Awesome List Updates on Jan 11 - Jan 17, 2021
48 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome React Components
- paginated (⭐21) - React render props & custom hook to build pagination.
2. Awesome Elm
Learning Guides
- Elm patterns - A collection of coding patterns.
- Codings hints (⭐7.6k) - A list of README files by Evan.
- Ellies catalog - A Collection of small example in Ellie.
- Elm Cookbook - A digital book about Elm.
3. Awesome Remote Job
Tools / Others
- EasyRetro - EasyRetro is a retrospective online board for distributed teams.
4. Free for Dev
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- — Simple and intuitive sprint retrospective tool. The free plan has three public boards and one survey per board per month.
5. Awesome Homematic
Interfacing Software
- homebridge-homematicip (⭐54) - Homebridge (⭐21k) Plugin zur Einbindung von Homematic IP mit HmIP-HAP via Cloud.
6. Awesome Translations
Apps / Automated translation
- LibreTranslate (⭐8.4k) - 100% Self-Hosted web app to translate text, based on Argos Translate.
Apps / Translation software
- Argos Translate (⭐3.7k) - Completely open source offline translation app written in Python and based on OpenNMT. It can also be used as a Python library.
7. Awesome Fastapi
Developer Tools / Other Tools
- FastAPI Profiler (⭐247) - A FastAPI Middleware of joerick/pyinstrument to check your service performance.
Utils / Other Tools
- FastAPI Limiter (⭐533) - A request rate limiter for FastAPI.
- FastAPI Pagination (⭐1.3k) - Pagination for FastAPI.
External Resources / Other Tools
- FastAPI - Multiple FastAPI-specific articles that focus on developing and testing production-ready RESTful APIs, serving up machine learning models, and more.
Open Source Projects / Other Tools
- Coronavirus-tg-api (⭐14) - API for tracking the global coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) outbreak.
8. Awesome Parasite
Scientific Journals
- Helminthologia - Open-access scientific journal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences that publishes quarterly since 1959. Open access from volume 43 (2006) - present. Articles relate to human, veterinary and plant helminthology.
9. Awesome React Native
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- ZudVPN ★32 (⭐115) - Deploy private VPN on major Cloud Providers with ZudVPN
10. Awesome Dotnet
- Cache Tower (⭐616) - An efficient multi-layered caching system for .NET (In-Memory, Redis, Database, File etc)
- CommandDotNet (⭐588) - Model your console app using C# in a composable manner. Define commands with methods. Define subcommands with properties or nested classes. Extensible parsing and command execution.
- CommandLineUtils (⭐2.2k) - This is a fork of Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils, which is no longer under active development.
- Runtime (⭐16k) - Mono and CoreCLR .NET runtimes, as well as the standard library and some higher level components like
Compilers, Transpilers and Languages
- Amplifier.NET (⭐178) - Write and compile your own kernel function using C# and Amplifier will take care of running it on your favorite hardware. Amplifier allows .NET developers to easily run complex applications with intensive mathematical computation on Intel CPU/GPU, NVIDIA, AMD without writing any additional C kernel code.
- Vortice.Windows (⭐1k) - Cross platform .NET standard libraries for DirectX, WIC, Direct2D1, XInput, XAudio and X3DAudio
- UnrealCLR (⭐3.2k) - Unreal Engine .NET Core integration
- Rollbar.NET (⭐65) - Simplifies real-time remote error monitoring while using Open-source Rollbar Notifier SDK for any .NET-based technology stack. The SDK that can be used in any application built on the following .NET versions: .NET Core 2.0+, .NET Standard 2.0+, .NET Full Framework 4.5.1+, Mono, Xamarin, and, in general, any implementation of the .NET Standard 2.0+. It simplifies building data payloads based on exception data, tracing data, informational messages, and telemetry data and sends the payloads to the Rollbar API for remote monitoring and analysis of the hosting application's behavior.
- ZeroLog (⭐413) - ZeroLog is a zero-allocation .NET logging library. It provides basic logging capabilities to be used in latency-sensitive applications, where garbage collections are undesirable.
Machine Learning and Data Science
- SciSharp STACK - A rich machine learning ecosystem for .NET created by porting the most popular Python libraries to C#.
- Synapses (⭐70) - An in-memory neural network library written in F#.
- Infinity Crawler (⭐247) - A simple but powerful web crawler library for .NET
- NetCoreServer (⭐2.9k) - Ultra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C# .NET Core library with support TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket protocols and 10K connections problem solution (NETStandard).
