Awesome List Updates on Apr 12 - Apr 18, 2021
58 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Esp
Libraries / Others
- Dhyara (⭐11) - A C/C++ library for making a Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) using ESP Now.
2. Awesome Robotic Tooling
User Interaction / Acoustic User Interface
- TTS (⭐11k) - A deep learning toolkit for Text-to-Speech, battle-tested in research and production.
3. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Email - Complete Solutions
- DebOps - Your Debian-based data center in a box. A set of general-purpose Ansible roles that can be used to manage Debian or Ubuntu hosts. (Source Code (⭐1.3k))
Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums
- AsmBB - A fast, SQLite-powered forum engine written in ASM. (Source Code)
Software / File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload
- goploader (⭐285) - Easy file sharing with server-side encryption, curl/httpie/wget compliant.
Software / Photo Galleries
- PiGallery 2 - A directory-first photo gallery website, with a rich UI, optimised for running on low resource servers. (Source Code (⭐1.9k))
Software / Software Development - Project Management
- RhodeCode - RhodeCode is an open source platform for software development teams. It unifies and simplifies repository management for Git, Subversion, and Mercurial. (Source Code)
Software / Task Management & To-do Lists
- Nullboard (⭐4k) - Single-page minimalist kanban board; compact, highly readable and quick to use.
4. Awesome Swift
Text / Barcode
- TextBuilder (⭐231) - Like a SwiftUI ViewBuilder, but for Text.
5. Awesome React
React Forms
- react-hook-form (⭐42k) - React Hooks for form state management and validation
- formik (⭐34k) - Build forms in React, without the tears
- formily (⭐12k) - Alibaba Group Unified Form Solution
6. Game Datasets
Artificial Intelligence
- CyberBattleSim (⭐1.7k) - Experimentation platform to investigate automated agents. Website.
7. Awesome Developer First
- - Performance testing.
8. Awesome Clojure
Dependency injection
9. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Tutorials
Researchers / Websites
10. Awesome Yew
- Oxfeed (⭐12) - A feed reader written in Rust with a Yew frontend.
11. Awesome Pixel Art
Tools / Miscellaneous
- Broider - Make 9-patch borders, export as CSS.
- pixeldudesmaker - Small character generator, including basic animation.
12. Awesome Pinned Gists
External Services
- hitokoto-box (⭐10) - Update a pinned gist to contain a random hitokoto.
13. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Utilities
- httrack2warc (⭐32) - Convert HTTrack archives to WARC format (Java).
14. Awesome Nlg
- WikiBio - wikipedia biography dataset - This dataset gathers 728,321 biographies from wikipedia. It aims at evaluating text generation algorithms.
15. Awesome Firebase
CLI & Editor / iOS
- 📝 Refi App - A GUI tool to make developers less painful when interacting with Firestore DB
16. Awesome Stock Resources
Photography / CC0-license
- CC0.Photo - is a project initiated by Raffael Herrmann, which serves you with free photos.
Photography / Custom License / Usage
Videos / Unspecified License
Icons / Icon Fonts
- Ligature Symbols - ©️ Really clean icon set including all major topics.
- Simple Icons -©️ (⭐22k) Free SVG icons for popular brands.
Sounds & Music / Icons Packages and Collections
- Unminus - ©️ Download Royalty Free Music for YouTube Videos, Podcasts and Apps. No Copyright CC0 Music inspired by Unsplash.
17. Awesome Network Analysis
Datasets / Topic-specific
- Interaction Web Database - Ecological species interactions.
18. Awesome Dash
19. Alternative Internet
Social Networks
- FoxQL is a social network that runs on your browser as peer to peer. It does not require any setup or registration. There is no management stuff for checking the content. Users can decide which topics and content will stay in foxql cycle. foxql-core (⭐163)
20. Awesome Playcanvas
- PlayCanvas and Substance - Creating high-end artwork for vehicle configurators with PlayCanvas and Substance.
