Awesome List Updates on May 31 - Jun 06, 2021
76 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Webgl
References / Firefox Specific Tools/Debugger
- WebXR Device API - The W3C draft API for WebXR.
2. Awesome D
GitHub Actions / Bare metal / kernel development
- setup-dlang (⭐46) - Install D compilers & DUB inside GitHub Actions
- dub-upgrade (⭐1) - Run
dub upgrade
trying to repeat on network failure and using package cache on GitHub Actions
Testing Frameworks / Bare metal / kernel development
- silly - Better test runner for the D programming language. No nonsense.
- dunit (⭐62) - Advanced unit testing & mocking toolkit
- unit-threaded (⭐121) - Multi-threaded unit test framework
3. Awesome Svelte
- Svelte Native - Svelte controlling native components via Nativescript.
- Framework7 - Full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps.
- svelte-grid-responsive (⭐54) - Bootstrap-inspired responsive grid system.
WebGL / Form Components
- svelthree (⭐485) - Component library for declarative construction of reactive and reusable three.js scene graphs.
Portal / Form Components
- svelte-portal (⭐450) - Component for rendering outside the DOM of parent component.
- svelte-teleport (⭐25) - A component to teleport elements across the DOM.
Routers / Form Components
- svelte-router-spa (⭐531) - Router adds routing to your Single Page Applications (SPA). Includes localisation, guards and nested layouts.
- svelte-routing (⭐2k) - A declarative Svelte routing library with SSR support.
- tinro (⭐681) - A tiny, dependency free and highly declarative router.
- svelte-spa-router (⭐1.6k) - Optimized for Single Page Applications (SPA) with hash based routing and support for parameters.
- svelte-client-router (⭐17) - Svelte Client Router is everything you need and think when routing SPA's.
Frameworks / Form Components
- Routify - Routes for Svelte, automated by your file structure.
- JungleJS - The Jamstack framework for Svelte with GraphQL. (pre-v5)
4. Awesome Scriptable
- steam-wishlist.js - Shows items from a user's Steam wishlist.
- Coronavirus.js - Covid-19 cases of a selected country.
- rsg_group_mcfit_high5_johnreed_capacity_widget.js - Capacity of the nearest McFit gym.
Related / Download helper
- Import-Script.js (⭐215) - Script to download code (i.e., from Pastebin, GitHub) into Scriptable.
Related / Articles
- Create your own iOS widget with JavaScript - Tutorial on how to create your own widget.
5. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Documentation and Presentation
- Zotero (⭐6.9k) - A free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.
Sensor Processing / Calibration and Transformation
- e2calib (⭐115) - Contains code that implements video reconstruction from event data for calibration.
6. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Application layer
- easy_perception_deployment (⭐51) - Package that accelerates training and deployment of Computer Vision models for industries.
- easy_manipulation_deployment (⭐45) - Package that integrates perception elements to establish an end-to-end pick and place task.
7. Awesome Jax
Libraries / New Libraries
- jaxlie (⭐241) - Lie theory library for rigid body transformations and optimization.
- BRAX (⭐2.5k) - Differentiable physics engine to simulate environments along with learning algorithms to train agents for these environments.
8. Awesome Elixir
- Hands-on Elixir & OTP: Cryptocurrency trading bot - Want to learn Elixir & OTP by creating a real-world project? With Hands-on Elixir & OTP: Cryptocurrency trading bot you will gain hands-on experience by working on an interesting software project. We will explore all the key abstractions and essential principles through iterative implementation improvements. (2021).
9. Awesome Angular
Data Grids / Google Developer Experts
- ignite-ui-angular's grid - The data grid, tree grid, hierarchical grid in Ignite UI for Angular (⭐570) provide excel-style filtering, live-data, sorting, draggable row and other toolbar.
10. Awesome Godot
Bash scripts / Godot version unknown
- build-godot (⭐61) - (and build-godot-mono (⭐61)) Scripts that compile and run Godot, attempting to install dependencies if needed.
11. Awesome Dart
- Dart Code Metrics (⭐863) - Additional linter which reports code metrics, checks for anti-patterns and provides additional rules for Analyzer.
