Awesome List Updates on May 10 - May 16, 2021
36 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome React Components
Integrations with Third Party Services / Mouse Events
- react-google-autocomplete (⭐457) - Google Places API components and hooks.
2. Awesome Json
Text Editor Plugins
- nvim-jqx (⭐276) - Browse and query json files in neovim from the quickfix window. (Lua)
3. Awesome Cpp
- fmtlog (⭐833) - A performant fmtlib-style logging library with latency in nanoseconds. [MIT]
4. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
DevSecOps / Service meshes
- helm-secrets (⭐1.4k) - Helm plugin that helps manage secrets with Git workflow and stores them anywhere, backed by SOPS.
5. Awesome Credit Modeling
Model Explainability
- Regulatory learning: How to supervise machine learning models? An application to credit scoring - The arrival of Big Data strategies is threatening the latest trends in financial regulation related to the simplification of models and the enhancement of the comparability of approaches chosen by financial institutions. Indeed, the intrinsic dynamic philosophy of Big Data strategies is almost incompatible with the current legal and regulatory framework as illustrated in this paper. Besides, the model selection may also evolve dynamically forcing both practitioners and regulators to develop libraries of models, strategies allowing to switch from one to the other as well as supervising approaches allowing financial institutions to innovate in a risk mitigated environment.
6. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Database
- usql (⭐9k) - Universal SQL client with autocompletion and syntax highlighting.
7. Awesome Readme
- priyavrat-misra/xrays-and-gradcam (⭐51) - TOC for easy navigation. Clear introduction of what the project does. Complete list of all files in the repo and what their function is. Usage section. Clean and concise tables.
8. Awesome Micropython
- MicroPython-ADC_Cal (⭐18) - ESP32 ADC driver using reference voltage calibration value from efuse.
9. Awesome Dev Fun
- redond-it (⭐3) - Remove the sharp edges of your website.
10. Awesome Deno
Articles / XML
11. Free for Dev
- FrontAid — Headless CMS that stores JSON content directly in your Git repository. No restrictions.
12. Awesome Svelte
- svelte-generic-crud-table (⭐67) - Agnostic web-component for object-arrays with CRUD functionality. Sort and resize columns. Multiple tables per page.
- svelte-generic-table-pager (⭐4) - Svelte-generic-crud-table with paginator.
13. Awesome Elixir
- guardian_db (⭐369) - An extension to Guardian that tracks tokens in your application's database to prevent playback. (Docs).
- guardian_redis (⭐4) - Redis repository for Guardian DB. (Docs).
- code_signing (⭐6) - Signing and verifying BEAM files with Ed25519 signatures.
14. Awesome Inertiajs
Adapters / Server-side
15. Awesome Preact
Contents / Components
- Preact Transitioning (⭐43) - Exposes Preact components for easily implementing basic CSS animations and transitions.
16. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- vite-template-react (⭐94) - A Create React App-like template.
17. Webcomponents the Right Way
Case Studies
18. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Localization and State Estimation / Lidar and Point Cloud Processing
- libRSF (⭐180) - A robust sensor fusion library for online localization.
19. Awesome Vlc
- Code & Bug tracker - Recently moved from Trac, contains a lot of valuable info on bugs and feature requests.
VLC native plugins
- vlc-plugin-marker (⭐4) - The marker plugin provides you the ability to mark important sections of a video. These sections can be viewed later without the need to search for it in the entire video.
- VLCKit - The libvlc bindings for macOS, iOS, iPadOS and tvOS in Objective-C.
- libvlcjni - The libvlc bindings for the Android platform.
- flutter_vlc_player (⭐386) - Flutter bindings to LibVLC.
20. Awesome List
Computer Science
- Machine Learning (⭐66k)
- Tutorials (⭐16k)
- ML with Ruby (⭐2.1k) - Learning, implementing, and applying Machine Learning using Ruby.
- Core ML Models (⭐6.5k) - Models for Apple's machine learning framework.
- H2O (⭐375) - Open source distributed machine learning platform written in Java with APIs in R, Python, and Scala.
- Software Engineering for Machine Learning (⭐1.3k) - From experiment to production-level machine learning.
