Awesome List Updates on May 03 - May 09, 2021
56 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome WSL
Unofficial Distributions / AlmaLinux OS
- GentooWSL (⭐42) - Gentoo as a WSL distro.
2. Awesome Angular
Icons / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-icon-blur (⭐6) - An Angular component that can be used to create a frosted glass effect for icons.
3. Awesome Readme
- create-go-app/cli (⭐2.7k) - Clean project logo. Useful badges (version, code style, test cover, docs). Clear readme with quickstart, understandable installation and usage manual, video screencast, ToC with well-documented project features (with a demo recording of the work in the terminal), project philosophy notes ("the why another"), most frequently asked questions, and more.
- dowjones/react-dropdown-tree-select (⭐472) - Clear readme with GIF screenshot for quick demo. Multiple badges, concise ToC, online playground, storybook, detailed description and more.
- easybase/easybase-react (⭐74) - Project banner and logo. Badges. Expandable walkthrough sections. Concise description and purpose. TOC for easy navigation. GIFs for installation demo. Multiple informative visuals.
- gofiber/fiber (⭐35k) - Clean project logo. Useful badges and links (languages switcher, code style, test cover, docs, Discord channel). Clear description of what the project does with quickstart, benchmark charts, well-documented code examples (with the ability to hide long content), project philosophy notes ("the why of project"), tables with project addons, list of contributors, star growth statistics, and more.
- iterative/dvc (⭐14k) - ReStructuredText format example, PyPi compatible. Logo, custom website-like menu. Smooth how-it-works animation. Badges. Nice contribution section with the hall-of-fame.
- ma-shamshiri/Human-Activity-Recognition (⭐106) - Beautiful table of contents. Project logo. Animated project banner. Complete project folder structure. Clear description of what the project does. Nice contributors’ section. Easy navigation.
- ma-shamshiri/Pacman-Game (⭐89) - Beautiful table of contents. Project logo. Animated project banner. Suitable GIFs to display each part of the project. Complete list of project files in the repo along with their function. Complete execution instruction.
- ma-shamshiri/Spam-Detector (⭐36) - Complete project file description. Project logo. Animated project banner. Concise project description. Clear execution instruction.
- PostHog/posthog (⭐24k) - Custom-made section icons, demo GIF, deploy button, profile images for contributors, concise, clear structure, project logo.
- Rebilly/redoc (⭐24k) - Multiple badges, project logo, live demo link, GIF-animations of the key features, TL;DR usage.
- release-it/release-it (⭐8.2k) - Clear overview of project features with a demo GIF. Badges. Expandable TOC. Usage description and examples. Contribution guidelines. Detailed releases.
- sidneycadot/oeis (⭐46) - Overview. List of required dependencies. Complete list of all files in the repo and what their function is. Visual graph of how it all ties together.
- "Readme Driven Development" - Tom Preston-Werner
- - A simple editor that allows you to quickly add and customize all the sections you need for your project's readme.
4. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Static Analysis Tools
- Mobile Audit (⭐206) - Web application for performing Static Analysis and detecting malware in Android APKs.
5. Awesome Embedded Rust
HAL implementation crates / Microchip
- HAL for SAM4E, SAM4N and SAM4S -
6. Awesome Cli Apps
Version Control / Search
- SnowFS - A fast, scalable version control system for binaries.
7. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 3
- Escoria (⭐805) - Point & click adventure game framework. (Godot 2 and 3)
Modules / Godot 4
- Texture Packer (⭐65) - Tools to layer, pack, and merge textures at runtime. (Godot 3 and 4)
- Voxelman (⭐102) - A voxel engine with more focus on editor integration, gameplay-related features, and extendability. (Godot 3 and 4)
Modules / Godot 3
- GodotSteam (⭐3.1k) - Steam API library binding for Godot. Supports Windows, macOS and Linux.
8. Awesome Esolangs
- FlipJump (⭐46) - 1 instruction: Flip a bit, then Jump. The simplest OISC.