AR/VR/XR / YouTube Playables
- Orange Room - A highly realistic interior environment demonstrating room-scale VR.
- Neon Bubblegum - Demo scene style WebXR-based homepage from Karsten Weil.
- WebXR Lab - Sandbox for VR interaction experiments.
21. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-it-bigger (⭐190) - A simple image / (YouTube) video lightbox component for Vue.js.
22. Awesome Regression Testing
Online services (a-z↓)
23. Awesome Neuroscience
Resources / MOOCs
- Neuromatch Academy (⭐2.7k) - Jupyter notebooks for the three-week intensive summer school in computational neuroscience.
24. Awesome Gbdev
ASM / Music drivers and trackers
- Assembly tutorial by David Pello - Good document to learn to produce working asm code for gb. Brief explanations of many important topics. Many examples with commented source code.
C / Syntax highlighting packages
- 8-Bit Wonderland (⭐33) - Well-written introductory document about how the Game Boy works and how to start developing working code for it.
- Infinity (⭐22) - RPG developed by Affinix Software primarily between the years 1999 and 2001. The game never found a publisher and was eventually canceled. Got recently released with the full source, development tools and workflows.
25. Awesome Cassandra
Cassandra Use Cases
- Datastax Academy: What is Cassandra? - Introduction to what Cassandra is, where it came from, and some of it's benefits.
Using Cassandra / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Installing the Cassandra / Spark OSS Stack - Installation process and user guide for the Cassandra / Spark OSS Stack.
- The Cassandra Query Language - Documentation for CQL.
- Building a Performant API using Go and Cassandra - Tutorial documenting how to build a RESTful API using Go and Cassandra.
- Introduction to Spark & Cassandra - Blog post on setting up a really simple Spark job that does a data migration for Cassandra.
- From Cassandra to S3, with Spark - Blog post showing how to connect Spark to Cassandra, analyze event data from Cassandra, and store the results of the analysis into S3, making it available for reporting or further analysis.
Cassandra from Relational / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Cassandra Query Language: CQL vs SQL - Blog post documenting similarities and differences between CQL and SQL.
Cassandra Data Modeling / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- A Deep Look at the CQL Where Clause - Blog post to describe what is supported by the CQL WHERE clause and the reasons why it differs from normal SQL.
- Casandra Time Series Data Modeling for Massive Scale - Blog post discussing a common Cassandra data modeling technique called bucketing.
- Scalar DB (⭐336) - Transaction library for Cassandra that makes non-ACID distributed databases/storages ACID-compliant.
Cassandra Architecture / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Deletes and Tombstones - Explains how deletes create tombstones in Cassandra and what they are.
- Curious Case of Tombstones - How someone dealt with tombstone issues and reclaimed space in their cluster.
- Cassandra Architecture and Operations - High level overview in one page of how Cassandra works.
Cassandra Monitoring / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- How to Monitor Cassandra - Guide to help you monitor Cassandra performance and work metrics regardles of which monitoring tool you choose to use.
- Cassandra metrics and their use in Grafana - Case study of using Cassandra metrics in Grafana.
- Monitoring Cassandra with Prometheus - Quick setup guide to using Cassandra with Prometheus.
- Cassandra Monitoring - Graphite/InfluxDB & Grafana on Docker (2/2) - Continuation of the previous entry exploring the topic of Cassandra metric reporters mentioned in Part I. The goal is to configure a reporter that sends metrics to an external time series database.
Cassandra Maintenance / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Intro to CStar - Tutorial on how to use CStar.
Cassandra Performance Tuning / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Ryan Svihla's Cassandra 2.0 checklist - Checklist for determining the efficiency of your Cassandra database.
- Amy's Cassandra 2.1 tuning guide - Guide to tracking down performance issues in production level Cassandra clusters.
- DSE 5.1: Tuning Java Resource - Documentation for tuning JVM.