12. Awesome Flame
App Releases / Sports
- Cycling Escape - Android, iOS, GitHub (⭐10) - You start off with only one rider. Compete in races to start earning money. Unlock more team mates and compete in more extreme and longer races. Keep going and win the ultimate world tour! By ikbendewilliam
13. Awesome Material
- Tronic247 Material - A material design framework based on jQuery and CSS
14. Awesome List
- Urban & Regional Planning (⭐287) - Concerning the built environment and communities.
15. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Tools
- pico8-deploy (⭐30) - An easy way to export and deploy PICO-8 projects to
16. Awesome Ada
DevOps / Apache License
- septum (⭐383) - An interactive context-based text search tool for searching large codebases.
17. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects
- JabRef - Software for bibliography management
Open Source Projects / Operating Systems
- /e/ - Privacy-focused mobile OS.
- GrapheneOS - A privacy and security focused mobile OS with Android app compatibility.
- Mobian - Debian for mobile.
Open Source Projects / Open Source Art
- GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program.
Open Source Projects / Hardware related
- OpenRGB - RGB lighting control application.
18. Awesome Hacking Locations
Portugal 🇵🇹 / Lisbon
Espaço Guimarães
Shopping mall just outside Guimarães. There is free WiFi provided by the mall, you just need to re-login once in a while. There is a big offer in power outlets on the restaurant zone. There is also a free shuttle between the shopping and the city (currently suspended due to the pandemic).
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | R. 25 de Abril 210, 4835-400 Silvares | Mon-Thu, Sun 10:00 - 23:00; Fri-Sat 10:00 - 24:00 |
19. Awesome Math
Analysis / Complex Analysis
- 📝 A Concise Course in Complex Analysis and Riemann Surfaces - Wilhelm Schlag
20. Public Apis
API: Nomics
Description: Historical and realtime cryptocurrency prices and market data
Currency Exchange
API: ExchangeRate-API
Description: Free currency conversion
Games & Comics
API: Psychonauts
Description: Psychonauts World Characters Information and PSI Powers
Auth: No
Open Source Projects
API: Datamuse
Description: Word-finding query engine
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Science & Math
API: arXiv
Description: Curated research-sharing platform: physics, mathematics, quantitative finance, and economics
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: AccuWeather
Description: Weather and forecast data
CORS: Unknown
21. Awesome Fastapi
Databases / ORMs
- FastAPIwee (⭐19) - A simple way to create REST API based on PeeWee (⭐11k) models.
Utils / Other Tools
- FastAPI Chameleon (⭐141) - Adds integration of the Chameleon template language to FastAPI.
- FastAPI Jinja (⭐69) - Adds integration of the Jinja template language to FastAPI.
22. Awesome Db Tools
Monitoring/Statistics/Perfomance / Prometheus
- pgSCV (⭐167) - Metrics exporter for PostgreSQL and Postgres-related services.
- postgres_exporter (⭐2.9k) - Prometheus exporter for PostgreSQL server metrics.
Security / Zabbix
- Databunker (⭐1.3k) - Special GDPR compliant secure vault for customer records built on top of regular DB.
23. Awesome Design Patterns
Programming Language Design Patterns
- Java
- sourcemaking - patterns and anti patterns.
- oodesign - patterns catalog with UML diagrams.
- design-patterns (⭐90k)
- effective-java patterns (⭐1.5k) - patterns from the Effective Java book.
- Design patterns implemented in Java
- Effective-Java-3rd-Joshua-Bloch
- Python
- design-patterns (⭐40k)
- PyPattyrn (⭐2.3k) - A simple library for implementing common design patterns.
- Python Design Patterns
- Design Patterns in Python
- Django Design Patterns and Best Practices
Serverless Architecture
- serverless-patterns-collection - Serverless Patterns Collection.
DevOps & containers
- cdk patterns - cdk patterns.
- CDK Construct Catalog - CDK construct catalog.
24. Awesome Swift Playgrounds
- Accessible Reality (⭐25) - for learning the basics of ARKit through interactive lessons. 🍁
25. Awesome Golem
Apps / Games
- Golem Fleet Battle Simulator (⭐3) - System for calculating the results of a battle between two opposing starship fleets. Used in the iOS game Rock Paper Frigate to determine the result of PvP fleet battles.
26. Awesome Iam
Password-less auth / SMS-based
- An argument for passwordless - Passwords are not the be-all and end-all of user authentication. This article tries to tell you why.
27. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Health and Fitness
- QuitSmoke (⭐83) - A Flutter app to help you quit smoking by trizin.
