Awesome List Updates on Apr 26 - May 02, 2021
49 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Static Website Services
Functions as a Service
- Vercel - Vercel lets people write functions as a service in their language of choice and deploy as part of a monorepo.
2. Awesome Cpp
Asynchronous Event Loop
- Ichor (⭐212) - An event queue which focuses on thread safety and provides dependency injection. [MIT]
3. Awesome List
- Cassandra (⭐292) - Open-source, distributed, wide column store, NoSQL database management system.
4. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Transpiling
- perf-monitor-rs (⭐218) - A toolkit designed to be a foundation for applications to monitor their performance.
5. Awesome Wordpress Gatsby
Paid Tutorials / Courses / Other helpful Plugins
- 2021.01: Building a Headless WordPress Site with Gatsby - This course is a step-by-step walk through using gatsby-source-wordpress plugin to create a fully functional headless Gatsby WordPress site with posts, pages, categories, tags, post navigation and other features.
6. Awesome React Components
Form Components / Select
- react-column-select (⭐13) - A column select component built for react.
7. Awesome Developer First
- Anymail finder - Verify and find email APIs.
- - Email lead and validation APIs.
8. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects
- Zrythm - A highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation.
Open Source Projects / Messaging and social media
People Doing Open Source Work / Hardware related
- Andreas Heinisch - LibreOffice developer.
- René Rebe - T2 System Development Environment.
9. Awesome Digitalocean
- DigitalOcean Lovers - A LinkedIn group for users and lovers of DigitalOcean.
10. Awesome Icons
- - Free, “do wtf you want with” pixel-perfect SVG icons
11. Awesome Yew
- Fullstack-Rust (⭐96) - A Full Stack Rust application (Connect5 game) with Actix-web, Yew, Bulma CSS and Diesel.
Books / Frameworks
- Creative Projects for Rust Programmers - Chapter 5,
Creating a Client-Side WebAssembly App Using Yew
12. Awesome Inertiajs
Resources / Presets
- Breeze React (⭐18) - Laravel Breeze fork with Tailwind CSS, Inertia.js and React.
13. Awesome Humane Tech
- LibreTranslate
- A self-hosted Machine Translation API, no limits, no ties to proprietary services.
- Argos Translate
- Open source neural machine translation.
14. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Transformations - General DSP
- matchering (⭐986) 🐙 (⭐986) 📦 - Automated reference audio mastering.
Audio Related Packages / Deep Learning
- nnAudio (⭐867) 🐙 (⭐867) 📦 - Accelerated audio processing using 1D convolution networks in PyTorch.
15. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / DynamoDB
- logstash-input-dynamodb 🔥 (⭐105) - Logstash input plugin.
Open Source Repos / Security
- bridgecrewio/checkov 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐5.6k) - Terraform static analysis, verifies security best practices.
Open Source Repos / Miscellaneous Repos
- cdkpatterns/serverless 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐2.1k) - Deployable serverless architecture patterns built in AWS CDK.
16. Awesome Elixir
Code Analysis
- DepViz - A visual tool to help developers understand Elixir recompilation in their projects. (Code (⭐199)).
17. Awesome Connectivity Info
Global Connectivity Indexes
- A4AI Mobile Broadband Data Costs - (2020)(Q4 2018) (2017) Price of Broadband Data (1GB mobile prepaid) as % of GNI per capita.
18. Awesome Cassandra
Cassandra History
- ZDNet: Cassandra Turns 10 - Highlights of the growth of Cassandra over it's first 10 years.
Cassandra Distributions / Cassandra Compliant Databases on JVM
- DDAC/Luna - Datastax Distribution of Cassandra, a production ready distribution with a bulk loader supported by Datastax. DDAC is Deprecated now, but Datastax is still supporting Cassandra with it's new Luna Service.
Cassandra Distributions / Cassandra Compliant Databases on C++
- ScyllaDB (⭐8.5k) - NoSQL data store using the seastar framework, compatible with Cassandra.
Cassandra Distributions / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Open Source Cassandra
- Instaclustr Managed Cassandra as a Service - Instaclustr provides a fully managed and SOC 2 certified hosted & managed service for Cassandra® on AWS, Azure, GCP and IBM Cloud.
- Aiven for Cassandra - Aiven for Cassandra is a managed and hosted distributed NoSQL database providing scalability, high availability, and excellent fault tolerance. Cassandra as a Service is available on Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, DigitalOcean, and UpCloud.