Cassandra Deployment / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- An Introduction to Cassandra Multi-Data Centers: Part 1 - Learn about how to plan and implement Multi-Data Centers: Part 1.
- An Introduction to Cassandra Multi-Data Centers: Part 2 - Learn about how to plan and implement Multi-Data Centers: Part 2.
Timeseries Databases / Custom Time Series
- kairosdb/kairosdb (⭐1.7k) - Fast scalable time series database.
- Cassandra Schema — KairosDB 1.0.1 documentation - KairosDB documentation.
- OpenNMS/newts (⭐190) - New-fangled Timeseries Data Store that powers OpenNMS.
- Hawkular GitHub - Hawkular's GitHub resources.
- OpenTSDB/opentsdb (⭐4.7k) - GitHub resources for OpenTSDB. A Distributed, Scalable Monitoring System built on a Time Series Database.
Graph / Custom Time Series
- Thinkaurelius/Titan (⭐5.2k) - Distributed Graph Database, predecessor to DSE Graph, JanusGraph, and now HugeGraph.
- Introduction to TitanDB - Introductory slides about TitanDB.
- JanusGraph/janusgraph (⭐4.6k) - JanusGraph: an open-source, distributed graph database, successor to TitanDB.
- Large Scale Graph Analytics with JanusGraph - Slides detailing deployment options and technical aspects of JanusGraph.
- Hugegraph/Hugegraph (⭐2.1k) - HugeGraph Database core component, including graph engine, API, and built-in backends.
- Architecture Overview · GitBook - Documentation for HugeGraph.
Miscellaneous / Custom Time Series
- Stargate (⭐672) - Stargate is an open-source data gateway that provides REST, GraphQL and schemaless JSON interfaces to Cassandra.
- Meet Stargate, DataStax's GraphQL for databases. First stop - Cassandra - Introduction and high-level overview of Stargate.
- Building Your Own BaaS With Apache Usergrid & Docker: Lessons Learned At Scale - Introductory presentation to Apache UserGrid.
- Scalar-labs/Scalardl (⭐75) - Tamper-evident and scalable distributed ledger platform.
- Wikimedia/Restbase (⭐98) - Distributed storage with REST API & dispatcher for backend services.
- Wikimedia/restbase-mod-table-spec (⭐3) - Shared spec and tests for RESTBase table storage.
Tools / Custom Time Series
- JetBrains Datagrip DB IDE - The Cross-Platform IDE for Databases & SQL by JetBrains, with support for Cassandra.
- Ansible-Galaxy: Cassandra - Documentation for Ansible-Galaxy: Cassandra.
- DbSchema - Cassandra Designer - DbSchema: Cassandra Diagram Designer & GUI Admin Tool which can do Cassandra amongst other databases.
- Cassandra-Exporter (⭐41) - Simple Tool to Export / Import Cassandra Tables into JSON.
- Cassandra SStable Tools (⭐87) - Multiple different tools combined into one that helps admins get summaries, metadata, partition info, cell info.
- Cassandra-Client (⭐50) - Simple gui tool for browsing tables and data in Cassandra.
- Zipkin (⭐16k) - Distributed tracing system.
- Instaclustr Java Driver for Kerberos (⭐4) - GSSAPI authentication provider for the Cassandra Java driver.
- Instaclustr TTL Remover (⭐19) - Command line tool for rewriting SSTables to remove TTLs.
- Instaclustr SSTable Generator (⭐5) - CLI tool for programmatic generation of Cassandra SSTables.
- Instaclustr Exporter (⭐54) - Java agent that exports Cassandra metrics to Prometheus.
- Instaclustr Go Client for Instaclustr Icarus (⭐4) - Go client for Instaclustr Icarus sidecar.
26. Awesome Ada
Build and Package / Apache License
- cmake-ada-offa (⭐12) - Ada language support for CMake.