9. Awesome Security
Endpoint / Mobile / Android / iOS
- UDcide (⭐31) - Android Malware Behavior Editor.
10. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Application layer
- octomap_server2 (⭐36) - ROS2 stack for mapping with OctoMap. Port of the ROS1 octomap_mapping (⭐276) package.
11. Awesome Mac
Remote Login Software / System Related Tools
- RoyalTSX - Royal TSX is an ideal tool for system engineers and other IT professionals who need remote access to systems with different protocols.
12. Awesome Tmux
Tools and session management
- tmux-suspend (⭐137) Suspend local session for painlessly working with nested remote session.
Status Bar
- tmux-mode-indicator (⭐163) Displays prompt indicating currently active Tmux mode.
13. Awesome Standard
editor plugins
- Visual Studio Code: vscode-standard - linter & auto-fixer
14. Discount for Student Dev
Data science
- Deepnote [FREE] - The best way to collaborate with others on data science projects. Education plan allows you to create an unlimited amount of Deepnote teams and work with any number of collaborators.
15. Awesome Playcanvas
Interactive Experiences
- DOOH Invaders - World's largest Space Invaders clone unveiled at Cannes Lions.
- Fatal System Error - Interactive opera experience created by Dumbworld from the Royal Opera House.
16. Awesome Pascal
- QDSEquations (⭐34).
Equation editor for Delphi and Lazarus that allows you to enter and display math formulas of any complexity, from simple Greek symbols to matrixes and complex integral expressions.
17. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python - Al Sweigart (3.x)
- Cracking Codes with Python - Al Sweigart (3.6)
- Full Stack Python - Matt Makai
- Intermediate Python - Muhammad Yasoob Ullah Khalid (1st edition)
- Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Numerical Analysis - Kevin Sheppard (PDF) (3.8)
- Invent Your Own Computer Games With Python - Al Sweigart (3.4)
- Making Games with Python & Pygame - Al Sweigart (3.2)
- PySDR: A Guide to SDR and DSP using Python - Marc Lichtman (3.x)
- Python Programming And Numerical Methods: A Guide For Engineers And Scientists - Qingkai Kong, Timmy Siauw, Alexandre Bayen (3.7)
Python / NumPY
- From Python to NumPy - Nicolas P. Rougier (HTML) (3.6)
18. Awesome Tailwindcss
Starters & Themes
- 🚀 Jekyll Landing Website Starter (⭐100) - Production ready, SEO-friendly, performant landing website boilerplate using Jekyll and Tailwind CSS.
19. Awesome Ios
- SPPerspective (⭐339) - Widgets iOS 14 animation with 3D and dynamic shadow. Customisable transform and duration.
20. Awesome Inertiajs
Adapters / Client-side
Adapters / Server-side
21. Webcomponents the Right Way
Case Studies
Component Libraries
- github-elements (⭐2.6k) - GitHub's Web Component collection.
- Vaadin components (⭐383) - Evolving set of high-quality web components for building business web applications.
22. Awesome Acg
Image Generation
- Anime2Sketch (⭐2k) - A sketch extractor for anime/illustration. [English]
23. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Data Pipeline
- StreamSets Data Collector (⭐93) [Java] - continuous big data ingestion infrastructure that reads from and writes to a large number of end-points, including S3, JDBC, Hadoop, Kafka, Cassandra and many others.
Table of Contents / Streaming SQL
- Siddhi (⭐1.5k) [Java] - A cloud native Streaming and Complex Event Processing engine that understands Streaming SQL queries in order to capture events from diverse data sources, process them, detect complex conditions, and publish output to various endpoints in real time.
24. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- ray-x/navigator.lua (⭐1.3k) - Learn existing code quickly and navigate code like a breeze. A swiss army knife makes exploring LSP and Tree-sitter symbols a piece of cake.
Version Manager / Diagnostics
- NTBBloodbath/nvenv (⭐55) - A lightweight and blazing fast Neovim version manager.
25. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Austria
- Digitarium - Digital edition of the historical Wiener Zeitung.