- AI in Finance (⭐3.6k) - Solving problems in finance with machine learning.
- JAX (⭐1.6k) - Automatic differentiation and XLA compilation brought together for high-performance machine learning research.
- XAI (⭐147) - Providing insight, explanations, and interpretability to machine learning methods.
21. Awesome LaTeX
- MacTeX - Most common LaTeX distribution for macOS, basically TeXLive with some Mac-specific tools added.
- TeX Live - Most common LaTeX distribution for Unix-like operating systems, including GNU/Linux. Also works on Windows.
- pdfTeX - TeX compiler that produces PDF files immediately instead of DVI files (nowadays, this is the standard compiler for many users).
- tectonic - Modern, self contained (La)TeX compiler powered by XeTeX and TeXLive.
LaTeX formulas on the web
- MathJaX - JavaScript engine to render mathematical formulas on the web. The outcome looks really slick.
- mimeTeX - mimeTeX is a rather old tool to render LaTeX formulas to PNG figures for your web site, without actually needing a LaTeX installation on your server.
- mathTeX - mathTeX is the successor of mimeTeX: it produces nicer-looking images but it requires LaTeX to be installed on your server.
- KaTeX - KaTeX is a math rendering library made by Khan Academy focusing on fast load times. All output is processed as plain HTML instead of fixed images.
- Franklin.jl - Static site generator with KaTeX support, code evaluation, LaTeX-like commands and optional pre-rendering, in Julia.
- Kile - Great LaTeX editor originally from the Linux/KDE community. It runs fine on Windows and macOS as well.
- LyX - Cross-platform WYSIWYM editor that uses LaTeX behind the scenes to render documents.
- TeXWorks - No-nonsense editor for LaTeX code, modeled after TeXShop, but this one is cross-platform.
Online editors
- JaxEdit - Online LaTeX editor with Live Preview and nice presentation mode.
Bibliography tools
- JabRef - Very powerful cross-platform (Java) bibtex editor.
- Papis (⭐1.4k) - Extremely customizable,
powerful and simple cross-platform (Python) library manager. It has a very
complete Command-Line-Interface, several GUIs and scripting capability.
- Mendeley - Both an app and cloud client to manage your references and PDFs. Can sync out to a bibtex file for your LaTeX workflow.
- betterbib (⭐809) - Command-line utility for improving your BibTeX files. Fetches information from online sources.
Build Tools
- latexmk - Build tool that is the commonly used by many LaTeX editors (LaTeXing, TeXShop, etc.) to build your LaTeX files.
Misc. Tools
- Pandoc - This program converts almost any document format (LaTeX, DOC, markdown, etc.) to almost any other format. A great tool to aid workflows where multiple formats are used.
Quality Check Tools
- blacktex (⭐149) - Command-line tool that replaces commonly occurring LaTeX anti-patterns and cleans up your files.
Tools centered around equations
- KLaTeXFormula - Cross-platform alternative for LaTeXit.
- Laeqed - Crossplatform LaTeX formula to PNG convertor.
- LaTeXiT - LaTeXit is an equation editor that makes it easy to drag-and-drop rendered equations (as PDF, PNG, etc.) into your non-LaTeX documents on the Mac.
LaTeX-compatible GUI tools
- TikZ-Editor (⭐179) - Live-previewing editor for TikZ figures.
- Dia - Cross-platform diagramming tool that can export to PSTricks and MetaPost code.
- TikZiT - GUI tool for creating graphs and string diagrams using PGF/TikZ.
- Cross-reference packages explained - Elaboration on cross-reference packages (cleveref, varioref, theoremref, nameref, etc.): Which to use, which conflict?
- Excel2LaTeX - Excel (2010 and older) macros to produce LaTeX
Graphics / TikZ
- LaTeX en SI - Useful website with some custom packages to draw special plots (Bode, Nyquist, electrical schematics, block schematics, etc.) using TikZ. Note that everything is in French.
- matlab2tikz (⭐1.5k) - Convert your MATLAB plots to PGFPlots/TikZ.
- tikzplotlib (⭐2.4k) - Convert your matplotlib plots to PGFPlots/TikZ.
