Awesome List Updates on Jun 07 - Jun 13, 2021
46 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Qsharp
- Learn Quantum Computing with Python and Q# - Manning, 2021, Sarah Kaiser and Chris Granade.
IDE Integration / Participants' solutions
2. Awesome Cli Apps
Productivity / Time Tracking
- Timetrap (โญ1.5k) - Simple timetracker.
Productivity / Note Taking and Lists
- Terminal velocity - A fast note-taking app.
- eureka (โญ775) - Input and store your ideas.
Command Line Learning / Internet Speedtest
- cmdchallenge - Presents small shell challenge with user submitted solutions.
- howdoi (โญ11k) - Instant coding answers.
- how2 (โญ5.7k) - Node.js implementation of howdoi.
- teachcode (โญ387) - Guide for the earliest lessons of coding.
3. Awesome Directus
Resources / Official
4. Awesome Readme
- Amazing GitHub Template (โญ569) - Useful, LICENSE,,,, GitHub Issues, Pull Requests and Actions templates to jumpstart your projects.
5. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Code Analysis
- GrumPHP (โญ4.2k) - A PHP code-quality tool.
Table of Contents / Search
- SphinxQL Query Builder - A query library for the Sphinx and Manticore search engines.
6. Awesome Mac
Audio and Video Tools / File Sharing
- ffWorks - Comprehensive Media Tool for macOS. Making High Quality Video Encoding Accessible for Everyone.
7. Awesome Tailwindcss
Starters & Themes
- ๐ Next.js PWA (โญ85) โ CLI that generate boilerplate code of Next.js PWA along with Tailwind CSS integration.
8. Game Datasets
Artificial Intelligence
- Halite by Two Sigma - Collect the halite during a match in space.
Miscellaneous / Related
- Gym OpenAI - Game toolkit for reinforcement learning algorithms.
9. Awesome Typescript
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- ๐ interface-forge - Test data factories using TypeScript types and interfaces
10. Awesome Cdk
High-Level Frameworks / Multi-accounts setup
- Orkestra (โญ41) - An event-driven alternative to Airflow built on the AWS CDK and Step Functions.
- SST (โญ9.3k) - An open source framework for building serverless applications with CDK. It features a Live Lambda Development environment, to test and debug Lambda functions locally without having to redeploy them.
11. Awesome Keycloak
12. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Platforms and Software Resources / Urban Planning Tools and Platforms
- ArcGIS Urban - ArcGIS Urban enables planners and design professionals to publish living plans and collaborate across teams with a web-based 3D application that supports scenario planning and impact assessment.
13. Awesome Pcaptools
Traffic Capture
- Arkime Arkime (formerly Moloch) is a large scale, open source, indexed packet capture and search tool.
Traffic Analysis/Inspection
- Zeek: (formerly Bro) is an open source software platform that provides compact, high-fidelity transaction logs, file content, and fully customized output to analysts, from the smallest home office to the largest, fastest research and commercial networks. From the FAQ: "Zeek provides a comprehensive platform for network traffic analysis, with a particular focus on semantic security monitoring at scale. While often compared to classic intrusion detection/prevention systems, Zeek takes a quite different approach by providing users with a flexible framework that facilitates customized, in-depth monitoring far beyond the capabilities of traditional systems. With initial versions already in operational deployment during the mid โ90s, Zeek finds itself grounded in more than 20 years of research. For more information, see the Zeek Overview and our promotional document, Why Choose Zeek?."
14. Awesome Tensorflow
- Model Maker - A transfer learning library that simplifies the process of training, evaluation and deployment for TensorFlow Lite models (support: Image Classification, Object Detection, Text Classification, BERT Question Answer, Audio Classification, Recommendation etc.; API reference).
15. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling
- vite-plugin-dts (โญ1.4k) - Generate declaration files from
source files for lib.
16. Awesome Testing
Software / Test Data Management
- Synth (โญ1.4k) - Open-source test data generator.
17. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Threat intelligence / Threat hunting
- Threat Bus (โญ258) - Threat intelligence dissemination layer to connect security tools through a distributed publish/subscribe message broker.
18. Awesome Db Tools
- Beekeeper Studio (โญ17k) - Open Source SQL Editor and Database Manager with a privacy commitment in their mission statement.
19. Awesome R
Graphic Displays
- httpgd (โญ400) - Asynchronous http server graphics device for R.
Web Technologies and Services
- golem - A framework for building production-grade Shiny apps.
Natural Language Processing
- corporaexplorer - Dynamic exploration of text collections
20. Awesome Bioinformatics
Long-read Assembly / Tools
- canu (โญ662) - A single molecule sequence assembler for genomes large and small.
- flye (โญ795) - De novo assembler for single molecule sequencing reads using repeat graphs.
- hifiasm (โญ561) - A haplotype-resolved assembler for accurate Hifi reads.