28. Awesome Games of Coding
Language Independent
- Battlesnake - Join a community of developers from around the world as you compete for fame and glory in Battlesnake, a multi-player programming competition based on the classic game - snake! All you need to play is a live web server that implements the Battlesnake API and the language of your choice to begin battling to find food, avoid other Battlesnakes, and stay alive as long as possible.
29. Awesome Music
Music Notation
- OpenSheetMusicDisplay (⭐1.5k) - Typescript library for rendering MusicXML in the browser.
30. Awesome WebExtensions
Libraries and Frameworks
- ExtPay (⭐455) - Take secure payments in extensions without needing to run a server backend.
31. Awesome Design
- Colorable “If one says ‘Red’ (the name of the color) and there are 50 people listening, it can be expected that there will be 50 reds in their minds. And one can be sure that all these reds will be very different.” – Josef Albers
32. Awesome Tall Stack
33. Awesome Developer First
- CircleCI - YML to configure your builds, parallel jobs, jobs marketplace.
- DeveloperHub - Collaborative developer documentation platform.
Environment & Secret Management
- 1Password Secrets Automation - Secrets management with integration to 1Password.
- Doppler - Environment variable management across projects, in one place.
- Envkey - Environment management with syncing mechanism for all apps.
- Vault - API-driven secret key management.
- SmartyStreets - US Reverse Geocoding and Address Verification APIs.
Payments & Pricing
- Paddle - Revenue delivery platform for SaaS with broad geographical support (unlike Stripe at the moment).
34. Awesome Esp
- Tuya-Convert (⭐3.8k) - A Wi-Fi firmware flasher ESP8266 that has been pre-loaded with Tuya firmware.
- Tasmotizer (⭐1.1k) - A graphical flashing tool for Tasmota firmware. Can manage Wi-Fi & MQTT settings, modules & templates.
Projects / Smart Home and IoT
- Tasmota - An alternative firmware for Sonoff & other ESP8266/ESP32 devices. Includes a large collection of sensor drivers & integrates with Home Assistant natively or via MQTT.
35. Awesome Neovim
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- mizlan/iswap.nvim (⭐518) - Interactively select and swap function arguments, list elements, and more. Powered by Tree-sitter.
36. Awesome Playcanvas
Games / IO Games
- Bullet Bonanza - Fast paced, high fidelity, 3D Multiplayer FPS game from Kiloo.
37. Awesome Appimage
AppImage developer tools / Deployment tools for Electron applications
- Appnativefy (⭐148) - Create AppImage with embedded Electron browser from any website.
Resources / Community
- #AppImage channel on - Chat where AppImage developers and users hang out, be prepared to stay in the channel for days if you don't get answers immediately.
38. Awesome Decentralized
- Pollen (⭐7): A decentralized messaging service that functions without any internet or mesh connection. Written in Python.
39. Awesome Cli Apps
Files and Directories / Search
- rare (⭐274) - Real-time regex aggregation and analysis.
40. Awesome Remote Job
Articles & Posts
41. Awesome Neuroscience
Programming / Matlab
- Brain Dynamics Toolbox - Open software for simulating dynamical systems in neuroscience.
- BrainStorm - Open-source application dedicated to the analysis of brain recordings (MEG, EEG, fNIRS, ECoG, depth electrodes and multiunit electrophysiology).
- EEGLAB - Interactive Matlab toolbox for processing continuous and event-related EEG, MEG and other electrophysiological data.
- SPM - Free and open source software for the analysis of brain imaging data sequences (fMRI, PET, SPECT, EEG, MEG).
42. Awesome Vite
Apps/Websites / Community
- react-device-frameset (⭐83) - This is yet another device frameset component for React.
43. ALL About RSS
Feed item filtering / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
44. Alternative Internet
- Libertree is free, libre, open-source software which is intended to provide a way for people to create their own social network. Libertree social networks can be free from commercial influence and manifestation, such as behaviour tracking, user profiling, advertising, data mining and analysis, and covert information filtering.
45. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Scraper's Proxy — Simple HTTP proxy API for scraping. Scrape anonymously without having to worry about restrictions, blocks, or captchas. First 100 successful scrapes per month free including javascript rendering (more available if you contact support).
Design and UI
- Mastershot - Completely free browser-based video editor. No watermark, up to 1080p export options.