Object to object mapping
- Mapster (⭐4.4k) - A high performance object mapper in .net
- MongoFramework (⭐392) - An "Entity Framework"-like interface for MongoDB
- CsvExport (⭐171) - Very simple & lightweight CSV exporter, Excel friendly, escapes text & quotes etc.
Strong Naming
- .NET Assembly Strong-Name Signer (⭐332) - Utility software to strong-name sign .NET assemblies, including assemblies you do not have the source code for.
- Compare-Net-Objects (⭐1.1k) - Perform a deep compare of any two .NET objects using reflection. Shows the differences between the two objects.
11. Awesome Prisma
🦺 Community Prisma Tools
12. Awesome Sre
13. Awesome Seed Rs
- Trunk (⭐3.6k) - WASM web application bundler for Rust.
- Web Bundler (⭐11) - Bundles a Seed SPA for publishing.
- Seeder (⭐43) - Set up Seed app and start dev server by running one command.
- Seed Bootstrap (⭐2) - A collection of the Bootstrap CSS components.
14. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- vue-safe-html (⭐30) - Vue.js directive which renders sanitised HTML dynamically.
15. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 💼 tailwindcss-rails (⭐1.5k) - Gem for using Tailwind CSS with Rails' asset pipeline.
16. Awesome Games of Coding
Language Independent
- Codingame - A platform to learn and compete. Proposes a variety of multiplayer games and contests as well as optimisation challenges and solo puzzles. You can contribute your own too. Choose your language, enjoy the graphics.
- Vindinium - Players write scripts in the programming language of their choice (optionally using one of the many starter packs) to control a 16-bit hero through HTTP requests, guiding him to collect gold, do battle with other players, and even visit the tavern.
- RealTimeBattle - A programming game in which robots controlled by programs are fighting each other. The goal is to destroy the enemies, using the radar to examine the environment and the cannon to shoot.
- Robocode (⭐144) - The goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks. The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen.
- Robocode - The goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks. The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen.
- Screeps - No point and clicking any longer! You write real JavaScript which controls your units autonomously. Any time, everywhere, even while you are offline.
C Sharp
- Robocode - The goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks. The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen.
- RubyWarrior - A browser based game where you control your avatar through various levels filled with enemies using Ruby.
- Embedded Security CTF - The purpose is to bypass a series of locks, essentially hacking them, in order to get through a series of warehouses.
- Box-256 - Write assembly code to match a shown graphic.
- Robocode (⭐1) - The goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks in Java or .NET. The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen.
- Scalatron - Coders pit bot programs (written in Scala) against each other. It is an educational resource for groups of programmers or individuals that want to learn more about the Scala programming language or want to hone their Scala programming skills.
- Generals IO - A fast-paced strategy game where you expand your land and battle with enemies over theirs. You lose when your general is taken, but capturing an opponent's general gives you control of their entire empire.
- Robo Dojo - You build robots that build, corrupt and destroy other robots in an attempt to eliminate all competitors.
- Corewars - A game of warrior vs warrior, programmed by two opponents, and placed into a virtual 'ring' to fight to the death.
- TIS-100 - Open-ended programming game by Zachtronics, the creators of SpaceChem and Infinifactory, in which you rewrite corrupted code segments to repair the TIS-100 and unlock its secrets. It's the assembly language programming game you never asked for!
- Shenzhen I/O - You build circuits using a variety of components from different manufacturers, like microcontrollers, memory, and logic gates, and then write code in a compact and powerful assembly language where every instruction can be conditionally executed.
- MHRD - Hardware design game, in which you design various hardware circuits in a hardware description language. The hardware circuits you design get more complex as you go until you create a fully functional CPU design.
- Colobot - 3D video game where you program your bots to ride, fly, find, bring, refuel and destroy. Game is using a language called CBOT, similar to C++ and Java. Colobot offers tutorialed campaign with gradually harder tasks or you can play scenarios to challenge your skill.
- Code Games - Real time programming game where you compete against other players by coding the behaviour of a space ship. The programming language is easy to learn and the game is super fun. Subscribe to one of our tournaments and compete for the prize.
- Mudlet - Game client that allows you to play MUDs (text-only MMORPGs). You can write Lua code in Mudlet to help you play MUDs.
- CSS Diner - A CSS item arrangement game, teaching the concepts and use of CSS selectors and layout. You modify CSS to arrange HTML elements representing plates and bento boxes on a dining table.
17. Awesome Cakephp
- FractalTransformerView plugin (⭐19) - A plugin which allows using Fractal transformers for your API output.
18. Awesome Godot
2D / Godot 4
- Librerama - A free/libre fast-paced arcade collection of mini-games.
- Unknown Horizons (⭐715) - Official work-in-progress reimplementation of Unknown Horizons.
