Awesome List Updates on May 24 - May 30, 2021
53 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Jax
Libraries / New Libraries
- delta PV (⭐60) - A photovoltaic simulator with automatic differentation.
2. Awesome Xamarin
- EBind (⭐148) - Concise, fast and feature-rich .NET data binding with some Xamarin goodies.
- Portable.BouncyCastle ★136 (⭐168) - Portable version of Bouncy Castle with support for .NET 4, .NET Standard 2.0, MonoAndroid, Xamarin.iOS, .NET Core.
- Xamarin.Forms.StateButton (⭐12) - With this control you are able to create any style of button. This is possible as it acts as a wrapper to your XAML and provides you the events/ commands and properties to bind too.
- Weekly Xamarin - Hand-picked round up of the best Xamarin development links every week. Curated by Geoffrey Huntley and published every Friday. Free.
3. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- v-viewer (⭐2.5k) - Image viewer component for vue2 and vue3, supports rotation, scale, zoom and so on, based on viewer.js (⭐8k)
4. Awesome Bioinformatics
- Bacannot (⭐100) - A generic but comprehensive bacterial annotation pipeline, built with Nextflow, with nice graphical options for investigating results. [ web ]
- ngs-preprocess (⭐31) - A pipeline for preprocessing short and long sequencing reads, built with Nextflow. [ web ]
5. Awesome Stock Resources
Icons / Icons Packages and Collections
6. Awesome Deno
Modules / CLI utils
- kia (⭐51) - Simple terminal spinners for Deno 🦕
- terminal_images (⭐51) - A Deno module and CLI tool for displaying images in the terminal.
Modules / Database
- denodb (⭐1.9k) - MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MongoDB ORM for Deno.
- dsddb (⭐13) - A dead simple persistant key-value database utilizing the JSON format.
- dso (⭐91) - A simple ORM library based on mysql.
- postgres (⭐603) - Driver for PostgreSQL database.
- sql-builder (⭐55) - An sql query builder.
Modules / Frontend development
- postcss (⭐55) - A tool for transforming styles with JS plugins.
Modules / Frontend framework
- aleph.js (⭐5.3k) - A React framework in Deno, inspired by Next.js.
Modules / Mail
- deno-smtp (⭐79) - A smtp mail sender for deno.
Modules / Markdown
- marked (⭐9) - Markdown-to-HTML converter.
Modules / String utils
- camelcase (⭐8) - Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase: foo-bar → fooBar.
- deno_case_style (⭐4) - String validator and formater for different case style. eg: camelCase etc.
- deno-prettystring (⭐7) - Format, trim and remove extra white spaces between characters from string.
- deno-slugify (⭐18) - A string slugifier for deno.
- normalize_diacritics (⭐14) - Remove accents/diacritics in string.
Modules / Template engine
- deno_tiny_templates (⭐6) - Template renderer for deno.
- eta (⭐1.4k) - Fast, lightweight, and configurable embedded template engine.
Modules / Testing
- deno-puppeteer (⭐452) - A library which provides a high-level API to control Chromium or Chrome over the DevTools Protocol.
- expect (⭐45) - Helpers for writing jest like expect tests in deno.
- merlin (⭐50) - Testing and Benchmarking framework for deno 🧙♂️
- pretty_benching (⭐26) - A small library to make your Deno benchmarking progress and results look pretty.
- rhum (⭐92) - A lightweight testing framework for Deno.
- superdeno (⭐123) - Super-agent driven library for testing Deno HTTP servers.
- superoak (⭐121) - HTTP assertions for Oak made easy via SuperDeno.
- tincan (⭐36) - A Jest-like testing library for Deno.
- unexpected (⭐370) - Extensible BDD assertion toolkit.
Modules / Utils
- bytes_formater (⭐8) - Format bytes (Uint8Array, ArrayBufferView, etc) output, useful when debugging IO functions.
- coffee (⭐33) - Deno Configuration - a type-safe, easy to use Deno config manager.
- computed_types (⭐364) - Joi like validators for Typescript and Deno.
- dcc (⭐11) - Deno Cache Clean, reloading deps when next running.
- type-fest (⭐14) - A collection of essential TypeScript types (port of sindresorhus/type-fest).
- watch (⭐44) - A file watcher.
- wu-diff-js (⭐17) - A diff library to compute differences between two slices using wu(the O(NP)) algorithm.
Modules / Web framework
- aqua (⭐218) - A minimal and fast web framework for Deno.
- drash (⭐1.1k) - A REST microframework for Deno's HTTP server with zero dependencies.