- Microsoft Azure Managed Instance for Cassandra - Azure Managed Instance for Cassandra provides automated deployment and scaling operations for managed open-source Cassandra datacenters. It accelerates hybrid scenarios and reduces ongoing maintenance.
Cassandra Distributions / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB: Cassandra API - Azure Cosmos DB provides the Cassandra API (preview) for applications that are written for Cassandra that need premium capabilities.
- Amazon Keyspaces for Cassandra - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Amazon Keyspaces for Cassandra provides a CQL compliant access to a "Serverless" auto-scaling datastore.
Using Cassandra / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- The LIMIT Clause in Cassandra might not work as you think - Blog post for the considerations on the efficiency of the LIMIT clause.
- Top 5 reasons to use the Cassandra Database - Few good reasons why you'd want to consider Cassandra.
- Cassandra Use Cases: When to use and when not to use Cassandra - Practical guide for when to use and when not to use Cassandra.
- Cassandra Database (Guide) - Great guide to learn about Cassandra, from Instaclustr.
Cassandra Data Modeling / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- CQL: This is not the SQL you are Looking For - Presentation that explores and explains the differences between the CQL and SQL languages.
- Spring Data Cassandra Examples (⭐4) - Maven project that contains examples showcasing the features and functionality of the Spring Data Cassandra project.
Cassandra Architecture / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- The Gossip Protocol - Inside Cassandra. - Good visual explanation of how Cassandra keeps consistent.
- Introduction To The Cassandra 3.x Storage Engine - The 3.x storage engine makes it easier for Cassandra to get bytes off disk.
- Dropping columns in Cassandra 3.0 - Blog post describing the steps Cassandra takes when a column is dropped.
- About Deletes and Tombstones in Cassandra - Deleting distributed and replicated data from a system such as Cassandra is far trickier than in a relational database.
- Undetectable tombstones in Cassandra - Indepth analysis of cell and range tombstones.
- Understanding the Nuance of Compaction in Cassandra - Overview of how Cassandra manages data on disk.
- Guide to Cassandra Thread Pools - Guide that provides a description of the different thread pools and how to monitor them. Includes what to alert on, common issues and solutions. Old but very useful reference.
- Improving Cassandra's Front Door and Backpressure - Explore how an incoming request was processed by Cassandra before, see what they changed, and look at new relevant configuration knobs available.
- Cassandra Architecture - High level overview of Cassandra from Instaclustr.
- The 10 Things I hate about Cassandra - Do you really want to use Cassandra? Learn why not to use it.
Cassandra Monitoring / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Resources for Monitoring Datastax, Cassandra, Spark, & Solr Performance - Blog post detailing different types of monitoring tools and their purpose.
- Monitoring Cassandra With Grafana And Influx DB - Blog post explaining how to set up Cassandra monitoring with influxDB and Grafana.
- Cassandra Monitoring - Introduction (1/2) - Blog post detailing how Cassandra metrics can be gathered.
- Monitoring Cassandra using Intel Snap and Grafana - Blog post describing how to monitor Cassandra using the Intel Snap open source telemetry framework.
- Cassandra Monitoring Best Practice Guide - Blog post that aims to touch all the important aspects of Cassandra monitoring.
Cassandra Maintenance / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Cassy (⭐39) - Simple and integrated backup tool for Cassandra.
- Medusa (⭐202) - Cassandra backup system.
Cassandra Performance Tuning / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Cassandra Node Diagnostics Tools (⭐51) - Monitoring and audit power kit for Cassandra.
- Performing User Defined Compactions in Cassandra - Documenting a process by which we tell Cassandra to create a compaction task for one or more tables explicitly.
- Modeling real life workloads with cassandra-stress is hard - Blog post detailing caveats with cassandra-stress when modeling real workloads.
Cassandra Security / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Securing Cassandra with Application Level Encryption - Discusses how to do application level data encryption to properly manage secure information in Cassandra.
- LDAP Authenticator for Cassandra (⭐20) - Pluggable authentication implementation for Cassandra, providing a way to authenticate and create users based on a configured LDAP server.
Cassandra Deployment / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- tlp-cluster, a tool for launching Cassandra clusters in AWS (⭐17) - Provisioning tool for Cassandra designed for developers looking to both benchmark and test the correctness of Cassandra. It assists with builds and starting instances on AWS.
- Setting Up Cassandra Cluster Through Ansible - Guide detailing how to set up a Cassandra cluster with automation using Ansible.
- Running Cassandra on DC/OS (Mesos) - Blog that shows how to setup DC/OS in the Amazon cloud, how to install Cassandra on a DC/OS cluster, and finally new ways to interact with and Cassandra after it is installed.