Resources / TikZ
- TeXnique - A LaTeX Typesetting Game.
22. Awesome Appimage
AppImage consumption tools / Desktop integration
- Thumbnailer for AppImages (⭐10) - Generates icons for AppImages that are shown in file managers of GNOME and KDE compatible desktop environments.
23. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
Example Projects
24. Awesome Powershell
- Windows PowerShell Blog - Official PowerShell Team Blog.
- SharePoint2019Commands (⭐3) - PowerShell module to help you auto-load all SharePoint 2019 cmdlets.
25. Awesome Web Monetization
Resources / Packages
- web-monetization-polyfill (⭐2) - Ensure the JavaScript Web Monetization API is available, even in environments with Content Security Policies enabled.
- web-monetization-video-ads - Linking Web Monetization with video advertising to allow a freemium business model to be implemented for Web Monetization.
- web-monetization-revenue-share - Automated redistribution of funds to a community via smart contracts.
26. Awesome Tailwindcss
Starters & Themes
- 🚀 Gatsby Starter + TypeScript (⭐76) - Gatsby starter using Tailwind CSS and TypeScript.
27. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Document Management
- I, Librarian - I, Librarian can organize PDF papers and office documents. It provides a lot of extra features for students and research groups both in industry and academia. (Demo, Source Code (⭐267))
Software / Password Managers
- Vaultwarden (⭐41k) - Lightweight Bitwarden server API implementation written in Rust.
28. Awesome Iot
Software / Frameworks
- Eclipse Ditto™ - Eclipse Ditto is a framework for building so called "digital twins". It provides a cloud based representation and APIs to interact with connected physical devices. Ditto provides built-in authorization, search and connectivity capabilities to integrate with foreign systems like MQTT brokers, HTTP endpoints and Apache Kafka.
29. Awesome Flame
Open Source / Casual
- Color Mixer (⭐14) - A color mixer game built with Flame 1.0.0-rc8. Tap 2 colors to mix them and help player pass obstacles.
Open Source / Platformer
- Flutters (⭐240) - A mixture of Flappy Bird and Doodle Jump. By ecklf
30. Public Apis
API: Glitterly
Description: Image generation API
API: Nordigen
Description: Connect to bank accounts using official bank APIs and get raw transaction data
CORS: Unknown
Machine Learning
API: IPS Online
Description: Face and License Plate Anonymization
CORS: Unknown
Test Data
API: QuickMocker
Description: API mocking tool to generate contextual, fake or random data
Auth: No
API: Open Charge Map
Description: Global public registry of electric vehicle charging locations
URL Shorteners
Description: URL shortener
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
31. Awesome Kotlin
Links / Official Links
- Kotlin/KEEP (⭐3.4k) - Kotlin Evolution and Enhancement Process
Links / Resources
- Awesome Kotlin Jobs (⭐17) - A curated list of companies using Kotlin
- AlexeySoshin/Hands-on-Design-Patterns-with-Kotlin (⭐32) - Code examples for 'Hands-on Design Patterns with Kotlin' book
- From Java To Kotlin (⭐564) - From Java to Kotlin Cheat Sheet
- dbacinski/Design-Patterns-In-Kotlin (⭐5.9k) - Design Patterns implemented in Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Web
- welvet/summer - Lightweight Jetty/JDBC wrapper library inspired by SparkJava and MyBatis with DI and Testing support for Kotlin
- spypunk/sponge (⭐1) - A website crawler and links downloader command line tool written in Kotlin
- laviua/komock (⭐10) - HTTP/Consul/SMTP/Spring Config mocker framework written in Kotlin
- AurityLab/graphql-kotlin-toolkit (⭐10) - GraphQL toolkit for Kotlin (includes code generator and spring boot integration)
- phenax/h (⭐18) - HTML templating library written in Kotlin
- celtric/kotlin-html (⭐24) - A library to generate HTML in Kotlin.
