov 01 - Nov 07, 2021