- Base64 decoder/encoder — Online free tool for decoding & encoding data.
46. Awesome Amazon Seller
Software and Tools
- Eva - Connects the most important aspects of your Amazon business into a single intuitive dashboard - price management, replenishments, reimbursements, analytics.
47. Awesome Social Enterprise
Conferences / Articles
- Social Enterprise Summit - Annual social enterprise conference based in Hong Kong.
48. Awesome Firebase
CLI & Editor / iOS
- 🔧 Firefoo - Cloud Firestore GUI Admin Tool with JSON/CSV Export and JavaScript Query Shell.
49. Awesome
Official Links
- Craft Commerce -
- Tutorial –
- Knowledge Base -
Videos / Nitro
Official Case Studies / Tutorials
- % Arabica - Project: by Digital Butter
- Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity - Project: by TrendyMinds
- McKinnon and Harris - Project: by Foster Made
- Segway - Project: by Wirelab Digital Agency
- Simon Fraser University (SFU) Beedie School of Business - Project: by Goat
- - Project: by Function & Form Digital
- YumEarth - Project: by Electric Enjin
50. Awesome Symfony
- Umbrella framework (⭐112) - Admin components and theme to create administration backends.
51. Awesome Stock Resources
Photography / Unspecified License
- Wunderstock - 670 (and counting) free HD images for your web and design projects.
52. Awesome Meteor
- How to Create an App - Most updated.
- EventedMind - It's old but goes into detail regarding how Meteor internals.
- Udemy - Learn React and Meteor in 2021: Build a multiplayer game
- Udemy - Realtime Applications with Meteor and Vue - Course in Spanish.
- leveluptutorials - Contains some free tutorials but mostly on 1.x.
- Packosphere - Alternative front-end for Meteor package system, built by Kelly Copley
Social / Community Newsletters
Work Opportunities / Community Newsletters
Deprecated / Community Newsletters
53. Awesome Quant
Python / Risk Analysis
- Empyrial (⭐969) - Portfolio's risk and performance analytics and returns predictions.
Python / Calendars
- exchange_calendars (⭐467) - Stock Exchange Trading Calendars.
54. Awesome Electron
Articles / Other
55. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Books
- Applied Incident Response - Steve Anson's book on Incident Response.
- Incident Response & Computer Forensics, Third Edition - The definitive guide to incident response.
- Operator Handbook: Red Team + OSINT + Blue Team Reference - Great reference for incident responders.
- The Practice of Network Security Monitoring: Understanding Incident Detection and Response - Richard Bejtlich's book on IR.
IR Tools Collection / Log Analysis Tools
- APT Hunter (⭐1.1k) - APT-Hunter is Threat Hunting tool for windows event logs.
- Event Log Explorer - Tool developed to quickly analyze log files and other data.
- Zircolite (⭐584) - A standalone and fast SIGMA-based detection tool for EVTX or JSON.
IR Tools Collection / Memory Analysis Tools
- Rekall - Open source tool (and library) for the extraction of digital artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samples.
IR Tools Collection / Playbooks
- Counteractive Playbooks (⭐544) - Counteractive PLaybooks collection.
- GuardSIght Playbook Battle Cards (⭐324) - A collection of Cyber Incident Response Playbook Battle Cards
- Phantom Community Playbooks (⭐448) - Phantom Community Playbooks for Splunk but also customizable for other use.
IR Tools Collection / Timeline Tools
- Aurora Incident Response (⭐720) - Platform developed to build easily a detailed timeline of an incident.
56. Awesome Competitive Programming
Sites for Practice / Books for Mathematics
☆: ★★☆
Name: OmegaUp (Spanish)
Description: OmegaUp is a community-based website for competitive programing training. It's also where Mexican Olympiad in Informatics (OMI : Olimpiada Mexicana de Informática) is hosted.
Community / Youtube and Livestreams
Name (Handle): David Harmeyer (SecondThread)
Link: Youtube, Editorials, High qualtiy lectures(advanced topics)
Name (Handle): mycodeschool
Link: Youtube, High quality videos on basic programming, data structures and algorithms
Name (Handle): William Lin (tmwilliamlin168)
Link: Youtube, Mostly streams, tips but inspiring and sometimes insightful
Name (Handle): CodeNCode (kazama460)
Link: Youtube, Short lectures covering various CP related topics like Graph Theory, Number theory, DP, Advanced Data structures.