- sepatel/tekniq (⭐38) - Full-feature HTTP DSL Framework, HTTP Client, JDBC DSL, Loading Cache and Configuration
- danneu/kog (⭐43) - A web framework focused on simplicity, middleware, and functional composition
- gimlet2/kottpd (⭐74) - REST framework in pure Kotlin, inspired by spark-java
- brianmadden/krawler (⭐127) - A web crawling framework written in Kotlin
- alpas/alpas (⭐181) - Kotlin web framework inspired by Laravel/Rails. Easy, elegant and productive.
- hypercube1024/firefly (⭐296) - An asynchronous web framework for rapid development of high-performance web application.
- vert-x3/vertx-lang-kotlin (⭐297) - This module provides Kotlin language bindings including DSL and extension functions for vert.x 3
- SeunAdelekan/Kanary (⭐328) - A micro webframework for Kotlin
- TinyMission/kara (⭐470) - Web framework written in Kotlin.
- hhariri/wasabi (⭐502) - An HTTP Framework built with Kotlin for the JVM.
- Kotlin/kotlinx.html (⭐1.6k) - Kotlin DSL for HTML.
- http4k/http4k - Toolkit for serving and consuming HTTP services in a functional and consistent way.
- tipsy/javalin (⭐7.6k) - A Simple REST API Library for Java/Kotlin.
- ktorio/ktor - Web backend framework for Kotlin. Easy to use, fun and asynchronous.
Libraries/Frameworks / Testing
- krzema12/vis-assert (⭐6) - Test the shape of your functions!
- dmcg/k-sera (⭐8) - A JMock wrapper for Kotlin.
- neworld/kupiter (⭐14) - Kotlin DSL for Junit5
- from-source/kiwi (⭐17) - Fluent assertions library with support of json path.
- willowtreeapps/opentest4k (⭐20) - kotlin multiplatform implementation/bindings of opentest4j
- mvysny/DynaTest (⭐22) - Write your tests in DSL way. Runs on JUnit5 Platform.
- dmcg/konsent (⭐29) - An acceptance test library for Kotlin.
- EranBoudjnah/RandomGenKt (⭐37) - Initialize instances of any class with generated data.
- qwertukg/SeleniumBuilder (⭐55) - DSL for Selenium 2.0. Provide a possibility to write tests in Kotlin builder style.
- dmcg/minutest (⭐102) - Simple, Expressive, Extensible Testing for Kotlin on the JVM
- karumi/KotlinSnapshot (⭐165) - Verify your data with snapshot testing.
- npryce/hamkrest (⭐344) - A reimplementation of Hamcrest to take advantage of Kotlin language features.
- MarkusAmshove/Kluent (⭐867) - Fluent Assertion-Library for Kotlin.
- JetBrains/spek (⭐2.2k) - A specification framework for Kotlin.
- nhaarman/mockito-kotlin (⭐3.1k) - Using Mockito with Kotlin.
- kotest/kotest (⭐4.5k) - Formerly known as KotlinTest, Kotest is a flexible and comprehensive testing tool that is multiplatform enabled.
- mockk/mockk (⭐5.5k) - Pure Kotlin mocking library.
Libraries/Frameworks / Dependency Injection
- Rasalexman/KODI (⭐15) - light-weight KOtlin Dependency Injection Framework with or without reflection module without kapt
- corbella83/PopKorn (⭐155) - Forget about modules and components. DI can be simple
- evant/kotlin-inject (⭐1.3k) - Dependency injection lib for kotlin
- Kodein-Framework/Kodein-DI (⭐3.2k) - Painless Kotlin Dependency Injection.
- Ekito/koin (⭐9.1k) - A functional Kotlin dependency injection framework for Android and JVM.
Libraries/Frameworks / Coroutines
- KingFalse/harrier (⭐4) - Simpler use of multithreading in Kotlin.
- Rasalexman/coroutinesmanager (⭐15) - try-catch safety coroutines manager
- rozkminiacz/FlowRiddles (⭐36) - Repository for learning Kotlin Flow API
- cloudoptlab/cloudopt-next (⭐344) - A next-generation Java web lightweight framework based on vertx and kotlin.
- Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines (⭐13k) - Libraries built upon Kotlin coroutines.
Libraries/Frameworks / Functional Programming
- poetix/klenses (⭐49) - Lenses for Kotlin.