27. Awesome Earth
- - If you are located in Germany, join your local food rescuing group on
- Karrot - Join or start a group in your home town that rescues food. Karrot is a free and open-source tool for grassroots initiatives and groups of people that want to coordinate face-to-face activities on a local, autonomous and voluntary basis.
- awesome-sustainability-jobs (⭐480) - A curated, open source list of developer jobs in the sustainability sector.
28. Awesome Nix
Installation Media / Discovery
- nixos-up (⭐239) - Super easy NixOS installer that can be used from the installation ISO.
29. Awesome Mobile Web Development
Articles and Documentation
- Back/forward cache - How to optimize site for navigation through the history.
- Benchmarking the global 5G experience - A case study on prolifiration of 5G networks.
- Enhance SMS-delivered code security with domain-bound codes - On additional security measures for 2FA.
- Faster Web App Delivery with PRPL - On pattern for performant web applications.
- Hiding Videos on the Mobile Web - How to hide videos without an impact on mobile traffic.
- Interaction Media Features and Their Potential (for Incorrect Assumptions - On detection of various input devices.
- Mobile Performance Inequality Gap - Why you need to care of performance on cheap smartphones.
30. Awesome Music
Music Theory Teaching
- Theorytab - a database of songs with their chord functions.
31. Awesome Machine Learning
Scala / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Microsoft ML for Apache Spark (⭐5.1k) -> A distributed machine learning framework Apache Spark
- ONNX-Scala (⭐138) - An ONNX (Open Neural Network eXchange) API and backend for typeful, functional deep learning in Scala (3).
Scala / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- NDScala (⭐47) - N-dimensional arrays in Scala 3. Think NumPy ndarray, but with compile-time type-checking/inference over shapes, tensor/axis labels & numeric data types
32. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Security
- pii (⭐9) - Checks and enforces PII Compliance of the code. i.e. no email address, birth date, IP address or phone number in comments or string literals.
33. Awesome Embedded Rust
Peripheral Access Crates / MSP430
Peripheral Access Crates / GigaDevice
Peripheral access API for GD32F1x0 Cortex-M3 microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust) -
HAL implementation crates / GigaDevice
-- HAL implementation for GD32F1x0 microcontrollers
no-std crates / WIP
- cam-geom: Geometric models of cameras for photogrammetry.
34. Awesome Javascript
Form Widgets / Calendar
- Duet Date Picker (⭐1.7k) - open source version of Duet Design System’s accessible date picker, WCAG 2.1 accessibility complaint
35. Awesome Transit
Academic papers / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations
- Brakewood and Watkins - "A literature review of the passenger benefits of real-time transit information" (2018) - An overview of many different research studies looking at the benefits of real-time transit information.
Government reports / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations
- TCRP Synthesis 115 - Open Data: Challenges and Opportunities for Transit Agencies (2015) - A comprehensive report looking at the benefits and challenges of open transit data.
- TCRP Research Report 213: Data Sharing Guidance for Public Transit Agencies – Now and in the Future (2020) - A report designed to help agencies make decisions about sharing their data, including how to evaluate benefits, costs, and risks.
36. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Awk / Non-X86
- Awk - Bruce Barnett
- GNU awk - Sundeep Agarwal
Go / Phoenix
- Darker Corners of Go - Rytis Bieliunas
Perl / PicoLisp
- Perl one-liners cookbook - Sundeep Agarwal
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- 100 Page Python Intro - Sundeep Agarwal
Ruby / Tornado
- Ruby one-liners cookbook - Sundeep Agarwal
Sed / Play Scala
- GNU sed - Sundeep Agarwal
- Sed - An Introduction and Tutorial - Bruce Barnett
37. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Germany
- LexM - Encyclopedia of musicians persecuted during the Nazi era.
38. Awesome Lowcode
Visual programming
- Bildr - Open-ended, extensible, collaboration-focused website and web app builder.
39. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Glitterly - Programmatically generate dynamic images from base templates. Restful API and nocode integrations. The free tier comes with 50 images/month and five templates.