- oak (⭐5.2k) - A middleware framework for Deno's net server.
- oak-http-proxy (⭐43) - Proxy middleware for Deno Oak HTTP servers.
- oak-routing-ctrl (⭐6) - TypeScript Decorators for easy scaffolding API services with the oak framework.
- opine (⭐854) - Fast, minimalist web framework ported from ExpressJS.
- opine-http-proxy (⭐15) - Proxy middleware for Deno Opine HTTP servers.
Modules / WebSocket
- deno-websocket (⭐152) - 🦕 A simple WebSocket library like ws of node.js library.
- dropper (⭐26) - Custom event-based WebSockets framework for building real-time apps on Deno 🦕
- websocket_server (⭐9) - A WebSocket server library.
Modules / Web utils
- compression (⭐38) - Deno HTTP compression middleware.
- djwt (⭐228) - Make JSON Web Tokens (JWT) on Deno based on JWT and JWS specifications.
- forwarded (⭐9) - Deno port of
- gentleRpc (⭐45) - A JSON-RPC 2.0 TypeScript library for Deno and the browser.
- gql (⭐194) - Universal GraphQL HTTP middleware.
- nats (⭐159) - A Deno client for the NATS messaging system.
- obsidian (⭐754) - A native GraphQL caching client and server module.
- qs (⭐5) - A query string parser with nesting support.
- router (⭐55) - A high-performance basic router works anywhere.
Modules / Webview
- webview (⭐1.4k) - Deno bindings for webview, a tiny library for creating web-based desktop GUIs.
Modules / XML
- deno-xml-parser (⭐21) - Deno XML parser ported from segmentio/xml-parser.
- sax-ts (⭐17) - SAX-style XML parser ported from sax-js (⭐1.1k).
Registries / XML
- - The official 3rd party module registry.
7. Awesome V
Command line interface (CLI) / Terminal / Shell
- progressbar (⭐29) - An easy to use V library for creating progress bars in cli.
- termtable (⭐44) - V Terminal Tables: Simple and highly customizable library to display tables in the terminal.
- vargs (⭐38) - V library for parsing arguments from argv-like arrays. ( Archived )
8. Awesome Mongodb
Libraries / Python
- Djongo (⭐1.9k) - MongoDB connector for Django compatible with Django ORM
9. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Acquisition
- ArchiveBox (⭐23k) - A tool which maintains an additive archive from RSS feeds, bookmarks, and links using wget, Chrome headless, and other methods (formerly
Bookmark Archiver
). (In Development)
- Browsertrix Crawler (⭐706) - A Chromium based high-fidelity crawling system, designed to run a complex, customizable browser-based crawl in a single Docker container. (Stable)
- Brozzler (⭐684) - A distributed web crawler (爬虫) that uses a real browser (Chrome or Chromium) to fetch pages and embedded urls and to extract links. (Stable)
10. Awesome Clojure
Editor Plugins
11. Awesome Decentralized
- Aether (⭐1.2k): P2P ephemeral public communities. Open source, self-governing
- Airshare (⭐648): CLI tool and module for transferring data between 2 machines in a local network, P2P, using Multicast-DNS. Works completely offline.
- Dropub ☠️: Share files for free on the internet. It's like Dropbox meets BitTorrent.
- Friends ☠️ (⭐3.2k): P2P chat powered by the web. This project is alpha quality.
- Hyperpad (⭐203): Peer-to-peer collaborative text editor.
- (⭐3.5k): Streaming file transfer over WebTorrent (torrents on the web).
- IPFS bin ☠️ (⭐133): Pastebin application for sharing code and text documents to other people.
- IPFS Desktop (⭐6.1k): A native application to run your own IPFS Node.
- iWant ☠️ (⭐294): Commandline tool for searching and downloading files in LAN network, without any central server.
- ORC ☠️: Onion Routed Cloud, a decentralized, anonymous, file storage platform. It uses the Tor network.
- Peertransfer ☠️ (⭐325): Send a file p2p and e2e encrypted using nothing but your browser.
- YaCy: Free distributed search engine, built on principles of P2P networks.
12. Awesome Mdbootstrap
- MDB Standard Free - Free to download, open-source Bootstrap 5 UI Kit.
- MDB Standard Pro - Premium UI Kit for the latest Bootstrap 5. Lifetime usage of 5000+ premium components, thousands of templates, plugins, design blocks.
Useful Links
- Snippets - Best source of Bootstrap code examples & plugins.
- LAB - Inspirational concepts & experiments created by the community of MDB.
- Visual Studio Code snippets (⭐11) - An extension that allows you to add useful snippets of the most popular MDB 5 components to Visual Studio Code.