- beyondeye/Reduks (⭐111) - A "batteries included" port of Reduxjs for Kotlin+Android
- brianegan/bansa (⭐444) - A state container for Kotlin & Java, inspired by Elm & Redux.
- kittinunf/Result (⭐920) - The modelling for success/failure of operations in Kotlin.
- arrow-kt/arrow (⭐6.2k) - Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library.
- ReactiveX/RxKotlin (⭐7k) - RxJava bindings for Kotlin.
Libraries/Frameworks / Serialization
- marifeta/kvalidator (⭐6) - Kotlin validator (compatible with laravel validation rules) for json kotlinx.serialization!
- holgerbrandl/jsonbuilder (⭐18) - A tiny DSL to create json using idiomatic Kotlin
- aafanasev/kson (⭐109) - Auto-generate GSON type adapters for Kotlin data classes
- FasterXML/jackson-module-kotlin (⭐1.1k) - Jackson module that adds support for serialization/deserialization of Kotlin classes and data classes.
- cbeust/klaxon (⭐1.9k) - Lightweight library to parse JSON in Kotlin.
- Kotlin/kotlinx.serialization (⭐5.5k) - Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format reflectionless serialization
Libraries/Frameworks / Database
- Ganet/rxaerospike (⭐7) - RxJava2 wrapper for aerospike-client-java.
- KotlinPorts/kt-postgresql-async (⭐23) - Kotlin/Gradle port of mauricio's async driver for postgres/mysql.
- coupang/spring-data-requery (⭐46) - Spring Data for Requery (lightweight ORM)
- seratch/kotliquery (⭐207) - A handy database access library in Kotlin.
- JetBrains/xodus (⭐1.2k) - Transactional schema-less embedded database used by JetBrains YouTrack and JetBrains Hub.
- ebean-orm/ebean (⭐1.5k) - Ebean is a Java & Kotlin ORM including type safe kotlin queries
- requery/requery (⭐3.1k) - Modern SQL based query & persistence for Java/Kotlin/Android.
- Raizlabs/DBFlow (⭐4.9k) - A blazing fast, powerful, and very simple ORM android database library that writes database code for you.
- jankotek/mapdb (⭐4.9k) - MapDB provides concurrent Maps, Sets and Queues backed by disk storage or off-heap-memory. It is a fast and easy to use embedded Java database engine.
- JetBrains/Exposed (⭐8.4k) - Exposed is a prototype for a lightweight SQL library written over JDBC driver for Kotlin language.
Libraries/Frameworks / Tools
- cypressious/KotlinW (⭐17) - A small wrapper for the Kotlin compiler that can be used to execute .kts scripts.
- mkohm/detekt-hint (⭐80) - Detection of design principle violations as a plugin to detekt.
- s1monw1/KtsRunner (⭐204) - Library for executing .kts files from regular Kotlin code using Java Scripting Engines API
- jmfayard/refreshVersions (⭐1.7k) - Better Gradle dependencies management inside the IDE. Search for available updates.
- holgerbrandl/kscript (⭐2.1k) - Scripting utils for Kotlin.
- Kotlin/dokka (⭐3.5k) - Documentation Engine for Kotlin.
- pinterest/ktlint (⭐6.3k) - An anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter.
- detekt/detekt (⭐6.3k) - Static code analysis for Kotlin.
Libraries/Frameworks / Compiler Plugins
- google/ksp (⭐2.9k) - Kotlin Symbol Processing API
Libraries/Frameworks / Http Clients
- jkcclemens/khttp - Kotlin HTTP requests library.
- speekha/httpmocker (⭐179) - Kotlin library to handle offline mode easily with OkHttp.
- rybalkinsd/kohttp (⭐480) - Kotlin DSL-based HTTP client.
- kittinunf/Fuel (⭐4.6k) - The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android.
Libraries/Frameworks / Editors
- sargunster/kotlin-textmate-bundle (⭐12) - Kotlin bundle for TextMate.
- alexmt/atom-kotlin-language (⭐26) - Adds syntax highlighting to Kotlin files in Atom
- ice1000/NppExtension (⭐74) - Kotlin Language extension for Notepad++
- vkostyukov/kotlin-sublime-package (⭐138) - A Sublime Package for Kotlin.