- - DNS-based firewall, 300K free queries monthly
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- - tasks, discussions, milestones, time tracking, calendar, files and password manager. Free plan with unlimited projects, users, and file storage.
- - Online booking / appointment scheduling system. Free up to 5 bookings per month, includes 1 calendar
40. Awesome R Learning Resources
Topic Areas / Math
- Descriptive statistics in R - This article explains how to compute the main descriptive statistics in R and how to present them graphically. Author - Antoine Soetewey.
41. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Android
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / JavaScript
42. Awesome Game Remakes
- OpenHV (⭐853) - Open-source implementation of Hard Vacuum. 🎴
43. Awesome Json
Binary Serialization
- UBJSON - The universally compatible format specification for binary JSON.
Browser Extensions
- JSONAce (github (⭐72)) - Formats & syntax highlights JSON viewed inside of the web browser using the ACE editor.
- JSONView (github (⭐293)) - A port of the JSONView Firefox extension that formats and syntax highlights JSON viewed inside of the browser
- CouchDB - Seamless multi-master sync, that scales from Big Data to Mobile, with an Intuitive HTTP/JSON API and designed for Reliability.
- getCountries() - Generator for custom Countries data.
Data modeling
- JSONModel (⭐6.9k) - Magical Data Modelling Framework. (Objective-C)
Format Extensions
- hal-json - A set of conventions for expressing hyperlinks in either JSON or XML.
- JSON Activity Streams - A format for syndicating social activities around the web.
Frontend components
- Dynatable.js (⭐2.8k) - A funner, semantic, HTML5+JSON, interactive table plugin. (jQuery)
- SBJson (⭐3.7k) - Parse one or more chunks of data.
- jsonapi-consumer (⭐6) - Client framework for consuming JSONAPI based APIs on the JSON API standard.
Online tools
- json2csharp - Generate c# classes from a json string or url.
Schema Specifications
- Itemscript - Language for validating and specifying values.
- ASON (⭐2) - A semantically complete superset of JSON (draft).
- jq Primer: Munging JSON Data - How jq can be used to process JSON files just as effectively as traditional Unix tools.
Related formats
- AXON (⭐22) - A simple text based format for interchanging of objects, documents and data. It tries to combine the best of JSON, XML and YAML.
- SassyJSON (⭐169) - Sass-powered API. (Sass)
- dasel (⭐4.9k) - Query and update data structures using selectors from the command line. Comparable to jq (⭐29k) / yq (⭐2.5k) but supports JSON, YAML, TOML and XML with zero runtime dependencies.
- JMESPath - A query language for JSON.
- JSONiq - The JSON Query Language.
- JSONata - Query and transformation language used in Node-RED, supports function expressions.
JSON Schema Validators
- ajv (⭐13k) - The fastest validator. Supports v5/6 proposals.
44. Awesome React Components
Form Logic / Mouse Events
- Formily (⭐11k) - High performance, extensible, and Typescript friendly
45. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
46. Awesome Ruby
Authentication and OAuth
- Devise (⭐24k) - A flexible authentication solution for Rails based on Warden.
CLI Builder
- Runfile (⭐38) - Build command line applications per project with ease. Rake-inspired, Docopt inside.
Core Extensions
- String
- string_pattern (⭐17) - Generate strings supplying a simple pattern.
Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains
- Ciri (⭐127) - Ruby implementation of Ethereum.
- MoneyTree (⭐186) - A Ruby implementation of Bitcoin HD Wallets (Hierarchical Deterministic) BIP32.
Data Visualization
- Chartkick - Create beautiful Javascript charts with one line of Ruby.
- ShowFor (⭐462) - Quickly show a model information with I18n features. Like form_for for displaying model data.
- MailForm (⭐876) - Send e-mail straight from forms in Rails with I18n, validations, attachments and request information.
Form Builder
- Simple Form (⭐8.2k) - Rails forms made easy.