- Österreichische Mediathek - The Austrian archive for sound recordings and videos from cultural and contemporary history.
- Wien Geschichte Wiki - It is based on the Historical Dictionary Vienna by Felix Czeike, currently there are 50,156 contributions and 12,510 images.
Archives and primary sources / Europe
- Visual Archive Southeastern Europe - Historical and contemporary visual materials from Southeastern Europe.
Archives and primary sources / Switzerland
- swisscollections - Meta search engine for historical and modern collections in Swiss libraries and archives.
26. Awesome Seml
- Alibi Detect (⭐1.5k) - Python library focused on outlier, adversarial and drift detection.
- PyTorch Lightning (⭐20k) - The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research. Scale your models, not the boilerplate.
- Robustness Metrics (⭐418) - Lightweight modules to evaluate the robustness of classification models.
- Seldon Core (⭐3.4k) - An MLOps framework to package, deploy, monitor and manage thousands of production machine learning models on Kubernetes.
- Tensorflow Data Validation (TFDV) (⭐674) - Library for exploring and validating machine learning data. Similar to Great Expectations, but for Tensorflow data.
27. Awesome Flask
Email / Testing
- Flask-Mailman - A port of
for Flask.
28. Awesome Jmeter
Automation / Frameworks
- JMeter Load Testing Center (⭐201) - Online web-application/dashboard to run, monitor and analyze results of load tests using JMeter.
29. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Audio Dataset and Dataloaders
- audiomate (⭐124) 🐙 (⭐124) 📦 - Loading different types of audio datasets.
30. Awesome Symfony
- KarserRecaptcha3Bundle (⭐100) - Integrates Google ReCAPTCHA v3 into Symfony.
31. Awesome Rust
Applications / Database
- Skytable (⭐2.5k) - A multi-model NoSQL database
- TerminusDB (⭐376) - open source graph database and document store
Applications / System tools
- sharkdp/bat (⭐51k) - A cat(1) clone with wings.
Libraries / Distributed systems
- Apache Kafka
- fede1024/rust-rdkafka (⭐1.7k) [rdkafka] - librdkafka (⭐508) bindings
- gklijs/schema_registry_converter (⭐106) [schema_registry_converter] - to integrate with confluent schema registry
- kafka-rust/kafka-rust (⭐1.3k) - Rust client for Apache Kafka
Libraries / Email
- jdrouet/catapulte (⭐144) - A microservice to send emails using MRML (⭐381) templates.
- jdrouet/jolimail (⭐136) - A web application to build MRML (⭐381) templates.
Libraries / GUI
- fltk-rs (⭐1.7k) - FLTK bindings
- fltk-rs (⭐1.7k) - FLTK bindings
Libraries / Network programming
- Nng
- neachdainn/nng-rs [Nng] - Nng (nanomsg v2) bindings
- neachdainn/nng-rs [Nng] - Nng (nanomsg v2) bindings
Libraries / Simulation
- nyx-space - High fidelity, fast, reliable and validated astrodynamical toolkit library, used for spacecraft mission design and orbit determination
Resources / Web programming
- Rust Servers, Services and Apps - MEAP - Build backend servers, services, and front-ends in Rust to get fast, reliable, and maintainable applications.
32. Awesome Gnome
Libraries / Skeumorphic Icons
- libhandy - Building blocks for modern adaptive GNOME apps (GTK3)
33. Awesome Quant
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- Eiten (⭐2.8k) - Eiten is an open source toolkit by Tradytics that implements various statistical and algorithmic investing strategies such as Eigen Portfolios, Minimum Variance Portfolios, Maximum Sharpe Ratio Portfolios, and Genetic Algorithms based Portfolios.
- Stock-Prediction-Models (⭐8.3k) - Gathers machine learning and deep learning models for Stock forecasting including trading bots and simulations.
Reproducing Works, Training & Books / Data Visualization
- Stock_Analysis_For_Quant (⭐1.7k) - Different Types of Stock Analysis in Excel, Matlab, Power BI, Python, R, and Tableau.