- ftomassetti/kanvas (⭐143) - A truly hackable editor: simple, lightweight, understandable.
- mathiasfrohlich/vscode-kotlin (⭐203) - Kotlin language support for VS Code.
- udalov/kotlin-vim (⭐633) - Kotlin Syntax Highlighter for Vim.
- fwcd/KotlinLanguageServer (⭐1.7k) - Smart code completion, diagnostics and more for Kotlin using the Language Server Protocol. VS Code extension included.
- JetBrains/intellij-community (⭐17k) - IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
Libraries/Frameworks / Syntax Highlighters
- birkenfeld/pygments-main - Python syntax highlighter.
- cansik/kotlin-latex-listing (⭐124) - A syntax highlighting template for the Kotlin language in LaTeX listings.
- github/linguist (⭐12k) - For Ruby/Github, uses Sublime package
- isagalaev/highlight.js (⭐24k) - Javascript syntax highlighter. (out-of-date)
Libraries/Frameworks / Game Development
- vassilibykov/AdventKT (⭐17) - A Kotlin-based DSL for text adventures, with a partial replica of the classic Colossal Cave as an example.
- KogeLabs/Ockero (⭐75) - Ockero: Kotlin OpenGl Game Engine
- icela/FriceEngine (⭐344) - Make game developing easy again!
- Hexworks/zircon (⭐757) - An extensible text GUI library which targets multiple platforms and designed specifically for game developers, written in Kotlin.
- AlmasB/FXGL (⭐4.5k) - JavaFX 8 Game Library written in Java + Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- themichailov/kache - Kotlin functions caching library, reducing count of function executions.
- Lewik/klog (⭐11) - Minimalistic and multiplatform logging for Kotlin
- dotCipher/kase-format (⭐17) - String case conversion and detection library
- mplatvoet/progress (⭐20) - Progress for Kotlin.
- cesarferreira/kotlin-pluralizer (⭐50) - Kotlin extension to pluralize and singularize strings.
- debop/koda-time (⭐83) - Joda Time Extensions in Kotlin. (From Java 8 use java.time instead)
- just-ai/jaicf-kotlin (⭐245) - Kotlin framework for conversational voice assistants and chatbots development.
- oolong-kt/oolong - Elm inspired Model-View-Update (MVU) implementation for Kotlin multiplatform.
- hotchemi/khronos (⭐326) - An intuitive Date extensions in Kotlin.
- mplatvoet/kovenant (⭐654) - Promises for Kotlin and Android
- pemistahl/lingua (⭐713) - A language detection library suitable for long and short text alike
- MicroUtils/kotlin-logging (⭐2.7k) - Lightweight logging framework for Kotlin. Used as a wrapper for slf4j with Kotlin extensions.
- ingokegel/jclasslib (⭐2.8k) - jclasslib bytecode viewer is a tool that visualizes all aspects of compiled Java class files and the contained bytecode.
- puniverse/quasar (⭐4.6k) - Fibers, Channels and Actors for the JVM.
Libraries/Frameworks / Parsers
- ParserKt/ParserKt (⭐14) - Naive one-pass recursive descent, scannerless parser framework for Kotlin
- fork-handles/parser4k (⭐226) - Recursive descent parser combinator library
- h0tk3y/better-parse (⭐424) - A nice parser combinator library for Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Multiplatform
- DetachHead/kotlinxpath (⭐4) - A typesafe builder for Xpath with several useful helper functions that make Xpath easier to work with
- davidepianca98/KMQTT (⭐199) - MQTT Broker library/executables for Kotlin multiplatform.
- ionspin/kotlin-multiplatform-bignum (⭐381) - Pure kotlin multiplatform arbitrary precision arithmetic library.
- GitLiveApp/firebase-kotlin-sdk (⭐1.2k) - A Kotlin-first Multiplatform SDK for Firebase supporting iOS, Android & Web
Libraries/Frameworks / Extensions
- vanshg/KrazyKotlin (⭐86) - A collection of useful Kotlin Extension
Libraries/Frameworks / Configuration
- daviddenton/configur8 (⭐12) - A Kotlin port of Configur8 - A Type Safe Configuration API for Kotlin, extendable to user-defined types.