Cassandra Deployment / Cassandra Deployment on Docker / Containerized Cassandra
- Docker-Cassandra (⭐214) - Set of scripts and config files to run a Cassandra cluster from Docker.
- Cassandra Docker (⭐8) - Instaclustr public docker image for Cassandra. It contains docker images for Cassandra 3.0 and 3.11.1.
- Cassandra / Elassandra Docker (⭐0) - Cassandra and Elassandra docker images.Cass Operator is maintained by a team at DataStax and it is part of what powers DataStax Astra.
Cassandra Deployment / Cassandra Deployment on Kubernetes / Kubernetized Cassandra
- - Kubernetes + Cassandra - K8ssandra provides a production-ready platform for running Cassandra on Kubernetes. This includes automation for operational tasks such as repairs, backups, and monitoring.
- Datastax - Cassandra Kubernetes Operator (⭐245) - Datastax's Cassandra Kubernetes Operator which supports Datastax as well as open source Cassandra containers on Kubernetes.
- CassKop - Cassandra operator for Kubernetes (⭐186) - Kubernetes operator automates the Cassandra operations such as deploying a new rack aware cluster, adding/removing nodes, configuring the C and JVM parameters, upgrading JVM and C versions. Written in Go.
- - Cassandra on Kubernetes - Rook is an open source cloud-native storage orchestrator, providing the platform, framework, and support for a diverse set of storage solutions to natively integrate with cloud-native environments. They have a special operator for Cassandra amongst other providers.
- Kudo Cassandar Operator (⭐10) - The KUDO Cassandra Operator makes it easy to deploy and manage Cassandra on Kubernetes.
Integrating with Cassandra / Cassandra Deployment on Kubernetes / Kubernetized Cassandra
- Building a Streaming Data Hub with Elasticsearch, Kafka and Cassandra - Blog post detailing how a streaming analytics system on top of open source, big data components can be done.
Libraries / Custom Time Series
- DataStax C# Driver (⭐547) - Modern, feature-rich and highly tunable C# client library for Cassandra (1.2+) and DataStax Enterprise (3.1+) using exclusively Cassandra's binary protocol and Cassandra Query Language v3.
- DataStax Java Driver (⭐1.3k) - Java client driver for Cassandra.
- DataStax C++ Driver (⭐376) - Modern, feature-rich, and highly tunable C/C++ client library for Cassandra (1.2+) and DataStax Enterprise (3.1+) using exclusively Cassandra's native protocol and Cassandra Query Language v3.
- DataStax Python Driver (⭐1.3k) - Modern, feature-rich and highly-tunable Python client library for Cassandra (2.1+) using exclusively Cassandra's binary protocol and Cassandra Query Language v3.
- DataStax Ruby Driver (⭐227) - Ruby client driver for Cassandra. This driver works exclusively with the Cassandra Query Language version 3 (CQL3) and Cassandra's native protocol.
- DataStax Node.js Driver (⭐1.2k) - Modern, feature-rich and highly tunable Node.js client library for Cassandra (1.2+) and DataStax Enterprise (3.1+) using exclusively Cassandra's binary protocol and Cassandra Query Language v3.
- DataStax PHP Driver (⭐419) - DataStax PHP Driver for Cassandra.
- Achilles - Achilles is an open source Persistence Manager for Cassandra,with the features like Advanced bean mapping (compound primary key, composite partition key, timeUUID, ect),Native collections and map support,and so.
- phpcassa (⭐250) - PHP client library for Cassandra.
- Caffinitas - Caffinitas is an advanced object mapper for Cassandra which has been especially designed to work with Datastax Java Driver 2.1+ against Cassandra 2.1, 2.0 or 1.2.
- Spring Data for Cassandra - Spring Data for Cassandra offers a familiar interface to those who have used other Spring Data modules in the past.
Integrating with Cassandra / Spark
- DataStax Spark Cassandra Connector (⭐1.9k) - Library that lets you expose Cassandra tables as Spark RDDs, write Spark RDDs to Cassandra tables, and execute arbitrary CQL queries in your Spark applications.
Timeseries Databases / Custom Time Series
- Newts - Time-series data store based on Cassandra.
- - Time series / distributed tracing database powered by Cassandra by Redhat.
Miscellaneous / Custom Time Series
- Apache/Usergrid (⭐998) - Open source Backend as a Service (BaaS) on Cassandra, Elasticsearch with client SDKs for iOS/Android/.NET/Java.