- Angular Visual Studio Code snippets (⭐10) - This extension adds snippets for MDB Angular - Angular Bootstrap UI KIT.
- Webpack starter (⭐60) - This guide describes in detail the capabilities of Webpack Starter.
- Reviews - User feedback on mdbootstrap.
- Articles - Contribute to the community and share your technical knowledge - or just read the articles written by others.
- Logo generator - Create an elegant and stylish logo in 5 minutes.
- CSS Masks & Glassmorphism Generator - Generate the perfect masks for your design.
- Instagram filters CSS generator - Use famous Instagram filters via CSS and apply them to your project.
- CSS gradients generator - Generate the perfect gradient for your design.
- Fancy border radius generator - Generate unusual shapes with our border-radius generator.
- Meta tags generator - Take care of your SEO generate the most accurate meta data for Google and social media.
- Cards generator - Create bootstrap cards with custom shapes, buttons, colors, sizes.
- Buttons generator - Create bootstrap buttons with custom icons, text, shapes, colors, sizes.
- Charts creator - Easy to use chart builder (pie charts, line charts, bar charts).
- Shadows generator - Generate the perfect shadow for your design.
- SVG waves generator - Easily generate beautiful SVG shapes and apply them to your design.
- Datatables builder - Create an elegant and stylish logo in 5 minutes.
- Alerts generator - Create bootstrap alerts with custom shapes, buttons, colors, sizes.
- Modals generator - Create bootstrap modals with custom shapes, sizes, animations.
- Icons generator - 1600+ icons. Create bootstrap icons custom with sizes, colors, animations.
- Table generator - Create bootstrap table custom with sizes, colors, animations.
- Flexbox generator - The easiest and fastest way to create and test flexbox in Bootstrap 5.
- Footer generator - Create bootstrap footer with custom coprytight, buttons, forms, links colors, sizes.
- Navbar generator - Create bootstrap navbar with custom colors, brand, icons, forms, placement.
13. Awesome Translations
Platforms / Platform-specific tools
- Respresso - Collaborative online resource manager for localizations, images, colors, etc. that generates platform-specific files and delivers them directly to your source code.
14. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Social Network
- Harpy (⭐2.1k) - A Twitter app built with Flutter Roberto Doering (⭐2.1k)
15. Awesome Python Typing
Articles / Third-party articles
- The state of type hints in Python - As of May 2018.
16. Awesome
Articles / Performance and Testing
- Static File Caching with Craft CMS 3, aka The Best Of Both Worlds by Ben Croker/PutYourLightsOn -
21 Nov 2018
Articles / Security
- Securing Front-End User Profile and Entry Forms in Craft by Ben Croker/PutYourLightsOn -
4 May 2021
- Securing Your Craft Site in 2021—Part 2 by Ben Croker/PutYourLightsOn -
26 Jan 2021
- Securing Your Craft Site in 2021—Part 1 by Ben Croker/PutYourLightsOn -
13 Jan 2021
17. Awesome Gdpr
- Awesome: Privacy (⭐12k) - List of free, open source and privacy respecting services and alternatives to privative services.
18. Awesome Eosio
Courses, workshops, webinars, videos and others
- EOSIO Training & Certification - Official EOSIO Training & Certification.
- EOSIO Resource Library - Official EOSIO Resources. Videos, case studies, and other resources to help you learn and grow with EOSIO.
Block explorers, Voting portals / Mobile
- EOSX - Block explorer. Various side chains are supported.
Environment / Mobile
- EOS Studio - Graphic IDE for EOSIO Development.
- EOSIO Web IDE (⭐156) - The Web IDE provides developers with a personal single-node EOSIO blockchain for development and testing purposes, running in the cloud – and accessible from your web browser.
- Helm charts for EOSIO (⭐6) - EOSIO Nodeos Helm Charts.
Testnets / Mobile
- The EOSIO Testnet -'s official EOSIO Testnet. Test on fully-featured EOSIO stable releases.
- Jungle Testnet - The Jungle TestNet was initiated by and has served as sandbox for many development teams and EOS Block Producers since the birth of EOSIO.
- CryptoKylin Testnet - CryptoKylin Testnet is a developer-friendly testnet maintained by a group of EOS Mainnet Block Producers.
Libraries and Frameworks / Core
- EOSIO/eos (⭐11k) - Official EOSIO GitHub repository.
- EOSIO/eos-vm (⭐197) - A Low-Latency, High Performance and Extensible WebAssembly Backend Library.
Libraries and Frameworks / API libraries
- greymass/eosio (⭐44) - Strongly typed JavaScript library.