- wtdbg2 (โญ514) - A fuzzy Bruijn graph approach to long noisy reads assembly
21. Awesome Corda
- Splunk App for Corda - Splunk official integration app for Corda monitoring.
22. Awesome Transit
GTFS Validators / Rust
- Conveyal's gtfs-validator (โญ38) - A Java-based GTFS validator based on the OneBusAway GTFS Modules, runs in Java and is faster than the Google provided one.
- Conveyal's gtfs-lib (โญ71) - Conveyal's successor to their own gtfs-validator (โญ38), a Java-based library for loading and saving GTFS feeds of arbitrary size with disk-backed storage.
- Google's feedValidator (โญ682) - Google-supported Python-based GTFS validator.
- gtfs-validator-api (โญ3) - This Python package is a thin wrapper around MobilityData/gtfs-validator (โญ297) that handles intermediate files produced and finds gtfs-validator's output file so it can be given a specific name or returned as a string.
- MobilityData's gtfs-validator (โญ297) - A open-source GTFS validator canonically following the GTFS spec implemented in Java licensed under Apache v2.0 maintained by MobilityData.
- Reflect GTFS Validator (hosted by Foursquare ITP) - Transit schedule and GTFS validation platform by Foursquare ITP that includes a free, web-based GTFS validator based on gtfs-lib (โญ71).
23. Awesome Golem
Network Statistics
- Golem Network Stats - Statistics tracking tasks and provider resource utilization in the Golem Network.
- Golem Stats backend (โญ1) - Backend of the Golem Network Statistics page including API endpoint URLs.
24. Awesome Javascript Learning
Books / Single Topics
- Testing JavaScript Applications - A complete guide for JavaScript testing tools and techniques.
25. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA)
- Foodsoft - Web-based software to manage a non-profit food coop (product catalog, ordering, accounting, job scheduling). (Source Code (โญ332))
- juntagrico - Management platform for community gardens and vegetable cooperatives. (Source Code (โญ48))
26. Awesome Embedded Rust
Driver crates / Other
- CD74HC4067 - GPIO - 16-channel digital and analog multiplexer - Intro blog post - github (โญ1) -
- HC-12 - SERIAL - Wireless serial transceiver module - Intro blog post - github (โญ1) -
27. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Incident Management
- DFIRTrack (โญ464) - Incident Response tracking application handling one or more incidents via cases and tasks with a lot of affected systems and artifacts.
28. Awesome Terraform
Providers / Vendor supported providers
- terraform-provider-rancher2 (โญ271) - Provider for Rancher v2.
29. Free for Dev
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- GForge โ Project Management and issue Tracking toolset for complex projects with self-premises and SaaS options. SaaS free plan offers the first five users free & free for Open Source Projects.
- nTask โ Project management software that enables your teams to collaborate, plan, analyze, and manage everyday tasks. The essential plan is free forever with 100 MB storage and five users/teams. Unlimited workspaces, meetings, assignments, timesheets, and issue tracking.
IDE and Code Editing
- Paiza โ Develop Web apps in Browser without needing to set up anything. Free Plan offers one server with 24 24-hour lifetime and 4 hours of running time per day with 2 CPU cores, 2 GB RAM, and 1 GB storage.
30. Awesome Shell
- ngs (โญ1.3k) - Fully featured scripting language created specifically for Ops. REPL is being developed.
- powershell a cross-platform task automation and configuration management framework, consisting of a command-line shell and scripting language
Command-Line Productivity
- pass - Manage passwords from the command line with GPG encryption and optional git integration.
- usql (โญ8.4k) - Universal command-line interface for SQL databases.
- xplr (โญ3.8k) - A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer
Customization / Directory Navigation
- starship - Fast, customisable, cross-shell prompt written in rust
For Developers / Directory Navigation
- just (โญ16k) - Task runner for saving and running project-specific commands.
System Utilities / Directory Navigation
- prettyping (โญ1.2k) - Making the output of
prettier, more colorful, more compact, and easier to read.
Multimedia and File Formats / Directory Navigation
- yq (โญ10k) - yq is a portable command-line YAML processor
Applications / Directory Navigation
- pcalc (โญ520) - Calculator made for programmers working with multiple number representations, sizes, and overall close to the bits.
Shell Script Development / Directory Navigation
- bashew (โญ234) - bash script creator - from small stand-alone script to complex projects with CI/CD and testing
- getoptions (โญ352) - An elegant option parser for shell scripts (sh, bash and all POSIX shells)
- shfmt (โญ6.5k) - A shell parser, formatter, and interpreter with bash support; includes shfmt
31. Awesome Minecraft
Softwares / Libraries
- go-mcproto (โญ47) - Minecraft server communication protocol implementation written in Go that allows you to program your own bots.
32. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Vue.js
33. Awesome React Components
Form Components / Markdown Editor
- react-simplemde-editor (โญ761) - React component wrapper for EasyMDE (the most fresh SimpleMDE fork) (โญ2.3k).
- react-md-editor (โญ2k) - A simple markdown editor with preview, implemented with React.js and TypeScript.
34. Awesome Design Patterns
Programming Language Design Patterns
- Rust
Cloud Architecture
- saas tenant isolation strategies - Isolating Resources in a Multi-Tenant Environment
- design patterns for multi-tenancy - Architectural design patterns for multi-tenancy on AWS
Databases and Storage
- database tenancy patterns - Multi-tenant SaaS database tenancy patterns
- databaseanswers - Industry-specific SQL Data Models in 50 categories.
- database-programmer - Table-design-patterns.
- red-gate - five simple database design errors you should avoid.
- talend - Data model design best practices.
- sqlcheck (โญ2.4k) - Anti-patterns in SQL queries.
- Data warehouse patterns - ETL and ELT design patterns for lake house architecture using Amazon Redshift
- nosql resilience patterns - Practical NoSQL resilience design pattern for the enterprise.
- nosql-patterns - Pragmatic Programming Techniques.
- mongodb - Mongodb design patterns.
- MongoDB Applied Design Patterns
- DynamoDB design patterns- Advanced design patterns for Amazon DynamoDB
- Redis applied design patterns - Redis Applied Design Patterns book
- Storage
- storage patterns- Comparing your on-premises storage patterns with AWS Storage services
- S3 Design Patterns - Best Practices Design Patterns: Optimizing Amazon S3 Performance
35. Awesome Cryptography
Algorithms / Asymmetric encryption
- ECC - Public-key cryptosystems based on the algebraic structure of elliptic curves over finite fields.
- RSA - One of the first practical public-key cryptosystems and is widely used for secure data transmission. In RSA, this asymmetry is based on the practical difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers, the factoring problem.
Web-sites / Git
- Cryptocurrencies Dashboard - A dashboard of most active cryptocurrencies discussed on Reddit.
36. Awesome Jax
Libraries / New Libraries
- flaxmodels (โญ246) - Pretrained models for Jax/Flax.
- CR.Sparse (โญ89) - XLA accelerated algorithms for sparse representations and compressive sensing.
- exojax (โญ60) - Automatic differentiable spectrum modeling of exoplanets/brown dwarfs compatible to JAX.
Tutorials and Blog Posts / NumPyro
- Writing an MCMC sampler in JAX by Jeremie Coullon - Tutorial on the different ways to write an MCMC sampler in JAX along with speed benchmarks.
- How to add a progress bar to JAX scans and loops by Jeremie Coullon - Tutorial on how to add a progress bar to compiled loops in JAX using the
37. Awesome Wardley Maps
- Mapkeep - Multiplayer Wardley Maps at a click of a button. Collaborate on your maps with others. Host your maps for free. For updates, you can follow @mapkeep on Mastodon, @mapkeep on X, mapkeep on LinkedIn, subscribe to the YouTube Channel, or subscribe to the News and Updates blog.
Mapping / ChatGPT
- Google Slides Mapping Template - Template for Google Slides.
38. Magictools
Graphics / Assets/Placeholders
- ๐ 2D Cartoon Mobile Game UI Pack - cartoon user interface asset pack. It comes as a layered psd file.
- ๐ 420 Pixel Art Icons for RPGs - Set of 420 RPG icons, free for commercial use.
- ๐ Blender 3D models - 3D models, particle systems/effects
- ๐ธ CGTextures - A large collection of textures.
- ๐ธ GameDev Market - a community-driven marketplace that connects indie game developers with talented asset creators.
- ๐ Games-Icons Set - free icons for your games.
- ๐ Iconmonstr - Another free icons resource for your games.
- ๐ธ Kenney Assets - Royalty free assets
- ๐ Liberated Pixel Cup assets - Free graphic assets of the Liberated Pixel Cup (LPC) held by the OpenGameArt forums
- ๐ Matcaps (โญ2.7k) - A Huge library of matcap textures in PNG and ZMT, organized by color.
- ๐ OpenGameArt - a media repository intended for use with free software game projects.
- ๐ฐ Oryx Design Lab - Cheap high quality royalty free sprites
- ๐ธ PlainTextures - Free high resolution textures, brushes and photos
- ๐ Reiner's Tilesets - A blog with free 2D and 3D graphics.
- ๐ Sketchfab - Publish & embed interactive 3D models.
- ๐ SpriteLib - a collection of static and animated graphic objects (also commonly known as sprites).
- ๐ StickyPNG - Free transparent PNG images.
- ๐ TextureHaven - Free textures with additional maps like displacement and bump maps. Also HDRIs.
- ๐ TextureKing - Free material stock textures
- ๐ธ Vecteezy - Free Vector Art.