Tools / Custom Time Series
- Hackolade - Visual data modeling tool for NoSQL databases and stuctures like Cassandra, ElasticSearch, Graph DBs, JSON, APIs.
- Datastax - Management API for Cassandra (⭐55) - The Management API is a sidecar service layer that attempts to build a well supported set of operational actions on Cassandra® nodes that can be administered centrally.
- Ansible-Galaxy: Cassandra GitHub (⭐16) - Collection called cassandra that aims at providing all Ansible modules allowed to interact with Cassandra.
- RazorSQL - Multi DB Manager Tool - Multi-db tool for Linux, Mac, and Windows that works with Cassandra.
- Cassandra Reaper - Automated repairs for Cassandra. Supports all versions.
- cstar perf (⭐71) - Cassandra performance testing platform.
- Spark Cassandra Stress (⭐26) - Tool for testing the DataStax Spark Connector against Cassandra or DSE.
- Cassalog (⭐14) - Cassalog is a schema change management library and tool for Cassandra that can be used with applications running on the JVM.
- Cassandra-web - Web interface for Cassandra.
- tlp-cluster - Provisioning tool for Cassandra designed for developers looking to benchmark and test Cassandra. It assists with builds and starting instances on AWS.
- Helenos (⭐163) - Free web based environment that simplifies a data exploring & schema management with Cassandra database.
- Cassandra-Migration (⭐52) - Cassandra / DataStax Enterprise database migration (schema evolution) library.
- Instaclustr Kerberos plugin (⭐5) - GSSAPI authentication provider for Cassandra.
Open Source Applications / Custom Time Series
- Cassandra Cluster Admin (⭐207) - Cassandra Cluster Admin is a GUI tool to help people administrate their Cassandra cluster.
- CCM: Cassandra Cluster Manager) (⭐1.2k) - Script/library to create, launch and remove an Cassandra cluster on localhost.
- CStar (⭐250) - Cassandra cluster orchestration tool for the command line.
Logging /Metrics / Custom Time Series
- Metrics Collector for Cassandra (⭐92) - Metric collection and Dashboards for Cassandra (2.2, 3.0, 3.11, 4.0) clusters. Comes with dashboards for Graphana.
- Cassandra Log Tools (⭐8) - Simple scripts for working with Cassandra logs.
- ctop (⭐2) - Very simple console tool for monitoring column families read/write activities at remote cassandra host.
Documentation / Custom Time Series
- Cassandra Documentation - Definitive documentation for all published versions.
Communities / Custom Time Series
Blogs / Custom Time Series
- Datastax - DataStax, Inc. is a data management company that provides commercial support, software, and cloud database-as-a-service based on Cassandra.
- Codecentric: Cassandra - Codecentric is an IT consulting company, these are their blog posts surrounding the topic of Cassandra.
- Pythian: Cassandra - Pythian provides data and cloud-related services. The company provides services for Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Hadoop, Cassandra and other databases and their supporting infrastructure.
- Instaclustr - Managed and supported open source solutions for Cassandra, Kafka, Elasticsearch & Redis.
- OpenCredo:Cassandra - OpenCredo is a consulting company that helps clients make informed decisions around cloud native and open source technologies, as well as public cloud services.
- DOAN DuyHai's Blog: Cassandra - Duyhai Doan is a freelance big data and cloud architect who values sharing knowledge and contributing to the technology community.
- Amy Tobert - Amy Tobert is a full-stack engineer & leader with passion for sustainable systems and people-centered leadership. Her blog details different Cassandra deployments amont other topics.
- Christopher Batey: Cassandra - Christopher Batey is a software engineer of over 15 years and is a primary contributor to Akka and occasional contributor to Cassandra.
- Distributed Bytes: Cassandra - Tim Ojo is the creator of Distributed Bytes and software engineer at Capital one. These are a collection of his posts surrounding the topic of Cassandra.
- The Netflix Tech Blog - Learn about Netflix’s world class engineering efforts, company culture, product developments and more.
- Spotify R&D / Engineering Blog : Cassandra - Cassandra related posts on Spotify's official technology blog.
- Ryan Svilha - Ryan Svilha is a principle engineer at DataStax. His blog posts covers topics surround Cassandra and associated tools.
- Anant - Anant builds and manages business platforms of which they connect customer experiences and information systems with real-time data platforms.
Videos / Custom Time Series
- Monitoring Cassandra: Don't Miss a Thing (Alain Rodriguez, The Last Pickle) | C* Summit 2016 - Talk given by Alain Rodriguez, Consultant at The Last Pickle, discussing what to monitor in Cassandra, how, and why.