- greymass/swift-eosio (⭐16) - Swift SDK with ESR support.
Libraries and Frameworks / Authentication and Wallet Signing libraries
- greymass/ual-anchor (⭐23) - Authenticator meant to be used with Anchor and Universal Authenticator Library.
- greymass/anchor-link (⭐53) - Persistent, fast and secure signature provider for EOSIO chains built on top of EOSIO Signing Requests (EEP-7).
- greymass/eosio-signing-request (⭐33) - Library to assist in creating and digesting EOSIO Signing Requests (ESR).
- greymass/eosio-signing-request-java (⭐2) - Java wrapper for the EOSIO Signing Request protocol.
Developer Tools / Services
- greymass/eosio-resources (⭐9) - Tool to assist in network resource calculations.
- greymass/abi2core (⭐1) - Command line utility to convert ABI definitions to greymass/eosio type definitions.
Code examples / Services
- EOSIO/eosio.contracts (⭐324) - Smart contracts that provide some of the basic functions of the EOSIO blockchain.
- greymass/anchor-link-demo (⭐2) - Example VueJS application integrating greymass/anchor-link.
- greymass/anchor-link-demo-multipass (⭐10) - Example ReactJS application integrating greymass/anchor-link.
- greymass/ual-anchor-demo (⭐4) - Example ReactJS application integrating greymass/ual-anchor.
- greymass/eosio-signing-request-demo (⭐5) - Example generating transactions using greymass/eosio-signing-request.
19. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- yor (⭐863) - Automatically tag and trace infrastructure as code frameworks (Terraform, Cloudformation, and Serverless).
20. Awesome Scientific Computing
Finite Elements
- FEniCS - Computing platform for solving PDEs in Python and C++. (C++/Python, LGPL 3, GitHub/Bitbucket)
- scikit-fem (⭐513) - Simple finite element assemblers. (Python, BSD/GPL, GitHub)
Visualization / Mesh tools
- TTK - Topological data analysis and visualization. (C++/Python, BSD, GitHub (⭐423))
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- shenfun - High-performance Python library for the spectral Galerkin method. (Python, BSD-2, GitHub (⭐204))
21. Awesome Micropython
Display / LCD TFT
- micropython-ili9341 (⭐3) - Collection of drivers for TFT displays, ILI9341, SH1106, SSD1606, ST7735.
- SSD1963-TFT-Library-for-PyBoard-and-RP2040 (⭐29) - SSD1963 TFT Library for Pyboard and Raspberry Pi Pico.
Display / LED Segment
- TM74HC595 (⭐6) - Driver for shift register-controlled 5 pin display modules.
Display / OLED
- micropython-oled (⭐4) - Collection of drivers for monochrome OLED displays, PCD8544, SH1106, SSD1306, UC1701X.
- micropython-ads1015 (⭐0) - ADS1015 12-Bit and ADS1115 16-bit ADC, 4 channels with programmable gain, I2C interface.
- mcp4728 (⭐4) - Helper library for the Microchip MCP4728 I2C 12-bit Quad DAC.
IO / Rotary Encoder
- encodermenu (⭐113) - Simple GUI menu for MicroPython using a rotary encoder and basic display.
Motion / Servo
- micropython-pca9685 (⭐3) - 16-channel 12-bit PWM/servo driver.
Sensors / Distance IR
- micropython-gp2y0e03 (⭐1) - IR-LED distance measuring sensor using Sharp GP2Y0E03.
- micropython-vl6180 (⭐0) - Time-of-Flight sensor, ambient light sensor & IR emitter.
Sensors / Distance Laser
- micropython-vl53l0x (⭐0) - Time-of-Flight laser-ranging sensor.
Sensors / Temperature Analog
- micropython-max31855 (⭐1) - Thermocouple amplifier, SPI interface.
Sensors / Temperature Digital
- micropython-si7021 (⭐0) - SI7021 Temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
Books / SRAM
- MicroPython for Microcontrollers - By Günter Spanner. ISBN 9783895764370.
22. Awesome Ada
Continuous Integration / Apache License
- ada-actions (⭐20) - Ada Toolchains for GitHub Actions.
23. Alternative Front Ends
Overview / YouTube
- ytmdl (⭐2.8k): A simple app to get songs from YouTube in mp3 format with artist name, album name etc from sources like iTunes, LastFM, Deezer, Gaana etc.