Graphics / Spritesheet Tools
- ๐ Cheetah-Texture-Packer (โญ239) - High efficient and fast 2D bin packing tool
- ๐ Libgdx Texture Packer (โญ24k) - Texture Packer built into Libgdx
- ๐ Littera - Bitmap font generator
- ๐ ShoeBox - Adobe Air based app with game and ui related tools.
- ๐ธ TexturePacker - Great spritesheet creation editor.
- ๐ Tilesplit (โญ3) - CLI text-based tilesheet splitter and namer. Turn a spritesheet into many separate files with names you pick, or not if you don't care. Support templates and textures that are not all the same size.
Graphics / Bitmap Compression
- ๐ ImageAlpha โ Mac OS X GUI for pngquant and other tools
- ๐ PNGGauntlet - Smash PNGs for faster sites
- ๐ PNGoo - Windows GUI for batch conversion.
- ๐ Pngyu - simple PNG image file compression tool.
- ๐ธ TinyPNG - Advanced lossy compression for PNG images that preserves full alpha transparency.
Graphics / Texture Tools
- ๐ฐ FilterForge - A plugin for Adobe Photoshop that allows you to build your own filters.
- ๐ Live Normal - An Android and iOS app for generating seamless materials on the go. You take a photo, and Live Normal creates a tile-able texture and generates texture maps ready for a PBR engine of your choice.
- ๐ฐ PixPlant - PixPlant is a smart 3D texturing tool that creates high quality normal, displacement, specular maps and seamless textures from photos.
Graphics / Vector/Image Editor
- ๐ Charas - Charas is a charset generator for RPG Maker.
- ๐ฐ Affinity Designer - Vector graphics editor with a bunch of features which also supports Adobe file formats
- ๐ฐ Affinity Photo - Photo and raster graphics editor which works together with Adobe file formats and Affinity Designer
- ๐ธ Aseprite - animated sprite editor & pixel art tool.
- ๐ Gimp - GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.
- ๐ Inkscape - An open-source vector graphics editor similar to Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, or Xara X.
- ๐ Krita - Krita is a professional FREE and open source painting program. It is made by artists that want to see affordable art tools for everyone.
- ๐ LibreSprite - LibreSprite is an open source fork of Aseprite.
- ๐ Multipaint - A cross-platform (Win, Linux, Mac) image editor/painter which covers the color limitations of 8-bit machines (like C64, ZX Spectrum etc.)
- ๐ธ Paint.NET - Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for PCs that run Windows.
- ๐ฐ Pickle - Another Pixel art Editor.
- ๐ PiskelApp - Free Online Pixel Art and Animated Sprite Tool.
- ๐ฐ Pixelmator - Full-featured image editing app for the Mac
- ๐ฐ Pixelator - Turn any image into fancy pixel-art
- ๐ฐ Pixen (โญ930) - Pixel Art Editor for OSX
- ๐ project one - A picture converter and editor for the Commodore 64 covering different graphics mode of this computer. Windows only
- ๐ฐ PyxelEdit - Pixel art editor designed to make it fun and easy to make tilesets, levels and animations.
- ๐ REXPaint - a powerful and user-friendly ASCII art editor.
- ๐ rx - a modern & minimalist pixel editor
- ๐ Tilemancer - A quick procedural tile creator designed for pixel-art games.
- ๐ Timanthes - A pixel art editor for the Commodore 64 computer running on Windows
- ๐ Spritemate - Online Editor for Commodore 64 Sprites
Graphics / Tile/Level Editors
- ๐ฐ AutoTileGen - AutoTileGen is an automatic tileset generator for 2D game terrains.
- ๐ LDtk - LDtk is an open-source 2D level editor for indie devs, with a strong focus on user-friendliness.
- ๐ OGMO Editor- generic level editor.
- ๐ Overlap2D (โญ782) - a 2D level and UI editor with an engine agnostic philosophy.
- ๐ Tiled - free, easy to use and flexible tile map editor.
Graphics / Animation
- ๐ LWF - Lightweight SWF. LWF is an animation engine which can play animation data converted from FLASH contents in HTML5, Unity, Cocos2d-x, iOS UIKit, and more.
- ๐ฐ Mixamo - tool for auto auto rigging and animation of 3D humanoid models,
Graphics / Modeling
- ๐ฐ 3ds Max
- ๐ Blender - The free software and open-source 3D grate of the world
- ๐
- ๐ MakeHuman
- ๐ฐ Maya
- ๐ฐ modo
Graphics / Terrain Generators
- ๐ Canyon Terrain Editor - Create quality, realistic terrain quickly and intuitively
- ๐ DEM Net Elevation API - Live 3D textured terrain generation from real data - export height/normal maps, glTF, OBJ, STL
- ๐ Fracplanet - Fractal planet and terrain generator
- ๐ฐ World Creator - Procedural terrain and landscape generation on the GPU in real time, simulation of erosion and sediment, beautiful editor. much more
- ๐ฐ World Machine - Procedural terrain creation, simulations of nature, and interactive editing
Graphics / Voxel Editors
- ๐ goxel (โญ2.9k)
- ๐ MagicaVoxel
- ๐ Sproxel
Engines and Frameworks / Voxel Editors
- ๐ Allegro - Allegro 4 & 5 are cross-platform, open source, game programming libraries, primarily for C and C++ developers.