- Semantic Logger - Scalable, next generation enterprise logging for Ruby.
Markdown Processors
- markdown_helper (⭐40) - A markdown pre-processor implementing file inclusion and page TOC (table of contents).
Process Management and Monitoring
- RedisWebManager (⭐172) - Web interface that allows you to manage easily your Redis instance (see keys, memory used, connected client, etc...).
- has_scope (⭐1.7k) - Has scope allows you to easily create controller filters based on your resources named scopes.
47. Public Apis
Art & Design
API: Pixel Encounter
Description: SVG Icon Generator
Auth: No
API: Technical Analysis
Description: Cryptocurrency prices and technical analysis
API: Serialif Color
Description: Color conversion, complementary, grayscale and contrasted text
Auth: No
API: apilayer ipstack
Description: Locate and identify website visitors by IP address
CORS: Unknown
Description: UK Government coronavirus data, including deaths and cases by region
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: 7digital
Description: Api of Music store 7digital
CORS: Unknown
API: Audiomack
Description: Api of the streaming music hub Audiomack
CORS: Unknown
API: Bandcamp
Description: API of Music store Bandcamp
CORS: Unknown
API: apilayer numverify
Description: Phone number validation
CORS: Unknown
Test Data
API: Spanish random words
Description: Generate spanish words randomly
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Description: All the Star Wars data you've ever wanted
Auth: No
48. Awesome Sitecore
- Sitecore Azure Scripts (⭐16) - Azure-related PowerShell scripts and ARM templates to be used as a template or boilerplate for your own scripts and needs.
- Sitecore Diagnostics (⭐3) - Sitecore Diagnostics using Application Insights.
- Application Insights Annotations (⭐3) - Creates App Insinghts annotations.
- Sitecore Deployment on Kubernetes Example (⭐5) - An example of a Sitecore 10.1 XP0 deployment onto AKS with SolrCloud. It should deploy: 1)Sitecore 10.1 XP0; 2)Microsoft SQL Server 2019; 3)Zookeeper 3.4 (3 replicas); 4)Solr 8.4 (3 replicas)
- Sitecore Sweep (⭐11) - A simple extensible module for Sitecore for the automatic cleaning of HTML in Items.
Sitecore Host
- Sitecore Host Quick Start - A basic set of templates to help you get started building your own Sitecore Host applications.
- Sitecore Host Plugins (⭐2) - Sitecore Host Plugins for extending Sitecore Identity Server.
- Basic Sitecore Host Application (⭐1) - A basic Sitecore Host application that displays a demo web page.
SPE (Sitecore PowerShell Extension)
- Sitecore PowerShell Book (⭐7) - Sitecore PowerShell Book with all the documentation.
- Sitecore Shared Source: Web API Client (⭐7) - Sitecore WebAPI client.
49. Awesome Crystal
Algorithms and Data structures
- s2_cells (⭐0) - S2 Geometry for spatial indexing
- link-header (⭐1) - HTTP Link Header Parser
50. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- fenetikm/falcon (⭐766) - A colour scheme for terminals, Vim and friends.
51. Awesome Qsharp
Blogs / Participants' solutions
52. Awesome Games of Coding
- Robot Rumble - A free and open source AI competition platform. Code an algorithm for a team of robots battling in 1x1 grid-based arenas, and test your skills against others on the site. Robots can move and attack in one of four directions, and the team with more robots after 100 turns wins. Supports Python and Javascript, and comes with a desktop-based command line tool.
53. Awesome Speakers
Europe / France 🇫🇷
Juho Vepsäläinen
Topics: 3D Graphics, Business, JavaScript, React, webpack, Writing
54. Awesome Security
Web / Web Application Firewall
- Curiefense (⭐712) - Curiefense adds a broad set of automated web security tools, including a WAF to Envoy Proxy.