- Nohus/AutoKonfig - A Kotlin configuration library with batteries included. Type-safe, zero lines of setup.
- davidohana/kofiko-kotlin (⭐22) - Kofiko: Code-First configuration library. Lightweight, simple and minimal boilerplate.
- ufoscout/properlty (⭐26) - Simple configuration library with placeholders resolution and zero magic!
- mariomac/kaconf (⭐60) - KickAss Configuration. An annotation-based configuration system for Java and Kotlin
- jdiazcano/cfg4k (⭐80) - Flexible and easy to use config library written in kotlin.
- npryce/konfig (⭐281) - A Type Safe Configuration API for Kotlin
- config4k/config4k (⭐284) - A Kotlin wrapper for Typesafe Config
- cdimascio/dotenv-kotlin (⭐514) - A zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file
- sksamuel/hoplite (⭐930) - A library for loading configuration files into typesafe Kotlin data classes in a boilerplate-free way
Libraries/Frameworks / Graphics
- kotlin-graphics/ovr (⭐6) - Oculus binding
- kotlin-graphics/uno-sdk (⭐24) - Unofficial OpenGL SDK
- data2viz/data2viz (⭐415) - multiplatform dataviz library, d3js port
- kotlin-graphics/imgui (⭐605) - jvm port of imgui
- openrndr/openrndr (⭐894) - OPENRNDR, a framework for creative coding in Kotlin. Accelerated 2D and 3D graphics, vector graphics, shaders and animation
32. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Middleware
- Eclipse Zenoh (⭐877) - Zenoh is a scalable and extremely performant protocol that can be used transparently used to interact with ROS2 applications as well as for R2X communication. (
- Eclipse Zenoh-Plugin-DDS (⭐122) - This is a zenoh plugin that allows to transparently route ROS2/DDS data over zenoh. This is commonly used for R2X communication over Wireless network or across the Internet. (
33. Awesome Building Blocks for Web Apps
- Cogsworth Scheduler - Online Scheduler for business with a powerful API.
34. Awesome Osint
Specialty Search Engines
Expert Search / Steam
35. Awesome Devsecops
- Alice and Bob Learn Application Security - Tanya Janca - An accessible and thorough resource for anyone seeking to incorporate, from the beginning of the System Development Life Cycle, best security practices in software development.
- Application Security Education (⭐68) - Duo Security - Training materials created by the Duo application security team, including introductory and advanced training presentations and hands-on labs.
Secrets Scanning / Ansible
- CredScan - Microsoft - A credential scanning tool that can be run as a task in Azure DevOps pipelines.
- GitGuardian - GitGuardian - A web-based solution that scans and monitors public and private git repositories for secrets.
- Gitleaks (⭐17k) - Zachary Rice - Gitleaks is a SAST tool for detecting hardcoded secrets like passwords, api keys, and tokens in git repositories.
- git-secrets (⭐12k) - AWS Labs - Scans commits, commit messages and merges for secrets. Native support for AWS secret patterns, but can be configured to support other patterns.
- Nightfall - Nightfall - A web-based platform that monitors for sensitive data disclosure across several SDLC tools, including GitHub repositories.
- Repo-supervisor (⭐632) - Auth0 - Secrets scanning tool that can run as a CLI, as a Docker container or in AWS Lambda.
- truffleHog (⭐14k) - Truffle Security - Searches through git repositories for secrets, digging deep into commit history and branches.
Static Analysis / Multi-Language Support
- SemGrep - r2c - Semgrep is a fast, open-source, static analysis tool that finds bugs and enforces code standards at editor, commit, and CI time.
36. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Personalization
- BUWA (Black Unicorn Wallpapers), the best wallpaper app for Android that features aesthetically-pleasing and sexy wallpapers and gets new wallpapers every other week by The Black Unicorn.
Contents / Shopping
- Flutter WooCommerce app (⭐628) - A ready-made app template for WooCommerce stores by WooSignal
- Prev: May 17 - May 23, 2021
- Next: May 03 - May 09, 2021