24. Awesome Crystal
- Gzip - readers and writers of gzip format (Crystal stdlib)
- Zip - readers and writers of zip format (Crystal stdlib)
- Zlib - readers and writers of zlib format (Crystal stdlib)
25. Awesome Elixir
Third Party APIs
- tradehub (⭐4) - An Elixir client library for the Tradehub blockchain.
26. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- tanvirtin/monokai.nvim (⭐364) - Monokai theme written in Lua.
Git / Diagnostics
- tanvirtin/vgit.nvim (⭐724) - Visual Git Plugin to enhance your Git experience.
27. Awesome Broadcasting
Monitoring & Quality Control
- MXF Inspect (⭐41) - A Windows tool to display the internal structure of an MXF (Material eXchange Format) file.
28. Awesome Swift
Payment / Barcode
- TPInAppReceipt (⭐657) - A lightweight, pure-Swift library for reading and validating Apple In App Purchase Receipt locally.
29. Awesome Irc
- relay.js (⭐159) - Focuses on making IRC less intimidating and easier to use.
Bouncers / Self-hosted
- Convos - Always online web IRC client. (source (⭐1k))
Bots / Self-hosted
- Cardinal (⭐100) - Python Twisted IRC bot with a focus on ease of plugin development.
Channels / Platforms
Networks / Platforms
- Libera.Chat - Network mostly focused on free and open source projects, run by former freenode staff.
Articles / Platforms
- IRC is dead, long live IRC - Pingdom.
Miscellaneous / Platforms
- superseriousstats (⭐93) - Fast and efficient program to create statistics out of various types of chat logs.
30. Awesome Quant
Python / Indicators
- Tulipy (⭐93) - Financial Technical Analysis Indicator Library (Python bindings for tulipindicators (⭐878))
- lppls (⭐383) - A Python module for fitting the Log-Periodic Power Law Singularity (LPPLS) model.
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- qtpylib (⭐2.2k) - QTPyLib, Pythonic Algorithmic Trading
- Qlib (⭐16k) - An AI-oriented Quantitative Investment Platform by Microsoft. Full ML pipeline of data processing, model training, back-testing; and covers the entire chain of quantitative investment: alpha seeking, risk modeling, portfolio optimization, and order execution.
Reproducing Works, Training & Books / Data Visualization
- algorithmic-trading-with-python (⭐2.8k) - Source code for Algorithmic Trading with Python (2020) by Chris Conlan.
- MEDIUM_NoteBook (⭐2.1k) - Repository containing notebooks of cerlymarco's posts on Medium.
Python / Time Series
- tsmoothie (⭐746) - A python library for time-series smoothing and outlier detection in a vectorized way.
Python / Data Sources
- FinanceDataReader (⭐1.2k) - Open Source Financial data reader for U.S, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese Stocks
R / Financial Instruments and Pricing
- Rmetrics - The premier open source software solution for teaching and training quantitative finance.
- fAsianOptions - EBM and Asian Option Valuation.
- fAssets - Analysing and Modelling Financial Assets.
- fBasics - Markets and Basic Statistics.
- fBonds - Bonds and Interest Rate Models.
- fExoticOptions - Exotic Option Valuation.
- fOptions - Pricing and Evaluating Basic Options.
- fPortfolio - Portfolio Selection and Optimization.
R / Trading
- blotter (⭐116) - Transaction infrastructure for defining instruments, transactions, portfolios and accounts for trading systems and simulation. Provides portfolio support for multi-asset class and multi-currency portfolios. Actively maintained and developed.
R / Backtesting
- quantstrat (⭐288) - Transaction-oriented infrastructure for constructing trading systems and simulation. Provides support for multi-asset class and multi-currency portfolios for backtesting and other financial research.
R / Factor Analysis
- FactorAnalytics (⭐68) - The FactorAnalytics package contains fitting and analysis methods for the three main types of factor models used in conjunction with portfolio construction, optimization and risk management, namely fundamental factor models, time series factor models and statistical factor models.
- Expected Returns (⭐41) - Solutions for enhancing portfolio diversification and replications of seminal papers with R, most of which are discussed in one of the best investment references of the recent decade, Expected Returns: An Investors Guide to Harvesting Market Rewards by Antti Ilmanen.
CPP / Data Visualization
- TradeFrame (⭐516) - C++ 17 based framework/library (with sample applications) for testing options based automated trading ideas using DTN IQ real time data feed and Interactive Brokers (TWS API) for trade execution. Comes with built-in Option Greeks/IV (⭐516) calculation library.
CSharp / Data Visualization
- TDAmeritrade.DotNetCore (⭐54) - Free, open-source .NET Client for the TD Ameritrade Trading Platform. Helps developers integrate TD Ameritrade API into custom trading solutions.