2D / Godot 3
- Blipshift (⭐14) - Simple top-down moving platforms game.
- Breakable (⭐63) - A breakout-like game.
- Circle Jump (⭐139) - Mobile arcade game, addicting and enjoyable. How-to-made tutorial is available, so you can recreate it yourself and learn Godot.
- Haldric (⭐366) - Official work-in-progress reimplementation of Battle for Wesnoth.
- Memory Game (⭐29) - Simple Memory game.
- TuxBuilder (⭐214) - Work-in-progress reimplementation of SuperTux.
2D / Godot 2
- BlockPop (⭐28) - A simple Breakout clone.
- Bombs (⭐18) - Simple mobile game. You need to touch bombs to defuse them.
- Captain Holetooth (⭐69) - Explorative platformer in a detailed world. Geared towards younger players.
- Dolphin Island 2 (⭐179) - Platformer game made for the A Game By It's Cover 2015 Game Jam.
- DynaDungeons (⭐221) - Bomberman clone in a fantasy universe.
- Kraken-Rampage (⭐6) - Ludum Dare 33 entry made in 48 hours.
- Minehunter (⭐19) - A Minesweeper clone.
- Minilens - Free puzzle platform game.
- Mountain of Hope (⭐12) - Game made on Theater Game Jam (PGA 2015).
- Ninja-Training (⭐38) - Small running game done as 1 hour challenge.
- No hope (⭐9) - Ludum Dare 33 entry made in 48 hours.
- Planet Rider (⭐35) - 2D physics parkour game in an alien environment.
- Platshoot (⭐48) - A 2D shooter game.
- Ringed (⭐93) - Top-down shooter with extensive usage of light effects.
- Tanks of Freedom (⭐1.2k) - Free turn-based isometric strategy game.
- Three Hungry Mice (⭐7) - Breakout game with mice made for the Godot Engine Jam of March 2016.
3D / Godot 4
- Super Tux Party - A free/libre and open-source party game that is meant to replicate the feel of games such as Mario Party.
- Thrive (⭐3k) - A free, open-source game about the evolution of life (Mono).
3D / Godot 3
- Broken Seals (⭐399) - A work-in-progress third person action RPG with multiplayer support (needs custom engine modules).
- Meteorite (⭐321) - A lowres metroidvania FPS, inspired by Metroid Prime, made for LOWREZJAM 2018.
- Rapid Rescue (⭐73) - Rapid Rescue is a local multiplayer strategy game inspired by Labyrinth.
3D / Godot 2
- Cheese Hunter (⭐16) - A game for Godot Engine Jam of March 2016.
Projects / Godot 4
- Material Maker (⭐3.7k) - Create PBR materials procedurally (similar to Substance Designer).
- Pixelorama (⭐7.7k) - 2D pixel art editor.
Projects / Godot 3
- Godello (⭐821) - A Trello-like kanban board application made with Godot. A proof of concept for complex non-game applications with Godot, as well real-time online interactions between multiple users. Includes backend code.
Templates / Godot 3
- First Person Starter (⭐747) - Template with First Person Controller, easily adjustable from the Inspector.
- Godot-GameTemplate (⭐1.3k) - Template with all necessary stuff taken care of. Designed for pixel art games.
- Minimum Game (⭐75) - Template top-down 2D pixel art game, with multiple rooms, a HUD, menus, and autosaving.
- Multiplayer First Person Shooter (⭐63) - Multiplayer first person shooter example project.
- Multiplayer Third Person Shooter (⭐64) - Multiplayer third person shooter example project.
Demos / Godot 3
- OpenRPG (⭐2.1k) - JRPG-style game demo and template.
- Open Source A-RPG Demo (⭐1.1k) - RPG demo.
- Realistic Water Shader (⭐779) - Realistic 3D water shader with foam and caustics.
- The Tower (⭐26) - A voxel-based parkour game to show the capabilities of the Voxelman module.
- voxelgame (⭐616) - Minecraft-like voxel terrain demo, utilising the godot_voxel module.
Demos / Godot 2
- FPS Test (⭐60) - A singleplayer FPS test. Physics work, but there are no enemies and no proper shooting.
- Pathfinding 2d (⭐69) - A demo project demonstrating pathfinding using a tilemap.
- UDP Snapshot interpolation (⭐65) - Lets you connect to a server and view networked physics.
- UDP State synchronization (⭐163) - A more efficient networking demo than the snapshot interpolation one.
- Voxel Game (⭐74) - Minecraft-like voxel terrain demo.
Plugins and scripts / Godot 3
- Cartographer (⭐391) - Heightmap-based 3D terrain editor.