- ๐ amulet - A free Lua-based audio/visual toolkit suitable for small games and experimentation. It runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, HTML5 and iOS.
- ๐ Astera (โญ292) - 2D C99 Cross Platform Game Library / Framework
- ๐ Azul3D - A 3D engine written in Go.
- ๐ Babylon.js - Javascript 3D Library.
- ๐ Bevy - A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
- ๐ bgfx (โญ15k) - Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
- ๐ bitsy - A little editor for little games or worlds. The goal is to make it easy to make games where you can walk around and talk to people and be somewhere.
- ๐ Bladecoder (โญ607) - Classic point and click adventure game engine and editor.
- ๐ธ Blend4Web - A Javascript framework for creating and displaying interactive 3D computer graphics in web browsers.
- ๐ Blitz3D (โญ256) 3D basic-like programming language for fast 3D desktop games.
- ๐ Box2D - A 2D Physics Engine for Games.
- ๐ Bullet - Real-time physics simulation.
- ๐ Chipmunk C# (โญ81) - C# implementation of the Chipmunk2D lib.
- ๐ Chipmunk2D - A fast and lightweight 2D game physics library.
- ๐ Cinder - Cinder is a community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
- ๐ Cocos2D (โญ633) - graphic library for games and multimedia, for python language
- ๐ Cocos2d-x - a C++ OpenGL 2D and 3D game engine. Uses C++ but has JS and Lua bindings. Target all the major mobile platforms and operating systems. Additional tools CocoStudio and Cocos Code IDE.
- ๐ Coquette - A micro framework for JavaScript games. Handles collision detection, the game update loop, canvas rendering, and keyboard and mouse input.
- ๐ Dash (โญ421) - A free and open 3D game engine written in D.
- ๐ Dear Imgui (โญ62k) - A bloat-free immediate mode GUI for C++ with minimal dependencies.
- ๐ DEM Net Elevation API C# (โญ306) - Terrain generation from real data with textures, normal maps, glTF, OBJ, STL support
- ๐ Diligent Engine (โญ3.6k) - A modern cross-platform low-level graphics library that supports Direct3D11, Direct3D12, OpenGL/GLES, and Vulkan.
- ๐ E.B.U.R.P - The Eight-Bit Universal Role Playing Engine
- ๐ ENGi (โญ395) - A multi-platform 2D game library for Go.
- ๐ engo - Engo is an open-source 2D game engine written in Go.
- ๐ Ebiten - A dead simple 2D game library in Go.
- ๐ ecs-lib (โญ196) - ecs-lib is a tiny and easy to use ECS (Entity Component System) library for game programming. It's written in Typescript but you can use on node.js and web browser too.
- ๐ Ejecta - A Fast, Open Source JavaScript, Canvas & Audio Implementation for iOS.
- ๐ EnTT (โญ10k) - Gaming meets modern C++, a fast and reliable entity-component system (ECS) and much more
- ๐ FXGL (โญ4.5k) - A JavaFX/Kotlin game engine for Win/Mac/Linux.
- ๐ Farseer (โญ678) - a collision detection system with realistic physics responses.
- ๐ Flame (โญ9.3k) - a minimalist game engine for Flutter
- ๐ FlashPunk - free ActionScript 3 library designed for developing 2D Flash games.
- ๐ gameplay - A free, open-source, cross-platform, 2D + 3D game framework written in C++. It is aimed towards indie game developers who are creating desktop and mobile games.
- ๐ธ GameSalad - Game Creation Engine for Mac and Windows.
- ๐ GB Studio - A free and easy to use retro adventure game creator for your favourite handheld video game system.
- ๐ GDevelop - An open-source, cross-platform 2D game engine designed for everyone - it's extensible, fast and easy to learn.
- ๐ ggez - A Rust library to create Good Games Easily.
- ๐ Gideros - A Cross-Platform framework to create Mobile Apps and games for iOS, Android using Lua programming language.
- ๐ Glide Engine (โญ493) - Engine for making 2d games on iOS, macOS and tvOS in Swift programming language, with practical examples and tutorials.
- ๐ Godot - An advanced, feature-packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open-source game engine.
- ๐ Gorgon - A 2D rendering API for .NET, written in C#.
- ๐ HaxeFlixel - Create cross-platform games easier and free.
- ๐ Heaps - Cross platform graphics for high performance games.
- ๐ Horde3D - small open source 3D rendering engine.