34. Awesome Cpp
Artificial Intelligence
- flashlight (⭐5.3k) - Flashlight is a fast, flexible machine learning library written entirely in C++. [BSD]
- C++ B-tree (⭐73) - A template library that implements ordered in-memory containers based on a B-tree data structure. [Apache2]
Machine Learning
- ncnn (⭐21k) - A high-performance neural network inference computing framework optimized for mobile platforms. [BSD]
35. Awesome Electron
Closed Source / Other
- Lotus - Keep up with GitHub notifications without stress.
Boilerplates / Other
- vite-electron-builder (⭐2.3k) - Secure boilerplate for Electron app based on Vite. TypeScript + Vue/React/Angular/Svelte/Vanilla.
36. Awesome Naming
Theoretical Computer Science
- Game of Life - A game world that showcases how astonishing complexity can arise from very simple ingredients.
- Pumping lemma - The fact that in some formal languages any sufficiently long string can be pumped with repetitions of its substring and the result stays in the same formal language.
Tools, Applications, Libraries, Frameworks
- Uglify (⭐13k) - A JavaScript minifier. Removes everything that makes the code readable and pretty to make it smaller.
37. Awesome Clojurescript
Awesome ClojureScript / React.js Interface
- Helix (⭐472) – A simple, easy to use library for React development in ClojureScript with very few semantics on top of React.
- hx (⭐245) – Another simple, easy to use library for React development in ClojureScript.
38. Awesome Pcaptools
Traffic Analysis/Inspection
- NFStream (⭐1k): is a Python framework providing fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with online or offline network data both easy and intuitive. It aims to be the fundamental high-level building block for doing practical, real world network data analysis in Python. Additionally, it has the broader goal of becoming a common network data analytics framework for researchers providing data reproducibility across experiments.
39. Awesome Vite
Open Source / Community
- Slidev (⭐35k) - Presentation Slides for Developers.
40. Awesome Material Ui
- React-planet (⭐179) - Create circular menus which looks like planets.
41. Awesome H2o
Research Papers
- Machine Learning as a Tool for Improved Housing Price Prediction Henrik I W. Wolstad and Didrik Dewan. (2020)
42. Awesome Amazon Alexa
- Skill Code Generator - A tool to help generate Lambda Boilerplate code in ASK SDK v2 with options of Variety greeting, Display Template Response
- - Testing and Monitoring Alexa skills - VoiceLabs is a free testing and monitoring platform for Alexa skills and Google Actions.
- Alexa Developers Slack-- India Community - A group of chat channels focusing on Amazon Alexa Skill development in India. From student developers to Alexa Evangelists at Amazon, all are here to help you.
43. Awesome Deep Learning Resources
Online Classes
- DL&RNN Course - I created this richely dense course on Deep Learning and Recurrent Neural Networks.
44. Public Apis
Currency Exchange
Description: Free foreign exchange & crypto rates API
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Description: Exchange rates with currency conversion
API: ApicAgent
Description: Extract device details from user-agent string
Auth: No
Games & Comics
API: Dota 2
Description: Provides information about Player stats , Match stats, Rankings for Dota 2
CORS: Unknown
API: FreeToGame
Description: Free-To-Play Games Database
Auth: No
API: GamerPower
Description: Game Giveaways Tracker
Auth: No
API: RoadGoat Cities
Description: Cities content & photos API
Description: Peru Government Open Data
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: Open Disease
Description: API for Current cases and more stuff about COVID-19 and Influenza
Auth: No
API: GNews
Description: Search for news from various sources
URL Shorteners
API: 1pt (⭐32)
Description: A simple URL shortener
Auth: No
45. Awesome Micropython
Sensors / Soil Moisture
- MicroPython-MiFlora (⭐7) - Xiaomi Mi Flora (aka flower care) BLE plant sensors (soil moisture/conductivity/light intensity/temperature).
46. Awesome Cakephp
Authentication and Authorization
- ADmad/SocialAuth plugin (⭐50) - A plugin which allows you to authenticate using social providers like Facebook/Google/Twitter etc. using SocialConnect/auth (⭐551) social sign on library.