Name (Handle): William Feset
Link: Youtube, High quality videos covering almost all data structures, algorithms
57. Awesome Transit
Native Apps (open source) / Rust
- opentripplanner-client-library (⭐2) - A Kotlin Multiplatform library for making API requests and parsing responses from an OpenTripPlanner v2 server for trip plans, bike rental info, and server metadata for Android, iOS, and web.
58. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- FEDOT (⭐659): An AutoML framework for the automated design of composite modelling pipelines. It can handle classification, regression, and time series forecasting tasks on different types of data (including multi-modal datasets).
Python / Reinforcement Learning
- Maze (⭐268) - Application-oriented deep reinforcement learning framework addressing real-world decision problems.
59. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Linux / TeX
60. Awesome Cl
CLOS extensions
- polymorphic functions (⭐52) - A function type to dispatch on types instead of classes with partial support for dispatching on optional and keyword argument types. Still experimental (May, 2021). MIT.
- polymorphic-functions dispatch on the types of the arguments supplied to it. This helps dispatching on specialized arrays as well as user-defined types.
- for differences with specialization-store and fast-generic-functions, see its README.
61. Awesome Nodejs
Resources / Books
62. Awesome Privacy
File Management and Sharing
- OnionShare (⭐6.4k) - An open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network.
Full Featured Financial Management
- GnuCash - GnuCash is personal and small-business financial-accounting software, freely licensed under the GNU GPL and available for GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.
63. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Dynamic Analysis Tools
- PAPIMonitor (⭐53) – PAPIMonitor (Python API Monitor for Android apps) is a Python tool based on Frida for monitoring user-select APIs during the app execution.
Tools / Reverse Engineering
- Obfuscapk (⭐1.1k) - Obfuscapk is a modular Python tool for obfuscating Android apps without needing their source code.
- ARMANDroid (⭐13) - ARMAND (Anti-Repackaging through Multi-patternAnti-tampering based on Native Detection) is a novel anti-tampering protection scheme that embeds logic bombs and AT detection nodes directly in the apk file without needing their source code.
Tools / Market Crawlers
- PlaystoreDownloader (⭐1.1k) - PlaystoreDownloader is a tool for downloading Android applications directly from the Google Play Store. After an initial (one-time) configuration, applications can be downloaded by specifying their package name.
64. Awesome Aws
SDKs and Samples / iOS SDK
65. Awesome React Components
- react-heat-map (⭐178) - A lightweight calendar heatmap react component built on SVG, customizable version of GitHub's contribution graph.
Form Components / Image Editing
- react-avatar-generator (⭐67) - Generate fun kaleidoscope for user avatars.
Form Components / Rich Text Editor
- react-codemirror (⭐1.5k) - demo - CodeMirror component for React.
- react-monacoeditor (⭐284) - Monaco Editor component for React.
Reporter / Visibility Reporter
- react-intersection-observer (⭐4.9k) - React implementation of the Intersection Observer API.
66. Awesome Bioinformatics
Sequence Processing
- SeqFu (⭐112) - Sequence manipulation toolkit for FASTA/FASTQ files written in Nim. [ paper-2021 | web ]
GFF BED File Utilities / Structural variant callers
- AGAT (⭐473) - Suite of tools to handle gene annotations in any GTF/GFF format. [ web ]
Assembly / Tools
- SPAdes (⭐771) - SPAdes (St. Petersburg genome assembler) is an assembly toolkit containing various assembly pipelines and the de-facto standard for prokaryotic genome assemblies.
- SKESA (⭐112) - SKESA is a de-novo sequence read assembler for microbial genomes. It uses conservative heuristics and is designed to create breaks at repeat regions in the genome. This leads to excellent sequence quality without significantly compromising contiguity.
Annotation / Tools
- Prokka (⭐853) - Prokka: rapid prokaryotic genome annotation. Prokka is one of the most cited annotation command line tools for microbial genome annotations.
- Bakta (⭐460) - Bakta is a tool for the rapid & standardized annotation of bacterial genomes & plasmids. It provides dbxref-rich and sORF-including annotations in machine-readable JSON & bioinformatics standard file formats for automatic downstream analysis.
67. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Vendor Data Resources / Travel Behavior
- Strava - API for a popular tracking app for runners and cyclists. Data can be used to understand active transportation usage and patterns.