EBooks / Online resources
- Spring Boot in Practice - Book that is a practical guide which presents dozens of relevant scenarios in a convenient problem-solution-discussion format.. (early access, published continuously, final release fall 2021)
55. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / EHR
- HospitalRun - Helps provide the most modern Hospital Information System possible to the least resourced environments.
Contents / Specifications
- DICOM Standards Browser - Provides an effective way to learn the DICOM standard and inspect DICOM attributes.
Contents / Imaging
- Cornerstone (⭐2k) - Open source project with a goal to deliver a complete web based medical imaging platform.
- Drishti (⭐167) - Tomography and electron-microscopy data visualizer for both scientists and lay people.
Contents / Frameworks
- CareKit (⭐2.4k) - Open source software framework for creating apps that help people better understand and manage their health.
Contents / Libraries
- Evil-DICOM (⭐165) - C# DICOM Library.
- Python SMART on FHIR client (⭐553) - Flexible Python client for FHIR servers supporting the SMART on FHIR protocol.
Contents / Applications
- Intervention Engine (⭐29) - Provides a web-application for data-driven team huddles.
Contents / Datasets
- Medical Data for Machine Learning (⭐5.7k) - Curated list of medical data for machine learning.
56. Awesome Cl
C, C++
- crypto-shortcuts (⭐26) - Collection of common crypto shortcuts. zlib.
Persistent object databases
- ubiquitous (⭐28) - A library providing easy-to-use persistent configuration storage. zlib.
- Trial (⭐1.1k) - Trial is an OpenGL game engine with a heavy focus on modularity. It is supposed to provide a large toolkit of useful bits and pieces from which you can create a game. Custom: zlib with a political clause added.
- the Kandria game is built with Trial.
- trivial-gamekit – with this small framework you would be able to make simple 2D games: draw basic geometric forms, images and text, play sounds and listen to mouse and keyboard input. MIT.
- cl-gamepad - Access to gamepads and joysticks on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. zlib.
- cl-mpg123 and cl-out123, bindings libraries for libmpg123 and libout123 respectively, giving you fast and easy to use mp3 decoding and cross-platform audio output. zlib.
- 👍 Qtools (⭐212) - A Qt toolkit, based on CommonQt. zlib Also Qtools-ui (⭐29) (premade UI components), with videos.
- cl-all (⭐20) - A script to run Lisp snippets in multiple implementations. This allows you to quickly compare implementation behaviour and differences. zlib.
Portability layers
- trivial-arguments (⭐24) - A portable library to retrieve the arguments list of a function. zlib.
- definitions (⭐19) - a general definitions introspection library. It gives you the ability to retrieve definitions or bindings associated with designators such as symbols, packages, and names in general. zlib.
- dissect - when a lot of projects use the “trivial-backtrace” system that just gives them a string with a backtrace, Dissect allows you to capture, step, and completely inspect the stack trace on a variety of Lisp implementations. Also very useful for logging and other situations where execution is automatically continued, but the information of the current stack is still useful to store somewhere. zlib.
- ndebug (⭐11) - Framework for portable GUI (or any non-standard) debuggers, based on dissect and trivial-custom-debugger (⭐13). BSD.
- for - A concise, lispy and extensible iteration macro. Unlike loop it is extensible and sensible, and unlike iterate it does not require code-walking and is easier to extend. zlib.
HTML generators and templates / Isomorphic web frameworks
Deployment / Isomorphic web frameworks
- 👍 deploy - A toolkit for binary deployment of Lisp applications, with extra support for foreign shared libraries. zlib.
Matrix libraries / Third-party APIs
- 3d-matrices - A library implementing common matrix calculations, with an emphasis on 2x2,3x3, and 4x4 matrices as commonly used in graphics. It provides some numerical functions as well, but those are not the focus. The library is heavily optimised, so it is not made of pretty code. zlib.
Event processing / Third-party APIs
- simple-tasks (⭐21) - A very simple task scheduling framework. zlib.
- saves the return values and the task environment in case of failure, so we can inspect it later.