31. Awesome Golem
- Golem Network Platform - Learn the Golem platform on the official Golem Network website.
Developer and Requestor Resources
- Yagna tag on Stack Overflow - Use the Yagna tag if you have an interesting question you'd like answered.
- Golem Provider dashboard backend / GolemBar (⭐2) - Flask backend that collects the data from the provider that's then used with the dashboard project above.
- Golem Provider Terraform (⭐2) - Terraform script to automatically deploy a Golem Provider on a cloud provider and setup monitoring using prometheus.
- Automatic Golem (⭐8) - Setup a Golem Provider with simple instructions and logs guiding you through the process.
- Golem Provider Node (⭐16) - Docker version of a node to help you get started running as a provider in a Docker container quick.
- Golem Provider node (⭐7) - Fork of Alxexandre-abrioux project above that allows to dynamically generate config files from ENV variables and specify how many replicas you'd like to spawn.
Presentations and Workshop Material
- Golem: Architecture, SDKs and tips with Jakub Mazurek at 0xHack - Live workshop diving into how any developer with Python or JS coding experience can start build applications running on Golem.
Unraveling Golem's The Next Milestone Blog Series
- Unraveling Golem's The Next Milestone - Introduction to the Yagna implementation of Golem.
- Unraveling Golem's The Next Milestone, Part II - Fundamental architectural concepts which constitute the foundations of the new implemenation of Golem, Yagna.
- Unraveling Golem's The Next Milestone, Part III - The elements of Golem's reference architecture, and illustrates how they interact to form a working ecosystem, being the Golem Network.
- Chess On Golem - Hosted Chess app to play against the providers of the network utilizing the Stockfish open source Chess engine.
- Go le' Machin (⭐1) - Web based bulk image editor that allows users to upload multiple images and apply bulk actions to them.
Apps / Docker
- Golem Requestor Node (⭐6) - Dockerized requestor environment. Pass in the py script, it sets up the daemon and runs it.
Apps / Testing
- Golem Test Harness (Goth) (⭐10) - Tool with the purpose of speeding up your development process and making it more enjoyable for application creators.
- Golem-afl (⭐2) - An experimental test-fuzzing framework. Assists in finding security holes.
- Golem Cargo Test (⭐1) - An adaptive distributed test executor for Rust projects.
- Golem CI (⭐5) - Decentralized task pipeline.
- Golem SLATE (⭐6) - Open source repository for Golem SLATE described in the above Apps section.
Apps / Games
- Golem Sudoku (⭐1) - Game of Sudoku with size variants.
- HSOG-requester (⭐0) - Helps the HearthStone community in the design and building of decks by running a large number of simulated games.
- ChessOnGolem (⭐11) - Open source repository for Chess described in first Apps section. Includes React frontend for the 2 AI's playing against each other through the Golem backend.
Apps / Data Analysis
- Flan (⭐2) - Tool for entrepreneurs that provide customized analysis of millions of worldwide trade value records giving them a bold guideline about what sectors they would need to take more attention to.
- Golem Lorenz-attractor (⭐0) - A system of three coupled, first-order, nonlinear differential equations which describe the trajectory of a particle through time.
- Golem Geomandel (⭐0) - Python script for generating sequences of Mandelbrot images centered on a single point and with zoom increasing in each image.
- Golem COVID (⭐1) - Creates images of new deaths per million related to COVID. After all images generated, it will gather them and create a gif.
- Golem Parallel Matplotlib (⭐0) - Various statistical analyses are performed on circadian rhythm measurements in human test subjects.
Apps / Data Simulation
- cadCAD Golem (⭐4) - Package wrapper for cadCAD to dispatch the simulation workload to multiple Golem nodes. Supports Jupyter Notebook.
- Golem Array (⭐6) - Antenna array design and simulation.
- Limit visualization (⭐1) - Plots graphs with various limits. Supports discontinous graphs.
- GolemGraphWavePair (⭐1) - Generates graph frames, then combine them into an animation.
- Golemized strong-gravitational-lense (⭐1) - Simple distributed computing hack that simulates a physical phenomena called gravitional lensing.
Apps / Data Optimization
- Golem or-tools (⭐0) - Uses the or-tools Constraint Programming library to solve problems.
- No more COFUD (⭐0) - Calculates how to fit the most people into a space while keeping 2 meters distance between each other.
Apps / Machine Learning
- DeML-Golem (⭐40) - Decentralised Machine Learning using Federated Learning to combine the sub-step models, it trains on different provider nodes into a full fleged model.