- ๐ iio.js (โญ456) - A javascript library that speeds the creation and deployment of HTML5 Canvas applications
- ๐ ImpactJS - Impact is a JavaScript Game Engine that allows you to develop stunning HTML5 Games for desktop and mobile browsers.
- ๐ Inform7 - A design system for interactive fiction based on natural language.
- ๐ Ink - Scripting language for writing interactive narrative.
- ๐ Irrlicht - open source high performance realtime 3D engine written in C++.
- ๐ Jitter (โญ45) - a fast and lightweight physics engine written in C#.
- ๐ jMonkeyEngine 3 - a 3D open-source game engine for adventurous Java developers.
- ๐ Juno (โญ24) - Clean and lightweight 2D game framework written in TypeScript
- ๐ Juno (โญ165) - Framework for making 2D games with chunky pixels in Lua
- ๐ Kivent - A 2D game framework for Kivy.
- ๐ Kivy - Cross platform Python framework for creating apps and games for Linux, Windows, OS X, Android and iOS
- ๐ KogGE - Modern Multiplatform Game Engine for Kotlin. Write games for the JVM, JavaScript, Android and iOS in no time using Kotlin.
- ๐ LibGDX - Powerful (totally free) library for Java, code once and run the game on desktop, Android, Web, and iOS.
- ๐ LimeJS - HTML5 game framework for building fast, native-experience games for all modern touchscreens and
- ๐ LITIengine - 2D Java Game Engine. It provides all the infrastructure to create tile based 2D games with plain java
- ๐ LumixEngine (โญ3.5k) - 3D Game engine built on C++.
- ๐ Lums (โญ28) - A 2D / 3D framework written in C++11. Very efficient and modern. Still under heavy development.
- ๐ LรVE - Lua 2D Game Engine.
- ๐ MINX (โญ14) - Open Source 2D game framework written in C++ (to the style of XNA)
- ๐ Magnum - a lightweight and modular 2D/3D graphics/game engine written in C++11
- ๐ Matter.js - a 2D physics engine for the web.
- ๐ MelonJS - open source light-weight HTML5 game engine.
- ๐ Monogame - Open Source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4 Framework.
- ๐ Nakama (โญ9.1k) - Distributed server for social and realtime games and apps.
- ๐ nCine - A cross-platform 2D game engine with an emphasis on performance, written in C++11 and optionally scriptable in Lua.
- ๐ NodeBox - a family of Python tools to create generative design.
- ๐ รbEngine (โญ817) - 2D Game Engine with Lua Scripting made on top of SFML !
- ๐ ODE - ODE is an open source, high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics.
- ๐ Ogre3D - is a scene-oriented, real-time, flexible 3D rendering engine (as opposed to a game engine) written in C++.
- ๐ OpenFL - Open Source Haxe Engine for making multi-platform games.
- ๐ openFrameworks - An open source and free C++ toolkit for creative coding.
- ๐ OpenRA - OpenRA is a Libre/Free Real Time Strategy Game Engine.
- ๐ฐ PICO-8 - A fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs.
- ๐ p2.js - JavaScript 2D physics library
- ๐ Panda3D - a framework for 3D rendering and game development for Python and C++ programs.
- ๐ Phaser - free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
- ๐ Piston - a modular open source game engine written in Rust.
- ๐ PixiJS - is a newcomer HTML5 game renderer - first released in early 2013. A main appeal of the engine is its use of WebGL for faster performance. If WebGL isn't supported, the engine falls back to standard canvas.
- ๐ Planck.js - 2D JavaScript physics engine for cross-platform HTML5 game development.
- ๐ธ PlayCanvas - A WebGL Game Engine.
- ๐ Processing - Processing is a programming language, development environment for artists, designers, researchers.
- ๐ PuzzleScript - open-source HTML5 puzzle game engine.
- ๐ PyGame - a 2D game engine in Python.
- ๐ฐ RPGMaker - series of programs for the development of role-playing games.
- ๐ Rajawali (โญ2.4k) - Android OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0 Engine
- ๐ raylib - a simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming, hardware accelerated with OpenGL (1.1, 2.1, 3.3 or ES 2.0)
- ๐ Ren'Py - An open-source visual novel engine using the Python language in simplified form. It supports Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and iOS.
- ๐ Rpgboss - A 2d rpg game engine and editor based on scala and libgdx. Ease of use, with no programming knowledge.
- ๐ SDL - SDL is a cross-platform library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D.
- ๐ SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library.
- ๐ Spring - A powerful free cross-platform RTS engine.
- ๐ Stage.js - Lightweight and fast 2D HTML5 rendering and layout engine for cross-platform game development.
- ๐ Starling - The GPU powered 2D Flash API
- ๐ธ Stencyl - a game creation platform that allows users to create 2D video games for computers, mobile devices, and the web.