- deeds (⭐24) - Deeds is an Extensible Event Delivery System. It allows for efficient event delivery to multiple handlers with a complex event filtering system. zlib.
Apps / Third-party APIs
- Parachute (⭐107) - An extensible and cross-compatible testing framework. With test dependencies, conditions, fixtures and restarts. zlib.
Data validation / Third-party APIs
- ratify (⭐29) - A collection of utilities to ratify, validate and parse inputs. zlib.
Developer utilities / Third-party APIs
- trivial-benchmark (⭐39) - Tiny benchmarking library. zlib.
- a similar macro (
) is part of trivial-time (⭐5), providing support for more implementations (ABCL, Allegro, CCL, CLISP, ECL). - Indeed, most trivial-benchmark's metrics are only implemented on SBCL. On other implementations, it measures real and user-space time (and not bytes allocated (it does for ECL), system run-time or GC run-time).
- a similar macro (
Documentation builders / Third-party APIs
- Staple (⭐61) - a tool to generate documentation pages using an HTML template. Uses the existing README, adds docstrings, crossreferences and links to the CLHS. zlib.
Files and directories / Third-party APIs
- pathname-utils (⭐13) - A collection of utilities to help with pathname operations. zlib.
- filesystem-utils (⭐15) - deal with common problems with filesystems, such as listing files, probing file types, determining default directories, etc.
- no dependencies, doesn't access the filesystem.
- file-attributes (⭐18) - access to common file attributes (uid, gid, permissions, ctime, mtime, atime).
Git / Third-party APIs
i18n / Third-party APIs
- oxenfurt (⭐14) - A client library for the Oxford dictionary API. zlib.
- language-codes - A database library for ISO language codes. zlib
- system-locale - A library to retrieve the user's preferred language, so that your application may choose a sensible default. zlib.
- multilang-documentation - Allows writing docstrings in multiple languages, for truly internationally documented libraries. zlib.
Logging / Third-party APIs
57. Awesome Quant
Python / Financial Instruments and Pricing
- tf-quant-finance (⭐4.6k) - High-performance TensorFlow library for quantitative finance.
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- rqalpha (⭐5.5k) - A extendable, replaceable Python algorithmic backtest && trading framework supporting multiple securities.
- FinRL-Library (⭐10k) - A Deep Reinforcement Learning Library for Automated Trading in Quantitative Finance. NeurIPS 2020.
- bulbea (⭐2.1k) - Deep Learning based Python Library for Stock Market Prediction and Modelling.
- ib_nope (⭐30) - Automated trading system for NOPE strategy over IBKR TWS.
- OctoBot (⭐3.7k) - Open source cryptocurrency trading bot for high frequency, arbitrage, TA and social trading with an advanced web interface.
- bta-lib (⭐460) - Technical Analysis library in pandas for backtesting algotrading and quantitative analysis.
Python / Risk Analysis
- universal-portfolios (⭐790) - Collection of algorithms for online portfolio selection.
- FinQuant (⭐1.5k) - A program for financial portfolio management, analysis and optimization.
Python / Data Sources
- alpha_vantage (⭐4.4k) - A python wrapper for Alpha Vantage API for financial data.
Python / Visualization
- finplot (⭐958) - Performant and effortless finance plotting for Python.
JavaScript / FrameWorks
- finance.js (⭐1.3k) - A JavaScript library for common financial calculations.
CSharp / Data Visualization
- StockSharp (⭐7.6k) - Algorithmic trading and quantitative trading open source platform to develop trading robots (stock markets, forex, crypto, bitcoins, and options).
Reproducing Works, Training & Books / Data Visualization
- python-training (⭐7.2k) - J.P. Morgan's Python training for business analysts and traders.
58. Awesome Webaudio
Packages / Apps
- EarSketch - free educational programming environment to teach Python and Javascript through music composing and remixing
- Prev: Apr 19 - Apr 25, 2021
- Next: Apr 05 - Apr 11, 2021