Apps / Deep Learning
- Mlg (⭐1) - CNN predict services, a deep learning application that distributes popular CNNs pre-trained with ImageNet datasets.
- Deepart Golem (⭐2) - Makes art using distributed computing by running a tensorflow app, uploading your content and style picture.
Apps / RNG
- Gandom (⭐0) - Extract random streams from providers. Supports two PRNGs, one based on Chaos machines and the other that makes use of Sodium.
Apps / Password Recovery
- Golem-JTR (⭐0) - Run John The Ripper to recover a password.
Apps / DeFi
- Golem Staking Pool incentivize system for GLM holders (⭐6) - A smart contract in order to provide the opportunity of yield farming for GLM token holders.
- Magic-doll (⭐0) - Sumer is a DeFi application that people may delegate their Splinterland card to earn passive income. Its core is
, a Golem app that does all the computation to pick the best team to play for each match.
Apps / User Interfaces
- Golem UI (⭐0) - Electron user interface for Yagna.
Apps / Miscellaneous
- gvm-vim (⭐0) - Golemized docker image for compiling the VIM editor.
- Golem Image Sharpening (⭐0) - A tool to sharpen images.
32. Awesome Rest
Mocking / Symfony2
- Mockintosh - A mock server generator that's capable to generate RESTful APIs and communicate with the message queues to mimick asynchronous tasks.
33. Awesome Static Website Services
- giscus (⭐7.3k) - A comments widget built on GitHub Discussions.
34. Awesome Nix
Programming Languages / Haskell
- nix-haskell-mode (⭐28) - Automatic Haskell setup in Emacs.
- nixkell (⭐105) - A Haskell project template using Nix and direnv.
Community / Webinterface
35. Awesome Esolangs
- Piet - Language in which programs look like abstract paintings using colors as code. Named after Piet Mondrian.
- RASEL (⭐6) - Fungeoid with no limits on program space, float precision, and with a bit of random access to stack.
36. Awesome Rails
Starters/Boilerplates / Other external resources
- rails_api_base (⭐530) - Rails 6 boilerplate project for JSON RESTful APIs.
- rails_hotwire_base (⭐76) - Rails 6 boilerplate project with Hotwire for full-stack applications with a modern SPA-like experience.
37. Awesome Ddd
Sample Projects / JVM languages
- Eclipse CargoTracker - This project demonstrates how you can develop applications with the Jakarta EE platform using widely adopted architectural best practices like Domain-Driven Design (DDD). The code (⭐330) is intended to mirror a non-trivial application that developers in the real work would work on. It attempts to demonstrate first-hand how you can use Jakarta EE to effectively meet practical enterprise concerns such as productivity, agility, testability, flexibility, maintainability, scalability and security. The project is directly based on the well known original Java DDD sample application (⭐4.8k) developed by DDD pioneer Eric Evans' company Domain Language and the Swedish software consulting company Citerus.
Sample Projects / PHP
- Symfony 5 DDD ES CQRS backend (⭐1k) - DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing app using Symfony and PHP 8.
38. Awesome Kotlin
Links / Official Links
- JetBrains/kotlin (⭐50k) - The Kotlin Programming Language.
Libraries/Frameworks / Testing
- serpro69/kotlin-faker (⭐474) - Port of ruby faker gem written in kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Serialization
- qwertukg/xml-builder (⭐8) - Simplest XML builder for Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Graphics
- kotlin-graphics/assimp (⭐95) - Open Asset Import Library port
- java-opengl-labs/modern-jogl-examples (⭐113) - port of 'Learning Modern 3D Graphic Programming' by J.L.McKesson (jogl)
39. Awesome Vite
Templates / Vue 3
- fast-crud (⭐986) - Options-oriented crud framework, developing crud as fast as lightning.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-vconsole (⭐79) - Help developers use vconsole to facilitate mobile development and debugging.
Rollup Plugins / Compatible with Vite
- @rollup/plugin-virtual (⭐3.7k) - A Rollup plugin that loads virtual modules from memory.
Rollup Plugins / Community
- Check the Awesome Rollup list (⭐2.6k) for community-maintained rollup plugins, and refer to the Vite docs section about rollup plugin compatibility.
Craft CMS / Community
- Craft Vite (⭐51) - Plugin for integration with Craft CMS.
Apps/Websites / Community
- vue3-realworld-example-app (⭐989) - Realworld app implementation using Vue 3 + TypeScript + Composition API.
40. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Data Visualization and Mission Control / Command Line Interface
- ROS-Mobile (⭐364) - Visualization and controlling application for Android.