- ๐ Superpowers - HTML5 Collaborative 2D/3D Game Maker
- ๐ TIC-80 - TIC-80 is a fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games.
- ๐ Three.js - Javascript 3D Library.
- ๐ Turbulenz - Turbulenz offers the ability to build, publish, iterate and monetise high-quality games that react like no others, with immersive 3D effects and real-time physics that open up a whole new world of unprecedented and extraordinary web content.
- ๐ Twine - Downloadable or browser-based game development platform that allows users to create linked story paths. Not just text-based, Twine supports music, images, and sound effects. Very little coding knowledge required for basic text adventure games.
- ๐ธ Unity 3D - A development engine for the creation of 2D and 3D games and interactive content.
- ๐ Urho3D - Cross-platform rendering and game engine.
- ๐ ursina - A game engine powered by python and panda3d.
- ๐ Vassal - Vassal is a game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games and card games. Play live on the Internet or by email. Vassal runs on all platforms, and is free, open-source software.
- ๐ voxel.js - voxel.js is a collection of projects that make it easier than ever to create 3D voxel games like Minecraft all in the browser.
- ๐ Wave - Cross-platform engine written in C#.
- ๐ Wolf RPG Editor English - open source editor for RPG Maker style gamesl
- ๐ WhiteStorm.js (โญ6.2k) - 3d javacript framework for building apps and games
AI / Voxel Editors
- ๐ Fluent Behaviour Tree (โญ390) - C# behaviour tree library with a fluent API released under MIT.
- ๐ SimpleAI (โญ176) - C++11 behaviour tree based library with a QT5 based remote debugger (and with optional LUA bindings) released under MIT.
Collections / Voxel Editors
- ๐ Free Game Sounds - Archive of all kinds of royalty-free game sounds.
- ๐ Freesound - collaborative database of Creative Commons Licensed sounds.
- ๐ Musopen - Royalty free music.
- ๐ Octave - free library of UI sounds.
- ๐ PacDV - royalty free sounds collection.
- ๐ - Royalty-free, searchable archive of sound effects under various licenses.
Music and Audio Editors / Voxel Editors
- ๐ Audacity - open source, cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds.
- ๐ Audiosauna - transforms your web browser into a fast and flexible music production studio with built in synthesizers and live effects.
- ๐ Audiotool - Online music producer.
- ๐ Bosca Ceoil - Online (and also desktop) music producer made by Terry Cavanagh. Simple, intuitive, has a distinctive retro-ish sound.
- ๐ ChipTone - Online sound effect generator
- ๐ jfxr - A JavaScript port of the Bfxr sound effect generator.
- ๐ LMMS - Cross-platform music production software.
- ๐ MadTracker - a powerful and efficient approach to making music. Versatility and compatibility are guaranteed due to full VSTโข, ASIOโข and ReWireโข support.
- ๐ MilkyTracker (โญ1.8k) - open source tracker for Mac/Linux/Windows platforms.
- ๐ musagi - open source, fairly large and sophisticated music editor and synthesizer
- ๐ฐ Resemble - Resemble's voice cloning engine within Unity
- ๐ Soundation - Online Professional music studio.
- ๐ SunVox - a small, fast and powerful modular synthesizer with pattern-based sequencer (tracker).
Board Games / Voxel Editors
- ๐ RPTools - a brand of open-source programs designed to enhance traditional pen-and-paper role playing games.
Blogs and Portals / Voxel Editors
- Slidedb - On Slide DB we give developers a community they can share their ideas with and showcase the work they are doing, beyond the basic app stores and the highly contested "top charts".
Magazines / Voxel Editors
- ๐ IndieMag
Videos/Podcasts / Voxel Editors
- awesome-gametalks (โญ1.1k) - A curated list of game talks (GDC, youtube, etc).
- Twitch GameDev - Twitch GameDev Streams
Game Jams / Voxel Editors
- Game jams on - Listing of game jams
- Game Off - GitHub's game jam ๐
- Indie Game Jams - Listing of game jams
- Ludum Dare - very popular game jam
- One Hour Game Jam - Weekly 1 hour game jam
Project Management / Voxel Editors
- ๐ฐ Casual - Visual Project Management
- ๐ธ Codecks - Project Management Tool inspired by Collectible Card Games
- ๐ธ HacknPlan - Project management for game developers
- ๐ธ Taiga - Project management platform for agile developers & designers
- ๐ธ Trello - Organize and prioritize projects
Complete Game Sources / Voxel Editors
- ๐ Doom 3 (โญ3.1k)
- ๐ Doom (โญ15k)
- ๐ NetHack (โญ3k)
- ๐ OpenTTD (โญ6.4k)
- ๐ Quake 2 (โญ2.8k)
- ๐ Quake (โญ5k)
- ๐ SimCity (โญ909)
- ๐ VVVVVV (โญ7k)
Ads / Voxel Editors
- AdMob by Google - Google's Ads and monetization service for mobile.