- Code Snapshot (⭐57) - A plugin which lets you take beautified screenshots of your code within the editor.
- Delaunator GDScript (⭐84) - A GDScript library for Delaunay triangulation of 2D points.
- Dialogic (⭐14) - Create dialogs, characters and scenes to display conversations.
- FMOD GDNative (⭐548) - Plugin to use the FMOD audio engine in GDScript.
- GDGIFExporter (⭐131) - GIF exporter made entirely in GDScript.
- gdstats (⭐36) - A library of pseudorandom number generators for common statistical distributions.
- GitHub integration (⭐232) - Interact with GitHub without opening your browser.
- godotccd (⭐65) - Fast 3D collision checks in Godot using libccd.
- godotdetour (⭐123) - A GDNative implementation of the detour/detourcrowd library.
- Godot Mixing Desk (⭐653) - Make procedural sound and adaptive/procedural music with a few nodes and a couple lines of code.
- Godot NExt (⭐972) - A set of basic node extensions.
- GodotPhoenixChannels (⭐284) - A GDScript and Godot Engine implementation for the Channels API of the Phoenix Framework.
- GodotRx (⭐95) - Reactive extensions for Godot C# (Mono).
- GodotTIE (⭐288) - Text Interface Engine to control text output (like in a RPG dialogue). (Godot 2 and 3)
- Godot-Trail-System (⭐352) - Advanced 2D/3D trail system.
- GUT (⭐2k) - Utility for writing unit tests in GDScript.
- InGrid (⭐111) - Infinite scrolling grid.
- Level of Detail (LOD) (⭐236) - Level of detail add-on for meshes, lights and particles. Can improve performance in large scenes.
- MDFramework (⭐77) - A C# multiplayer framework with additional tools (Mono).
- NI mate Motion Capture (⭐30) - Animate Skeletons with a Microsoft Kinect sensor.
- Qodot (⭐980) - Quake
file support for Godot. Lets you use TrenchBroom for level design.
- Scatter (⭐2.3k) - Randomly fill an area with props or other scenes.
- Tiled importer (⭐864) - Import maps from Tiled.
- TileSet Builder (⭐18) - Quickly build tilesets with style.
- UI Design Tool (⭐380) - Intuitive design workflow for UIs in the editor.
- Volumetrics (⭐338) - Voxel-based volumetric lighting and fog plugin.
- VPainter (⭐484) - 3D vertex painting plugin.
- Waterways (⭐1.1k) - Tool to generate river meshes with flow and foam maps based on Bézier curves.
- Yume Visual Novel Editor (⭐92) - An integrated editor for creating visual novel games.
Plugins and scripts / Godot 2
- Auto Tile Layer (⭐29) - Allows automatic 2D tiling using RPG Maker's Autotile format.
- Grass Plugin (⭐73) - A plugin to handle huge amounts of grass, foliages and other vegetations.
- gterm (⭐100) - GUI control that draws something similar to *nix terminal emulators.
- SUTjoystick - Easy gamepad support for GNU/Linux and Windows.
19. Awesome Playcanvas
Games / Browser Games
- Megopoly - Free to play casual strategy board game where you invest in virtual property.
20. Awesome Qa
Recent QA Models
- DilBert: Delaying Interaction Layers in Transformer-based Encoders for Efficient Open Domain Question Answering (2020)
21. Awesome Blazor
- Blazor courses on Microsoft Learn - Blazor courses on Microsoft Learn.
- Documentation - Official documentation, by Microsoft.
- Introduction to ASP.NET Core - Introduction to ASP.NET Core.
- Blazor WebAssembly performance best practices - ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly performance best practices, by Pranav Krishnamoorthy and Steve Sanderson.
Tools & Utilities / Others
- TextCopy (⭐537) -
A cross platform package to copy text to and from the clipboard. Supports Blazor (⭐537) via the Clipboard Browser API.
22. Awesome Cl
Shells, shells interfaces / Third-party APIs
- cmd (⭐64) - utility for running external programs. Protects against shell interpolation, built with multi-threaded programs in mind, Windows support. MIT.
(synchronous) anduiop:launch-program
(async) are shipped with ASDF and available on all modern implementations. See the CL Cookbook: running external programs.
23. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / CSS in JS
- Emotion (⭐17k) - ESLint rules for emotion.
Plugins / Practices and Specific ES Features
- pure (⭐29) - Enforce pure functions (without side effects).
24. Awesome Vite
Rollup Plugins / Presets
- Vite Rollup Plugins - Compatibility list for official rollup plugins.
Rollup Plugins / Compatible with Vite
- @rollup/plugin-beep (⭐3.7k) - System beeps on errors and warnings.