- Cassandra.Lunch (⭐6) - Collection of all past Cassandra.Lunch webinars including videos, slides, and Blog posts surrounding all topics Cassandra.
Slides / Custom Time Series
- HAPI Cassandra (⭐5) - Simple REST API with hapi Node.js framework on top of a Cassandra database.
19. Awesome Jupyter
- lux (⭐5.1k) - Recommends a set of visualizations whenever a dataframe is printed in a notebook.
20. Awesome Microservices
Go / Erlang
- go-zero (⭐30k) - A web and rpc distributed system development framework.
21. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Blogging/news
- wagtail_blog - A WordPress-like blog app implemented in Wagtail.
Apps / Content Management
- Wagtail Transfer (⭐91) - An official extension for Wagtail allowing content to be transferred between multiple instances of a Wagtail project
Tools / Templates & Starter Kits
- wagtail-webpack-dokku (⭐13) - A template with Wagtail, Webpack using django-webpack-loader, Bootstrap 5, production ready for Dokku.
- CodeRed CMS (⭐703) - a professionally supported WordPress alternative for building marketing websites. Create pages, blogs, forms, and every Bootstrap 4 component in the wagtail admin out-of-the-box! Learn more or watch the lightning talk.
Open-source sites / Lists
- WesternFriend (⭐58) - community website with directory, ecommerce, and online subscription
22. Awesome ad Free
Alternatives / Web Apps
- Cloverleaf - An open source app to replace your password manager without storing your passwords anywhere.
23. Awesome Vulkan
- Other API Interop and Implementations
- visor (⭐44) - Vulkan Ignoble Software Rasterizer. [MIT]
- VulkanOnD3D12 - Vulkan API for D3D12. [Apache License 2.0]
- rostkatze (⭐82) - C++ implementation of Vulkan sitting on D3D12 🐈[Apache License 2.0]
- VK9 - Direct3D 9 compatibility layer using Vulkan
- VUDA (⭐849) - header-only lib that provides a CUDA Runtime API interface. [MIT]
- clspv (⭐589) - prototype compiler for a subset of OpenCL C to Vulkan compute shaders. [Apache License 2.0]
- MoltenVK (⭐4.6k) - run Vulkan on iOS and macOS. [Apache-2.0]
- Zink - OpenGL implementation on top of Vulkan, part of Mesa project. [MIT]
- glo / OpenGL Overload (⭐276) - OpenGL implementation on top of Vulkan.
- gfx-portability (⭐383) - Vulkan Portability implementation on Metal and D3D12, based on gfx-rs (⭐5.3k).
- gfx-rs (⭐5.3k) - A low-overhead Vulkan-like GPU API for Rust. [Apache License 2.0]
24. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Application layer
- navigation (⭐1.6k) - ROS2 Navigation stack.
25. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - SIP
- Yeti-Switch - Transit class4 softswitch(SBC) with integrated billing and routing engine and REST API. (Demo, Source Code)
Software / Database Management
- Baserow - Create your own database without technical experience (alternative to Airtable). (Source Code)
Software / Genealogy
- webtrees - Webtrees is the web's leading online collaborative genealogy application. (Demo, Source Code (⭐524))
26. Awesome Gatling
Tools / Plugins
- gatling-gradle-plugin (⭐28) - Gatling plugin for Gradle.
Tools / Miscellaneous
- gatling.g8 (⭐8) - Giter8 template for Gatling.
27. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Tools
- SmartCode (⭐573) – SmartCode= IDataSource -> IBuildTask -> IOutput => Build Everything!!! (Including [Code generator])
- Typin (⭐243) - Simple to use declarative framework for interactive CLI applications and command line tools (direct mode) that has its roots in CliFx.
28. Awesome Scriptable
CryptoDepotWidget (⭐12) - A widget showing your crypto balances.
Related / Articles
- Scriptable Supercharges iOS 14 Widgets Like No Other App - Guideline for setting up a widget.
29. Awesome Seml
30. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Python
Data Science / Windows
31. Awesome Web Archiving
Community Resources / Twitter
- @WebSciDL - ODU Web Science and Digital Libraries Research Group.
32. Alternative Front Ends
Related projects / Other services
- StreetComplete (⭐3.3k): Easy to use OpenStreetMap editor for Android
33. Awesome Datascience
Books / Visualization Tools
Datasets / Book Deals (Affiliated)
34. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Task Queues
- django-celery-beat (⭐1.7k) - A periodic task scheduler with database configured by Django's Admin Panel.