Operation System / Monitoring
- ShellHub - ShellHub is a modern SSH server for remotely accessing linux devices via command line (using any SSH client) or web-based user interface, designed as an alternative to sshd. Think ShellHub as centralized SSH for the the edge and cloud computing.
- Sshwifty (⭐1.5k) - Sshwifty is a SSH and Telnet connector made for the Web.
41. Awesome Java
Code Generators / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Bootify
- Browser-based Spring Boot app generation with JPA model and REST API.
Networking / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Commons-networking (⭐17) - Client for server-sent events (SSE).
Template Engine / Other
- StringTemplate (⭐971) - Template engine for generating source code, web pages, emails, or any other formatted text output.
Workflow Orchestration Engines / Mocking
- Cadence - Stateful code platform from Uber.
- Temporal - Microservice orchestration platform, forked from Cadence but gRPC based.
42. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Platforms and Software Resources / Urban Design Tools and Platforms
- SketchUp - Easy to use interactive 3D modeling software for planning and design applications. Supported by a rich asset library for creating neighborhood designs.
43. Awesome Cpp
44. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- WebScraping.AI - Simple Web Scraping API with built-in parsing, Chrome rendering, and proxies. Two thousand free API calls per month.
- — Advanced status page platform with monitoring. The free tier includes one public customizable status page with an SSL subdomain. Pro plan is offered to open-source projects and non-profits free of charge.
Design and UI
- Ant Design Landing Page - Ant Design Landing Page provides a template built by Ant Motion's motion components. It has a rich homepage template, downloads the template code package, and can be used quickly. You can also use the editor to quickly build your own dedicated page.
- - Easily manage redirects with HTTPS support. The free plan includes 10 sources and 100,000 hits per month.
45. Awesome Privacy
- Cryptomator - Cryptomator encrypts your data quickly and easily. Afterwards you upload them protected to your favorite cloud service.
- Picocrypt (⭐2.5k) - A very small (hence "Pico"), very simple, yet very secure file encryption tool.
- Thunderbird - A free customizable open source email client.
Video and Audio
- Stremio - Stremio is a modern media center that's a one-stop solution for your video entertainment.
- dzr (⭐209) - Command line Deezer player for Linux, BSD, Android+Termux
- Bank payments (wire, SEPA, etc)
Budget Management
- My Expenses (⭐890) - Featureful GPL licenced Android Expense Tracking App.
46. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Computer Vision
- OpenVisionAPI - Open source computer vision API based on open source models.
47. Awesome Fantasy
Epic Fantasy / The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson [4.6]
- Words of Radiance [4.76] 🔥
- Oathbringer [4.73] 🔥
- Rhythm of War [4.63]
48. Awesome ad Free
Alternatives / File Sharing
- Mega - 50 GB of secure free storage (in which 35 GB will expire after 30 days). Files are encrypted client-side. More (non-permanent) space can be claimed from achievements.
49. Public Apis
API: Namedays Calendar
Description: Provides namedays for multiple countries
Auth: No
API: Gorest
Description: Online REST API for Testing and Prototyping
CORS: Unknown
Documents & Productivity
API: Notion
Description: Integrate with Notion
CORS: Unknown
URL Shorteners
API: Kutt
Description: Free Modern URL Shortener
50. Awesome Eslint
Tools / Testing Tools
- editor-info (⭐6) - Detect whether one is within an editor/IDE and which type, allowing one to tweak ESLint configuration accordingly.
51. Awesome Devsecops
Dynamic Analysis
- Netz (⭐380) - Spectral - Discover internet-wide misconfigurations, using zgrab2 and others.
Supply Chain Security / Ruby
- Preflight (⭐152) - Spectral - helps you verify scripts and executables to mitigate supply chain attacks in your CI and other systems, such as in the recent Codecov hack.
Secrets Management / Ansible
- Teller (⭐2.6k) - Spectral - A secrets management tool for developers - never leave your command line for secrets.
Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Containers
- Docker-Bench-Security (⭐9k) - Docker - The Docker Bench for Security is a script that checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker containers in production.
Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Ansible
- Ansible-Lint (⭐3.4k) - Ansible Community - Checks playbooks for practices and behaviour that could potentially be improved. As a community backed project ansible-lint supports only the last two major versions of Ansible.
Secrets Scanning / Ansible
- SpectralOps - Spectral - Automated code security, secrets, tokens and sensitive data scanning.
52. Awesome Remote Job
- Recurse Center - free 3-month retreat
53. Awesome Osint
Forums and Discussion Boards Search / Steam
- Prev: May 31 - Jun 06, 2021
- Next: May 17 - May 23, 2021