Awesome List Updates on Dec 28, 2021
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Public Apis
API: ImprovMX
Description: API for free email forwarding service
CORS: Unknown
Description: 10 Minute Mail
Auth: No
Description: Temporary Email Service
Auth: No
API: MailboxValidator
Description: Validate email address to improve deliverability
CORS: Unknown
2. Awesome Developer First
- Nylas - APIs for productivity workflows (email, calendar, contacts...) - like plaid for productivity.
3. Awesome Crystal
C bindings
- (⭐12) - Bindings for FFTW library
- wasmer-crystal (⭐95) - Bindings for the
WebAssembly runtime
4. Awesome Fastapi
Databases / ORMs
- Prisma Client Python (⭐2k) - An auto-generated, fully type safe ORM powered by Pydantic and tailored specifically for your schema - supports SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, MariaDB and more.
Serverless / Other Tools
5. Awesome Lowcode
Flow-based programming
- joonbot - Make a chatbot in minutes with our intuitive no-code chatbot builder.
- Stately - The ideal state of visual application logic.
6. Awesome Static Website Services
Functions as a Service
- Autocode - Autocode turns functions into scalable web services in an instant, no configuration required; serverless hosting available with an in-browser IDE, an API library that’s easy to use, and seamlessly managed authentication.
7. Awesome Low Code
Platforms / Low Code Application Platform
- Appian - Provides a Low Code software development platform that enables organizations to rapidly develop powerful applications.
- OutSystems - A Low Code platform that enables businesses to develop, deploy, and manage enterprise-grade apps.
- APEX (Oracle) - A Low Code development platform that enables you to build scalable, secure enterprise apps, with world-class features, that can be deployed anywhere.
- Salesforce Platform, prev. (Salesforce) - Click, create, and ship from anywhere with Low Code.
Platforms / Business Process Management
- Creatio - A global software company providing a leading Low Code platform for process management and CRM.
- TrackVia - The leading Low Code workflow platform for operations.
- NewGen - Simplify your complex, content-driven business needs with one comprehensive Low Code platform.
Reference Resources / Power Platform (Microsoft)
- Microsoft Power Fx (⭐3.1k) - Power Fx Low Code programming language.
Learning Resources / Power Platform (Microsoft)
- Power Fx Samples (⭐108) - This repository contains samples for Power Fx Low Code programming language.
Blogs / Power Platform (Microsoft)
- Zenity - Low Code security and governance.
8. Awesome Productivity
Tools and Apps / Password Manager
- Bitwarden - A free, trusted password manager that can store, sync, and generate passwords online or through native apps.
- LastPass - A freemium password manager that stores encrypted passwords online.
9. Awesome Terraform
Community Modules / Miscellaneous
- terraform-aws-alb (⭐444) - Creates Application load-balancer on AWS (verified module).
- terraform-aws-customer-gateway (⭐17) - Creates Customer Gateway on AWS.
- terraform-aws-dynamodb-table (⭐107) - Creates DynamoDB table on AWS.
- terraform-aws-ec2-instance (⭐770) - Creates EC2 instances on AWS.
- terraform-aws-ecs (⭐595) - Creates AWS ECS resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-elb (⭐147) - Creates Elastic load-balancer on AWS (verified module).
- terraform-aws-eventbridge (⭐147) - Creates EventBridge resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-lambda (⭐959) - Terraform module, which builds dependencies and packages, and also creates AWS Lambda resources in countless combinations.
- terraform-aws-notify-slack (⭐476) - Creates SNS topic and Lambda function, which sends notifications to Slack.
- terraform-aws-rds-aurora (⭐394) - Creates RDS Aurora cluster resources on AWS (verified module).
- terraform-aws-redshift (⭐85) - Creates Redshift resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-route53 (⭐132) - Creates Route53 resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-s3-bucket (⭐541) - Creates S3 bucket resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-transit-gateway (⭐149) - Creates Transit Gateway resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-vpn-gateway (⭐112) - Creates VPN gateway resources on AWS.
Tools / Community providers
- (⭐352) - Infrastructure as code generator from visual diagrams created with to Terraform.
Videos / IDE
- Your Weekly Dose of Terraform - YouTube channel with weekly live streams covering Terraform news, reviews, interviews, Q&A, live coding, and some hacking with Terraform.
- Test and verify a Google Compute Instance with Kitchen-Terraform - Example of using Kitchen-Terraform to test our Terraform code that creates a Google Compute.
10. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Menu Bar Tools
- Work Hours (⭐68) - Simple app that tracks your work hours from the menu bar.
- Prev: Dec 29, 2021
- Next: Dec 27, 2021