Planning Data Specifications / Built Environment
- BLDS (⭐39) - The BLDS data standard is a collaborative effort by civic technology companies, governments and other interested parties to create a shared data specification for building and construction permit data.
Planning Data Specifications / Transportation
- GMNS (⭐117) - The General Modeling Network Specification defines a common human and machine readable format for sharing routable road network files.
Planning Coding Resources / Python
- Geopandas - GeoPandas is an open source project to make working with geospatial data in python easier. GeoPandas extends the datatypes used by pandas to allow spatial operations on geometric types.
Platforms and Software Resources / Urban Design Tools and Platforms
- Rhino - This is a commercial 3D computer graphics and computer-aided design application software. Rhino has had multiple plug-ins built on top of it including Grasshopper and the Urban Network Analysis toolbox to enable complex modeling and analysis.
68. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-pdf-embed (⭐819) - PDF embed component for Vue 2 and Vue 3
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- vue-fullscreen (⭐438) - A simple Vue component for fullscreen, support Vue2 and Vue3.
69. Awesome Osint
Specialty Search Engines
File Search
Code Search
Real-Time Search, Social Media Search, and General Social Media Tools
Social Media Tools / VKontakte
Forums and Discussion Boards Search / Steam
Username Check / Steam
- WhatsMyName - check for usernames across many different platforms.
People Investigations / Steam
Phone Number Research / Steam
- FreeCarrierLookup - enter a phone number and we'll return the carrier name and whether the number is wireless or landline. We also return the email-to-SMS and email-to-MMS gateway addresses for USA and Canadian* phone numbers.
- Sync.ME - a caller ID and spam blocker app.
Company Research / Steam
Job Search Resources / Steam
Q&A Sites / Steam
Image Search / Steam
- Search4faces - a service for searching people on the Internet by photo.
Image Analysis / Steam
Video Search and Other Video Tools / Steam
- Insecam - Live cameras directory
Geospatial Research and Mapping Tools / Steam
Infographics and Data Visualization / Steam
- Observable - a modern way to create powerful, performant, polyglot data apps built on open source.
Other Tools / Steam
- FOCA (⭐3.1k) - Tool to find metadata and hidden information in the documents.
- OSINT.SH - Information Gathering Toolset.
OSINT Videos / Steam
OSINT Blogs / Steam
Other Resources / Steam
70. Awesome Creative Coding
- - The most minimalist creative coding environment is alive.
- BBC Micro bot - Run your tweet on an 8-bit computer emulator.
Articles • Tutorials / Other
- Noise in Creative Coding - In-depth blog post about noise as an indispensable tool for creative coding.
71. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Transformations - General DSP
- sound_field_analysis 🐙 (⭐75) 📦 - Analyze, visualize and process sound field data recorded by spherical microphone arrays.
Audio Related Packages / Realtime applications
- ReTiSAR (⭐55) 🐙 (⭐55) - Binarual rendering of streamed or IR-based high-order spherical microphone array signals.
72. Awesome Eosio
- EOSIO Developer Portal - A great place to begin your EOSIO blockchain journey.
- Learn EOS Development - The up-to-date, in-depth, complete guide to dapps on the EOS blockchain.
Interactive learning, labs
- Elemental Battles - Build a blockchain game. Learn EOSIO.
- Getting Started with the EOSIO Blockchain and Smart Contracts - Google Cloud training lab.
Block explorers, Voting portals / Mobile
Other in Developers / Services
- Community Developer Tools - Official EOSIO "Community Developer Tools" page.
Blogs / Services
- cmichel - Christoph Michel blog, EOSIO developer related publications.
- Blockgenic - Blockgenic blog, firm focused on Enterprise adoption of blockchain technology. Learning resources.
73. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / PHP
DevOps / Windows
Networks / Windows
74. Vertx Awesome
Vert.x Event Bus Extensions
- Eventbus Service (⭐11) - Code generator for type-safe event bus communication via simple Kotlin interfaces.
75. Awesome Deno
Modules / Utils
- buckets (⭐25) - Bundle assets and scripts in a single executable file.
76. Awesome Pokemon
Development Projects / Miscellaneous
- PokéPalettes - 16-bit palettes that represent Pokémon (based on the models from Pokémon GO).
- Prev: Jun 07 - Jun 13, 2021
- Next: May 24 - May 30, 2021