- @rollup/plugin-inject (⭐3.7k) - Scan modules for global variables and injects import statements where necessary.
25. Awesome Embedded Rust
Component abstraction crates / Other
: An Embedded Network Abstraction Layer -
: An Embedded Storage Abstraction Layer
Driver crates / Other
- SRAM23x - SPI - Microchip 23x series serial SRAM/NVSRAM driver - Intro blog post -
26. Awesome Esp
Libraries / Others
- go-mcu (⭐11) - Golang package for interacting with NodeMCU-based boards.
27. Awesome Perl
Web Frameworks / Coverage
- Kelp - Plack-focused Perl web framework
28. Awesome Javascript
- Snowpack - A lightning-fast frontend build tool, designed for the modern web.
29. Awesome Cpp
- PCG-rand - PCG is a family of simple fast space-efficient statistically good algorithms for random number generation. Unlike many general-purpose RNGs, they are also hard to predict. [Apache]
- Indiesort (⭐19) - A sort wrapper which enables the use of std::sort (& other random-access sort functions) with non-random-access containers, and also improves sort performance for large/non-trivially-copyable types in random-access containers and arrays. [zLib] website
30. Awesome Ciandcd
- Pipeline as Code - A book on building CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins for cloud-native applications (including K8s & Serverless apps).
31. Awesome Game Remakes
- OpenTyrian (⭐441) - An open-source port of Tyrian from Turbo Pascal to C. 🎴
- Ryzom Core (⭐338) - Ryzom Core contains the whole code (client, server, tools) used to make the commercial MMORPG Ryzom. 🎴
32. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Gradio (⭐36k) - A Python library for quickly creating and sharing demos of models. Debug models interactively in your browser, get feedback from collaborators, and generate public links without deploying anything.
33. Awesome Analytics
Analytics dashboards
- EDA - EDA is an user friendly Analtical Tool specially designed for busines users. (Source Code (⭐62))
34. Awesome Sitecore
- SI Snitch (⭐7) - A debugging tool for reading claims passed to Sitecore from Sitecore Identity, after the transformation of those claims from Sitecore Identity. It can be helpful in identifying claims that Sitecore is getting (and in what format) and ensuring group transformations in Sitecore Identity are being processed properly.
35. Awesome Elixir
- lumen (⭐3.6k) - An alternative BEAM implementation, designed for WebAssembly.
- wasmex (⭐591) - Execute WebAssembly / WASM binaries from Elixir.
36. Awesome React
React Forms
- react-jsonschema-form (⭐14k) - A React component for building Web forms from JSON Schema
React Native Awesome Components
- react-native-vector-icons (⭐17k) - Customizable Icons for React Native
37. Awesome List
Front-End Development
- Design systems (⭐741) - Collection of reusable components, guided by rules that ensure consistency and speed.
- Veganism (⭐71) - Making the plant-based lifestyle easy and accessible.
38. Awesome Json
- stylops (⭐0) - CSS subset to JSON conversion. (node.js)
39. Awesome Katas
40. Awesome Ddd
User Groups / Ruby
- Worldwide - Specific about EventStorming
41. Awesome Robotics
- Building Arduino robots and devices Coursera
- Advanced Robotics UC Berkeley
- Hexapod Robot Simulator (⭐582) - Solve and visualize hexapod robot inverse kinematics and gaits in the web
- PythonRobotics (⭐23k) - Implementations of various robotics algorithms in python
42. Awesome Diversity
- Black Compute HER - Dedicated to supporting computing+tech education and workforce development for black women and girls.
- She Can Code - An organization with the mission of empower women to enter and remain in the tech industry.
43. Awesome Gpt3
Articles / Other
Products / Other
- AirPaper: Automated document extraction powered by GPT-3
44. Awesome Bitcoin
.Net Libraries
- NBitcoin (⭐1.9k) - Comprehensive Bitcoin library for the .NET framework.
45. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Documentation and Presentation
- PlotNeuralNet (⭐19k) - Latex code for drawing neural networks for reports and presentation.
- Excalidraw (⭐47k) - Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams.
Network and Middleware / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces
- TauLidarCamera (⭐34) - The host-side API for building applications with the Tau LiDAR Camera.
46. Awesome Raspberry Pi
Tutorials / iOS
47. Awesome Svelte
YouTube Channels
- svelte-preprocess (⭐1.8k) - A preprocessor for PostCSS, SCSS, Less, Stylus, Coffeescript, TypeScript, Pug and much more.
48. Awesome Computer Vision
Awesome Lists
- Prev: Jan 18 - Jan 24, 2021
- Next: Jan 04 - Jan 10, 2021