- AdColony - Mobile video Ads service.
- Appodeal - A programmatic ad mediation solution for mobile apps.
- ChartBoost - Monetization, analytics platform.
- Vungle - Video Ads service.
General Game Development / Voxel Editors
- ๐ miloyip/game-programmer (โญ18k) A Study Path for Game Programmer ๐
- ๐ TheChernoProject
Computer Graphics / Voxel Editors
39. Awesome Clojure
Advanced datastructures
- specter (โญ2.5k): an elegant API for querying and transforming nested and recursive data
Editor Plugins
40. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Functional Programming
- michaelbull/kotlin-result (โญ1.1k) - A Result monad for modelling success or failure operations - inspired by Elm, Rust, & Haskell.
Libraries/Frameworks / Database
- consoleau/kotlin-jpa-specification-dsl (โญ249) - This library provides a fluent DSL for querying spring data JPA repositories using spring data Specifications.
Libraries/Frameworks / Graphics
- dananas/kotlin-glsl (โญ45) - Write your GLSL shaders in Kotlin
41. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- GrandNode 2.0 (โญ1.2k) - Open Source Cross Platform E-Commerce Solution based on .NET Core 5.0 and MongoDB / Azure CosmosDB / Amazon DocumentDB / VueJS
42. Awesome Rust
Applications / Games
- Veloren - An open world, open source multiplayer voxel RPG game currently in alpha development
Libraries / Asynchronous
- dpc/mioco (โญ147) - Scalable, coroutine-based, asynchronous IO handling library
Libraries / Computation
- Statrs
- statrs-dev/statrs (โญ652) - Robust statistical computation library
Libraries / Cryptography
- klutzy/suruga (โญ125) - Implementation of TLS 1.2
43. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Finance
- Light Wallet (โญ48) โ EOSIO-based Cryptocurrency Wallet & Ecosystem Explorer by SEEDS
44. Awesome Ansible
- ansible-navigator (โญ408) - A text-based user interface (TUI) for Ansible.
45. Awesome Neovim
Plugin Manager
- NTBBloodbath/cheovim (โญ334) - Neovim configuration switcher written in Lua. Inspired by chemacs.
Markdown and LaTeX / Diagnostics
- jghauser/auto-pandoc.nvim (โญ36) - Easy pandoc conversion leveraging YAML blocks.
- jghauser/follow-md-links.nvim (โญ153) - Press enter to follow internal markdown links.
Snippet / Diagnostics
- L3MON4D3/LuaSnip (โญ3.7k) - A snippet engine written in Lua.
Color / Diagnostics
- winston0410/range-highlight.nvim (โญ207) - An extremely lightweight plugin (~ 120loc) that highlights ranges you have entered in commandline.
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- sainnhe/gruvbox-material (โญ2.1k) - Gruvbox modification with softer contrast and Tree-sitter support.
- sainnhe/everforest (โญ3.2k) - A green based colorscheme designed to be warm, soft and easy on the eyes.
- NTBBloodbath/doom-one.nvim (โญ224) - Lua port of doom-emacs' doom-one.
Utility / Diagnostics
- jghauser/mkdir.nvim (โญ223) - Automatically create missing directories when saving files.
Debugging / Diagnostics
- rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui (โญ2.9k) - A UI for nvim-dap.
Git / Diagnostics
- sindrets/diffview.nvim (โญ4.4k) - Single tabpage interface for easily cycling through diffs for all modified files for any Git rev.
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- nacro90/numb.nvim (โญ716) - Peek lines in a non-obtrusive way.
Formatting / Diagnostics
- mhartington/formatter.nvim (โญ1.4k) - A format runner written in Lua.
46. Public Apis
Art & Design
API: PHP-Noise
Description: Noise Background Image Generator
Auth: No
API: Bhagavad Gita
Description: Open Source Shrimad Bhagavad Gita API including 21+ authors translation in Sanskrit/English/Hindi
API: Quran-api (โญ654)
Description: Free Quran API Service with 90+ different languages and 400+ translations
Auth: No
API: Wolne Lektury
Description: API for obtaining information about e-books available on the website
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Currency Exchange
API: Currency-api (โญ34)
Description: Free Currency Exchange Rates API with 150+ Currencies & No Rate Limits
Auth: No
Games & Comics
API: Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Description: API for critters, fossils, art, music, furniture and villagers
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: CountryStateCity
Description: World countries, states, regions, provinces, cities & towns in JSON, SQL, XML, YAML, & CSV format
API: Escape (โญ13)
Description: An API for escaping different kind of queries
Auth: No
API: AviationWeather
Description: NOAA aviation weather forecasts and observations
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
- Prev: Jun 14 - Jun 20, 2021
- Next: May 31 - Jun 06, 2021