Awesome List Updates on Dec 17, 2021
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Machine Learning
C++ / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- PyCaret (⭐9k) - An open-source, low-code machine learning library in Python that automates machine learning workflows.
Clojure / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- clj-ml (⭐135) - A machine learning library for Clojure built on top of Weka and friends.
- Touchstone (⭐139) - Clojure A/B testing library.
Clojure / Deep Learning
- Flare (⭐285) - Dynamic Tensor Graph library in Clojure (think PyTorch, DynNet, etc.)
Clojure / Data Analysis
- (⭐686) - Clojure dataframe library and pipeline for data processing and machine learning
Clojure / Data Visualization
- Pink Gorilla Notebook (⭐103) - A Clojure/Clojurescript notebook application/-library based on Gorilla-REPL
- notespace (⭐148) - Notebook experience in your Clojure namespace
- Delight (⭐344) - A listener that streams your spark events logs to delight, a free and improved spark UI
Clojure / Misc
- kixistats (⭐363) - A library of statistical distribution sampling and transducing functions
Python / Computer Vision
- detectron2 (⭐31k) - FAIR's next-generation research platform for object detection and segmentation. It is a ground-up rewrite of the previous version, Detectron, and is powered by the PyTorch deep learning framework.
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Shapley (⭐219) -> A data-driven framework to quantify the value of classifiers in a machine learning ensemble.
- breze (⭐96) - Theano based library for deep and recurrent neural networks.
- Opytimizer (⭐609) - Python-based meta-heuristic optimization techniques.
Python / Neural Networks
- TResNet: High Performance GPU-Dedicated Architecture (⭐470) - TResNet models were designed and optimized to give the best speed-accuracy tradeoff out there on GPUs.
- Jina AI An easier way to build neural search in the cloud. Compatible with Jupyter Notebooks.
Tools / Misc
- Flyte - Flyte makes it easy to create concurrent, scalable, and maintainable workflows for machine learning and data processing.
2. Awesome Electronics
Documentation / University Course Archives
- Inkscape Electric Symbols (⭐411) - Circuit Drawing Symbols for Inkscape
3. Awesome Job Boards
Programming / Rust
- Rust Jobs - The go-to hiring platform for Rust engineering talent
Remote / TypeScript
- Dynamite Jobs - Jobs from remote-first companies
Remote / Aggregator
4. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- DragonKnightOfBreeze/breeze-framework (⭐11) - Integrated code framework base on Kotlin, provide many useful extensions for standard library and some frameworks.
5. Awesome Quant
Reproducing Works, Training & Books / Data Visualization
- ML-Quant - Top Quant resources like ArXiv (sanity), SSRN, RePec, Journals, Podcasts, Videos, and Blogs.
- py4fi2nd (⭐1.4k) - Jupyter Notebooks and code for Python for Finance (2nd ed., O'Reilly) by Yves Hilpisch.
- aiif (⭐321) - Jupyter Notebooks and code for the book Artificial Intelligence in Finance (O'Reilly) by Yves Hilpisch.
- py4at (⭐709) - Jupyter Notebooks and code for the book Python for Algorithmic Trading (O'Reilly) by Yves Hilpisch.
- dawp (⭐603) - Jupyter Notebooks and code for Derivatives Analytics with Python (Wiley Finance) by Yves Hilpisch.
- dx (⭐724) - DX Analytics | Financial and Derivatives Analytics with Python.
6. Awesome Dotnet
- MASA.Blazor (⭐1.2k) - A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Material Design and Blazor WebAssembly.
7. Awesome Python
Game Development
- Arcade - Arcade is a modern Python framework for crafting games with compelling graphics and sound.
8. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / DevOps
- NixOS/nixops 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐1.3k) - Use NixOS to provision EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and other resources.
9. Awesome Swift
- ReduxUI (⭐44) - Redux framework for easy use with SwiftUI.
10. Awesome Developer First
- ngrok - Generate public URLs for internal servers (behind NAT/firewall).
11. Awesome Embedded Rust
Driver crates / Other
- MAX116xx-10bit - SPI - Driver for the MAX11619-MAX11621, MAX11624 and MAX11625 10-bit ADCs - Intro blog post -
- Prev: Dec 18, 2021
- Next: Dec 16, 2021