Awesome List Updates on Oct 18 - Oct 24, 2021

64 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Ci

2. Awesome Django

Resources / Books

3. Awesome Php

Configuration / Web Applications

4. Awesome Readme


5. Awesome Interview Questions

Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Angular

6. Awesome Games of Coding


7. Awesome Godot

Plugins and scripts / Godot 3

8. Awesome Tailwindcss

UI Libraries, Components & Templates

9. Awesome Dotnet

JavaScript Engines






10. Awesome Decentralized



11. Awesome Inertiajs

Adapters / Server-side

12. Awesome Ciandcd


13. Free for Dev

APIs, Data, and ML

Managed Data Services

Issue Tracking and Project Management

Analytics, Events and Statistics

14. Awesome Micropython

Communications / LoRaWAN

Display / E-Paper

IO / Potentiometers

Sensors / Motion Inertial

15. Awesome Webxr

Communities / Discord

16. Awesome R Learning Resources

Books / Uncategorized

17. Awesome Playcanvas

Product Configurators

18. Awesome Privacy

File Management and Sharing

19. Awesome No Login Web Apps

Audio and Video

Games / Others

Graphics, Image and Design / Others

Privacy, Security and Cryptography / Others

Text based tools / Others

Utilities (uncategorized) / Others

20. Awesome Low Code

Platforms / Citizen Automation and Development Platform

Platforms / Low Code Application Platform

Platforms / Business Process Management

Platforms / Robotic Process Automation

Platforms / Intelligent Virtual Agent

Platforms / Integration Platform as a Service

Platforms / Low Code API Management Platform

21. Awesome Job Boards

Programming / Functional

Programming / TypeScript

22. Free Programming Books (English, By Subjects)

Cloud Computing

Machine Learning

Operating Systems

23. Awesome Iot

Software / Frameworks

24. Awesome Quantum Computing


25. Awesome Robotics



26. Awesome Lidar

Others / Object detection and object tracking

27. Android Security Awesome

Tools / Dynamic Analysis Tools

28. Awesome Pentest

Privilege Escalation Tools / Web application and resource analysis tools

29. Awesome Remote Job

Articles & Posts

30. Awesome Geojson


31. Awesome Ios

Tools / Collection View Layout


32. Awesome Directus

Resources / Official

Extensions / Community

33. Awesome Design Systems

34. Awesome Terraform

Tools / Community providers

35. Awesome Crystal

C bindings

36. Awesome Fonts

Free fonts / Collections

37. Urban and Regional Planning Resources

Public Data Resources / OpenStreetMap

Planning Coding Resources / Learning to Code

Educational and Informational Resources / Literature Resources

38. Awesome Neovim

(requires Neovim 0.5)

Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics

Command Line / Diagnostics

39. Awesome Audiovisual

Lighting / Lighting Software

40. Awesome Frc


41. Awesome Machine Learning

Rust / General-Purpose Machine Learning

42. Awesome Talks


43. Awesome Web Monetization

Resources / Packages

Resources / Tutorials

44. Awesome Dataviz

JavaScript tools / Charting libraries

45. Awesome Quant

Reproducing Works, Training & Books / Data Visualization

46. Awesome Devsecops

Dependency Management

47. Awesome Ebpf

Projects Related to eBPF / Observability

48. Awesome Seml


49. Awesome Kotlin

Libraries/Frameworks / Mocks and Fakes

Libraries/Frameworks / Functional Programming

Libraries/Frameworks / Misc

Android / Tests

50. Awesome Substrate






Framework Extensions

Client Libraries



51. Awesome Ruby

Core Extensions


Game Development and Graphics

Machine Learning

52. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / UI Components

53. Awesome Ironsworn

Tools / Ironsworn

54. Awesome Blazor




55. Awesome Imba

Resources / Toolkits and Frameworks

56. Awesome Board Games


Cobra Paw

Players take turns rolling the dice โ€” which feature six unique symbols โ€” then race to grab the tile with the matching pattern before anyone else. Whoever grabs six tiles first wins!

Cobra Paw image

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 6 5 5-15m


Leaving Earth

The year is 1956. Mankind stands at the dawn of a new age, the Space Age, when the flying bombs of yesteryear will become the rocket ships of tomorrow. As the director of a national space program, your country is depending on you for success in this great contest. You may be the first to create an artificial satellite, send a probe to another planet, or even put a man on the moon.

Leaving Earth game image

Players Min. Age Time
1 - 5 15+ 60-180m

Ark Nova

In Ark Nova, you will plan and design a modern, scientifically managed zoo. With the ultimate goal of owning the most successful zoological establishment, you will build enclosures, accommodate animals, and support conservation projects all over the world. Specialists and unique buildings will help you in achieving this goal.

Ark Nova

Players Min. Age Time
1 - 4 14+ 90-150m



Noir is a "denouement" game that lasts only a few minutes per round. The "denouement mechanic" is a special type of storytelling game, where the key elements of the stories events are determined by the game, then the players must weave them together in the most inventive of ways. Noir is packed with a grim cast of Femme Fatales, gum shoe P.I.s, mean Mobsters and hardened Hit Men. The play throws up stories which are by turns dark, hilarious, inventive and always, always memorable. At the bitter end the best denouement of the game wins!

Noir game image

Players Min. Age Time
3 - 6 10+ 10-60m

The Game of Life

Hit the road for a roller-coaster life of adventure, family, unexpected surprises, and pets! Want to take the family path, start a career, or venture down a risky road? In this game, players can make their own exciting choices as they move through the twists and turns of life. Move the car token around the gameboard from Start to Retirement, and experience unexpected surprises related to family, career, and other milestones of life. Players can adopt pets in this version of The Game of Life game. The player with the most money at the end of the game wins! Adult assembly required. This board game also has a digital app version.

the game of life image

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 6 8+ 30-80m

The Singaporean Dream

A spin-off from Monopoly Deal, Singaporean Dream is an interactive card game where you can sabo, complain and pay your way to be the perfect Singaporean.

The Singaporean Dream image

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 6 18+ 20-30m

57. Awesome Parasite


58. Awesome Falsehood

Dates and Time

Software Engineering

59. Awesome Swift

Alert / Barcode

60. Awesome Rust

Applications / System tools

Applications / Web

Libraries / Audio and Music

Libraries / Caching

61. Public Apis





Continuous Integration

Data Validation


Documents & Productivity



Games & Comics




Machine Learning


Open Data





Sports & Fitness

Text Analysis


URL Shorteners



62. Dive Into Machine Learning

Tools you'll need / Cloud-based options

63. Awesome Software Patreons

Open Source Projects

64. Awesome Datascience

Deep Learning Packages / Visualization Tools

Books / Visualization Tools

Bloggers / Book Deals (Affiliated)

Datasets / Book Deals (Affiliated)