Development Environment
- Devilbox - A docker development environment for (CakePHP) apps to be auto-setup including a lot of tools.
47. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Cloud platform security / Kubernetes
- Kyverno - Policy engine designed for Kubernetes.
- k-rail (⭐445) - Workload policy enforcement tool for Kubernetes.
- kubernetes-event-exporter (⭐1k) - Allows exporting the often missed Kubernetes events to various outputs so that they can be used for observability or alerting purposes.
Communications security (COMSEC) / Service meshes
- Teleport - Allows engineers and security professionals to unify access for SSH servers, Kubernetes clusters, web applications, and databases across all environments.
48. Awesome Xai
Repositories / Critiques
- MAIF/shapash (⭐2k) - SHAP and LIME-based front-end explainer.
- slundberg/shap (⭐18k) - A Python module for using Shapley Additive Explanations.
49. Tips
Create local tag
git tag <tag-name>
Show the contents of any stash in patch form
git stash show -p <stash@{n}>
Push the current branch to the same name on the remote repository
git push origin HEAD
50. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-concise-carousel (⭐24) - Vue Concise Carousel with True SSR. Works for Vue 2 & 3.
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- @vuito/vue (⭐4) - Simple, lightweight, isomorphic, and template-based validation library.
- vue3-lazyload (⭐38) - Vue module for lazy-loading images in your vue 3 applications.
51. Awesome Design Systems
Design tools
- Penpot - Penpot is the first Open Source design and prototyping platform meant for cross-domain teams.
52. Awesome Dash
Component Libraries
- dash-uploader (⭐145) - Upload component for Dash. Supports large data files.
53. Awesome Earth
Carbon Reduction
- Tradewater - Finds and destroys the most potent greenhouse gases before they are released into the atmosphere. These are old refrigerants that would leak into the atmosphere unless collected and destroyed. Work is funded by selling Carbon Offsets. You can subscribe to offset your carbon emissions.
- ReNu Furniture - Prevent landfill waste and buy second-hand, upcycled and handmade furniture easily with ReNu Furniture. Based in Brighton and covering the UK southeast, this start up will manage the collection, delivery and payments for every furniture sale - they even plant a tree for every delivery to offset carbon emissions.
54. Awesome Microservices
PHP / Scala
- Ecotone - Framework based on architectural principles of DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing that provides building blocks to create scalable and extensible applications.
55. Awesome Iot
Software / Libraries and Tools
- United Manufacturing Hub (⭐225) - The Open-Source Manufacturing App Platform (combines various open source solutions and packages them in a Helm chart, for example, Nodered, VerneMQ and timescaleDB)
56. ALL About RSS
✔ RSS Feed Validator / Outline Processor Markup Language
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
Wechat Mini Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
Feed Analytics / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Self Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
RSS Reader in Email System / Outline Processor Markup Language
Terminal-based / programmable RSS readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
RSS services powered by utilizing GitHub / Outline Processor Markup Language
- osmos::feed (⭐951) 1012: a web-based RSS reader running entirely on GitHub
Other Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
TestFlight / Early Access / Outline Processor Markup Language
😎 Services that support RSS / Outline Processor Markup Language
🔨 Blog Generator that Support RSS / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
🧾Other Lists that Collect RSS Things / Outline Processor Markup Language
RSSHub / Outline Processor Markup Language
Telegram / Telegram RSS bots
specifically from (a certain platform) / Book authors
RSS2SLACK / Docsify
XSL template for XML / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Retrieve old items from a RSS feed / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
RSS Feed Finding/Detection / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
News / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Tech or IT / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Social Network Based on RSS Feed / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Telegram Groups / Channels / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- FreshRSS (Group)
Views / Discussions / Experiences / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Tutorials when knowing how to run code / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- For Gatsby site administrator 964
NAS / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
E-ink Devices / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Turn Webpage into Podcast / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- Prev: May 10 - May 16, 2021
- Next: Apr 26 - May 02, 2021