35. Awesome Ios
- Shake - In-app feedback and bug reporting tool. Fix app bugs up to 50x faster with detailed device data, repro steps, video recording, black box data, network requests and custom logging.
- Respresso Localization Converter - Multiplatform localization converter for iOS (.strings + Objective-C getters), Android (strings.xml) and Web (.json).
Tools / Collection View Layout
- Respresso Image Converter - Multiplatform image converter for iOS, Android, and Web that supports pdf, svg, vector drawable, jpg, png, and webp formats.
36. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Mocki - A tool that lets you create mock GraphQL and REST APIs synced to a GitHub repository. Simple REST APIs are free to develop and use without signup.
Privacy Management
- Osano - Consent management and compliance platform with everything from GDPR representation to cookie banners. The free tier offers basic features.
- Iubenda - Privacy and cookie policies and consent management. The free tier offers limited privacy and cookie policy as well as cookie banners.
- Cookiefirst - Cookie banners, auditing, and multi-language consent management solution. The free tier offers a one-time scan and a single banner.
- Ketch - Consent management and privacy framework tool. The free tier offers most features with a limited visitor count.
- Format Express - Instant online format for JSON / XML / SQL.
37. Awesome Lidar
Others / Object detection and object tracking
- CloudCompare - CloudCompare is a free, cross-platform point cloud editor software.
38. Awesome Ci
Name: Kraken CI
Description: Self-hosted, open source, highly scalable, focused on testing.
Features: workflows with Starlark/Python, executors: bare metal, Docker, LXD, VM, highly scalable to thousands of executors, sophisticated test results analysis
Supported repositories: Git, GitHub
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Open Source (⭐135)
39. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Simulation / Version Control
- AI2-THOR (⭐807) - Python framework with a Unity backend providing interaction, navigation, and manipulation support for household based robotic agents, consisting of 200+ of custom scenes, 1500+ custom annotated objects, and 200+ actions.
40. Awesome Esp
Projects / Smartwatches
- Open SmartWatch - A FOSS smartwatch with GPS, an inertial unit and an extremely cool 3D-printed case.
41. Awesome Composer
Tools / IRC
- Composer Semver Range Checker - A tool to help check the satisfiable ranges of a composer constraint.
Repman / IRC
- repman-io/composer-plugin (⭐9) - This plugin enables downloading via Repman by adding a distribution mirror URL for all your dependencies (without need to update the
42. Public Apis
API: Quran
Description: RESTful Quran API with multiple languages
Auth: No
API: RSS feed to JSON
Description: Returns RSS feed in JSON format using feed URL
Auth: No
API: Cloverly
Description: API calculates the impact of common carbon-intensive activities in real time
CORS: Unknown
Games & Comics
API: Autochess VNG (⭐4)
Description: Rest Api for Autochess VNG
Auth: No
API: SpaceTradersAPI
Description: A playable inter-galactic space trading MMOAPI
Description: COVID-19 live statistics into sites per hour
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: DevITjobs UK
Description: Jobs with GraphQL
Auth: No
Science & Math
API: Purple Air
Description: Real Time Air Quality Monitoring
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
43. Awesome Broadcasting
Animation, Graphics & Video Playout
- NodeCG - Broadcast graphics rendered in a browser using Node.js.
44. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Virtualization
- Docker - Powerful, performs operating-system-level virtualization.
45. Awesome Jax
- Distrax - Reimplementation of TensorFlow Probability, containing probability distributions and bijectors.
- cvxpylayers - Construct differentiable convex optimization layers.
- TensorLy - Tensor learning made simple.
46. Awesome WSL
WSL Tools / Terminals
- Fluent Terminal (⭐9.1k) - A Terminal Emulator based on UWP and web technologies.
47. Awesome Unity
- 2D Splatter Effects Using the Stencil Buffer - Using the stencil buffer in Unity to draw splatter effects on surfaces. This could be used for paint or blood splatter.
- Fixing Gaps Between Sprites - A short tutorial about removing the small gaps that sometimes appear between adjacent sprites.
48. Awesome Video
- ffmprovisr - Cookbook of commonly used FFmpeg recipes with descriptions of how each command works and how to modify it to fit your needs
49. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
DevSecOps / Policy enforcement
- Open Policy Agent (OPA) - Unified toolset and framework for policy across the cloud native stack.
- Prev: May 03 - May 09, 2021
- Next: Apr 19 - Apr 25, 2021